《Be Mine》// t w e n t y //
:: chapter twenty ::
Like these past days for almost a week he was there standing looking up at her dark windows. The wind would blow, the night would deepened and his heart would sunk in great pain but he will be still there standing and looking longingly at her dark windows, knowing she was there behind those heavy curtains. It was breaking him not seeing her, it felt like each seconds his soul was deteriorating into nothingness, he felt like his breath were numbered. He felt like dying, and it was the most painful death. His hand unknowingly went to his throat as he felt a lump slowly formed in his throat, which was suffocating him slowly.
Guilt. He tightly shut his eyes as he remembered what that lump was. It was guilt and in every seconds of it was assuring his death. He fluttered his eyes open as he stared at her windows, there was never a time in which he wanted to go back to the past. He never cared about the past for he knew it was something that no one can change nor edit it was something that can only be accepted. But now, he felt like the past was so hard to accept, he felt a strong surge inside him wanting to change the past, wanted to make it right. But he knew it was nothing but a wishful thinking a ridiculous idea, something that even in his dream would never be done.
‘Dara,’ her name escaped his lips as it vanished with the cold night breeze. He missed her, he missed her so much that he felt every inch of him was dying to see her, to hold her, to kiss her and to tell her how much he cherished her. And in that cold silence as he hear his heart shatter to pieces, his phone vibrated in his pocket. For a week now like him his phone felt like dead, useless but then it vibrated. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket as he flipped it open only to see an unregistered number. He wondered who it was but in his heart, he was praying it was her. With heart pounding erratically in his chest, he pressed the answer button and pressed it on his ear. He didn’t say anything instead he waited for the caller to speak.
‘Ji...’ she said with her voice still sounding angelic, still beautiful that he felt like his body just numbed out of happiness and the only thing that was left to him was his heart that was beating crazily inside his chest. ‘Babe...’ he answered almost stuttering. He heard her giggled a bit and hearing it everything felt surreal. ‘I miss you...’ she said as he felt like a surge of emotions overflowed in his chest that he involuntarily clutched his chest. ‘I miss you more,’ he answered with a voice trying to stay firm, trying to not stutter in front of all the heightening emotions he was now feeling.
‘Where are you?’ she asked as he kept his eyes on her window. ‘In front of your house,’ he answered unknowingly clutching his chest as if he could stop his heart from its rampage inside his chest knowing that in seconds she will open her heavy curtains and he will see her. And the moment he waited happened she did open her curtains as she gave him a small wave and a faint smile. He waved back at her like someone who has been forever waiting in the old train station for the arrival of his long lost love. He had his arm high as he waved like a child excited for his mother’s arrival.
‘Our flight...’ she trailed off as she heaved a sigh and as her words made him numbed in his place gripping tightly at his black phone. ‘...will be tomorrow, five in the morning,’ she continues weakly as he felt his energy went straight to the drain. He tried lifting his arm to look at his watch but it felt like his insides were all mess up that his arm won’t follow his brain’s damn commands. He forced himself as he pushed the lump away from his throat. He was successful this time but when he saw his arm he stiffened in place, he was shaking... he was shaking terribly, he can see it, and it was something he never thought he would see in him. He stared at his watch. One o’clock it says and he doesn’t need to be a damn genius to know that he only has four hours.
Barely four hours to decide if he would stop her, if he would beg her to stay, if he would take her away, there’s just too many things to choose from but why do it felt like he doesn’t have any choice, why do it felt like his world was just crumbling to pieces? He tightly shut his eyes as he felt his jaw clenched as his fist. What should he do? What can he do? He just felt so lost right now as if nothing will be right anymore.
‘Let’s runaway... let’s run from everyone... let’s go to a place only you and I know... let’s escape from everyone... please Dara you have to stay with me...I need you... only you... don’t leave me...’ he finally broke down as he fell on his knees. He just felt weak, he felt like he won’t be able to stand up again unless it was her hands that will take him and help him stand.
‘Ji... have I told you that I love you more than anyone?’ she asked on the other line. He wasn’t able to answer afraid that if he do she might say goodbye and it will kill him. He remained silent contemplating her words, predicting her next and it was slowly driving him insane because the more he thinks of what she meant the more mess his head became, the more absurd ideas flood his mind.
He probably was too silent for long that he didn’t noticed that the line was already disconnected. He was waked up from his thoughts by the long beeping sound. His arm fell on his side, defeated. He never thought of losing her, he had built himself of thoughts that she will be forever in his arms, her kisses will be forever his, her smiles and laughters... her everything will always be his and he never planned on giving them up nor letting her go. He had always believed that through that non-existing eternity she would always be by his side. His tears unknowingly fell as every second she spent with him played inside his head like a withering movie, slowly burning to nothingness.
He remembered her kisses, her melodic laughter, her smile that was brighter than the sunshine, her soul that saved him from his living hell. Then he felt her warmth on his skin as the time he would hug her like she will disappear lingers on him as the cold wind blew. He would give up anything to have her... he would... he know he could.
In that cold silent night never before in his life that he felt like dead and hopeless. Never before he felt like his world was slowly fading to black, that even death would be a much better option than the pain inside his chest.
‘I told you, I love you more than anyone,’ Dara smiled at him as she offered her hand to him. He stared at her as though she was a miracle that just happened. He was just kneeling there staring at her as she offered her hand for him to hold together with her warm smile, the smile that saved him from self-destructing. He wanted to move, he wanted to hug her but his body won’t move afraid that if he hugged her she will turn into dust scattering in the night breeze. His tears fell once more.
Dara threw herself on him as she embraced him tightly that they fell on the cold cement with her lying on top of him. ‘Don’t cry,’ she sobbed as she tightened her embrace of him. ‘I told you I will never leave you...’ she added as he slowly wrapped his arms around her and burying his head on the crook of his neck, then he cried, he cried like never before. He cried everything in his chest, all the pain, all the longings, the happiness, the love and the pain of missing her. And that’s when he realized that he was never a demon, for a demon never cry. He was not a demon but a mere lost soul trying to be a demon to protect himself from all the pain and from emotions, a perfect facade that he has over the years only to be shattered by an angel who introduced herself as a human who was graced with a second chance.
‘I will never let go,’ he said between his sobs as he tightened his embrace of her. ‘Me too... you’re mine remember?’ she asked half giggling and half sobbing. He nodded. ‘All yours,’ he answered.
‘All yours...’ he repeated.
Dara was smiling giddily as Jiyong was fixing her yellow scarf. They were now standing at the train station waiting for the arrival of the train. She kept her eyes on him and she can’t even believe how much she missed him that it left her chest in pain. Jiyong gently removed the scattered strands of hair covering her face as a smile drew on his lips. Jiyong leaned his forehead with hers still locking his eyes with hers. ‘I missed you,’ he whispered as she smiled at him. ‘I missed you more,’ she answered back. He then gave her a quick peck on her lips.
He thought he could settle with that quick peck but he then pulled her for another quick kiss and repeated it over and over again. And if only he could he will do it forever, he was more than willing to do so. He then cupped her face as he gently claimed her lips. He kissed her slowly, gently and it was blissful then from the slow kiss his pace quicken as he tried to make up with all the days that he felt dead not seeing her, not being able to kiss her, to feel her. She clung her arms around him as he responded to his every move, equally hungry, equally longing.
They broke from their kiss panting as his lips spread into a grin, brushing his thumb at the corner of her lips. He then wrapped his arm around her waist as they both stood there waiting, and in seconds the train arrived. Dara held his hand as he laced their fingers and in that instance, they knew they belong to each other, just like how perfect their hands fit with one other. She glanced at him as she heaved a sigh and stepped inside the train.
The train was almost empty when they stepped inside so they roam around to find a perfect place for them and after sitting, the train then sped off. Dara bit her lips out of excitement as she stared at the train’s window, starring at the beautiful city of Seoul as bright lights illuminates the buildings. Another first time with him. She glanced at him as he smile and started pointing out buildings telling everything he knew about the buildings.
‘Thank you,’ she mouthed to him as he smiled at her and pull her closer and pull her for another kiss, a kiss that assured them that no matter what happen they will never regret this. That they will never regret running away for their love, running away just to be together for they knew this was how things were suppose to be.
They belong to each other, they love one another and everything was perfect the way it was.
This is how things were supposed to be and no one can ever change that, not guilt, not pain and not even the threat of death.
It was already six in the morning when they was able to finally see their destination just few kilometres away. Jiyong gently removed the strand of her hair covering her face as he stared at her angelic face while she was sleeping with her head on his shoulder. ‘Baby...’ he whispered slowly stirring her from her sleep. Slowly she fluttered her eyes open her lips drew into a smile as she was welcomed by his smile and she can’t almost contain her happiness knowing that everything was not a dream. They did run away, they did escape from everyone after packing his clothes, grabbing his savings, atm cards and credit cards. They did escape after she was able to pack her things on a backpack and got outside their gates to be with him, to have her freedom. Loving him and being with him was that freedom, a freedom she knew she deserved.
‘We’re almost there,’ he smiled as he landed a kiss on her lips. ‘Really?!’ Dara asked excited as she stared at the window only to be welcomed by the blue sea. Her smile turned into a grin as she faced him. ‘I know you’ll love it here,’ he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. ‘Thank you...’ she smiled at him. ‘But seriously... you should stop spoiling me,’ she giggled as she continued looking at the sea admiring its beauty that was being amplified by the sunrise.
‘I’m not spoiling you...’ he said with a smile. ‘I’m giving you what you deserve,’ he added as Dara blushed red at his statement. She then pouted as he quickly kissed her pouting lips. ‘Why are you so good in words?’ she asked like a child. He chuckled which made her stare at him for seconds. And right away she knew she did miss him, everything about him especially his smiles and chuckles.
‘Am I?’ he asked as she nodded at him. He then stood up as he pulled her up to stand. She quickly hugged him as she stared at him. ‘Then pick me,’ he said smiling. ‘Pick you to be what?’ she asked even though she knew the answer. ‘To be the one you’ll spend eternity with,’ he smiled. ‘To be your handsome husband,’ he added chuckling making Dara pout again. ‘Conceited,’ she smiled at him as he raised his brow. ‘Why am I not handsome?’ he asked with confidence knowing he’ll get his desired answer.
She shook her head which shocked him. ‘Aish! I knew it I shouldn’t have cut my hair,’ he muttered disappointed making Dara giggle. ‘You’re not handsome... you’re very handsome,’ she smiled as she tip toed and gave him a quick peck. He chuckled in reply as he pulled himself away from her and grabbed all their things. The train soon reached stop as they walk hand in hand to the place where they will start anew, to the place where no one knew who they are
They could have taken a ride to their destination but they decided not to. They then walked their way to their new home, holding each other’s hand, feeling the morning breeze as they tell every story they have kept inside like what they usually do before her brother’s intervention.
After minutes of walk they passed on a small yet very beautiful white chapel hugged by its gothic design covered with beautiful flowers outside. Dara smiled as she stopped and pulled Jiyong with her to the chapel. At first Jiyong was quite startled never before in his life that he stepped on a chapel nor on a church. He never even think he would and never did he think of talking to God, asking his help, his forgiveness nor blame him for everything. He knew him but he never cared about it, he never cared about the debate whether his real or not he never believed that he was the one writing their lives for he knew he was the one writing his. He just don’t need him and he was more than fine whether he exist or not.
‘Let’s thank God for being together,’ she smiled as she pushed the wooden door open as they were both welcomed by the beautiful interior of the small chapel. Jiyong roamed his eyes all over the place and honestly didn’t knew what to think. Dara pulled him on one of the wooden bench as he sat down while she knelt closed her eyes and clamped her hands together. He stared at her as she prayed to Him. His eyes drifted on the altar as images of him were there displayed. To be honest he find it ridiculous on why people will pray on these bunch of cement. He knew it was just for symbol yet he can’t help not to find it totally stupid.
He closed his eyes as he heaved a sigh before kneeling beside her. He glanced at her first before clamping his hand together as he stared at the altar. Never did it cross his mind that he will do that, he felt like as though before he would die not even stepping even his single toe on any chapel nor church or just anything considered as His house. He chuckled softly remembering that he would need to step inside His abode on the near future. Then he glanced at Dara before shifting his eyes back to the altar.
She would make the most beautiful bride ever, don’t you agree? Well... this is my first time talking to you... it feels awkward to be honest and I don’t even know if you hear me or if you’re listening. But whether you are or not... sorry it came late but thank you for her... thank you for leading her to me... and well since I never asked anything from you... can you grant my one favour?
Please let her be with me... don’t take her away from me... let me borrow her... no.
Maybe I’m the greediest person you’ll hear but I don’t want to just borrow her... give her to me and don’t take her back for she is mine now...
He then glanced at Dara who was smiling looking back at him. He smiled as he ruffled her hair. They then both stood up as their hands intertwined and with that, they paced outside the chapel with smiles and laughters as they continued their stories. He glanced at the altar before stepping out of the church as his lips curved into a small smile.
I never knew talking to you is kinda heart warming and stress relieving, I’m glad I gave it a try.
-------------------------- :]]
author's little corner:
hello! first i would like to say sorry for not updating these past days because my laptop broke on me... it finally gave up after trying to work everything out with me LOL. so i lost my laptop and he was so kind, [yes, my laptop is boy] because he took every files of mine with him. oh fuck him. anyways sorry this looks like an entirely different from the first one i typed as you can see you can't even see the words i used in the teaser. mianhe. mianhe!! anyways i will try to update more so i am looking forward to your comments keep me inspired guys lol. thank you for waiting for this fic by the way i know i still got tons to say but i forgot all of them haha kekeke.
anyways that's all for now... see you really soon :) sorry for all the typos and grammar errors or just anything lol.
i love you.
mbie's out (for awhile)
p e a c e!
--chapter 21:
‘Why are you doing this?’ she asked still crying. ‘Doing what?’ he gently asked as he caressed her back trying to calm her. ‘This!’ she wailed making him chuckle. ‘Doing exactly what?’ he asked as she bawled louder. ‘Why are you doing all of these?!’ she asked more as he smiled and gently sat down as he locked his eyes with hers. ‘You’re not listening,’ he said. I have always said why I am doing this... every day I tell you why I am doing this,’ he smiled at her. ‘And for the nth time let me tell you again,’ he added as he brushed his thumb at her wet cheek.
‘I love you...’
/hides under a rock /du wanna update again ;A; haha :D
/to those who will go to bb concert congrats guys i am unfortunately poor that though i wanted i can't gash! i want to go to bb's concert please pray with me... please ;A; i really wanna go ;A;
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