《Unstable ▾ a.s》7{cats out of the bag}


The school day came to a close and (Y/n) had walked out of her office to head to Ryuukyuu's offices. She'd hope she wouldn't run into whoever was looking for her.

Her adventure to the office was normal. Some kids stopped and asked for an autograph, which she happily did. Once she got to the hero office, she was greeted by some sidekicks and Ryuukyuu herself. The two heroes heading to a meeting room where a couple of other heroes were waiting.

The meeting was quick. (Y/n) gave the information she had on Combustion which the heroes took notes on. The meeting would have gone on longer until a sidekick ran in and said that there was a villain attack.

The heroes jumped and went to the location of the attack. There wasn't much destruction, just a few villains, that looked the same.

"What the hell?" A sidekick asked

"He might be able to multiply himself," a hero said

"Don't worry about the quirk, make sure to keep civilians out of the area and detain him," Ryuukyuu called out.

"This would be so much more fun if Combustion were here," the villain called

"Let me deal with him, he's working with Combustion," (Y/n) ran towards the villain with the fire burning in her hands.

"Fiammetta!" Ryuukyuu called out as other heroes jumped into action.

"Just the hero I needed," the villain mumbled and braced for impact, remembering what Combustion told him

"Her personalities are her weakness. At some point, she'll bring all of them out, in a fire form, that when you split them."

A blast of blue flame came at one of him, he pulled it back in, only two of him now. "Found you," the hero said and let her personalities come out in a fire form. Her weakness.

The criminal evaded the fire and ran towards the hero, only to have different colors of flames wrap around him and pull him back. 'Weakness my ass,' the villain thought, 'now I go with plan b.'

The hero brought the fire back in and walked over the criminal. The man used his second self to distract her, which was a success. She turned her attention and blocked him with fire. He got up and rushed at the hero. Before she had a chance to block him, his hand hit her and five different people came out of the heroes back and fell onto the pavement a few feet behind the hero herself.

"What the hell is this assholes quirk?" The personality with the dark blue hair questioned

"I'm able to split people's personality apart. With a normal person, one would always be happy, another would always be sad. But with Fiammetta and her disorder, I spilt you alters apart from her. Call me Spliter," the villain said, "Oh, and I only I can put you back together, and if I choose not too, well. The effect is permanent. Each of you grows into your own person and won't be able to go back to her."

"You bastard," the blue-haired girl got up to fight the villain, only for a purple flame to wrap around her and pull her down.

"Mara, we have to leave, I'm sure everyone knows her secret now," Deirlot told her

Spliter smirked and went running off before the dragon hero, Ryuukyuu grabbed him and handed him to the police. The flame hero stood and looked at the crowd around the scene. People were muttering, questioning what happened.

"Fiammetta, can you comment on what just happened?" A reporter called from behind the barricade.


"Not at the moment," she said as other pros surrounded her, asking who the hell the five new people were. She told them she'd tell them in due time before the six people made their way to U.A.

"Feels nice to be out at least," the blue-haired alter, Mara, stretched


Can you and Shota meet me outside the teacher's dorms?


Is this about what happened on the news?




We'll bring Nezu too.


Thank you

(Y/n) put her phone away as the group made their way to the dorms of the high school. Some alters making conversation as their host stayed quiet, even as they approached the dorm, with the hybrid animal principal, her cousin, and boyfriend standing out front.

"Oh dear. This may be a bit more than we can chew," Nezu sighed

"Meet my alters," she said gesturing to the five people behind her. Each had their own different thing.

Deirlot was the first alter. She was a sophisticated woman with long lavender curly hair and violet eyes, matching the flame she burned. She looked like a normal (nationality) women. She wore blue jeans with a black belt and grey knit sweater along with a pair of purple sneakers. She was, almost, in her early thirties

Coy was the second alter. He was like Deirlot, your typical (Nationality) male. He had faded yellow/blonde hair with striking yellow iris'. He wore a pair of dark washed jeans, a black long sleeve shirt with a maroon jacket over it, paired with simple sneakers. He was about in his mid-thirties.

Mara was the third. She looked like an average teenager. She had short dark blue hair with bangs hanging over her turquoise eyes. She was half Japanese and half (nationality). She wore a black and white striped turtle neck shirt, baggy ripped high-waisted jeans, and black high tops. She was about eighteen

Leryn was the fourth. He had short light green haired with striking green eyes. Much like Deirlot, he was (Nationality), about in his mid to late twenties. He donned a pair of black jeans with a simple white T-shirt with a jean jacket over his shirt, paired with some sneakers.

Kencil was the fifth and final alter. She appeared younger than everyone else, she was at most sixteen. She had dark red hair which matched her eyes. She had on a long oversized grey sweater with simple white jeans and dark red sneakers.

"So that's what you guys look like," Present Mic commented only to get hit in the shoulder by his cousin

"There used to be a more, but with therapy, they've merged back to one. All that's left is these five," She told them

"People are going to start questioning the situation sooner or later, and they'll hound the school till they get it," Coy stated

"Well, till we figure out what to do about the media, we need to figure out where you five will stay," Nezu said

"Not here," Mara bluntly said to get hit by Deirlot in the back of the head.

"You're worse out here than you were in her head," Deirlot told her

"Thanks," the blue haired girl said rubbing the back of her head

"You guys may have to stay here, it seems like the best option at the moment. If you go out in public, then there's no doubt you'll get questioned," Aizawa said

"We have a few extra rooms in the dorms, I'll get you settled in there right!" Nezu smiled and had the alters follow him inside.


"I'll go help him," Present Mic said and followed the principal, the leaving the couple alone.

"At least my head will be quiet now," (Y/n) said

"But what about the consequences?" Aizawa asked

"I may be down some tricks in my arsenal, but that doesn't mean I don't have anything else to fight with," she told him

"What about Combustion?" Aizawa asked

"We'll put him behind bars," she was so confident when she said that.

Aizawa smiled at her, "you should get some rest," he said

"I'm not tired," she told him

"Well, I don't have to train Shinso today, how about some sparing," Aizawa suggested

"Sounds fun," the female smiled

"Meet in gamma gym in 10?"


The two walked into the dorm to change out of their hero costume and into more suitable training clothes. Then they headed to the gym.


"Have you ever fought without your alters?" Aizawa asked as the couple entered the gym

"Nope. Remember, I was five years old when Deirlot was created," she said as the two put their things down on a bench and tied their hair back

"Then you're in new territory," Aizawa smiled as the two walked to a clear area.

"Not really," she smiled at her boyfriend as they got in a fighting position.

(Y/n) made the first move. She lunged toward Aizawa to land a punch on him. He grabbed an end of his scarf and launched it at her. At the last second, she changed her attack and jumped into the air, flipping over him and sending a blast of fire at him.

Aizawa kept his eyes on the female and dodged her attack. When the women landed back on solid ground, Aizawa erased her quirk and shot his capture weapon at her again. She evaded the weapon and waited for him to blink. Till then, she took to hand-to-hand combat. It wasn't her something she was the best way unlike him. She was more of a long-range fighter than anything.

So, before she could even use her quirk again, Aizawa had gotten her down. She laid on the ground for a moment and sighed. "You still suck at close combat," Aizawa said, helping her up.

"My quirk is more suited for long-range," she sighed taking his hands as he pulled her to get feet, "but it was nice to not have people in my head for once, yelling at me to stop fighting."

The couple went a few more rounds of sparring before the decided to go back to the dorms. They both grabbed your stuff. (Y/n) had picked up her phone and looked at the screen, don't a bunch of messages from her family in (H/c).

Mom (2)

I saw the news, are you okay?

Call me when you're available.

Dad (3)

Just saw your fight with Spliter. Let me know how you're holding up.

If Combustion comes next, burn his ass.

Don't tell your mother I told you that

(S/n) (6)

ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?



I just called Hizashi,,,,,



(B/n) (2)

Just seeing how you're holding up. Call me if you need anything

Also, please let me know what I'm allowed to tell everyone at school because they are questioning me about the whole thing and I have no idea what to tell them.

(Y/n) smiled at her sibling's text, mainly her sister. She was going to text them back when her sister's caller ID appeared on the screen. She clicked answer and brought the phone to her ear, "Hello?" She asked as she grabbed the rest of her stuff and walked over to Aizawa, who was waiting by the door.

"Oh! So you can answer your phone!" Her sister said

"I was sparing with Shota," she told her as they walked out of the gym.

"Sparing or sparing?"

"I never want to hear that out of your mouth again, otherwise I'm flying home and fighting you."

"I only speak the truth. Anyways, how are you holding up after the fight?"

"I'm fine. It's just going to be a long readjustment period. Learning to do things with put my alters, and I'm worrying about Combustion too."

"Okay. Well, I'll let mom, dad and (B/n) know what you said. Tell Shota I said hi and that when you two have a holiday, came home and visit. I wanna meet the kid, not just hear stuff about him from you and Hizashi," her sister hung up the phone before she could say anything else.

(Y/n) put her phone in the pocket of her leggings and sighed, "sister?" The man next to her asked

"Yeah. Just asked how I was doing. Also, she says hi and said when we have a break to fly to (H/c) and visit," she told him

"I'll take a wild guess and say Hizashi told your family," Shota said

"Yeah," honestly, she wanted to be able to tell her family she was in a good relationship. But with everything that was happening, she wasn't able too. So her cousin had too.

"Stop overthinking things," Aizawa's voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he took her hand and intertwined their fingers together

"I will always overthink things," she told him as they approached the teacher's dorm.

"Hey," Aizawa stopped walking, which in turn stopped her. She was a couple of feet ahead so she turned and looked at him, confusion etched on her face, "we're going to get Combustion behind bars, and we're going to figure something out for the alters."

It was like he could read her mind. Ever since her battle earlier, she's been so worried about what Combustion was up to next and what would happen with her alters. She walked back over to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

Aizawa placed his arms over her shoulders as she buried her face into his chest, "how do you always know what I'm thinking about and know what to say when I'm worried?" She asked after a moment of silence, she looked up at him. Even in the darkness of night, Aizawa could melt in her eyes.

"It's part of my job," he shrugged

"Kiss!" The loud male voice, undoubtedly Present Mic, came from the building and the two pulled away and looked at the blonde, "You two have been dating how long know? Have been in love with each other for fourteen, damn near fifteen years, get those lips together! I've been shipping this since the day you two met!" He called before closing his window, leaving the two in the comfortable silence of the night.

"I'm going to kick his ass," Aizawa sighed as the (h/c) turned back to him.

"When aren't you?" She asked

"That's a good question. But I'll admit, he does have a point," Aizawa gave a small smile for bringing his girlfriend to him again and bringing his lips down to hers.

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