《Devil's Angel》Chapter 2


I turned towards my parents, clinging to that one last stand of broken hope I had left that all of this was just a sick joke, but when I saw them, the gasping hope shot straight out of my lungs. I covered my mouth instantly from the sudden disbelief and shock, almost as if I was trying to catch it, but it was long gone. “What have you done to them?!”

They looked 50 years older. Their skin became greyish and wrinkled. They looked like someone dug them straight out of their coffins.

“I did nothing. They did that to themselves.” The man giggled. As much as I was in shock, my parents were in bigger. Mom barely could open her mouth from all the skin sagging from her face. They seemed as if they were melting. “What did you do to us!?” Her blue eyes got wider. “What the actual fuck did you two leftovers expected?! You are about 200 years old!” He said with a smirking smile of a rotten satisfaction.

200 years old? What is he saying?

“But you didn’t warn us! How could we know?!” My dad finally spoken, but this time I remained quiet. The whole situation was so overwhelming, I could barely even keep myself straight on the ground. “You know what they say, never make a deal with the devil.” He said while lighting a cigarette and eventually throwing it on the table.

The Devil?

“Let’s go!” He grabbed my arm, pulling me aggressively with him. Behind us, following each step, was a bursting explosion of flames, rapidly expanding and eating away everything it could. The whole house was burning in flames, disappearing away with my parents inside. I stood there with my eyes wide open, left in shock, staring at the flames.

“My…my parents?... MY PARENTS!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”

I screamed on top of my lungs while hysterically crying, as the realization hit me. I could barely even breathe because of all the warmth and tar black smoke that replaced the blue sky. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, stop screaming, they will hear you. Hurry now and get on the bike.” He demanded. “NO! What?! What the fuck you mean on the bike?! With you?! I don’t want to be near you. You-you psychopath!” He looked down, growling to himself before coming to me at very fast speed, grabbing my throat and squeezing it hard, but lose enough for me to breathe. His eyes turned completely black as he locked them up with mine. “You will come with me or I’ll fucking kill you right here right now, like I just did with your parents!” I was terrified by his threats, but I figured he wouldn’t hurt me. “How come you didn’t do it already? If you wanted me dead, you’d leave me there with them!” As I finished the sentence, he looked up at a strange bright light forming in the sky and chuckled. “Smart brat. You know what darling, as much as I want to stay and tell you how intelligent you are, we have to hurry. Unless you’d like to stay here and get yourself killed.”


Huh, by who...?

His eyes switched back to normal as he ducked down and grabbed my waist. He picked me up and placed me over his shoulder, carrying me as I was nothing.“Let me go!“ He kept silent until he placed me onto his bike and hopped on himself. “Hold onto me so you don’t fall.” I made a disgust face and jumped off of the bike. I began running as my life depends on it, which it probably does. I tried running towards my friend’s house, imagining that she will save me somehow, while constantly looking behind me as I was hoping I wouldn’t see him. When I turned my head back, I slammed into something hard and fell.

Huh? How did he come here so fast?!

“Where do you think you are going, darling?! “ He said while his sharp teeth were peaking from his mouth as the silent growl echoed in the background.

“You can’t make me go with you. You don’t own me!! I’m not an object!“

I cried out as I was getting up from the road.

“In fact, I do own you, and for that you can thank your beloved parents.“ He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, making me bump into his chest. As I tried to push myself away from him, he held my arm as tightly as possible, hurting me in the process.

“You are hurting me, you psycho! Let... Go of me!“ I screamed hysterically as I tried to free myself from his grip.

“Shut your damn mouth, they are here. Get behind this truck. Hurry! “ He pushed me towards the old red truck and squatted next to me, holding me against it with his arm.

What is happening? What do I do now? Do I run away? If I try he will definitely catch me.

Zoning out in the middle of a stressing situation made me rip the part of my hangnail. I immediately grabbed my finger with my other hand as I was aching in unpleasant pain.

“Well great. “ I said to myself. A moment later the piercing stare came my way and made my whole body shiver.


“The smell is way too strong. They’ll find us here. Fuck! “ He took off his jacket and covered me with it.” I pushed it away as I didn’t want anything of his to touch me.

“I’m not sure if I smell that bad, but I don’t need any gestures from you, thanks. “I said arrogantly.

“Put that back on! It’s not me being nice, it’s to cover your damn smell. Plus making that wound made it even worse. “

My smell? Do I smell that bad??

“Listen, I don’t know what games you’re playing, but I’m not putting this on!” He glanced at me with a death stare, grabbing onto his jacket and forcefully covering me with it. His body weight was stopping me from taking it off, so I tried to push him with my legs.

“Hey stop it!! I’ll scream and they will hear us! “ I threatened.

“Don’t be dumb, doll. They will torture you worse then I am. Now calm down and trust me. “

Does he really want me to trust him after what he did?!

“Why should I trust-“ He interrupted me.

“Be quite they are leaving. Just a few more minutes, darling. “ His voice was gentle this time. As if he really feared those creatures. After some time of silence he took his jacket and gave me a hand to get up.

“I can get up myself. “ I said.

“Suit yourself. “ He sighs in relief. As I was brushing away the dust from my dress he spoke in serious, but calm voice.

“Those creatures are actually an Angels.”


“They can’t do anything to me because I’m too powerful for them, although they can take you away from me. “ He shrugged.

“So you are saying that I could have been saved by those Angels if you weren’t hiding me behind this damn truck?! I could have been saved and maybe have my parents back?! But you chose my future because they would take me away from you?!“ I began crying as I felt that I lost the only opportunity of having my parents and life back to normal.

“If you really think that, then you must be a fool, they are much worse then you think. This isn’t a fairytale, girl. “ He said with a serious look.

“And why should I trust you?! “

“You don’t have to, but I’m all that you got in this world right now, aren’t I?“

As he finished his last sentence I felt like my heart stopped for a second.

If I run towards my friends house, would they let me in, could they protect me from him? Would he kill them too? Do I really have nowhere to go except him?

“Come on, we have to go. You can’t live here anymore. There’s a safer place where we’re heading. “

Can you even call any place safe when he’s around...

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