《Be Mine》// n i n e t e e n //
::chapter nineteen::
Dara stomped her way inside their house roughly wiping her tears. ‘What’s wrong with you!?’ she asked as she turned around facing her brother who just made his way inside slamming the door behind. ‘I am the one who is supposed to be asking that! What the hell is wrong with you!?’ he asked gritting. ‘I am in love! Is that so wrong!?’ she asked back shouting as her tears streamed down her cheeks once more. ‘Yes!! Especially if you’re in love with G-dragon!!’ he shouted back at her as he raked his hair out of frustration as she started sobbing again. ‘His name is Kwon Jiyong! Not G-Dragon!’ she retorted as she wiped her tears.
Sanghyun stared at her as he heaved a sigh. ‘So you don’t know? How can you love someone without knowing a single shit about him!?’ he snarled at her as her sobs became cries. ‘I know him! I know he used to be into fights, drag racing, he used to spent his nights at the police station and he used to live a useless and a life that was about to be thrown to trash,’ she answered with voice trying to stay firm as she stared at her brother who was silenced by her words. ‘And I also know how sweet he is, how gentle he is, how thoughtful and how kind he is...’ she said as she wiped her tears without peeling her gaze off him. ‘You’re the one who don’t know him,’
‘And if you always judge people based on their past when they are trying to change you are removing their hope and their chance for a better life. Why are you like that?’ she asked sobbing once more. Sanghyun averted his gaze away from her as he tightly shut his eyes and composed himself together. He fluttered his eyes open as he glared at her and walked towards her as he held her arms tightly. ‘You are not going to see him again!’ he said with finality, full of authority. Dara waved him off. ‘You can’t tell me what to do or whom to not see or love! This is my life!’ she shouted back at him as she jogged her way to their stairs.
‘I will do anything for both of you to never see each other again! Anything!’ Sanghyun shouted staring at her as she stopped on her way and cast a glance at him. ‘Better pack your things,’ he said voice firm full of determination but for her it was all restriction, he was planning to imprison her, planning to rip her away from the guy she loved the most. ‘You are coming to America with me,’ he ended as she gasped allowing her tears to fall again. ‘I am not coming! Mom won’t let that!’ she shouted at him as she ran her way to her room.
She slammed the door behind her as she leaned on it and let herself slid on the floor as she started bawling. He used to be a sweet brother; he used to wish nothing but her happiness. She can’t understand why he was being like this when she was finally happy. She has no single clue why he wanted to take her away from her happiness. And in seconds she heard a loud banging at her door. ‘Park Sandara we are not finish talking!!’ he yelled as he continued banging the door. ‘Go away!’ Dara shouted as she covered her ears. Then her eyes averted to the bag she threw on her bed upon entering her room. Her phone was ringing.
She quickly stood up and went to her bed as she answered the phone.
Outside their house Jiyong was standing staring at Dara’s room which lights were off, but he can definitely hear the loud commotion coming inside. He heaved a sigh as he continued waiting with his phone pressing on his ear. ‘Ji,’ he heard her voice answered from the other line and in seconds he knew she was crying. Pain quickly shoot its way to his chest as the image of her crying materialized inside his head and it made him numb with so much worry and pain. ‘Sshh, don’t cry baby,’ he said trying to coo her using his gentle voice. ‘I’m sorry about my brother,’ she said still sobbing. ‘It’s okay don’t worry... I’m okay so don’t cry,’ he answered weakly. ‘I love you,’ she whispered as she started crying again. ‘And I love you too... stop crying please,’ he pleaded as he raked his hair in frustration as he sat down barely caring if he was in the middle of the road in front of her house looking like a frustrated stalker.
Dara tried her best to pull herself together for Jiyong. She knew he would not like it hearing her cry and so she did her best pulling herself together completely forgetting her brother who has stopped banging her door. ‘Ji listen,’ she started. ‘Yes I am listening,’ Jiyong answered on the other line. ‘My bro-,’ she wasn’t able to finish her sentence when her door burst open as her brother marched her way to her snatching her phone away from her. ‘Give it back that’s not yours!’ she shouted as she tried to get her phone back, the one that Jiyong gave her. Sanghyun pushed her to her bed as he grumpily pressed the phone on his ear as his jaw clenched tightly.
‘Listen, don’t bother calling because this phone will be in pieces soon,’ he gritted as Jiyong retained his silence. ‘I will do everything in my power to take her away from your claws G-Dragon, you made a wrong choice of the girl to fool,’ he added. ‘I am not fooling her... I love her believe it or not Prosecutor Park. I love your sister so much,’ Jiyong said breaking his silence. Sanghyun let out a mocking chuckle. ‘Love? What do you know about that? You know nothing,’ he answered back, cold, unforgiving. Jiyong fluttered his eyes closed and was on the verge of giving up but he knew he can’t live without Dara and so giving up will never be an option right now as he was facing the judgement of someone who has witness his dark ages, his berserks as the demon called G-Dragon.
‘You will never see her again,’ Sanghyun said as he pressed the end button and threw the phone. It collided with the wall as it broke to pieces making Dara cry again. She stood up and picked the broken phone. ‘It was a gift from him,’ she sobbed. ‘You don’t need a gift from a demon,’ Sanghyun said coldly. Dara stood up and faced him. ‘He is not a demon! Don’t call him that! You don’t know him!!’ she shouted. ‘You are the one who don’t know him! Have you seen him before! You were not there when he almost bestowed death to someone!’ he said gritting his teeth. ‘It’s all in the past! It doesn’t even matter anymore!’ she retorted.
‘It always matter, it will always matter,’ Sanghyun said in a colder voice as he paced out of her room. Dara fell on her knees as she started to cry her eyes out once more. She knew all those things, he told her all those things, it even took all his courage to do so afraid it may change her view of him. She knew those things every little thing of his past he was even the one to tell her those things. It was all in the past, what was important now was he was trying to change with her and everyone will agree that he was changing for good why does her brother can’t seem to see those things that people never fail to notice.
Jiyong dropped his arm in defeat as his eyes were still staring at her room’s window. Silence enveloped their house as the cold wind blew but he remained standing in front of her house, waiting for nothing. He raked his hair in frustration as he sat down again racking his brains for about anything that could make sense, anything that would make her brother not just like him but trust him. But how can you make someone do that when he has witness you when you were throwing your life away, when you were practically taunting hell to gobble your soul?
How can a devil ask for an angel? How would you believe a devil who was saying how much he loves an angel?
It was almost midnight when Yunbin arrive at their house after receiving a call from Dara using their telephone and so with her arrival another argument rose between her and Sanghyun this time. Yunbin was all okay with Dara and Jiyong’s relationship since she has witness it but then no matter how much she tries to convince her own son, he would not listen to her and would insist of taking Dara to America.
‘Sanghyun you do know that I will not allow you to take Dara to America or away from me,’ Yunbin said trying to calm down as Dara was already upstairs yet listening to their conversation. ‘And I can’t let her be with her so called boyfriend,’ Sanghyun said coldly as he crossed his legs and took a sip on his coffee. ‘Sanghyun... you don’t hold Dara’s life like me. All we can do is wish for her happiness in everything she chose,’ she explained as Sanghyun grabbed a magazine and flipped it open. ‘She can love anyone but NOT HIM,’ he hissed as he started searching for an article to read. ‘You both don’t know him,’ he added. ‘And you do?’ Yunbin asked. ‘Yes,’ he hissed in confirmation. ‘Son, you are limiting yourself to the things that you saw in the past. Seasons changed and so are people, they change,’ she said using a gentle tone avoiding sparking another argument. ‘But not him, he will never change. Not now. Not ever,’ he said as if it was the only truth in this world. He heaved a sigh as he placed his coffee and magazine on the center table and stood up with Yunbin following his every move with her eyes.
He had grown into a fine man, but the coldness in him shocked her. She never knew he could be this cold, this authoritative to the point of barely caring about his sister’s feeling in order to “protect” her from her boyfriend whom he called demon. She admitted she was never there for Sanghyun, but she did her best to guide him, to be a mother to him despite their situation but she guessed she failed. Sanghyun was smart and strong and she had always believed he could always be on his own that he will understand that it was natural that her attention would always be on Dara because of her situation. He did understand but he grew too independent. And looking at him she can’t believe that he would grown this much, that he will be a healthy 27 years old man who was a prosecutor that everyone looked up to.
‘I will be taking Dara to America and if you don’t want be apart from her then just come with us,’ he said as he walked his way to the stairs and Yunbin stared at him. ‘But yo-,’ she tried reasoning out but Sanghyun didn’t let her. ‘I never asked a single thing from you, mom. Never did I asked you to stay even if I wanted... so please just this once grant my wish this is for Dara’s safety anyways,’ he said without looking at her and with that she nodded and never argued with him regarding the matter and just think of ways to explain things to her daughter who was terribly hurting right now. She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes as she heard the door of his room closed.
He was right she never gave him a single thing, not even once. And doing what he wanted was the only thing that she can do out of guilt. And so she decided to abide to him sacrificing Dara’s happiness.
It was almost a week since Dara stopped attending school. And everything was back to the way it used to be before her. No one was talking to Jiyong again, not even walking near his perimeter. He distanced himself to everyone but without doing anything or any words by only looking at him it was evident how devastated he was, how he was just barely holding on hoping to see even a small glimpse of the girl he loved the most. He was just going to school in hope that even for seconds she will be there, he will see her and he will be able to hold her again.
He would be sitting on his seat but he will just stare at her empty seat as her smile her voice and everything about her just kept on lingering on that empty seat. It was breaking him to pieces, tearing him and he waking up every day, eating, going to school and just doing everything was always a big puzzle that he has to solve in order to continue living the way he used to be. He can’t pretend like nothing happened, he can’t go back to his old living for he knew he had accepted a one way ticket from her and there was no turning back anymore.
Dara’s friends were starting to get worried not only to her but also for Jiyong who was not saying a single word, who just kept on staring at her empty seat, kept of staring at the blank air and always off thinking. They don’t have any clues on what happened, on why Dara was not attending class anymore and they were afraid to ask him. They were not afraid that he might hurt them or beat them, they were more afraid that if they asked him he would break down and he would not be able to recover from it.
It was the usual morning in school as every student was on their way to their room. But then even with their busy lives, with the clock ticking nonstop they stopped as they darted their eyes on the school gate where Jiyong was making his way. Every eye grew widened as their mouth hanged open. Jiyong was walking all groomed up, not a single band aid nor bandages no fancy and spiky accessories, no leather gloves nor earrings. He was dressed clean in their complete school uniform, his long hair that he use to tie in a bun was now gone and was cut and dyed in a bright shade of maroon and it made him looked more handsome. You can even mistake him for a celebrity. But to him he didn’t care for all the attention given to him.
He stopped on his track and looked back when he saw a familiar car parked in front of the school. His heart skipped a beat as he saw a girl stepped out of the car and quickly ran her way to him. Dara hugged him tightly as he did the same, he closed his eyes and embraced her more tightly checking if he was still in the real world, wanting to know if it was not one of those dreams that kept on playing every night since the last time he saw her. And it was not a dream she was really there and she was hugging him. ‘Ji, I missed you,’ Dara whispered almost in the verge of crying. ‘I missed you too... I missed you so much,’ he answered as he felt like his words were suffocating him, blocking his throat.
Then without any words her brother pulled her away from him. ‘Oppa,’ Dara said as her tears streamed down. ‘We didn’t come here for that,’ he said in a cold voice as he glared at Jiyong who remained standing. ‘We are here to drop you off school,’ he reminded her as she started sobbing and upon seeing her crying it was like his body moved on its own as he walked to Dara and wiped her tears from her cheeks. ‘Shh... don’t cry,’ he said gently cooing her. His thoughtless move made Sanghyun froze on his spot as he stared at the two.
Dara’s tears continued falling as Jiyong continued cooing her, making her stop from crying. Sanghyun shook his head as he finally escaped his thoughts. He then pulled Dara, but Dara didn’t move instead she waved him off. ‘I’m not coming to America with you,’ she said almost whispering making Sanghyun roll his eyes. Her words struck Jiyong that he was just standing there staring blankly in the air. For real he was going to take her away from him and it hurts like hell, it hurt so much that his whole body trembled as it slowly numbed.
‘I’m not asking your opinion,’ he answered coldly as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her together with him but Jiyong stopped him as he held Dara’s other wrist. ‘Get your hands off her,’ he said in a stinging voice. In seconds together with the gasp of everyone he knelt down before him. ‘Don’t bother, I will never forgive you. You kneeling down will never bring her back to life,’ he said in a cold voice making Jiyong closed his eyes. ‘You want me to forgive you?’ he chuckled mockingly. ‘Then bring her back, bring her back to life, bring her back to me,’ he continued almost stuttering as he inhaled deeply trying to compose himself together as he pulled Dara with him leaving Jiyong still kneeling on the ground not moving, barely breathing with his every word echoing inside his head.
‘You just need some inspiration! Look at me I have Ji-eun! You can change Jiyong, I will never give up on you,’
---- ;]]
{author's block;;}
hello! due to heavy rains which seems endless it was announce that classes will be cancelled for two days and since I love and miss my readers i decided to update be mine :D so here is your chapter nineteen please don't kill me... conflict is good for a story LOLOLOL. And yeah it feels weird making thunder older than Dara LOL. but I did it anyways. At first I was thinking of Teddy, to be dara's old bro but then I love park siblings! and so thunder became older brother who is forever bitter at jiyong LOL. hehe
i miss you guys so I am begging you to send your comments even a simple hi hehehe :D
so I guess that's it for now and expect chapter 20 soon :D
bye bye
-- chapter 20 teaser --
It was almost three in the morning and Dara was already feeling sleepy she didn’t knew that they will travel this far yet for her the farther the place the better. Jiyong wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to him making her lean her head on his shoulder. ‘You’re sleepy, why not sleep,’ he whispered as he gently removed the strands of her hair that was covering her face. Dara shook her head. ‘No I won’t sleep,’ she said stubbornly. ‘But why, you really looked sleepy,’ he asked gently. She pouted, then she looked at him sadness and worry written in her face. ‘What if this is a dream, what if you’re not really here, what if I was really on my way to America, away from you...’ she said almost whispering as tears started to foam her eyes. ‘Shh...’ he cooed her as he lazed his fingers with hers.
‘Like you I am afraid that I might wake up and find that you were already taken away from me... I am afraid that this was nothing but a dream but you are here, I can hear your heartbeat, I can feel your warmth and your breath touches my skin,’ he said as he made her lean her head on his shoulder. ‘And my heart was beating like crazy and I feel millions of butterflies inside my stomach and happiness just keep on flooding my heart that I feel like it was going to explode sooner or later... and it feels like nothing else matters... and from that point I know this is real, for real we are together and you are with me and that’s all that matters,’ he whispered gently as he caressed her shoulder. A faint smile brushed at Dara’s lips as she slowly drifted to sleep, in his arms, in the arms of the man she love.
--- :]]
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