《Bad Things》Chapter Twenty One - Romeo and Juliet died because of love


I groan. ""Dave, it's not true. I'm not kind or beautiful. You don't love me," I purse my lips and look down. "Love isn't that easy."

"Cece, you just don't see it," Ace reads from the script he was given, then he steps forward and places his hand against my cheek. "You are my everything. We could be together if you just listened and believed me. I love you, baby." The way Ace says it feels so real.

I guess you have to be a good actor when you're a murderer that is wanted by the cops.

I can't believe four teenager boys can get away from the FBI and all those cops. It doesn't matter right now, what matters is getting into this play. If this doesn't work then nothing will get Candace to go out with Jake.

All Ace had to do was stand still and pretend to kiss me in the last part but the stubborn ass decided he wanted a script so he could act it out with me. I guess in a way this does make the acting easier for me.

He takes a few steps towards me, staring at me like I am the only thing he wants. I laugh, forcing myself to remember it's all just a script and acting. "Yeah right, why would you love someone like me?"

"If you could see yourself through my eyes, you'd realize how kind and beautiful really you are," Ace says, keeping his eyes down on the piece of paper in his hands. He walks closer to me so that our bodies are almost centimeters apart. "You're kind. You're beautiful. You're smart. One day, you'll be mine, too. One day I'll say you're mine."

"It's too bad, because I can't see through your eyes," I say and smirk. "I'd see things I'd never want to see. What you're saying is lies. All boys want is to get in our pants and I've seen how you are. You act all flirty until you get into a girls pants, then it's too late for that girl to realize you don't even know her name." Wow, I'm actually really starting to like the character I play.


He grins and leans closer to my lips. "Well then I'll just have to prove that I love you by kissing you. I've changed, Cece. I know your name. I know you and I love you. I can show you the real me."

My eyes go down to his lips, and I quickly lick bottom lip, trying to remember my lines. Wait, what did he say again? What am I supposed to say? Kiss, right!

"That's how you're going to prove your love, with a kiss? Why would you love anyone? Romeo and Juliet died because of love. Stupid emotions end with bad results," I say my part, almost stuttering. It's scary how accurate this is. It's true that love doesn't work. "I've already seen the real you and I hate it. I hate having to watch you with those girls. You'll never really love me."

The way Ace is looking at me makes me feel weird. There's a weird feeling in my stomach that I can't explain. Probably just fear, because I know every judge in the room has their eyes on me.

"Snow White almost died but love saved her," he whispers, but makes it loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Bu-" I pretend to start speaking, knowing he is supposed to cut me off.

"Everyone deserves a 'true loves kiss', because a kiss speaks things that words cannot."

He leans forward places his thumb on the spot right next to my lips, then he moves his lips to stop just a millimeter away from mine.

"God, I really want to kiss you right now. Jake is such an idiot for not making you his," he whispers, and his minty breath fans across my face.

He then grabs my waist and turns me, making the kiss slightly more realistic. "Stupid bro code," he mumbles under his breath.


The sound of clapping cuts us off from any further conversation. "Yes! That was absolutely perfect. Wow, your acting is amazing! Exquisite! Almost like you were both really in love," the director of the series cuts us off, a huge grin on his face. He is standing and clapping his hands together incessantly.

I guess I am a really good actress, because I agree with my character - Love isn't that easy. I definitely don't like Ace and I sure as hell don't like Jake.

I shake my head and close my eyes for a moment. Nobody said anything about Jake...

"We will call you next week if you've got the part. You were aiming for the part of Cece, the main girl, correct? Is there any other part you would be interested in?" the director asks.

I shake my head. "Yeah, I'm going all or nothing, so just Cece."

"Thank you for auditioning. I think there is a good change that you will get your part." Everyone stops clapping and takes their seats, then we walk off the stage. "Next!"

"You totally made it in, girl!" Ace throws his arm over my shoulder and places a light kiss on my head. "You were a-fucking-mazing."

I laugh and smile up at Ace. "Thanks for doing this, Ace. You saved me from having to do it with Jake." I know I would have no other option than to do it with Jake if Ace didn't offer, because Jake still has copies of that video of me confessing to Asher and while Asher may be gay, that video will still humiliate me.

Jake doesn't seem like he would so something like that, but you can't just assume no matter how nice a person may seem.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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