😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
December 31th
Cameron sat on the couch, fiddling with her locket of a picture of her and her family from when she was a baby. She nibbled on her bottom lip a little while looking down at her leg bouncing 90 mph.
The lady in front of her cleared her throat "Cameron" She said softly, Cameron looked up at the beautiful middle-aged, brown skin woman who was softly smiling at her. "You want to tell me a little about yourself?" She asked. They had been sitting there for 15 minutes into the session and hadn't said a word.
Cameron was very nervous about her first therapy session and wished she had someone there with her. But she knew she couldn't always have someone with her and had to do this alone.
"How about I got first? I tell you a little about myself and you do the same? Is that okay?" She asked, and Cameron fixed her posture on the couch and nodded, giving her undivided attention.
"Okay so first my name is Mercy Ford. I'm thirty-six years old, I'm married and have been married for thirteen years now. I have a daughter, she's 10 and very bossy and I honestly don't know where she gets it from chile" She shook her head, and Cameron chuckled a little. All mothers said that and know exactly where they get it from.
"I was born and raised in San Francisco, and I'm the oldest of 4" She finished.
Cameron nodded and cleared her throat when it was her turn "Umm my name is Cameron Lloyd, I'm twenty years old, I turn twenty-one on February 5th. I jus' got outta a 3 almost 4-year relationship. I was born in Baton Rouge Louisiana but mostly raised in LA" She said Dr. Ford started smiling.
"I can hear the accent" She nodded, writing a few things on her notepad. Cameron chuckled. "I skipped 5th grade," She added.
Dr.Ford raised her eyebrow "Okay come through girl with the brains. I'm guessing you have always been the youngest in school" She asked, and Cameron nodded "Yeah but it wasn't as bad I guess" She shrugged.
"Umm, I-I had kids but" She stopped and bit her lip, and looked down at the uggs she had on.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me or talk about it until you're ready. Don't force it" She assured her, Cameron nodded, still with her head down. She knew if her daddy was there he would get on her.
"Family. How is your relationship with your family?" She asked. Cameron slightly smiled "I have two older brothers, Zay and Reem. They're like my best friends, my parents always made sure we were always togetha' so it made it hard for us not ta' be close" She nodded, Dr. Ford started writing some things down in her notebook and Cameron wanted to know what it was.
"I'm close wit' my Nanny V and my Nanny Naya," She said "What is a Nanny?" Dr.Ford asked.
"Whea' Im from dats what we call our Godparents. Nanny means Godmother and Parrain means Godfather. I have two Nannies and one Parrain. I'm really close wit' all three of dem." She informed her, "My God Sisters are my best friends. Lex and Crystal but we call ha' pookie. We're all kinda irreparable," She said.
"What about your parents?" She asked and Cameron's heart sunk. "I-I have a really close relationship wit' my daddy. I'm a daddy's girl I guess" She chuckled, shaking her head.
"Umm....m-my mom died when I was 14 ta' stage 4 breast cancer," She said, trying not to cry. Talking about her mom didn't do anything but make her cry nowadays.
Dr.Ford had a sad look on her face "I'm so sorry to hear the Cam" She said, genuinely and passed her the box of tissues. Cameron took some and dabbed her eyes.
"These sessions are about you and I'm here to advise and listen. Whatever you want to talk about we can, don't force it if you aren't ready. It makes it harder on yourself" Dr. Ford said, and Cameron sniffled and nodded.
"But it's also not good to keep it inside so I want you to at least try to speak more only on your own time. At your pace, because this is a no-judge place for you. This room and me is your secret diary" She said, Cameron nodded.
"So do you wanna talk about your mom?" She asked, Cameron immediately shook her head no.
"N-not today" She mumbled. Dr.Ford nodded, understanding, and went on to talk about something different.
"Nigga bring yo' ass" Sekani fussed at Karsyn as they walked out of his apartment.
"Wait, what 'bout my babymomma?" Syn asked after closing the door. Sekani looked at Cameron's door then waved him off and continued to walk to the elevator.
"She not home right na' " He told him, making it to the elevator and pressing the down button. "She not comin' tonight? She okay?" He asked, slightly concerned.
Sekani chuckled, stepping on the elevator and then pressing the parking garage button. "You good, she jus' not home right now. She's gonna be thea' " He said and the elevator ding indicated they were at the parking garage.
He didn't think it was his place to tell Syn that she was in therapy. He hoped her session was going well though. He knew how scared she was to go. He was tempted to text or call her but chose to just wait until he saw her later.
"Aight, jus' makin' sure. You kno' I'on play 'bout my babymomma" Syn said as they walked to Kani's car.
Sekani chuckled, unlocking the doors "You gotta babymomma and a wife. What a whore" He teased, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car, letting it roar.
Syn waved him off "My wife is who I'm gon' spend da' rest of my life wit' and I jus' be playin' wit' Cam," He said putting on his seatbelt and Sekani pulled out the parking spot.
"Speakin' off my wife, you kno' ha' and dat bum finally broke up?" He smirked, leaning his seat back. "New year startin' right fa' me already" He laughed.
Sekani shook his head "You kno' she doesn't want you right?" He raised his eyebrow, glancing over at his brother.
Syn sucked his teeth "You kno' you should believe in me. Outta all people I thought you would" He shook his head.
Sekani sighed "Syn it's not dat but I'm jus' don't want you chasin' afta' someone, wastin' yo' time and shit fa' someone dats takin' you as a joke' ' He said bluntly.
As much as Sekani cared about Lex, he cared more about his little brother. Syn was young and had so much going for himself, he didn't want to see his brother stopping any of that for someone that made a joke out of him.
"Mannee— I'm not sayin' you should stop chasin' after whatchu' want but jus' don't over do it. Don't keep chasin' afta' someone dat at da' end of da' day jus' want ta' be chase" He advised.
Syn nodded his head, keeping his eyes on the road "I hear ya' " He said.
Sekani sighed, turning the music up. He just didn't want him to get taken advantage of and look stupid for a woman that probably didn't deserve him just like he used to do.
"Pretty lady" Sekani smiled walking into the kitchen where Lena was finishing up cooking.
"Whateva' it is, go ask yo' daddy" She waved him off, putting the chopped onions into the pot. He started laughing, leaning on the island "Why do you think I want sumthin' " He raised his eyebrow.
"Because you or yo' brotha' always want sumthin' " She laughed, putting the top back on the pot with the oven mitt.
"Aight, really it's fa' Syn" He chuckled, she shook her head then gave him her attention "He wanted me ta' talk ta' you and pops 'bout him movin' in wit' me," He said straight forward, nothing wanting to beat around the bush.
Lena scrunched up her face "What?" She blinked her eyes at him still with her face twisted up.
"He's' not stayin' on-campus—No" Lena cut him off, going back to what she was doing before he first came in.
"Lena" Anaya chuckled, coming into the kitchen with an aluminum pan. "What?" She asked.
"C'mon ma. He's already always ova' thea' " Sekani sighed, he didn't know why Syn got him out of all the people to talk to her about this.
Lena scoffed "No. He jus' wanna be ova' thea' cause he knows he can get away wit' shit wit' you" She frowned.
"Lena he is 18" Anaya tried to help Sekani out. Sekani was gonna leave it at her saying no and telling Syn he was out of luck.
"He jus' wants ta' do him without disrespectin' you and pops in yall house. He straight wit' me and we both kno' he need'a learns sum typa' independence if he ain' gonna live on campus." Sekani reasoned with her.
His mom wasn't like this with him since he did live on campus when he went to college but Syn wasn't the same. He didn't want to live on campus but he did want to have a college experience.
"Why didn't he come and ask?" She folded her arms across her chest. They both are mama's boys so it's understandable why she doesn't want her Syn to leave. He's her last egg in the nest and her youngest.
"Cus he kno' yo' ass gonna say no" Anaya muttered, Lena snapped her neck in her direction and mugged her "Bye Naya" She chuckled.
"Hurry up so we can whoop Nass and Jay's ass in spades girl" Anaya laughed, referring to her husband and walking out the kitchen. Lena shook her head before looking back at Sekani.
"He jus' didn't wanna hurt yo' feelings ma" Sekani shrugged causing her to mug him "Oh but you okay wit' hurtin' dem?" She raised her eyebrow.
"No, but we both kno' he safe wit' me if he did move out. And we ain' nun but 15 minutes away, you'll see him all da' time still" He said.
Lena sighed and dropped her arms "If y'all hate me den jus' say dat" She rolled her eyes, and he laughed at her dramatics. "I'll talk it ova' wit' y'all dad and get his input," She said.
He smiled and kissed her cheek "Thank you and tell him don't be afraid ta' say no. He gets on my nerves already" He shook his head.
"Boy bye" She mushed his head away from her. He laughed, leaving the kitchen and going back into the living room.
"If I smack Wyn, you think she's still gon' marry me?" Reem asked when Sekani sat next to him on the couch. He looked at him and followed what his eyes were glaring at. He laughed when she saw Wynter twerking on Lex.
"You one jealous ass nigga" He cracked up. Kareem was very territorial over Wynter. He hated when anyone was even close to her, yet alone stared at her for too long.
Reem sucked his teeth "Nigga when you get wit' da' love of yo' life, you gonna be da' same way" He said.
Sekani laughed, going into his pocket to get his phone. "Love of my life? Doubt dat bro" He said nonchalantly, scrolling through the many tik-toks Cameron sent him.
"Yes, nigga you have one out thea'. Dey jus' wasn't any of dem bitches you fucked wit' " He shrugged, picking up his cup from the side of him "Might already met ha' as a friend" Reem sipped from his cup.
"Doubt it but you keep on dreamin' bro," He said, not really listening to what he was saying. He stopped caring about any form of a relationship and any 'love'. In his mind, it didn't exist as badly as he wanted it to.
He was okay with being alone for the rest of his life. If that's what his purpose for life is, he was gonna live it.
"You'll think it's true? Da' nigga dat believes in dat soulmate and life changin' typa' love doesn't believe thea' a person out thea' for you, even if you'll see it right now?" He raised his brow, as Sekani finally got to the top of the tik-tok videos.
"Nope," He said nonchalantly, clicking on the first tik-tok video.
"Aight," Reem chuckled, Sekani side-eyed him, wondering what was funny. He brushed it off and sat comfortably watching all the tik-tok videos she sent.
"Well don't you look handsome" Cameron smiled, watching Sekani coming to sit next to her on the bench. Everyone else was getting ready for the count down in 5 minutes, along with the fireworks they do every year.
He raised his eyebrow, sitting next to her "Cameron givin' me a compliment besides callin' me ugly" He gasped, getting underneath the blanket she was under.
She rolled her eyes "And now I take it back ugly ass boy" She shook her head, scooting closer to him since she was cold and he was always warm. "Chill on me. Give it back" He chuckled.
He noticed since they had their deep conversation about him not loving himself, she found small ways to compliment him or tell him how appreciative he is when he does something for her. It felt nice in a way he couldn't describe.
"Nope, next time close yo' smartass mouth" She shrugged and he mugged her "What typa' bestie are you" He bucked his eyes at her.
She smiled "You're finally claimin' me? 'bout timeeee you act like you knowwww '' She stuck her tongue out and put up the deuces. He couldn't do anything but laugh at her.
"How was therapy? You were comfortable?" He asked, he had got a chance to ask her all night. They had been around everyone and he didn't know if she was comfortable with everyone knowing she was in therapy. So he chose to wait until they were alone.
She appreciated him not asking until they were alone, away from everyone. Only her Godparents, Brothers, Dad, and Sekani knew about the therapy. She didn't want to say anything since it was only her first session.
"It was..... okay," She said, and he nodded. "I wasn't as uncomfortable as the first time I ever went. The therapist was sweet and understanding when I shut down or didn't want to talk about things." She added.
It honestly was an okay session for her. She felt like she had to talk more but her God moms assured her that it was okay, especially being the first session. She didn't have to talk a lot if she truly wasn't ready. It was a process that she had to gradually take.
"Dats good fats. Your tryin' and dats all dat matters" He nudged her, not wanting her to feel down about it. He thought therapy was a good choice for her.
"Thanks." She smiled a little. "You gonna keep goin'?" He asked.
She nodded "Yeah, I think twice a week. My schedule could only fit dat right now" She said while looking around at everyone and the couples.
It made her slightly sad, it was her first new year alone and another one without her mom. She prays for a better year than this one, she needs it, she deserves it.
This was Sekani's first new year alone too. The only thing he wants for the new year is peace and self-love and for his career to keep taking off. He wanted to put this terrible year behind him.
"When you gonna get me sum mo' charms?" Cameron spoke up, breaking their comfortable silence. She lifted her arm with the rose gold pandora bracelet that only had two charms on it that he got her for Christmas.
He chuckled "I'ma fill it up. Don't put any otha' charms on it unless I give it ta' you. This is mine" He pointed his finger, she laughed "Okayyy"
"It's about to start!!" Lena clapped excitedly, sitting on her husband's lap.
"Happy new year bestie" Cameron smiled before kissing his cheek, catching him off guard and he felt the weird chest feeling that he has been feeling the past few months.
He stared at her before smiling back and kissing her forehead "Happy new year fats" He said and she put her head on his shoulder as they watched the fireworks.
Cameron in therapy💕💕
Sekani's advice to Syn?
It's about to starttttttt🥰
370 votes for an update!!!
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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