《Unstable ▾ a.s》8{About time}


The moment their lips touched, it was a whole new world. The dark, quiet night, only being lit by the lights on the building and the full moon made it even better. So the couple stood there as they shared their moment together.

Aizawa had a hand on her upper back while the other was held loosely in her with fingers intertwined. (Y/n)'s free hand was resting on the back of his neck. Their eyes closed tight as their lips moved in sync. Taking in quick breaths when they could do they wouldn't have to pull apart.

Eventually, they had too separate. So when they did, the world that disappeared when they were close, came back. There was enough space between them for them to look at each other in the eyes.

The silence took over again. The lights buzzing around them was the only sound. "How the hell did I get so lucky to be with you?" Aizawa asked after a moment

"I think we both got lucky in this relationship," (Y/n) answered as she pushed a loose piece of his bangs back.

"I think I was an idiot back then for not telling you," The two resumed their walk back to the building.

"So was I. I was scared of how it might have turned out with my alters," (Y/n) admitted as the two walked up the steps.

"I think I was too afraid of rejection to say anything to you at that airport. I'm not exactly the knight in shining armor," Aizawa said as they walked in and took their shoes off and put their slippers on.

"We were kids. Young and stupid. Barely knew what to do with what we were feeling. Now, we've grown up. We know what to do with our feelings now," she told him as they headed up to her room.

It was a nightly thing for them. They were both busy during the day to see each other, so they spent time together at night, which ended up with both falling asleep in the room, whichever one they were in that night.

The two walked into the room and the male sat down on the bed while the female grabbed a change of clothes and walked to her bathroom to change, shutting the door behind her.

Aizawa noticed a lot of little things she did. Every time he had come into the room before she changed, she always hid herself behind the door. He didn't blame her, she had her problems, so he didn't bug her about it. But that was the start of it. There'd be times where'd she'd flinch away, just stare off into space when certain subjects came up.

He was lost in his thoughts until the bed started to sink to behind him. He slightly turned his head to see (Y/n) sitting on her knees behind him as she hugged his torso. He leaned into her touch, "what were you thinking about?" She asked as she kissed his cheek

"You," he smiled and leaned his head back into her shoulder and placed a kiss on her neck. He'd only done that once before, last time she flinched a bit, this time she didn't.

"Romantic," she smiled

"You know I'm not a romantic person," he replied as he left her embrace and laid down on her bed.

"You act like a bitch in front everyone around you, but in the time we've been together, I've learned that act falls down fast," she said


"That's harsh," he stated

"It's my job," she smiled as she laid down next to him, her head resting on his chest.

The two talked about nonsense till (Y/n) fell asleep on him. He smiled and kissed the top of her head, "you're lucky I love you, otherwise I'd move you," the hero mumbled to himself as he himself drifted off to sleep.


The students of U.A. hounded their teachers Monday morning after the Spliter incident with their counselor. That didn't exclude Class 1-A. Aizawa wasn't going to take much of it any longer. Thank God (Y/n) had walked in to discuss something with him, only to be questioned by the students.

"Are they always like this?" She quietly and him as questions were being shouted out before Aizawa silenced his class with one look.

"If you want to ask questions, you have five minutes before the first period, one at a time, and be quick," he told them. Almost everyone's hands shot up.

"Iida," the heroine called as the class rep stood from his seat

"Fiammetta-sensi, I know you will get this question a lot until the topic leaves the media, but what exactly happened with Spliter and who were those people?!" Iida questioned

"Well, they are or were my personalities. They are pieces of my mind that I created to cope with some hard times I had when I was younger. It's called Dissociative Identify Disorder or multiple personality disorder," she explained, "so when Spliter made contact with me, my personalities split from my body. If he has touched someone like Eraserhead or you, it would be multiple versions of that person, but each having one distinct character, like one being extremely happy and another being extremely sad."

The young heroes really didn't know what to say to the fact that a pro and staff member at their school had a rare mental disorder. Todoroki was the next to raise his hand.

"Spliter mentioned Combustion. He's a villain from where you're from. You both have similar quirks. Is there a relation?" The two-toned boy asked

"Sadly yes. Combustion is my biological father. He's part of why I have, or had, multiple personalities in the first place. I don't see him as my father considering he was the absolute worst person when I was living with him," she explained. As Mineta's hand shot up, most of the class glared at him.

"Is Combustion in the country, if so, did that mean we're going to have to fight him?" The grape boy questioned

"He is in Japan. But more than likely, you won't have to fight him, the police and other pro heroes know about him being here so I wouldn't worry much about it." There were small whispers going around. Some about the villain, one caught the two pros attention, and it came from the pink student.

"Ashido, I know you're not talking to Asui about Combustion like the rest of your class," Aizawa scared the student, "what is it."

"Uhmmmmmm..." The short hair girl was trying to figure out if she should ask or not.

"Are you and Aizawa-sensi dating?" The frog girl behind her bluntly asked

"That is a highly inappropriate question! Students should not get involved in their teacher's personal lives!" Iida called

"What gave you that idea?" The counselor asked

"Well, sensi hasn't really looked at us—unless he's trying to get us to be quiet— and I pointed out to Tsyu that he's eyes have been on you the entire time," Ashido said, as the bell rang and Present Mic decided to walk in


"HEY! It's my favorite couple!" He shouted without thinking

"I knew it!" Mina called

"Thanks, Mic!" His cousin said punching him in the shoulder, harsh

"They aren't my problem anymore. Have fun Mic," Aizawa said and walked out.

"I tempted to stay and see how you teach English," his cousin said

"My English class is the best! I only give 10/10 lessons!" He exclaimed

"Whatever you say, I'll see you later," she told him and walked out to head back to her office.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Aizawa asked as they walked down to her office

"A bunch of pro heroes are working on locating Combustion, but they aren't finding anything. Endeavor got in contact with me and we discussed a plan to get Combustion out of hiding," she told him

"And I'm guessing I won't like it," he said

"Endeavor thinks of I make a statement about what happened with Spliter, me being in the public, he'll think we don't expect his attack. He'll think my guard is down and move in. I already agreed to it, the truth is going to have to come out and say something anyways sooner or later. We're looking two birds with one stone here."

"Are you sure that'll work? You're making yourself the target and just hoping he takes the bait."

"If he doesn't, then I've gotten one thing out of the way. But he's going to try and catch me at my weakest. He thinks that without my alters in my head, I'll be weakened."

"Do they know about this plan?"

"No. And they'll just flat out refuse to let me go through with it if they do know, they need to stay out of the media right now anyway."

"If you think it'll work, I'll support it. I'll be there for the statement and fight if he comes."

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.


The week had flown by and the Cultural Festival was fast approaching, so was the end of the month. Students were busy with everything relating to school and the festival. Like any other day, (Y/n) sat at her desk going over work when she heard a knock at her office door. She called for the person to come in.

It was normal for students to see her during lunch, she wasn't surprised when a mop of purple hair from General Studies walked in. "What's on your mind, Shinso?" She asked the student as he took a seat. It had been a bit of time since she had seen him. She viewed his training with Aizawa a couple of times, but she hasn't fully talked to the kid.

"Eraserhead said something to me about an entrance exam for me to transfer to the hero course coming up. You two are close, I guess, I was wondering if he had said anything to you about it," she could sense the anxiety radiating of the kids about his exam

"I haven't heard anything about it. If it's that you're worried about, you'll do fine. From what I've seen in your training with him and your grades, you'll do just fine making it into the Hero Course," the pro reassured him

The boy nodded and thanked her before getting up and leaving the small office. The pro got back to her work till her phone went off.


Mara's trying to burn a hole in the wall.


You act like I can leave right now to stop her. You are all fire users, you stop her.



(Y/n) set her phone down and went back to her paperwork. Not even a second later, interrupted by another knock on her door. She told the person to come in and put her work away as the tall tired hero walked inside and closed the door.

"I thought you were at the hospital," the (h/c) said

"Just got back," he said sitting across from her.

"How's Eri?" The heroine asked

"She's doing better. She asked to see Midoriya and Togata," he replied leaning back in the chair.

"Any idea why?"

"No, but she's doing better, that's all that matters."

"When are you taking Midoriya and Togata?"

"Tomorrow. I already alerted Togata about it. I'll be letting the first year work-study kids about it in their supplementary class," he told her as she got up to get something from one of the cabinets

"Have the doctors said anything about her mental state?" She asked

"Not that I've heard. Just things about her quirk and how she's been adjusting so far," the female found what she was looking for and took it out and went to walk behind her desk.

"At least she's doing well so far. How are your injuries?" She asked as she set the paper down and sat down on the desk in front of Aizawa.

"Healed," He said, "how are you holding up?"

"I'm actually doing better than I expect. For once I'm not worrying about something happening that could cause a switch or hurting someone around me," there was a smile on her face.

Aizawa stood up and walked over, "This is the happiest I've ever seen you, if I'm being honest," he loosely putting his arms around her waist.

"I feel like I'm at my happiest. I've got a good job, I no longer have voices in my head trying to protect me from things I should be able to handle and I have an amazing boyfriend to help me through my hardships," she said draping her arms around his shoulders.

"I think your giving me too much credit."

"I don't think I am," she told him.

"Any word about Combustion yet?" he changed the subject

"No. I'm making a statement after the Cultural Festival," she said as the bell rang, "you should get to class."

"Cementos is teaching them today." he said

"How did you get rid of them for the day?"

"Said I'd be at the hospital."

"Not a full lie," the female shrugged

"Now I'm off for the rest of the day."

"Well, I'm not. You're welcome to stay in here while I continue my work," she told him as she brought her hands down to his chest.

"Was planning on doing that anyways," he softly smiled

The heroine chuckled as the male brought his head down and placed a kiss on her lips, which she gladly returned before going back to work as Aizawa laid down on the couch in her office and took a nap.

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