《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 1: Elis ( Curiosity Spreads )


"You know you can't do that" Elis Frank said to Jindagee Skumar when he suggested something that can land them both in trouble as they walked to school

"Why not" He whine as he looked sarcastically at Elis. They both stopped walking "No, why don't you go, I'm sure you won't get in trouble and get caught by the guards" Elis replied as he too look at Jindagee in a sarcastic way", "Fine, Fine. BUT you've missed a great opportunity" Jindagee replied in an over dramatic way. Jindagee Skumar was from the Eastern side of atlas far away from his home, he wore a white shirt,fair brown skin,brown leggings, good boots, an average coat of the colored dark green for going to school, and fined combed hair. Jindagee was sent to this part of the world because his family wanted him to study and learn here though Jindagee dislike the Idea but managed to grow fond of his new friends. They stayed at a shop for a couple of hours before heading out to school early near mid-day. The streets packed busy with carriages, couriers, and ordinary people going all about their business.

"You know, I always wondered why a person of your status in society would attend our school?, I mean your Aunt owns a school of her own which is slightly better than ours" Jindagee said.

"Well its my choice, and mostly if your aunt was the owner and head of it I'm pretty sure you'd get some special treatment. I don't like that it makes a person fragile in the future, I need to face the harshness of society"

"Amazing, you should be the next poet or best thinker" Jindagee jested.

Besides if I did went to the my family's school, I'll have never met some insane people who oddly I consider friends, Elis thought. He was seventeen years, his elder brother twenty one years, and his younger sister a girl of ten years. Elis wore the same as Jindagee the only difference was the color of his coat was grey. The Frank family ran the best school in the town region for the students to the main city; Union's Rising. His family was a wealthy sort owning a small trade business of spices,sugar and crafting supplies, His family was religious to the religion of the Reformed Awaken, a religion that derived from moving away from the errors of the Hierarchy.

They've reached their school;Virtue's Grace. The school building was one of the biggest buildings in the town region, about fourth biggest. The walls were made out of stone, the roof was flat unlike other schools, It was connected to a local Holy House, larger that most. There were four entrances to the school; the west gate was the newly constructed gate a year which was the face of the school when people talk about it, the east gate was used by the students who had carriages prepared to take them, the north gate was used only by the workers to deliver supplies, and the south gate was the gate leading to the holy house.


They've entered through the west gate and began their hours in the school.

After the hours of school Jindagee and Elis made their exit through the south gate. They've were on their way to a local inn to meet up with their friends. By after mid-day the streets were almost as packed but not that much, they've decided to take an alleyway shortcut to the inn.

"So, what do you think, a trip to the woods next week, only the group" said Elis

"A trip to the woods, with only the group sounds good but better bring a flintlock, knife, and supplies because this sounds like camping" replied Jindagee. It'll be interesting, just something to do besides, Elis thought.

"I'm interested, I'll ask if I'm allowed."

"I thought you can go where ever you pleased" said Elis in a joking manner

"I do, I am everywhere and now where. I can sneak into your house without any of the post guards knowing," Jindagee said in a deep joking manner as well.

"Jin, look there's a something happening. come on I wanna see it" Elis said as he rushed forward with Jindagee following.

People passing by stopped and looked to form a crowd, shouting came from the center, and grunts of what seems to be a fight.

"Oy you stand down !" someone said in the middle of the crowd"

"NO, YOU CAN'T. YOU STINKING GUARDS" then a laugh came.

can't see through this crowd, what's in the hell is happening over there, then Jindagee squeezed into the crowd giving Elis a sign to follow.

They've managed to go through the tight spacing and managed to get the front of view of the action; It was a man wearing indigo coat, white shirt,brown leggings, all worn out and tattered and he was wearing glasses. He stood crooked continuing to walk in circles, giving a smiling at the guards at him.

"Isn't that Kosh?" Elis whispered to Jin. As Kosher continued to circle around the guards with them doing the same.

"Yes, it is. what the hell is he gotten himself into." Jin replied as Kosher gave a threatening gesture of him holding an imaginary knife and stabbing it in the air.

"You won't get me, you stupid dirty licking guards!" he then gave a mock with his tongue licking in the air. One guard then gave chase rushing at Kosher but dodged continuing to give his tongue licking mock.

What in the actual hell happened to him, "Maybe he went mad" Jin said as Kosher then began to laugh at the guards with another mock consisting him smiling with his mouth opened then both of his hands slapped to his checks while laughing and circling around the guards.


"I mean, he's been mad but not to this degree" Elis replied as the another guard gave pursuit to Kosher.

"Maybe he became truly mad" Jindagee said. Kosher now began to scoop something from the ground and threw it at the officer. "He'd got shit over me, that does it get him now lads!" the officer said as the whole patrol began charging on him, they'd subdue him by pilling on him. The guards got him up then the officer approach Kosher. "Your going to see your shit and blood all over your body" the officer said.

Kosher just began to make a face that mocked the officer then he spoke "You dirty butt kissing guy, You've been doing stuff with them shadow lurking crooks. Yeah I know all them talks between the officers and crooks! AW you going to cry that I said the truth! or shit on your shir--" The officer hit him on the face, Kosher just began to laugh.

"Take him to cells, and make sure he's tied up" the officer said as he and his patrol began to escort Kosher. As they were escorting him Kosher just began shouting "The OFFICERS, AND, THE CROOKS ARE CONSORTS!". the crowd began to fade away as the guards took Kosher away. "Well he really did became a mad man" Jin said.

"Well, I mean he did sometimes follow us around"

"Elis, he even followed us to the privy"

"I know, but what happened to him, he was doing well for owning the printing press"

"Maybe he had problems in his mind"

"Alright, still feeling sorry for him don't you?"

"No, I considered ostracizing from our group" Jin said bluntly. Elis just a gave a look of disbelief then they continued to their destination.

They've finally reached the local inn; The circle tavern. Elis and Jin entered to find their favorite spot of inn on the first floor, at the left side of inn at the corner. They're were three people there;

Paco Fransez a son of a Courrier, he wore a white shirt, brown leggings, he was a round fellow,olive skin,light brown hair,light icy violet eyes, and big arms.

Thomas Fenris an average person who worked in making muskets and blacksmiths for the officers, he wore a light blue shirt, black leggings,light tan skin,light but deep green eyes, his stature was person who was made for the army with a tough chest and arms. and

Rowlan Fowl an average person who works for in a library, he wore a white shirt,black leggings, and a red coat, he was tall had light skin, raven black hair, light but deep blue eyes, his stature was average at best.

The three of them were all in the corner talking then laughing till Paco saw them, "Your here!" he said as he raised a cup. Elis and Jin got down and took a sit.

"What took you so long?" Rowlan said.

"We saw a Mad Man, he got arrested" Jin said bluntly.

"Really what happened?" Thomas said in an interesting tone.

"The Mad Man was Kosher he was insulting the guards, making faces, and even through shit at the officer" Jin said bluntly again.

"Huh, poor person. what in the hell made him do that" Paco said in sorrow.

"Maybe he was truly a Mad Man, I mean. He follows us for years!" Jin said bluntly.

"Okay, okay. We get it he follows us for years, but give us details"

"We kinda said something of the guards and crooks who'd been causing the crimes are working with each other" Elis said before Jin could say anything.

"It's dangerous if we talk about this openly" Rowlan said in caution.

"Then let's whisper" Jin said with Paco, Thomas, Elis agreeing.

"Alright, so if the guards are consorting with the crooks; their crimes would become even bigger" Thomas said.

"Well better get a musket in my house soon, I'll shoot and stab anyone who trespasses my house" Paco said.

"I know, but what if it's just Kosher just being Mad. can you believe a person who mocks like a little boy, and throws shit" Elis said.

"Point there" Paco said.

"Wait, before we continue this follow me up stairs" Rowland said as he got up going to the upper floors of the inn.

The rest of the group followed upstairs to find a circle shape table, everyone sat in the chairs. "So about the crooks" Rowlan began.

"Wait how about the trip to the woods" Elis said.

"That can wait so here's about the crooks" Jin said as they began the conversation.

The group spent the next hours talking about the crooks and guards, they left before night fully settled in the town region.

If the guards are consorting with crooks, are there anymore hidden things, as Elis continued to his house feeling cautious, deep in his thoughts about the safety of his family, and curious about knowing more about the situation.

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