《Devil's Angel》Chapter 4


I looked away as I felt chills go through my body, making me shiver in his presence. I bit my lower lip, making it bleed from of all the previous anxious chewing. I felt how that last drop of courage left my body, making its way down my chin. I was too afraid to continue with the questions, so I remained quiet. He was lighting up yet another cigarette while I was lost in thoughts of my life that vanished in a blink of an eye. I began to tear up a bit, but it led to an ugly cry. Everything that has happened in such a short period of time came at me all at once. I ended up screaming as loud as possible trying to get it all out. A second later I felt a strong wind pushing me back a bit, making me stop crying. Ava was a few inches in front of me trying, as it seems, to hurt me, but Oliver stopped her by grabbing her hair mid way.

“Ava, down!” My eyes widen up when I looked at Ava. Her eyes were pitch black and appeared to be full of anger. She was growling at me, exposing her sharp teeth like an animal.

What is happening?!

After some time, she calmed down. When Oliver assured that she was safe to let go, he released her hair and helped her to get up.

“I-I have to apologize. I have no idea what had gotten into me. I was packing myself to leave this place and then I heard that noise. It was just digging through my brain, through my whole body. I transformed without my will. The anger and the pain I felt at that moment, I can’t even describe it . All I know is that I just wanted to end that noise.” She sat down in disbelief. I couldn’t find words myself, so I kept quiet and when I turned my head towards Oliver I caught a moment of him making his other appearance disappear.


“Uhh, it’s all good?” I stuttered as I tried to break the awkward silence. Oliver tapped onto her shoulder and assured her that it was all okay. She stood up and went upstairs.

“I’m glad that I was there when it all happened. Because you would be dead by now.” He sighs and laughs it off. I sat back in my chair, trying to at least relax a bit as my heart was pounding like crazy. After some time Ava left the house saying nothing. Trying to relax was a sick joke as I was completely left alone with this monster.

“Well...” He finally spoke.

“That was one hell of a moment, wasn’t it? It was very strange. Have you felt it, though?”

Felt what?

I shook my head. He grabbed his chin and nodded few times as if he knew the answer to what just happened.

“Interesting. Well now…” He clapped loudly. “Shall I make us some breakfast? Are you hungry?” He asked as he was heading towards the kitchen. I shook my head again, still remaining quiet. He glanced at me with a confused face, as if nothing happened.

“Listen, darling, sooner or later this will be pretty much your whole life. You can’t remain frozen if you want to survive in this world.” I clenched my fist as I felt rage coming back to me. I never imagined that the words “my life” would become such a trigger for all my emotions.

“The life I have right now, is because of you! I refuse to have this kind of life, ever! I don’t want to eat or to even be near you. You ruined my life! I want to go back home to my parents, to my friends…Please, let me go!” I begged. I begged and hoped that even though his heart was pure evil, that somehow he will find that one ray of humanity inside and release me. He grabbed a pot and giggled.


“Eleanor, dear, the fact that you aren’t a human to begin with, would’ve changed your life anyways.”


“Your life is meant to be mine. Since the day you have been born, I have known you have been mine. Of course I won’t let you go. I deserve to have you. I earned you. So relax and make yourself feel at home.” I felt like crying again. Hearing him say all those things without any shame stabbed me right through my heart. The fact that I might never be able to escape, terrified me. I stopped myself from crying as the previous incident scared me. I kept the pain in and was slowly losing hope.

“It should be easy for you to get used to everything…” He said as the strong sharp sound of a knife echoed the room.

“Besides, you are like me after all..” He said as he proceeded to cut the vegetables.


I thought to myself before I unwillingly, but slowly drifted to sleep…

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