《Devil's Angel》Chapter 3


I waited for him at the gate of the front yard as he was starting the engine. I waited, even thought I could have had easily run away while he was distracted with the bike.

Where would I go?

I kept asking myself the same question over and over again as the time between us was getting away. I hopped on his bike and almost fell as I consciously refused to hold onto him. Unwillingly I grabbed onto his waist tightly and looked over my shoulder at my house, or what’s left of it…

All the memories I made there now seem so fake, just as my whole life. Who am I then…?

I thought as I buried my head in his back. After, how it felt an hour of driving through woods we arrived in front of a surprisingly pleasant looking house. I got off of the bike and as I was looking at the house I felt how the rage and any misery were coming back on the surface.

“Who are you and what do you want from me? Why did you have to ruin everything? I loved my life. I miss my-“ He cuts me off with his hand over my mouth and his finger over his lips, while looking at the house and shushing me.

“Keep quite a bit, darling. I sense the intruder.” He slowly enters the house telling me to stay behind him. Out of fear of what’s inside that made him alerted, I listened. When we entered the house, it reeked of death and flesh. I hid behind the wall near staircase, while he went straight towards the smell. Once I glanced over, I saw the true horror. Beside the smell, the whole house was covered in dark red splatters of blood.

“How many times do I have to remind you that you aren’t allowed to bring your food here and eat it as you are some kind of animal?” He said annoyingly to someone.

“Behave, we have a guest.” He pointed at me as he spoke and out of fear I hid behind the wall, being too afraid to peek any further.

“Eleanor, you may come out now. This is Ava.”

I hesitated at first, peeking slightly a bit, deciding if I dare to come out. Although, as I glanced nervously at him I instantly caught his sinister eyes piercing through me and I felt like I had no other choice.


As I came out I saw a beautiful, slim and very attractive woman with reddish clean skin, standing in the living room. I didn’t step any farther out of shock that this creature lives on this world. She had small wings coming out on the sides of her lower back , all while her tail was wiggling and dancing in the air. Hey shiny golden eyes glanced at me and licked off some of the dripping blood from her lips as her face spiked with interest. She flew low and slowly made her way to me. I closed my eyes and flinched as I expected her to grab my throat as the guy did before, but instead she caressed my cheek with her hand, all while leaving ugly traces of blood on my face.

“What did you bring us?” She spoke with feminine, but deep gentle voice. I heard burning sounds as soon as she touched me and in confusion of what it was I opened my eyes. A sudden short, but strong wind blew in the air as she backed off. Her face changed from curious to surprised and angry. Her fangs were showing now along with her eyes all pitch black as she stared at me.

“Calm down Ava.” The guy said.

“You brought a damn Angel here! Do you know what they’ll do to us if-“ He cuts her off.

“Calm down. They won’t search for us. Besides, feel free to go closer and smell her.”

Smell me? What's wrong with my smell?

She hesitated at first, but came to me after. Her face was close to my neck, I could feel her warm breath bouncing off of my skin.

“She smells like you…” He remained quiet as he was lighting up a cigarette.

Like him? What are they talking about? I need answers!

I gathered up enough strength to let out a few words and ask what on earth is even happening…

“Can someone PLEASE explain to me what's going on? I just lost my family and home… I’ve got nothing and you are not even trying to give me any answers!” He placed his cigarette on the ashtray, showing me with his other hand to come and sit on the dirty white sofa. I was so desperate for answers that I didn’t hesitated to come closer to them. When I stood behind the couch I was supposed to sit on, the strong smell of blood filled my nostrils. I looked down where the smell was coming from and saw a headless body laying in a weird position. I covered my nose and gave him a shocking expression.


What the hell?!

His expression showed annoyance as he took a deep breath.

“Ava, clean after yourself.” He demanded. Ava rolled her eyes as if she wasn’t afraid of him a bit. Her wings, tail and horns somehow disappeared into her body, giving her a look of a normal looking young woman. She went into the kitchen and grabbed the huge black bag for trash. She proceeds to spread it, before giving me the other side to hold as she stores the body parts into the bag. Everything appeared clean except the blood splatters all over the couch.

“What about this?” He was getting impatient. Ava grabbed the blanket and covered the couch with it without even trying. She sat down and light the cigarette up. The guy sighs in annoyance, giving her the look. She rolls her eyes once again made her way on the other side of the couch, freeing the space for him to sit.

“Go ahead and sit on that armchair.” I sat down, placing my hands between my knees, preparing myself for the conversation that is about to happen. He placed his elbows on his knees trying to get closer to me and started talking.

“So first I didn’t properly introduced myself. I’m Oliver. You can call me however you please. Perhaps Olie once we get to know each other better.” He winked.

As if.

“Oh shut up. You aren’t impressing anyone here.” Ava said.

He gave her the same look he’d give me when he wasn’t satisfied with tings. Although, Ava wasn’t afraid of Oliver as I was. She stud up and went upstairs, turning her back on him, having no care in the world if he’d attack her or not.

“Be gentle with that girl. I can sense that she is special.” She said before heading upstairs.

The room was filed with his gaze that was every second pointed at me. The fact that we were alone at this moment gave me chills, but I was ready to know the truth. He laid back placing his arms on the backseat of the couch.

“Now that we won’t get interrupted, you may continue with your questioning.”

I swallowed up before speaking.

“What happened with my parents, I mean with all stuff that happened?” I tried to stay as calm as possible even though I was boiling inside from all mixed feelings.

“Okay, well,… twenty-one years ago, your, so called, parents, met me. Made a deal with me and regretted when I came to collect what belongs to me.”

“I don’t belong to you…Why did they sell me like that? I thought they loved me…” I said with my voice cracking on the thought that I was nothing to them.

“They never asked for you. Angels forced the baby to some random Cambion couple, your parents in this case. They were young and dumb, they thought that being human was better then being Cambion.” I made a confused face.

“What is Cambion?” Before answering he proceeds to light up another cigarette.

“Your parents are as I mentioned before ‘left overs’, which means they are succubuse's, like Ava, the girl you just met and incubuses so called babies. They are left in the areas where the humans are the main residents so they can live normal life, far from demons who usually like to kill them for fun. So the name Cambions means half human half demon.”

Does that mean that my parents weren’t human…?

“So, demons pair with humans and Cambions are the result of their acts?” I asked as I just remembered the headless guy on the couch.

“Correct.” He smiled and took a hit.

“What about me, who am I? What about my house??” His eyes were pointed at the circles made of smoke. His cigarette was almost burnt, but he continued to smoke as if the hot sensation at the ends didn’t bother him.

“I had to burn the evidence. When Cambions do something that Angels don’t like it’s consider to be a ‘Sin’. Angels then appear to punish the sinner. So basically, I just helped them out and covered my trace, that’s all…” The stories and the reality I knew, it seemed like it just vanished in a blink of an eye. I was left in shock and almost speechless.

“W-what about me? Am I like them? Am I unhuman? Who am I then? “ He put out his cigarette and made a long creepy looking smile.

“That part of you, I will also burn.”

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