《Unstable ▾ a.s》6{A heroes job}⚠️


The Eightfold Cleaners. Yakuza type— or gangsters— that were starting to take light after being underground for so long, hiding in plain sight. The core of their operation was a little girl, who had a quirk to rewind people. Their leader was using her blood to put into bullets to stop heroes quirks, essentially rewinding their bodies to a time where they didn't have their quirk.

Eight in the morning, groups of heroes and a large number of police officers stood in front of the police station, being told the plan by Sir Nighteye. The intern students were talking amongst themselves once the debriefing was over. (Y/n) talked with the other heroes as they started making their way to the house to rescue the little girl. "Fiammetta," Aizawa called from behind her. She stopped and looked back at him as he caught up to her, "Eraserhead."

"Be careful, we don't need you switching, especially with Combustion running around looking for you," He told her in a hushed tone so none of the other heroes would hear about her disorder. That information was never out in the public, everyone just thought each fire she burned allowed her reflexes to be faster or her quirk to increase.

"Don't worry about me, Eraser. I've had worse fights than this back home, I'll be fine, just worry about saving that girl," She told him.

At eight thirty, the group arrived at their location. One of the officers went up to the door to alert the gang that they had a search warrant and were coming in. He didn't get to make his speech as the front gates were busted by one of the gang members. Ryuukyuu transformed into her dragon form and blocked a punch from the attacker.

"The Ryuukyuu group will deal with this one. Everyone else, continue forward," she called to the rest of the heroes and police. (Y/n) stayed behind with the group while everyone continued on into the base. "Good luck to all of you," the heroine said before jumping in to help deal with the Yakuza.

"Wait, isn't that the daughter of Combustion?" One of the gang members asked

"Don't you have a job to defend your base or some shit, not discuss my family tree," she replied to the guy as she shot a blue flame at him

"Isn't Combustion a villain?" Froppy asked

"Yes, he's also a shit father, but that's a story for a different time, we've got bigger problems," she said dodging an attack from a gang member.

Members of the gang stopped coming out and the group only had to deal with one member. He seemed that back a punch but that may have just been his quirk.

"Fiammetta!" Ryuukyuu yelled. The flame hero understood and ran and jumped up to the gangster, switching as she did.

Now, she burned a purple flame as created a binding from the flame. The flame wrapped around the criminal's body and the hero stood on the large man's shoulders, holding the flame binding tight, "Ryuukyuu!" She called back to the dragon hero, who knocked the criminal unconscious.

Deirlot let the flame go out as she jumped off the gang member and landed on the ground. Some policemen ran over and started putting restraints on him.

"Thanks for that help," Ryuukyuu smiled

"Just doing my job," the alter smiled at the hero before they turned to the interns.


"We're getting a little bit of a late start, but let's move out!" Ryuukyuu announced

"Surprisingly, he packed less of a punch than I'd expect," Froppy commented as Ryuukyuu instructed the police on what to do. They would have done it if the criminal hadn't broken out and said something about some booster drug.

Ryuukyuu and Deirlot protected the police and as one of the dragons interns ---Nejire ---blasted the man with her shockwaveish quirk. Then the green haired boy ran past the group instructed us to go to the crossroads, apparently, that's where the fight was.

Ryuukyuu told everyone to go to it before instructing the two younger interns to make the gang member float and help move him and told the third year student to hit the two with everything, crashing through the cement. "Well, it can only get more interesting from here at this point," the alter said to herself as she ran to help where she could she noticed three people by the whole to the cement and heard something about League of Villains.

She didn't have time to deal with them at the moment as she jumped down the hole to see what she could do. "Fiammetta!" Uravity called over to the hero who was by Sir Nighteye. The pro ran over to the two and assessed the situation, "Did you se---"

"No, Deku just said he was leaving Sir Nighteye to me before he ran off to save Eri-Chan and fight Chisaki," The young hero explained as Ryuukyuu and Froppy joined the two

The pro looked over to see the freckled boy jumping to grab the small child, then what seemed like a shockwave went off, dust covered the entire battlefield, even the dragon hero was confused as she covered the small group from being blown away. "This is bad!!" Ryuukyuu yelled as she looked over to the leader of the gang.

"You all... will be... fine..." Nighteye managed to say, even after being stabbed, "At the very least... right now... he isn't... planning on... targeting you... he's... going up to the surface... to pursue Midoriya and Eri... and...kill... Midoriya." he finished

"No...!" Uravity got up and ran but tripped and fell immediately

"I saw it..." Nighteye spoke

"You think I'd go quietly after hearing that—" Ryuukyuu was ready to charge back in before Nighteye cut her off, saying we wouldn't be able to win, not in our current conditions. Uravity wasn't having that, Nighteye seemed to have then changed his mind.

"Through that hole in the wall and down the path... Mirio should be there... please, Froppy. Fiammetta." He started, "Uravity. Ryukyu... please... help me to the surface." He said

The green haired girl and the alter ran the direction Nighteye told them. Once they got there, they found the police and the two other big three members.

"Suneater! Thank goodness... is Lemillion safe?!" The frog hero questioned

"Ribbit- Ribbit girl! Fiammetta! How are things on your end?!" Suneater asked

"Deku, he's...! Come with us!" She said

"I'll stay here and help the police, you two go ahead, we'll catch up," The pro told them as they ran ahead with an injured Lemillion. Deirlot stepped back and let (Y/n) take the spotlight again. She looked around a bit before a cop called out to her and she acted fine and ran into the room to help, seeing Chronostasis and Aizawa. She helped the cops restrain the villain first before she went over to Aizawa and helped him up.


"You've got more damage than me," She placed his arm over her shoulder and put an arm around his waist as they walked out of the room and to the surface where there was far worse happening than before.

"Deku and Eri are going to die with the amount of power they're putting out right now," The female said as she sat her boyfriend down, and supported him to the point where he was watching his student fight. Then the fight stopped, Eraserhead had erased Midoriya's quirk so he didn't push himself too far. This action also stopped Eri.

Both the children passed out on the ground from overuse of their quirk. Ambulances came and started treating the wounded. Police and unharmed heroes went into the facility to see what else they find and detained the gang members, including Chisaki. Their mission was a success, more or less. They arrested Chisaki and saved Eri within forty-five minutes.

(Y/n) helped with the cleanup while the injured, including her boyfriend, were transported to the nearest hospital. A few local heroes were discussing the situation has (Y/n) finished her job and walked over to them.

"Four houses were destroyed due to Chisaki's disassembly quirk." One stated "But there were only three citizens injured, and all of them only had light scratches. The fact that it happened on a weekday morning in a residential area may explain it, but I still think that's phenomenal."

"Hey, did you know half of it was all due to Deku's hard work?" Nejire floated down to the small group of heroes, "I watched him while I was downed from the fight."

"Deku?" A hero questioned

Nejire explained what she saw as (Y/n) stepped away from the conversation to check a message, fully expecting an update from All Might or Recovery Girl. She got something she didn't expect.


Saw you on the news, I thought we made an agreement when I broke out...


Fuck off you bastard. I'm not tethered to you


You don't speak to your father that way


You're a sperm donor. And, the police and heroes know you're in the country, so good luck trying to kill me again!


Would be a shame for those kids you look after to find out you've died. Or worse, find out your secret.


You say shit, and we burn you.


I won't be saying anything, but I have an associate looking for you, I won't be doing anything till I feel you're weakened.

Unknown has been blocked

(Y/n) put her phone away and made her way back to U.A. She'd hear something about everyone's well-being soon and they'd be back at school. Plus she had work to do— both for the school and her hero office in Japan.


By the end of the week after the reid, things started going back to normal. The students had returned— except Mirio who lost his quirk— and classes went on. The only thing to worry about know was the U.A. Cultural Festival.

The other departments of U.A. we're excited to not have the spotlight be on the hero department and on them for once. Some took it a bit too far, as far as already doubting the hero department. High schoolers, what can you do?

It was lunch for the students know, which meant everyone was off doing their own things. (Y/n) was in her office, as usual, going over work she had to do when her phone went off.


Are you available for a team up soon?


Surprised the number nine hero wants to team up with me


You seem to know more about the man I need help with anyways




An associate of his


I can be at your agency when the school days over for a debriefing


Perfect, I'll see you then.

The hero sat her phone down and sighed. Her father was planning something and that scared her more than the thought of getting another alter because of him. She was snapped out of her thoughts when a knock came to her office door. She let the person know they could come in, and they did.

Her boyfriend stepped in and closed the door behind himself. "you seem more tired than usual," she told him as he sat in a chair on the other side of her desk

"I blame your cousin," he said

The (h/c) shrugged in agreement, "how are you holding up?" She asked returning to her work

"I've been in worse, what about you? You were fighting a pretty heavy hitter."

"I've been hit harder, wasn't that big of a guy, plus Ryuukyuu and her interns did a lot of the work, so did Deirlot."

"You switched in battle?"

"Wasn't the first time, won't be the last. I'm just glad it was her and not anyone else."

"Any word about Combustion?"

"He contacted me after the reid, said he was working with someone. Ryuukyuu asked if I could do a team up to deal with the said associate."

"I don't like you going out and fighting him, or someone associated with him," Aizawa had been overly worried about her lately because of her dad being in the country. Throw in that he was now working with someone to find her, he wanted to lock her in a room till this all blew over.

"I don't like fighting him or his associates either. He's the reason why I have DID. Why I dissociated and created alters to deal with tough situations, that's because of him, but all my actions are my own, even when I'm not in the spotlight," she looked away from her papers and looked at the man in front of her.

"If anything happens with him, tell me immediately, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and come help," he leaned forward on his knees.

"You have young heroes to train, and Eri to worry about, I can handle Combustion," she assured him as she gave him a soft smile

"Even if I press this, you won't do what I ask, huh?" He questioned looking into her (e/c) eyes.

"Nope," she answered, still giving him a soft smile.

Aizawa sighed and the bell rang to start the afternoon classes, "I'll see you later," he got up and walked over to her and planted a kiss on the top of her head before walking out.

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