《Unstable ▾ a.s》5{Secrets} ⚠️


(Y/n) quietly knocked on the door of her boyfriend's room before opening it and walking in, "Hey," she said as she closed the door behind her.

"What's wrong?" Aizawa asked, he had turned away from his computer, it was practically the only light source in the room at the moment. Combined with his quirk, no wonder he has dry eyes.

"Nothing, just, figured I should let you know about something's that happened after I left Japan," she told him, starting to rethink her decision to tell him.

"Alright," Aizawa sighed as she sat down on his bed and rubbed her hands on her pants, she was nervous as hell. "Whatever, it is, it's not going to change my thoughts or feelings about you."

Aizawa moved to sit next to her. His words of reassurance didn't help much, but she'd rather tell him now than have him find out later. "The last few months of my last year of high school, we're pretty baf. A lot of people I considered my friends had found out about my DID and Combustion being my dad. I lost a lot of them and just started pushing everyone else away. About a week before graduation, my class decided to stay overnight in school. Some kids thought it would be fun to bring in some alcohol and everyone around me got drunk, I couldn't because of medication."

The next part was something she dreaded telling anyone. It had been years since it happens, but it was still a scar in her heart. "At that point in my life I had no one around me, a very small support system, so, uhm..."

"(Y/n), you don't have to tell me this tonight," Aizawa grabbed his girlfriend's nervous hand.

"No, I don't want to keep this from you, I'd rather tell you now then later," she told him, her hair had fallen in front of her face, covering her view from him. "Do you remember the night you saved me from those guys, my first week here,"

"(F/n), there's something your not telling me, something that has to do with what happened here," Aizawa said.

"Don't worry about it," she tried making him forget about it, but her voice wouldn't let her. She would crumble soon, but she couldn't tell him. Not yet.

When he didn't get a reply, he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He would never let anyone know he had a soft spot, but the only people around were unconscious. She wrapped her arms around his torso and nuzzled her head into his chest.

"Whatever happened, you don't have to tell me right now. But when you're ready, I'll listen."

"Yeah," he didn't like to think about that part of the night. She'd almost been raped that night. He hated the thought of the women he loved, getting taken advantage of.

"That wasn't the first time," she told him, she was trying not to sound like she would break at any moment, but her voice was failing her. "The night my class locked ourselves in the school for a night, this dickhead, took advantage of me. He was a classmate of mine, he didn't have many friends, but the ones he did have let it happen. None of my alters came out to help, and I found my self in a week long abuse relationship and at the end of it, I got a new alter and shut everyone in my life out."


She'd finally gotten it off her chest. Aizawa wanted to cry for her. She had gone through that and he had no idea, neither did Hizashi. "And after I moved out of my parents house and gotten into a hero agency, I found out I was pregnant."

Aizawa was speechless. (Y/n) couldn't look at him. She'd just told him why she had pushed everyone in her life away. Why she chose to work by herself rather than ask anyone for help. She felt bad that she had dumped this on him when they hadn't even been together for a day.

"I'm sorry for dumping that on you, but I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm hiding something about myself to the other person," she took a glance at him. He had retracted his hand from hers and was leaning forward on his knees, trying to take in what he was told.

"What happened after you found out?" He asked

"I let the hero I was working under know my situation and that I didn't want the public to know, so I shut myself out of the public and my family. I found a couple who wasn't able to have kids and they adopted her, then I went back to work," she told him

The silence settled over them again. Aizawa was still trying to let everything settle in him, "Did you ever tell anyone in your family?"

"No, your the only person, besides the hero I worked under, to know about the situation," (Y/n) tucked some of her hair behind her ears.

"I'm sorry you went through that. Just makes me wish I could go back to when we were teens and make sure we kept in contact. If I had known you went through that, I would have flown to (H/c) and been there with you for everything," Aizawa looked over at the heroine next to him, he noticed a few tears running down her cheeks and sat up straight.

He turned to face her and wiped the tears away. "There's nothing we can do about the situation, it happened a long time ago, and I haven't talked to my old classmates since then,"

"We'll make sure it doesn't happen again, me and the alters," he assured her before pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you, Shota," the female yawned out as she hugged the male.

"You should get some sleep," he told her

"Says you, your the one who's always taking naps and carrying a sleeping bag around," she pointed out

"I have work to grade and lessons to figure out," he said

"Sleep is more important," she told him, "I am the mental health counselor here, I should know."

"Did you just play that card?"

"Yes I did, so go to sleep," the female left his grip and walked over to his computer to put it to sleep as the raven-haired male sat on his bed. She then walked back over to him and hugged him, "thank you, again, Shota." She mumbled into the heroes soft hair.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm doing my job, as your boyfriend," his head was laid against your stomach as the two of you hugged in comfortable darkness.

"I should head to my room," she said after a few moments of silence.

"After what you told me, I have half the mind to make you stay here," Aizawa pulled back and looked up at the heroine


"Kinky," she joked

"(Y/n)," Aizawa wasn't laughing

"I'm joking. Do you know what a joke is?"

"Yes, but excuse me for not laughing after what you just told me."

"Sorry," even though there wasn't any light, he could see she was smiling, "go to sleep," she told him as she went to walk out of the room.

Aizawa caught her hand and stopped her from leaving. No words got exchanged as she just walked back over and sat next to him. The two fell back on to the bed and soon fell asleep.


The early morning light had come through the curtains. Aizawa looked over to his left to see the small heroine's (h/c) hair sprawled on the pillow under her. Her head was laid on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around her waist.

"I'm surprised you actually slept," a small voice said next to him. The female moved her head to look up at the man.

"You convinced me," he joked

(Y/n) smiled and moved her hand to touch the scar under his eye, "I've been meaning to ask where you got this from." Her hand was warm and soft against his skin.

"USJ attack. A Nomu slammed my face into the concrete," he told her as she ran her thumb over the scar

"Ouch. I've heard some stuff about the Nomu's but that's the only damage the caused on you?" She asked him

"Recovery Girl healed most of it, this was the only thing that's left. I had far more damage before she healed me."

"The villain alliance really can do a number on others can't they," She retracted her hand from the scar.

"Just be glad you missed the worst of it. Right now, their pretty quiet, haven't had any attacks in a while."

"That's good, but you're just waiting for the next attack, which must suck for those kids," the heroine said as she sat up.

"Well, till then, we train them to the best of our abilities and hope they don't go through it again," Aizawa sighed as he sat up.

"I'll see you at the meeting," she got up from the bed and kissed his cheek. He said goodbye to her as she left the room. Aizawa smiled to himself and started his morning routine.


The entirety of the U.A. staff was in the conference room, early in the morning while the children were getting ready for the school day. "I'm sorry for having you all wake up so early this morning. Personally, I would have loved to stay in bed a bit longer to make sure I was well rested enough and that my fur would soon return to its normal texture, but sadly, more stress has been put in us," Nezu stated, "I've been informed of Fiammetta's biological father is coming to Japan."

"Another villain?" Vlad King questioned

"Sadly, yes. We have more than just this villain alliance to deal with now, we need to make sure the children are safe if it comes down to him coming here," Nezu said, "Fiammetta."

"Combustion's pretty much the typical villain, doesn't like how our society is built, uses his quirk to get away with things, but he's also been diagnosed with psychopathy. He'll use his skills find out the information he needs then either attack himself or make someone else do it," the hero explained, "his flames burn hotter than Endeavors, considering he's burning oxygen only. It's easier for him to burn that than anything else."

"What happens if he attacks to students? Or joins the villain alliance?" Ectoplasm asked

"He doesn't work well with others unless he gets something out of it, but as for what to do if he attacks the students, I don't know what to do about it," The hero admitted.

"And that's exactly what we need to discuss!" The hybrid principal smiled "We don't want the children to get involved with Combustion," and so the teachers came up with a plan to keep the children safe and making sure Combustion would be put behind bars, again.

Nezu said he would alert the authorities of the situation and the staff went back to their jobs. Midnight walked with (Y/n) to her office, just to annoy her, "nothing going on between you and Eraser, huh?

"What are you talking about?" The other hero questioned

"Saw you go into his room last night and saw you come out this morning," she told her friend

"We got together yesterday, but because of Combustion coming to the country, we're trying to keep it quiet. You and Mic are the only ones that really know," the fire hero told her

"I'll make sure to keep your secret, have a good day," she walked off

"Have a good day," she replied and walked into her office and got to work.


The week had come down the end and students were heading back to their dorms, exhausted from their school day. Teachers graded work and planned for their next lessons. (Y/n) sat in her office going over work when there was a knock on her door as she looked up and told the person to come in, two girls smiled as they walked in and closed the door.

"Fiammetta, we had a couple of questions," the short brown haired girl said

"What are your questions?" She asked the two.

"Uhm, well I don't know if you know about the..."

"The situation that has to do with the Eightfold Cleansers and the child? Yes I know about it, Sir Nighteye asked me to come to the meeting but I had other priorities, Aizawa filled me in afterward," she told them.

The two girls had been at the meeting due to their work studies. She'd heard the information and knew what the plan was and was waiting for them to move. "Are you going to be there?" Asui asked

"Yes," she answered them

"Do you think Eri-Chan will be alright?" Uraraka asked

"I'm not a psychologist and I don't know what's she's gone through, it's hard to tell right now what her mental state will be, we'll be able to see when we rescue her," the counselor reassured the two.

"We also had a question about you and Aizawa-Sensi," The frog hero said

"That I cannot answer. I'm here to help you with your guy's mental health, not to answer questions about your teacher's personal life," I told the two girls who nodded

"You both know not to talk about it too, but I won't say anything to anyone," I reminded them as they thanked me and said goodbye as they walked out of her office and head to their dorm.

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