《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 3: Thomas ( Fire and Smoke )


It was past mid-day but still a few more hours till night settles, then begins the Bonfire festival.

All the town regions were ready, each bonfire in each town region. The bonfires were stacks of old wooden planks, logs or wood stack upward with a stones surrounding the base to prevent fire from spreading, the size of the bonfire were only small for town regions; three meters to five placed at the center of the town, while the Summit's Chest had five to seven meters because of the massive park area available.

Thomas had helped with the preparation on the bonfire after he was working for smith then proceeding to the center of town in to do the errand and tasks. He was still working at the smith's forge, It was only him, The Smith, Hickey, and the two serving boys. Ever since the militia came to town the work at the forge was more relentless; cutlasses needed to sharpened or repaired, musket points being repaired or made, and even flintlocks ammunition needed to be produce or rarely flintlocks to be made.

Fortunately Thomas didn't mind working more having an interest on blades, flintlocks, and muskets, He was fond of the art of making them, maybe even the art of warfare. The Smith had a gunsmith visit the forge to learn some new tricks on the repair and way of making the flintlocks and muskets, Thomas was eager to learn from the gunsmith so he listened to their conversation.

The hours passed till it was only an hour till dusk begins. There were still some spare materials from the repairs and works, They'll probably won't be used, the festival will be over then the militia gone. The Smith was gone over to do a quick errand by himself, the serving boys resting over across the streets with only Hickey resting by the work bench. He knew the first ways of making a flintlock but the other parts were not, luckily there was an old broken flintlock. He gathered the spare materials then started trying to repair it, The flintlock it self was about a year old, the wood was still wasn't old furnished fine brown, the muzzle was smashed with great force preventing it to shoot, the trigger was missing, the flint was fine but the inner workings were not.

Thomas began trying to repair the old broken flintlock; breaking off the smashed muzzle, breaking off the parts of flint then the inner workings, by that time Hickey noticed it then went to help Thomas out


"What'dya want to repair an ole broken flintlock" Hickey said as he examined the parts Thomas took out.

"I want my own flintlock, something to keep me safe" Thomas replied as he now he tried to put it all back.

"You think the guards would let an average bloke like you wandering the streets with your own flintlock"

"With news of crooks doing continuous crimes, I'd like to have a self defense weapon"

"What about a knife"

"The flintlock me range advantage, besides I'll also carry a knife"

"Won't argue with that, come on I'll help yah with the repair of this ole flint" Hickey replied as he began to help repair the flintlock. After a few minutes they didn't managed to finish the flintlock . Then they heard steps from the door leading to the general store, The Smith came back with the two serving boys, He looked at Thomas and Hickey then to the broken flintlock, "What did you the that old flintlock" The Smith said in a mild shock.

"Thomas here wanted it for self protection" Hickey said in a tone that seems to be like he was caught doing a crime.

"Are you sure the pieces of on top are all now broken" pointed out by one of the serving boys

"Well, how else are you supposed to see what's wrong with a year old broken flintlock" Hickey replied with a grin as he gather the broken off parts of flintlock.

"You broke off the broken muzzle, can't you just hammer it to fix it?" said the other serving boy.

"Are you two gunsmiths now? If you are then please fix this truly old magnificent dust gathered piece of weaponry" Hickey sarcastically said as he got up placing the broken pieces at the workbench then giving a gesture to both of them. The Smith looked at the broken pieces and the flintlock, took the flintlock then walked towards the work bench examining the broken parts.

"You need to repair the top part, though Thomas you've broken off the muzzle that was a mistake" The Smith said as he continued to examine it.

A mistake on my part, but can it still be repaired. "Can the flintlock still be fixed ?" Thomas asked.

"Probably, though it still needed to fix and re-work, but if your thinking I'm giving a flintlock to you-"

"I understand I'll have the risk of drawing attention to myself, might shoot a non-criminal, or get it confiscated by the post guards" Thomas interrupted.


"Right points you'd given, but still it's still a shame to let this flintlock go to waste, still spare materials. I'll might even consider giving to yah"

"Really!" Thomas said in excitement

"I said I'll consider"

"If he gets a flintlock for defense then shouldn't the rest of us" said one of serving boys.

"Fair point, we all should have with the crooks running about" added Hickey

"Find the materials and money, then we'll see" The Smith said. The rest of the conversation drifted into other subjects till night settles in. Thomas left the forge and made his way to the center of town. The way to the center of town was not much as packed but still crowded, A much better condition than what Tricia told the other day, Thomas continued his way to the Bonfire then a suddenly a light punch came from behind his back, he turned around to find Rowlan. They both greeted each other then continued their way to the center of town.

The center of town; people gave the middle portion of the center space, with the crowd people forming a ring around the bonfire having their time. Only a few more hours till the lighting.

Then it began, after waiting for next few hours the people who prepared the Bonfire had now appeared on the center. The crowd gave a wave applaud and cheers, The person in front signaled his companions who brought out a figure of a person made out of sacks with fine dressed clothing unto the wooden gallows built on the bonfire then hanged a rope around its neck.

"Come on get it over with!" Someone shouted from the crowds. They complied as they lit their torches and tossed it to the bonfire then it erupted into flame,. Finally it started. A wave of cheers and applauds came again, with people dancing, drinking, I think I even saw two drunken fools fighting with people throwing money at them.

Thomas found Rowlan, Paco and his companions nearby a inn standing outside, They've entered the inn;drank,ate,and drifted into a conversation, they ignored the noise of the people outside and inside only focusing at their conversation, Now this is a good night to be in, Friends here, noise that brings the mood to the event, such a great night.

Then a shock of silence came from everywhere: The crowds of people stayed quiet at the unknown reason, shouting heard from somewhere in the sea of people, and then a shout "QUICKLY GET THE CRIMINALS".

The crowds of people scattered away from center of town, gunshots heard of that direction. Militia guards now rushing from the sides shoving people from the sides going for the center, the crowds of people are now beginning to gone in only a matter of seconds, Thomas saw local guards and people who wore fine clothing bearing muskets and cutlasses now against the Militia guards and some local guards aiding them. The formed firing lines shot a hail of bullets at the unknown attackers with some of them taking cover and some shot down with the screams of bystanders shocked and ran by the numbers away from the bloodshed.

It was a battle with shoots from muskets and flintlocks coming from both sides, men being stabbed, Thomas turned around to find only Rowland and Paco there "Come on Thom!, let's get out here!" Rowland shouted. They left the sight were the battle took place only to see more militia guards fighting the fine clothed men with local guards fighting on either the fine clothed men side or the militia.

They went through the alleyways and made their way out of the streets were the conflict rages on. The civilians continued to run away from the on going conflict, loud noises were heard off in the distance of gunshots and screams of men dying causing now more chaos as the civilians swayed from one to path to the next to see which one is safer. Thomas and his companions kept on running not knowing where they running off to but still away from danger as the conflict intensifies. They continued to run passing through the massive crowd of people running away and the fighting of the militia and the unknown attackers.

The Bonfire festival had now became a small skirmish, The crooks, they probably the ones, If only I had weapon I'll fight with the militia. The battle rages through out the night with countless men injured or died, even innocent bystanders caught in the heat of the battle. Riot rages through out the streets with people running and finding places to hide from the conflict that continued.

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