《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 2: Tricia ( A Plan Speculated )


The town region was gathering, everyone was rushing to prepare the bonfire yet to come in about a few days; four days being exact.

The streets were packed with people, local and even militia guards at every post, and the normal crowds of people has now become even larger. Such a lovely condition for the town region. Tricia Durant thought, as she walked through the now crowded streets. People were now out in the streets preparing for the Bonfire in each town region. She had short black raven hair, she was four nine feet tall, about fifteen years, wearing a thick shirt of red and brown leggings which was unusual for girls but decided it was the best clothing option available due to the packed streets of people and guards.

The celebration wasn't only in the town region but other surrounding town regions, and the city; Summit's Chest which has the center of the town region up till Union's Rising.

The coming bonfire night was meant for the failure of Gent Hawkes or more knowingly as the “Gentleman’s plot”. His real name was Guirez Hawkes, He was known through the country; Anglox, also known as "High Sanctin" if counting the cities and towns up till Scotts' territory; Scotiterran, which wasn't apart of High Sanctin.

Gent Hawkes had conspired with Ron Casteby the leader of a small band of people ( Consisting of mostly average and even high class gentleman ) who plan on killing the King and his replacing his reign in favor of someone else somewhere down the line their small band become large enough being called a brotherhood. They schemed their plans from all cities and towns all over Anglox.

Gent Hawkes and Ron Catesby had plotted a scheme to destroy all the major of cities that held the king's power, his brotherhood members followed the plan, they planned of blowing up the foundations of the cities with gun powder underneath the buildings therefore causing chaos losing all the king's power, they'll bring order to the cities therefore rising in power. The members schemed and planted the gunpowder on the major cities, they planted gun powder under the King's stronghold which was in Union's Rising.

Someone must have hinted to the militia of their plans because now their leader and several other members were caught, Gent himself was arrested found guarding the gun powder underneath the King's stronghold. Gent was interrogated, trialed for treason, and had a public execution. The people were now celebrated the king and country's escape from the "Gentleman's plot" by lighting bonfires.


The thick crowds of people were almost impossible to get around and with the militia guards in the town region it was even worse.

The militia guards wore scarlet yellow tunics, white shirts, high fashioned hat, white leggings. They carried cutlasses and flintlocks for each militia men. Each groups of them would patrol on the town regions inside the city, It meant a feeling of safety for the people in the town region knowing of the crooks' activity recently. At least it feels a lot safer than it was before.

Tricia decided to take the alleyways, though the recent activity of the crooks were still a talk of among the people, the alleyways were better to get from one place to another. much better, besides the militia and local guards are patrolling the town region so it’s much safer, even more people started using the alleyways so it’s even more safer than before.

Passing through the streets and alleys she finally reached her destination; a general store with a blacksmith's forge nearby the place. The general store itself was painted green with a wooden sign on it a caravan with goods, the blacksmith’s forge was next to the general store. The sounds of hammers being brought down upon metal came from the forge, five people were there at the forge one person had looked to be thirty years, flowing silver hair with a beard wearing blacksmith’s clothing as he was hammering a soon to be sword, the other four were boys of seventeen years, they also worn blacksmith’s clothing. One boy was sharpening a cutlass with a grindstone, one was at a work bench working on a silver breastplate, and the remaining two were near the forge working on something.

Tricia entered with the boys glance at her for a quick second then went back to their work but except the one working on the sharpening the sword. “What’dya during here, Tric?” Thomas Fenris said as he continued to sharpen the sword

“Did you have the materials ready for the bonfire?”

“Oh…” he replied in utter silence.

“Please tell me this is a very good joke” Tricia replied.

“No, I got the materials its, wait” Thomas said as he turned his head to the boy working at the breastplate.

“Oi, Hickey! Do you know where the materials for the Fire”

“You’d left it with Fransez!” Hickey replied without turning his head as he continued to work on the piece of armor.

“There, you go it’s with Paco and he said he’ll be at the library” Thomas said.


“Alright I see” Tricia said and sighed, Great back to the streets again, “I’ll get the materials, just you and the others get to the bonfire in time, bye” she said as she left.

She had known Thomas through Paco three years ago when he was still a fetching boy for the smith, while she was attending school as well.

Tricia now again began to navigate through the packed streets and alleyways, when she exited through an alleyway she found herself stuck with the crowd. Carriages were stuck as well, Militia Guard pushing through the crowds, I’ll be stuck until night. She squeezed, shoved through the people until she finally got to another alleyway but even the alleyway was with people though not as packed as the streets, At least this won’t be long.

She continued to move throughout the alleyway till the train of people stopped, shouting was heard from further down at the end of alleyway leading through the streets, people were now whispering on what’s happening, What happened now. Tricia found to her left of the alleyway an old wooden fence with a huge crack at the bottom of it, There’s my shortcut. She move through the crowd and slipped through the cracked hole of the fence and continued.

It was pass mid-day but not yet where dusk began to settle. Tricia made her way through the less but still crowded streets to the library. Tricia finally reached the place. The library building was painted dark purple, a large wooden door and a raven on a tree crest above the door. The library was wasn’t grand as the other major libraries in Summit’s Chest or Union’s Rising but still large with a room consisting of shelves, tables and chairs and the second floor which had shelves only and a small table, the windows were designed to let natural sunlight to flow in but there was lantern if need be. There was a huge rectangular hole were a door used to be but it lead to another area of the library, the same as the room before.

Tricia found Rowlan at the main desk chatting with Paco who was sitting on a wooden chair. They both wore white shirts, brown leggings but only Rowlan wore a coat.

“Hello, gents” Tricia said tiredly but in a happy tone

“Welcome to the raven’s tree library, I’m afraid we can’t accommodate more people” Rowlan jested. The Library was barely full with a few people and scholars inside.

“So you’re accommodating a few people and the rest are ghosts” Tricia replied in sarcastically. Rowlan stayed silent, gave a nod, and just grabbed a book from his left and read. Tricia turned to Paco

“Thomas told me that you got the supplies for the Bonfire”

“Got, it’s just in the storage warehouse near the post” He replied. Back to the streets again, it’s even almost night but maybe a favor.

“Can you bring it to the center, there’ll be people preparing it just tell them you have the extra needed supplies” Tricia said.

“Sure, I’ll do it”

“Thank you!” Tricia said in relief as she took up a wooden chair and sat.

“You should begin now the streets are packed with crowds and guards making travel impossible” Tricia added.

“She’s right, a bloody arrest just happened a while ago in the streets” Rowlan said but not turning his head up but just kept reading.

“So that’s the little trouble I had going here, how did you know?” Tricia said.

“I hear whispers from time to time” Rowlan replied.

“Who and why was arrested” Paco said curiously.

“From what I heard, whispers from the outside and inside that it was about some bloke who was assumed to be dealing with the crooks, the militia got the person and dragged him off”

“First Kosher now this” Paco said.

“What happened to him?” Tricia said in a concerning tone.

“He went insane, mocked the guards, got arrested all while saying the guards and crooks are consorting with each other” He replied.

“Everyone should keep be cautious now” Rowlan said.

“Speaking of cautious, I’d better get the supplies for the Bonfire” Paco said as he stood up.

“I’d better go as well, got a lot of tasks to do as well” Tricia added as she also stood.

“You two take care of yourselves” Rowlan said in goodbye.

Dusk was almost upon the town region, the crowds of people were diminishing in numbers which made the streets easier to travel. Tricia walked through now the not so crowded street with people around preparing for the Bonfire festival yet feeling a bit of fear but not enough to scare her.

It feels as if crooks and maybe even some guards are planning something, maybe it’ll be the day of the bonfire. Surely the militia and some honest guards will stop them, It seems almost too obvious of their plan. Tricia thought as she continued her way.

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