《Be Mine》// f i f t e e n //
:: chapter fifteen ::
Jiyong was walking at the empty corridor of the school, aiming for the school’s library where he’s sure she has fallen asleep. Today he was some kind of relieved, this is the last day of his suspension and soon he will be able to attend school with her again. Beside he can’t help not to really get all worked up since he knew that the Student Council and the teachers might be driving her nuts just for a stupid school festival. He heaved a sigh as far as he knew she got nothing to do with that student council. Sometimes he hated how much she wanted to help everyone in every way she can forgetting all about herself. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled her number. He pressed his phone on his ear and listened to it as it rings. Probably this is the nth time he had called her.
‘Oi, Jiyong!’ a familiar guy called him as he jogged towards him. Jiyong raised his hand, signalling that he saw him. It was Lee Seunghyun, Seung Ri. ‘Why are you still here?’ Jiyong asked as he stared at the huge glass window in their corridor where you can see the sun almost setting. The lad smiled and began telling him everything he did from the moment he stepped his foot inside the school this morning. Jiyong rolled his eyes. This guy can really be a talker, and he hated it. After him and Dara became official he has been being dragged by her friends as if his relationship with Dara was somehow tied in their friendship. In snapped he has the so called ‘friends’ and he can’t do anything about it but heave a sigh.
‘Seung Ri, listen,’ he said finally out of patience. The guy stared at him and waited for him to continue. ‘Have you seen Dara?’ he asked as the guy’s lips formed an o. ‘Well, I think she’s in the library doing some little research for the upcoming festival. I can’t believ--,’ Seung Ri wasn’t even finish talking when Jiyong started jogging away waving him goodbye. Seung Ri scratched his head as he pulled out a hiss. ‘Aissh! I’m not even finish talking!’ he pouted.
‘Yah! Seung Rat let’s go!!’ a familiar voiced shouted as he snapped his head to her direction. He rolled his eyes. ‘Fine! I’m coming,’ he said nonchalantly as he walked towards her. Upon reaching her Chaerin quickly smacked his head for being a procrastinator. ‘You stupid piece! You made me wait at the school’s gate for long! Then I will find you leisurely standing in the middle of the corridor! You really like pissing me neh?’ she ranted as the lad covered his ears with his fingers, while his face was screaming pain and irritation. ‘In case you don’t know I was talking to Jiyong a while ago,’ he retorted as the girl was taken from her ranting. Her brow rose up that it almost disappeared. ‘What?!? I’m telling the truth!’ he defended himself as he pointed the running figure of Jiyong slowly disappearing in their eyes. Chaerin rolled her eyes. ‘Fine, let’s just go!’ she said as she started pulling Seung Ri with her. ‘Wait where are you going to take me! I’m not ready yet! I’m too young!’ he shouted as Chaerin rolled her eyes.
Jiyong was a bit panting when he reached the library. He heaved a sigh as he slowly turned the knob and opened the door. He turned his head left and right as he entered the isolated place. He began walking quietly searching for her. A smile curved in his lips as he found her sleeping soundly at the last table with tons of books and magazines beside her. He walked towards her. She was still holding her phone as she was sleeping on the top of her opened notebook. He chuckled as he stared at her sleeping figure, her face innocent as ever. He pulled the chair next to her and sat down. He pulled his cellphone from his pocket and started his hobby, taking pictures of her.
Dara stirred from her sleep as she sat down and rubbed her eyes. Jiyong can’t help not to smile as he stared on how cute she was right now. ‘Well, hello there Ms. Mine,’ he smiled at her. In seconds Dara’s lips curved into a bright smile as she threw herself to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her making her sit on his lap. She gave him a quick peck on his lips. ‘How come I always miss you,’ she whispered as Jiyong chuckled. ‘I guess you got it the other way around,’ he whispered as he caressed her back. She looked at him smiling. Jiyong leaned his face towards her as he claimed her lips. ‘Adorable,’ he whispered between their kiss. ‘Handsome,’ she answered back pulling him more as their kiss deepened.
Jiyong pulled himself away from her. ‘You know what let’s go, before someone sees us. Besides the suns about to set,’ he said. Dara nodded as she stood up and grabbed the books and magazines and placed it back to where it all belongs. She grabbed her things and they’re good to go.
They were now walking their way to the school gate when Dara checked her phone. ‘Aigoo, I’m sorry I didn’t notice your calls and messages,’ she said guilty while glancing at him. ‘It’s okay,’ he smiled at her. Dara then gave a quick kiss on his cheek as thanks to his understanding. ‘But baby, I don’t want you getting tired because of all of these. These aren’t your responsibility,’ he said pressing his lips together. Dara smiled. ‘Don’t worry... I’m taking care of myself besides I’m having fun helping them,’ she said. She then walked in front of him and stopped, pinching both his cheeks. ‘Have I mentioned that I love it every time you call me baby?’ she said chuckling. Jiyong nodded. ‘A hundred times,’ he answered rolling his eyes. They both laughed as they continued walking.
The sun was about to set as both of them sat on the green grass on the riverbanks of Han River. Dara was eating her curry bread as she stared at the orange sky admiring its beauty but for Jiyong he was looking at something fascinating than sunset, beautiful than anything. He was looking at her. Dara then turned her head to him as she moved closer to him. She then leaned her head on his shoulder. ‘Do you wanna know when did I realize that I love you?’ she said as she looked at him. Jiyong then rubbed his fingers on his chin. ‘Okay when?’ he asked getting curious. Dara giggled as she opened her bag to get something. ‘When this arrived,’ she said smiling. ‘It’s yours by the way,’ she added as Jiyong grabbed it and stared at it. A smile spread on his lips. ‘I miss Yoochun,’ Dara said as she stared at it. It was their picture, their family picture.
Dara admitted that she don’t really expect what she will see at the family picture they took last charity event of the school. She thought she will be laughing knowing both Yoochun and Jiyong would be grimacing at the photo but she was wrong. Dead wrong. When the pictures arrived, her tears just fell from her eyes out of happiness. They were all smiling on the picture, like a real family, a happy family. Then that was the time she realized she wanted to see him smile, she wanted those smiles to be permanent on his lips. Then her feelings were sort out as she stared at the photograph. She realized tons of things, things that were all screaming that she already fell in love with him. She laughed at herself, she has always been in love with him she was just not aware of it. And those pictures woke her up that she could no longer imagine tomorrow without him.
Jiyong smiled keeping his eyes on the picture. ‘I miss this brat too,’ he said as he glanced at Dara. ‘Let’s visit him sometimes,’ Dara happily suggested as Jiyong nodded to her suggestion. Dara stood up and stretched her arms. ‘I can’t wait!’ she exclaimed as she glanced at Jiyong who just stood up.
‘Do you wanna know mine?’ Jiyong asked as Dara shifted her body facing him. She nodded. ‘Of course,’ she smiled. Jiyong gently placed his hands on her shoulders as she slowly pulled her closer to him. Their lips touched. Dara fluttered her eyes closed. It felt like their first kiss, the kiss that happened on the same time, in that exact place. Dara laughed as they distanced theirselves from each other. ‘Maybe we should thank the school for this,’ she said laughing. ‘Maybe,’ he agreed laughing. He then put his arm on her shoulder as they started walking aiming for her house.
Dara stared at her mother as she walked back and forth arguing with someone over the phone. They were actually shouting at each other as her mother raked her hair frustrated at the current situation. Jiyong sat down next to her, grabbed a cookie and took a bite from it without taking his eyes away fromYunbin. ‘Who is she talking with?’ he whispered at Dara still staring at her mother. ‘Her boss,’ she answered rolling her eyes. ‘Her boss?’ he asked shocked as he stared at her. She nodded confidently. ‘She’s shouting at her boss?’ he asked a bit hesitant. Dara nodded again in confirmation. Jiyong tried to open his mouth to say something then closed it again while shaking his head in disbelief. ‘She’s something,’ he mumbled as he stared at her. ‘I know right,’ Dara agreed with a small smile.
‘What are they arguing by the way?’ he asked as he took another cookie. ‘Her boss want her to go on a week seminar, tonight and as you can see she don’t want to telling him that I need her,’ Dara answered full of sarcasm as Jiyong chuckled. ‘That’s it if that’s what you want then fi—,’ her mother shouted but before she even finished her sentence Dara grabbed her phone. Her mother stared at her shock written in her face as Dara widened her eyes on her silently telling her to never say a word. Yunbin stared at Jiyong as the lad just shrugged at her.
‘Hello! Yunbin! I’m telling you I can fire you!!’ Yunbin’s boss shouted as Dara distanced the phone from her ear. She faked a cough as she sorted all the things she will say on her head. ‘Good evening sir,’ she greeted politely as the person on the other line fell silent for a moment. ‘Yes, who is this?’ he asked. ‘This is Park Dara, Yunbin’s daughter. I will be the one talking to you sir since she’s out of her right mind as of the moment,’ she said with a smile. ‘Hey!’ Yunbin whined as Jiyong placed his hands on her shoulder as he made her sat down.
‘She will be attending the week seminar sir, I’m assuring you that,’ she ended after talking for about half hour with her mother’s boss who was mad as a hatter for her inappropriate behaviour a while ago. ‘Thank you very much sir. I promise she will not show her barbaric behaviour on the seminar,’ she said as she pressed the end button. She smiled at Jiyong who was giving her double thumbs up while her mother was pouting like a child being bullied. Dara rolled her eyes. She heaved a sigh and stood up sitting beside her mother. ‘Mom, I just don’t want you to lose another job because of me okay,’ she explained gently as she held her hand. Yunbin stared at her, looking helpless as she heaved a sigh. Dara chuckled as she held her hand close to her chest. She can feel her heart beating.
‘I got a new heart mom; I was graced with second chance. I will never leave you,’ she smiled at her as she leaned her head on hers. ‘You worry too much. I’m a big girl right now,’ Dara added with a chuckle. ‘But you always forget your medicine,’ she said sobbing. ‘Mom!’ Dara exclaimed. ‘Besides, I will also not be staying here,’ she said as her mom snapped her head at her with brow raised. ‘I will be staying at Jiyong’s place,’ she beamed brightly.
‘You are!?’ both Jiyong and Yunbin exclaimed staring at her in shock. ‘Why? Is there something wrong about it?’ she asked innocently as the two kept on staring at her, dumbfounded. Yunbin’s lips curved into a smile as she clasped her hand together. ‘That’s a great idea! I’m sure Jiyong will take good care of you!’ she said smiling. ‘You will right?’ she asked turning to Jiyong. ‘Well of course ma’am,’ he answered in respect and honesty. Yunbin grimaced. ‘I told you to call me mom,’ she muttered. ‘Oh well! I know you will,’ she said as she stood up. ‘I still need to pack Dara’s things and my things,’ she said making Dara grimace. ‘Hey! I can pack my own things,’ she said. ‘No I will be the one doing it... I know you’ll forget the most important thing... your medicine,’ she said as she jogged to the staircase. Dara pouted as Jiyong chuckled at her cuteness.
Yunbin and even Jiyong were making their final checks at Dara’s things when she suddenly remembered something. She then rushed at her room and grabbed her back pack. She then pulled a book under her pillow as she turned red. This is it. She muttered to herself half confident and half doubting. She then grabbed her phone and flipped it open as she dialled some numbers and pressed it on her ear.
‘Hello,’ the person on the other line greeted. ‘Hello,’ she answered back. ‘Oh what is it Dara?’ he asked as he bit his doughnut and slumped on his couch. ‘I’m going for a sleep over at Jiyong’s house,’ she mumbled biting her lips as she turned completely red while fiddling with the seam of her shirt. ‘That’s great!’ he exclaimed as he stood up and getting all excited. ‘You did read the book right?’ he asked. Dara turned much redder as her blood raced to her face. She nodded but slapped her forehead remembering he can’t even see her. ‘I-I did...’ she whispered shyly. ‘Just remember what the book said!’ he answered crossing his arms on his chest, puffing with pride by no means.
‘Do I really have to do this?’ she asked, hesitating. ‘Student Dara! Are you doubting me?!’ he exclaimed. Dara remained silent, contemplating. ‘Ouch,’ he said in a flat tone. ‘Fine, even everyone will think this is ridiculous. But trust me my dear student if you won’t who will? Do you want other girls do it instead?’ he asked clicking his tongue as he plopped on his couch once more. ‘No!’ Dara exclaimed turning completely red remembering almost every words in the book. ‘I know right. This is the way it is,’ he said as he lifted his legs and placed it on the top of his center table. ‘You just got to do it,’ he ended as if he was some sort of genius or maybe the new Buddha. Who knows right?
Dara heaved a sigh. ‘I can do this,’ she said in great determination. ‘I know you can,’ he said on the other line. Dara nodded as she pressed the end button and slid her phone on her pocket. She then walked to the door but before she can open it she slid down on the floor.
Waaaah!! Can I really do this?!
‘Bye dear!’ her mother said smiling as she waved her hand from her car. She snapped from her trail of thoughts, or should we say nasty thoughts. She blushed a bit as she waved her hand to her mother who then closed the window of her car as she sped off leaving the two behind. ‘I noticed you’re a bit drown with your thoughts,’ Jiyong said as he held her hand and laced his fingers with hers. She stared at him as she bit her lips. ‘Mind to share?’ he asked as Dara blushed. ‘N-no I’m j-just thinking about the things I need to do, t-tonight and tomorrow at school,’ she said in a low voice, stammering while forcing her voice out to spit a tiny white lie. She didn’t know lying to him will be this very hard. Jiyong pressed his lips into a fine line as he nodded. ‘Let’s start walking it’s almost nine, we don’t want you to catch cold,’ he said as he fixed her pink scarf. Dara smiled as they began walking.
Her mom was forcing her to ride with her as she dropped both of them at Jiyong’s apartment. But stubborn as she is Dara insisted on walking to his apartment since it was just one street away. So there they are walking at the street holding each other’s hand as they were both carrying bags. Dara heaved a sigh as she stared at the night sky. ‘Holding your hand always gives me a warm feeling,’ she smiled as she drifted her eyes on him. ‘It gives me purpose,’ he added as he smiled looking at her. ‘It makes me feel that I was born to meet and love you,’ she added as Jiyong stopped on his tracks making Dara stared at him questioning. He then leaned down and kissed her lips. ‘Again, you got it the other way around,’ he said chuckling. Dara shook her head. ‘Nope I didn’t,’ she grinned.
Then they began walking again in silence yet it was as if they were communicating. The best way of communication, with no words but just with the warmth of their hands and their heartbeats. ‘Ji,’ Dara called as Jiyong stared at her waiting for her to continue. ‘What would you e 10 years from now... let’s say I died in between those ye--,’ she wasn’t able to continue her sentence when Jiyong answered in an angry tone. ‘Don’t say that,’ he said, no, commanded. ‘Never ever say that again,’ he gritted. Dara stared at Jiyong as the lad tightened his hold on her hand, that he was actually paining her. ‘Ji,’ she called as she caressed his face. He closed his eyes as he let everything be washed of his system before it was completely corrupted.
‘Please... never ever say that again okay?’ he said as he opened his eyes. Pleading was in his voice. Dara smiled as she pulled him into a tight hug. ‘I’m sorry,’ she mumbled as Jiyong let himself be lost at her warmth. ‘I will not leave you,’ she said. No. She promised.
After a not so long walk, they finally reached his apartment. Jiyong pulled his keys as he opened the door and the lights went automatically on. Dara stared in amazement at his place. It was not elegant as you think, not beautiful as you will imagine but it stood on its own, it looks cool on its own. It looked like a huge, real huge garage with his messy bed on one corner, his kitchen on the other. There’s also the quite huge bathroom which has his walk in closet. Then you will see a huge mirror plastered on the wall, then there were almost five metal cabinet containing tools he needed for his work. There was also a desktop and laptop and other gadgets on one corner, on a table that somehow looked like his study table. You can also see 3 bikes parked inside. All of them were luxury brand in color silver, black and red. When you looked outside of his house you will think he was like many others, living an average life but when you were inside it you’ll definitely knew he was raised bathing in money.
‘I like your place,’ she smiled at him as Jiyong removed her bag pack and began putting her clothes on the walk in closet of his. ‘Thanks,’ he answered smiling as he went out of the closet and sat down on his bed. Dara bounced her way to him as she sat on the bed, as she snuggled to him. They both lied down facing each other staring at each other’s eyes. Jiyong gestured for her to come closer and she did. She snuggled closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her. There was nothing but silence. They were listening to their heartbeats, they were listening to their breathing and it was as if they were counting it.
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