😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
December 17th
"Pops right Peanut. It's time and you actually have ta' try. You didn't let it work last time" Kareem said as the three siblings sat in their favorite Pho restaurant for lunch. Have the every month lunch in to catch up on something they don't talk about over the phone or text.
They all grew up like best friends but of course as they grew up and started their dreams and got into relationships. They kinda drifted apart with their own separate lives. The lunch and hanging out altogether was a way to show that their other lives don't stop their bonds.
Cameron sighed, poking at her food. She knew they were right but she didn't want to listen if she was being honest. She looked up when she felt someone staring at her and it was Xzavier "What?" She asked.
"Why are you so against gettin' help? You been doin' it since mom passed away, why?" He frowned.
"Because I don't wanna be judged" She shrugged, Kareem and Xzavier both shook their heads. "You've been sayin' dat fa' 6 almost 7 years na'. Come up wit' a different excuse Cameron" Xzavier said, then started eating his food again.
"Me and Xay and pops went ta' therapy and it worked. We can find you someone dat you feel isn't gonna judge you" Kareem said.
"What if therapy makes me forget 'bout her? What if I forget 'bout all our memories together. I don't want dat" She admitted, pushing her bowl away from her a little.
Cameron saw therapy as someone trying to erase your memories of certain things. She didn't want someone to try and wipe her mind off Michelle or her beautiful babies. Even though her babies died, she didn't want to forget about them and feel like they didn't mean anything to her.
They both got quiet "Dats, not true Angel '' Xzavier frowned. Kareem nodded in agreement "We still remember everythin' 'bout momma every day and miss her every day'' Kareem hugged her since he was sitting on the same side of the booth with her.
"Therapy isn't fa' you lose memories. You're always gonna remember momma but it's gonna help you grieve her loss properly. So that" Xzavier pointed over to her arms, making her roll her sleeves down.
"Can stop. Cus dats not the proper way to grieve ova' ha' Peanut. And I'm sure she wouldn't want you to take her loss in dat way. It's for you to speak your mind and to get different ways to cope wit' what's in yo' mind" He spoke, and Kareem nodded in agreement.
"We jus' want you and need you ta' find some typa' peace and happiness afta' all these years. So jus' try" Kareem said, she nodded taking in both of their advice.
"I-I'ma have daddy set it up. I'on know how" She chuckled a little, pulling her bowl back in front of her.
"It's gonna be good fa' you. Jus' watch." Xzavier smiled, she smiled back at him and nodded. She only hopes they both were right and this wasn't a waste of time.
"Did yall ever decided whea' y'all doin' da' wedding?" Cameron asked, changing the subject off of her and onto Kareem.
If she was being honest, she couldn't believe he was getting married. She saw him never settle down nor take someone seriously. But Wynter changed all of that for him when he met her.
Kareem nodded, chewing up his food first before speaking "We doin' it in Baton Rouge. It'll be less expensive since Wyn doesn't have much family and all of ours is mostly down thea' " He informed them.
A big smile came across her face. She hasn't been back home in maybe 2 years now and she's been dying to go back. She missed the food and some of the family down there.
"We already sent out da' invitations and shit. But tell me why Memaw called me da' otha' day talm 'bout Gma was mad she didn't get an invitation when everyone else did. Like I giva' fuck" He said. Cameron rolled her eyes at the mention of her grandmother on her mom's side.
None of the siblings messed with her after she blamed Nassir for Michelle's death. It wasn't Nassir's fault at all since nobody knew she was sick besides Michelle because she didn't tell anyone. She was doing fine until the last 2 months before her death. She started showing more of her symptoms like coughing and her body in pain and weight loss etc.
Nassir would beg his wife to go get checked out but she refused every time. He took it upon himself to go to a doctor himself but she died that same day he did.
Nassir already blamed himself so much after her death but it wasn't his fault. Their grandmother harassed and talked down on him so much afterward back in Louisiana.
But the three siblings weren't having it and cut off all communication with her afterward. They didn't play when it came to their father and they wouldn't have anybody around them that was bringing him down and blaming him for something he had no control over. They also saw how much of a toll Michelle's death took on him and still takes on him to this day to not allow it.
She was always a bitter lady but they just tolerated it because that was their mom's mother. She always hated Nassir for some odd reason and even went as far as to try and take custody of Cameron after Michelle died. She said he was an 'unfit' father and didn't deserve kids.
It made Cameron sick and she didn't understand why that lady was so miserable and bitter.
Xzavier shook his head and wiped his face with the napkin "Why would she think she's invited if we haven't talked ta' ha' in 6 years, almost 7." He said.
Kareem scoffed "I'on know but I want Memaw ta' beat ha' ass again. Jus' because" He shook his head and they all busted out laughing but secretly agreed with him.
"Wait, can you add some mo' blush. Jus' a li' " Cameron asked Crystal and put her camera down. Crystal nodded, grabbed her make-up brush, and added just a little blush to Lex's face.
"Perfect, now stand right here" She directed Lex to a different angle so they could finish up these last few shots. All three of the best friends enjoy these types of shoots.
With Lex being a popular model and Crystal being a popular makeup artist and Cameron is a popular photographer, they had a lot of shoots together. It was bonding time honestly and it was the right type of criticism that they needed because they never lie to one another.
"And dats a wrap" Cameron smiled, putting the camera down and allowing Lex's agent to look through them.
"Thank you lawd. I'm so damn sleepy. I jus' wanna cuddle up under my girlfriend and call it a night" Crystal sighed, going to clean up her area.
"I thought you and Lolo were goin' out ta' eat today fa' y'all anniversary?" Cameron asked as she grabbed her broom to sweep up the confetti off the floor.
Crystal yawned and shook her head "No, I been workin' shoots and doin' makeup all day. We jus' gonna do sumthin' dis weekend" She shrugged.
"I can't believe y'all been together fa' 3 years now," She said. It seemed like yesterday Cameron was with Crystal when she first met Logan at Walmart and Logan worked there at the time.
"Right. I can't wait ta' get married. We goin' up fa' our wedding fasho' " Crystal smiled and danced a little.
"You gotta stop startin' petty fights wit' ha' cuz you miss her first '' Cameron said.
Crystal playfully rolled her eyes and smiled extra hard "I just be waitin' ta' be in ha' skinnnnn" She dragged out dramatically. Cameron just laughed at her, she was happy Crystal found her person, she deserved that type of happiness.
"Drew, I'on care. You doin' way too fuckin' much. Leave me fa' fuck alone!" Lex snapped over the phone making Crystal and Cameron snap their heads in her direction with concerned looks.
"Everything okay?" Cameron asked while turning her lights off and moving them to the side.
"No, Drew is bein' insecure right now. It's really blowing me, he always thinks someone cheatin' on his ass" Lex rolled her eyes while changing out of the outfit she was wearing.
Cameron furrowed her eyebrows "Who is Drew?" She asked, now packing up her camera.
Lex sucked her teeth while Crystal was dying laughing "You tryna be funny?" Lex chuckled "My boyfriend who I bought out wit' us"
"Ohhh, girl I swea' I wasn't. I couldn't remember his name ta' save my life" She shook her head, she couldn't wait to see Sekani so she could tell him. They both forgot that man's name.
"Well, he's 'bout ta' be gone soon. I can't keep lettin' him accuse me of cheating when I'm jus' at work" She rolled her eyes, putting on her hoodie and sweat pants.
"Syn would never" Crystal smirked, while packing up her makeup bag.
Lex nodded "Dats why he will never at least not wit' me" She shrugged, putting her natural hair in a messy ponytail.
They laughed at her, "Give me bro a chance girl! " Crystal bucked her at and Lex bucked right back at her.
"No. When he magically turns older den me. Den we can talk" She shrugged before grabbing her phone and going over to speak with her agent.
"Poor Syn" Cameron mumbled making Crystal start laughing.
"Hi, bestie!" Cameron greeted with a smile when Sekani opened the door with no shirt on and mugged her.
"I'm not yo' damn bestie Cameron" He shook his head, stepping to the side to tell her inside.
She frowned while walking in "You do me so wrong, I swea' " She shook her head, going into the kitchen and putting the bottle of wine she brought over.
They started this thing since they always came over to each other's places and ate dinner that they would take turns on who cooks or buys dinner. Cameron took the liberty to cook or buy dinner 4 days out the week while doing it 2 days.
She knew how tired he could be a lot of the days from practice. She didn't want to put more into him because cooking was a lot and she thought he should relax after practice.
He ignored what she said, walking into the kitchen. He grabbed the plate out of the microwave and put it in front of her. She smiled. "You and these plate making" She laughed.
"I didn't even make dis one doe! It came out lookin' like dat" He laughed, grabbing the bottle of wine and opening it. Everything Sekani cooked, Cameron always joked that he made the plates look like they came out of a restaurant.
She shook her head, going into the bathroom to wash her hands. She rolled her sleeves, turning the water on. She sighed looking at her arms, she hated that she did that to herself but she hoped she would get the help and peace she needs to stop.
She shook it off and quickly washed her hands then grabbed a paper towel. "Whea' is yo' plate?" She asked when she walked out of the bathroom and was about to throw the paper towel in the trash.
"I'm 'bout ta' fix it. I fixed yours first cuz I ain' kno' da' time you were comin' " He said, pouring the wine into both of the wine glasses.
She nodded, grabbing a plate and then a hamburger bun "You want everything on yours? " She asked, grabbed the burger patty out of the pan, and put it on the bun.
He turned around and frowned looking at her "I got it Fats you'n— I know but I want to." She cut him off, putting everything on his burger.
It was really just in her nature, most of the time when she was with her brothers or dad, she always fixed their plates. She saw her mom do it with her dad a lot and so she caught on to doing it.
"Oh," He said in a shocking way. "Preciate it." He slightly smiled.
She started laughing while she filled his plate up with fries. He really liked fries so she knew she had to give him a lot. "You actin' nobody has ever fixed yo' plate Sekani," She said.
"Besides my mama, nobody has," He said, closing the bottle of wine.
She frowned a little. She never saw it as a woman should fix a men's plate because they had two feet and two arms to do it themselves but she saw it as the same things that counted. Him saying nobody besides his mom has basically done the small things for him made her feel bad.
She made a mental note of it while drizzling the cheese over the fries.
"So does journalin', it's helps you?" Cameron asked as they sat on the couch in yet another one of their deep talks. Since the day he found her in the gym, weeks ago, they found themselves in deep conversations more when they hung out.
Sekani shrugged "I feel like it can but I'm not lettin' it. Sometimes I feel like I wastin' my time doin' it" He said, she nodded listening she was hoping it worked for him more so she could maybe give the idea to her dad instead of her going to therapy.
"Why do you journal? Is it ta' get ova' yo' breakup wit' Becky?" She asked. He laughed a little bit and shook his head.
"Nah, I'm over it. It's jus' ta' find myself and my worth and love for myself dat I don't have"
Her face softened "I get dat but why don't you?" She asked.
He looked off to the side "When you been in relationships afta' relationships and dey all degrade you and put you down fa' da' shit you do fa' dem it's like you start ta' fill yo' head up wit' what dey say. I used ta' get in relationships ta' get love from dem when I don't even love myself" He said.
"I was jus' lookin' for love in da' wrong places and people so much dat I didn't see I don't even love myself. I see myself as a dollar sign jus' like women" He vented.
Cameron shook her head "Dats not true Sekani. Your more den a dolla' sign. Likeeee your sweet and kind. A gentleman, beside you being mean ta' me grow up you never were not respectful." She said and he chuckled a little.
"But it's a lot about you dat you should love and one day you're gonna see it" She pointed at him. In her eyes, Sekani was a real women's dream and a fantasy man. A man that will wait on you hand and foot, a man that will make you feel important or admire you just for even the smallest things.
"C'mon" She stood up from her spot on the sofa. He raised his eyebrow "No" He said plainly.
She sucked her teeth and straight-faced him "Getcha' ass up fo' I pick you up myself Sekani" She said, he looked her up and down before they had a stare-off. She knew he would give up sooner or later because she always wins.
He groaned and stood up "I'm comin' cuz I want to not cuz you told me to" He mushed her head.
She rolled her eyes "Mhm sure" She said and started pushing him to the bathroom. She was glad he did listen because he was heavy and she probably would have broken a bone trying to pick him up.
"Guh move" He fussed, pushing her away from him. "So aggressive" She mumbled turning the lights on and making him stand in the mirror.
"Okay, what do you see?" She asked, standing behind his large body.
"Yo' big-headed, ugly ass" He teased, making her roll her eyes.
"Ahaha, I'm talkin' 'bout yourself Sekani. Look at yourself and pick out one thing you like or appreciate," She said. He looked at her through the mirror before looking at himself.
"My face I guess," He said, still looking at himself.
"You guess?" She asked and he nodded "What do you like or appreciate about yo' face?" She asked.
"I'm handsome" He mumbled.
"Eh, you're really ugly ta' me but whatever helps you sleep at night" She joked. He sucked his teeth and mugged her "You get on my damn nerves. Get out" He said, turning around and about to walk out.
"I'm just playin' bestie! Yes, you are very handsome" She said honestly while chuckling and turning him back around to face the mirror.
"Okay, give me three more" She smiled. She was going to try to do this with him every day or when she sees him so he could see how special he was and love himself for it.
I know it's going slower but I like them going that way idk why cause I usually hate this stage lol
We in the bestie stage 😏
350 votes for an update!!!
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I transmigrated into my drama character! [Translation]
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my shy Indian girl..
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