《The Fisher King》X-I. Hello There


The morning is bright, the birds chirp, the rivers rattle, the sun shines like a ray of blindness. A stray ray of radition peak through the windows and into Mallary's eyes. "Five... more minutes," he mumbles, pulling his hands over his eyes. "Hmm... Soft... these aren't... What the hell...?" He squeezes the arm he's holding, "Sigh... Is this going to be another Taheteh?" Mallary opens his eyes to see the Silver-Haired girl right up in his face, sleeping. "Not the worst thing I woke up to."

Mallary flings her back towards her, but she moves it back. He flings it back again, but this time her arm grabs his and twists it one-eighty. She then grabs his chest and curls her head up next to it. "Fuck, that hurt." He shakes his hand, cletching his fingers together a few times. "At least she didn't break anything." He sighed. Mallary placed his hand down over the Silver-Haired girl and pats her back with his arm stiff. "Holy shit. What do I do! If I move she'll wake up. If is stay here, she'll wake up." He thought to himself. "Well, I'll just have to pull something out of my ass."

As Mallary finished his last thought, he felt the girl stiring. She squeezed herself tightly against him and relaxed, her face now pointed towards Mallary. She lazily opens her eyes and yawned, "Hey Kiva, when did you get her?" The girl closed her eyes, reaching her arms to her face and rubbing them. As she looks back at Mallary again, now awake. "Am I dreaming?" She rubs her eyes again and looks back a Mallary. "Ok, I'm not dream... Why I-" She was about to yell at him, but he cut her off.


"Hello there," Mallary smiled, showing a little teeth. "Seems like I've got the high ground now. Since you've decided to sleep with me. Would you kindly give me your name?"

The girl scowled at him before pushing Mallary back. "Hmph!" She kicked him with her legs, thrusting herself off the bed and into the floor. As she glides to the floor, she turns vertical with her head dashing toward the ground. She tucks her head in and rolls over a few times, then stands up with grace. "I don't have to tell you anything. Even if we did sleep in the same bed." The Silver-Haired girl walked towards the wooden desk and picked up two black bowls. "Here catch." She spins around and tosses the bowl towards Malary. The bowl spins like a little flying sauser dead set on hitting its target. Mallary lifted a pillow and caught the bowl.

"You throw like a girl," he said, placing the pillow back down. Mallary removed the bowl from the pillow.

"Well, you catch like a girl," she shot back with a glare.

"While I have your attention. Can I show you a much simpler way of getting out of bed?" Mallary kicked his feet out and leaned forward. "See?" He started walking towards the girl.

The girl looked out the window and ignored Mallary as he approached her. "Grab some food, and get out." She said, not even turning to face Mallary.

"Ok, Ok. But first, I think we got off on the wrong foot." He bent downwards and spread out his hands. "Salutations, my name is Mallary. Now may I kindy ask what thy name is?" Mallary got back up and stared at the girl.

"Fine, I'll tell you mine name since you won't stop asking. My name is Waylan," she grumbled, still looking outside. Waylan turns back towards Mallary, "Now, over there." She points to a large jar in the corner of the enterance. "In that box, there is-"


"My bastard!" He shouted, interupting Waylan.

Waylan grabs her face, "What!?"

"Oh! I just realized I lost my sword."

"How it that my problem! In that BOX THERE IS FOOD!! SCOOP SOME OUT AND SIT THE FUCK OUTSIDE!!!" Her face turns bright red like a cherry.

"Ok, jeez... You don't have to be so rude." Mallary walk toward the jar and drags it outside, slamming the door behind him.

"Finally," she says, falling to her knees. Waylan lies her head up on her chair and groans. Her mind is in shambles. She felt like her head was going to burst any second. "I shouldn't have drank so much." She rolls over and leans her back against her chair. Crossing her arms and lying her head on them. "She's right... No. She's wrong. I'm perfectly fine, I just had a little too much." She felt her stomach grumbling. Waylan grunts and wraps her arms around her stomach. Her stomach tightens up as something comes up her throat, giving her a burning sensation. She starts gagging but is ultimately able to swallow it back down. "See," she gasp, the burning in her throat made her voice raspy and painful to breath. "Just fine."

The sun fades in the shadows and darkness spreads out, covering the room. Waylan shivers as the coldness floods the room like a plague. A feeling of emptiness drowns her as she rocks back and forth. "I don't need anyone. I'm fine. They don't need to worry. I've always been fine."

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