《Bad Things》Chapter Twenty - You just let three killers into my house


Jake's hands pull my waist forward, pulling my body even closer to his. There is no way we could get any closer than this. "Mmm," he moans into the kiss. I'm kissing Jake. Again.

I place my hands against Jake's chest and shove him off me, breaking the kiss. "I-I'm so sorry," Jake stutters. Jake, the most confident person I know, just stuttered. "I don't know what I was thinking."

I stare at him, my lips slightly tingling. I can't deny that his lips feel amazing against mine. That doesn't make it okay for him to kiss me. I stay still and utterly speechless.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes again.

"Um, so the auditions for the play is tomorrow. It's always the same and I've been watching it since I was ten so I think I should be fine..." I think the best thing is to pretend that nothing happened between Jake and I.

He nods. "Yeah, cool. How much do you need to know?"

"Well, technically, all of it. I don't really know why it's so popular every year, but I guess the cast matters. For the audition we need to know the scene for the break up and the immediate make up. The thing is-"

Loud, repetitive honking sounds cut me off. Jake frowns and then walks out onto my balcony. "Shit! Ace, Tony and Brandon are here. I promised to take them to the movies because I couldn't swallow a lemon whole."

"What-? You know what, it doesn't matter. The show is tomorrow. If you want to get Candace, you have to stay here. We need to talk about this. I'm not letting you come in my room at night anymore, because you bring cookies and end up sleeping over and that's not okay. We need to do it now. Tell your friends to go away." I walk to my bed and sit down, watching Jake hesitate on the balcony.


"Guys!" he shouts and flails his hands around to get his friends attention. "Hey, yeah! I can't go right now. Come up and I'll explain! Alicia says the door is unlocked! Just come in!" The entire neighborhood probably just heard him.

"You idiot! I said tell them to go away, not come in," I reprimand. "The door is unlocked?"

Jake nods and smiles. "Yeah, but don't worry, I'd just kill anyone that tries to hurt you," he tells me.

"You just let three killers into my house. What the heck is wrong wi-"

The door swings open and Ace, Tony and Brandon walk in. "Yes, I have arrived," Ace announces and then waves his hand like he iis the Queen of England.

"Shut up, Ace," Brandon says and rolls his eyes.

"What did you want to say, Jake? That you and Al are having sex and we should come back later?" Ace asks.

"Actually there's some stupid play rehearsal tomorrow that Alicia is auditioning for because she's helping me land a date with Candace, so I can't take you guys to the movies," Jake explains.

"So that's your name," Ace says, watching me. "Alicia." He says my name slowly, soaking in each syllable.

"Yes, Ace, that's my name." I fall back onto the bed so that I am lying down. My eyes are closed but I can feel their gazes on me. "Stop staring at my boobs."

I open my eyes and all four boys are looking away awkwardly. I just roll my eyes and chuckle.

"So, what play is it? Why would you try land a date with Candace? I mean, Alicia is right here and hot as fuck," Ace questions and then gestures towards me.


"Yeah, but Alicia kind of hates me. Might be a tiny problem if I were to ask her out," Jake says casually and then shrugs. "Plus, I'm not going after Candace because I like her, it's for another reason."

"Oh you bastard," Ace says and laughs. "You gonna bang the s-"

"Okay, so about the play!" I shout over Ace's voice, making sure not to hear the rest of his sentence. "I didn't really want to say anything about this, but for the audition every girl needs a guy. Like I said, it's the break up and make up scene and in the make up scene there is a..." I go silent for a few seconds and the guys wait for me to finish my sentence. "A kiss. I need to find a guy to kiss."

"What? Why didn't you say anything about this earlier? What about the guys that are auditioning?" Jake asks and sits down next to me on the bed.

"Okay well I'm going. Bye," Tony says and then walks out the room. Brandon nods in agreement and just follows Tony out.

"Yeah, so I thought we would have to act with the guys that are auditioning, but I heard that apparently the guys actually audition in a separate auditorium and we need a guy on stage to audition with. The guy doesn't do anything but I don't know-"

"Why can't Jake just do it? He's kissed you before, it's so obvious. I mean just look at the way you two are sitting. So much sexual tension," he points out and gestures his arms around at the two of us.

I look at Jake. "Did you tell him that we kissed?" I ask. Jake shakes his head and looks at Ace in confusion.

"You didn't have to tell me. I can see it in the way you two act. Small gestures can have huge messages behind them," Ace states and winks. "I would actually go so far as to say you two probably already fucked each other."

I go silent and stare at the ground. Oh my god, is it that obvious? Well, my two best friends wouldn't believe it so maybe it's not that obvious.

"You two had sex?" Ace shouts when we both don't say anything. "Jake, so your not a virgin anymore? Fuck yes! You fucking go, Glen Coco!" He laughs, looking extremely amused.

"No, she hates me. Ace, I gave Alicia the wrong number after we..." Jake trails off and when Ace realizes what Jake means, he bursts into laughter.

"No wonder she fucking hates you. What about fake kissing? I can do it and just use the thumb trick like they do in movies," Ace offers and then lifts his thumb.

"Okay, you can do it. But if you try anything-"

"It doesn't matter, Jake. It will mean nothing, just like when we kissed," I say, cutting Jake off. I just want these boys out of my house.

"Just like when we kissed...?" Jake goes silent and stares down at the floor. "Right. Nothing."


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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