《Bad Things》Chapter Nineteen - I'd rather let him stab me in the face with a fork


He wraps his hand around my neck and shoves me back against the wall. I struggle, failing to get free of the deathly grip. "Please let me go," I wheeze out, my head starting to feel lighter.

"I saw you with him. That stupid boy Jake got you into this. Now he's going to have to get rid of you." I don't say anything, not having any air left to reply. The man drops me to the floor and I hit it with a loud thud, my heart racing as I suck huge breaths of air into my lungs.

He steps away from me and moves towards the wooden chair in the center of the room, pulling the black bag off Jake's head. There are two men holding guns that are pointed at Jake's head, but it's pointless because Jake is tied down with rope anyway.

"Hi, Jakey," the man cooes. "I'm going to give you two options." He pulls out a knife and places it against Jake's neck, putting enough pressure to immediately cut him. The shallow cut starts to bleed and I am about to get up to help him, but another man with a gun shoves me back down to the ground. "So you can either choose to sacrifice yourself, or you kill the pathetic girl," the man offers Jake.

There's a long moment of silence and Jake keeps his eyes locked with mine, deciding on what to do next.

"Well, what's it gonna be?" The man interrupts the silence.

"I'll do it. I'll kill her," he says, looking away from me. Jake is going to kill me?

"Good," the man says and then grabs me, holding the knife against my neck. "Let the boy go. Give him a knife." The man pulls my body back, squeezing me and pressing a blade to my neck. "Don't try running, boy. I'll kill both of you."


Jake nods and stands up. I start shaking my head, kicking my legs back to try and escape. "Jake, don't do this. Please, don't hurt me," I beg.

"I'm sorry, Midget. I have to." He looks at the man holding me. "Let her go, I want to do this myself."

"How do I know you won't run?" The man's grip on me tightens. "Why should I let her go?"

"It's four to two, I'm not an idiot. Let her go and I'll kill her. I fucking hate her anyway," Jake says, staring at me. He smirks at me, and the way he looks sends a shiver down my spine.

"Jake," I whisper and shake my head. "Don't do this. You don't have to." I knew he hated me, but killing me...?

The man let's me go and I step away to run to the door of the basement, but before I can, Jake grabs me and shoves me against the wall.

"Maybe I don't, but I guess I want to." He slides his hand up, holding it against my neck. Before I can say anything, he leans down to my neck, "I don't give a shit about you anyway."

"No. No. No. Jake, don't-" He shoves the knife into me and I scream as loud as I can, hoping someone will hear me. I shut my eyes, tears streaming down my face.

"Alicia!" Jake shouts. My eyes fly open again, but, instead of a basement, I find my bedroom ceiling staring back at me. I sit up and find Jake frowning at me from the side of my bed. "Hey, are you okay? You were screaming my name and I thought you were hurt..."

I sit up and Jake moves closer to me, looking concerned. I look down at realize he is holding tightly onto my hand. "Sorry... Bad dream," I mumble, staring at our hands that are intertwined.


"A bad dream about me? What happened? Why were you crying? Did I do something to hurt you?"

I lift my finger up to my cheek and wipe away my tears. "It's been the same dream for the last three days, but it always feels so real when I dream about it."

"But you've never screamed like this before. Midget, tell me what happened," Jake says.

I frown. "Well, it was dark and... There was this guy that said I shouldn't have gone with you to your base a-and then h-he told you to kill me or otherwise you die. Then you..." I stare down at my lap. My hands shake, and I close my eyes.

"I killed you? You think I would kill you? I'd rather let him stab me in the face with a fork until I bleed to death." He lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around my shoulder, smiling down at me. "Tell me more. Everything you remember."

"You said you hate me and want to kill me... Um, and then you shoved me against the wall and whispered something before shoving the knife into me. I don't know. It just felt real." I move away from Jake and stand up, so he stands up as well. "You called me midget, too. I hate that nickname."

"Fine, I'll call you shorty then. Better?" He laughs and walks towards me.

I roll my eyes. "I'd prefer my name, thanks."

"And I'd prefer being a billionaire and living on an island with unlimited everything, including hot girls, but we don't always get what we want."

I don't reply, suddenly feeling hungry. Maybe I should call the pizza store or something. A moment of silence passes and Jake walks even closer to me.

In a flash, he pushes me up against the wall. "Was it like this, hm?" Jake whispers. My eyes go wide, and I watch Jake with fear and shock. I nod, not able to talk. Is this part of the nightmare?

Jake slides his hand up to my throat and then smirks, leaning his face down slightly. I stay still, holding my breath.

Then he closes the space between us by pressing his lips against mine.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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