《The Fisher King》X-II. Breakfast and Death


Mallary dragged the jar outside and looked around. All around him was green lushes trees as far the eye can see. The titans circled around the house, covering every meter of the ground with darkness. The trees danced in the wind, but Mallary didn't feel any of the breez passing by.

"So, where am I suppose to sit?" Mallary chuckled. "There isn't a table in sight." The stood there for a second, closing his eyes and imagining the non-existent breez blowing across his face. He took a breath and sighed, "Well, maybe there's one around back. What a pain." Mallary walked aroud back, dragging the jar.

The jar scrapped across the gravel in front of the door. Every time it moved, it created a crunching noise like someone chewing on stale bread. Mallary cletched his fist at the noise and dragged faster. The jar's chewing got louder and faster until it just stopped. The jar changed from loud chewing to whispering and rustling. The whipering of the jar relaxed Mallary enough to relase his grip a little. The rustling across the wet grass chatter like an audience of people.

Mallary walked for a little bit, the audiences still talking. "How long is this walk? It's like walking from the forest to the gold city Arksaz. God, those assholes. I bet god loves a good joke. He created those shitstains." He walked a bit more until he reached the corner of the house.

He peaked around the house to be greeted by the blinding sun. Mallary shut his eyes tightly as he backed up. The rays of death shine caught him off guard from the darkness he was previously in. Placing his hands over his eyes, peaked out a little to adjust the new light. In front of him was a small river with a decent sized pond in it. The pond is the size of a half of the tavern from last night. Walking closer the river, he sees Opal playing in it. Splashing around and diving in. "Is she looking for something?" Mallary thought to himself as he approached her.

Mallary got up to the pond and watched Opal playing in the water. He notices that she is wearing slightly different clothes. The clothes were pretty basic and not as flashy as her other clothes. They were a basic brown color and were too big for her. The large baggy clothes looked like they should've dragged her under the water but she moved with great ease as she ran toward Mallary. Her sluggish movements were only caused by the water as clashed and splashed about.


Opal reached her arms out when she got close to the shore and Mallary. Mallary reached his arms out and picked her up. "So, where's the skyshitter that brought us here?" He asked Opal as the sound of water rushes down onto the ground. The small blue-haired girl smiles and points up to the sky. Mallary looks up behind him and see a blonde-haired woman sitting on the roof with her legs crossed.

"Hello sweety," Urielle blew a kiss with her hand. Her golden hair swaying in the wind of nothingness. Her yellow dress also acted like there was a breeze. She leaned forward and hopped of the roof and landed on the ground with a soft rustle. "How did you sleep?" She walked up to Mallary.

"Like a pear," he smiles a little with chuckle. "So, where do we sit?" Mallary sets Opal down on the ground as she darts off like the wind.

Urielle looks at him, dumbfounded by stupid that question was. She starts laughing, her hair blowing across her face. "That's so funny." She laughs so hard she started crying. A river of water pours down her face as she continues laughing. "Oh, that's so precious," she wips a tear away as she finishes speaking, "It's right behind me."

Mallary peaks over the tall woman to see a strange wooden table behind her. The table was twice the length of him. The benches were fused to the table by one wooden plank on both sides of the table's legs. Its legs went diagonal instead of standing straight up. He had never seen anything like it. Mallary walked up toward he table and leaned on it, to see if it was going to fall. He lets go of the jar and sets his bowl next to another one.

"You like it?" Waylan said as she approached him. "It''s something I made based on the sloping roads from the Ruins of Kome and the temples of Pyet." She sounded irritated to Mallary when she spoke. He decided to stay quiet and let her talk. It was the easier option. She continued to talk, but it changed to a more prideful and self centered. She scoffs, "I bet you find it hard to comprehend so a masterpiece. You probably just think it's magic."


Mallary sits down as Wayland continues on about how superior she is. Waylan continues on about mocky how little brains he has. "You plebian, brute. I bet you wander around smashing sticks with other people. 'Look how big my stick is compared to yours!' While you destory everything in your wake; I create masterpieces." He feels a tug a his shirt. Opal reaches her arms out and smiles, closing her singular eye. Mallary smiles back and picks her up, setting her next to him. "What do you have to say for yourself, you lower life form? Oh yeah, you're just a son of a bitch who probably dies giving birth to you in a ditch."

After he sets her down, he looks back at Wayland, "For a genius, you really are an asshole." He politely responds. "For all of your claims and bragging about how smart you are. You could be doing many things. Create weapons, explore the world, create new tools, but you don't. Instead, you sit in your throne; the king of idiots. Your highness, would you like to give you an asswipe?" He bows his head down sideways and spreads out his arm. "You created sticks that stand sideways! It's the same thing as making a ramp you can sit on. Oh! I'm no genius." He mimicks her voice. "I put some stick together. Sure, it was impressive at first. But now, all I see is a little bady who's compensation for something." Mallary sighs and he rests his head in his hand. "And I was recomended the best blacksmith by Ambrose. But what did I get? Some abydocomist, skelpie-limmer who can't tell the differents between her fopdoodle ass and her thick head."

"Hmpf! It's not small." She muttered under her breath, looking slightly away. Waylan sits down, crossing her arms while she tried to scowl.

"If you are done with your little chat." Urielle blurted out. "I've found a group for both of you." She starts eating bread and meat stew.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere." Waylan's grip tightens around her spoon. She smiles, bitting her teeth so she didn't yell at the winged beast. Her eyebrows furrow as she speaks.

"Well... I did carry your drunk body home..." The angel smirked, her glowing sea eyes sparkled. She stops and takes a bit of soup. "And... you did lose his sword."

"When?" Waylan shouted. She took a sip of the stew.

"When you were drunk."

"I don't need a sword from her, nor do I need a party." Mallary is already halfway done with his soup when he feels a tug on his shirt. He looks down at Opal who's pointing at his bowl. Mallary passes the bowl to Opal who finishes it in seconds. Scarfing it down like she hadn't eaten for weeks, maybe months.

Wayland slams her hands on te table and stands up. "No! I'm giving you a sword. It will be the best one I've ever made!"

"Oh yeah?" Mallary stands up facing her. Both lean their heads in as if they were parents. "Your sword won't last a day."

"My sword will be bigger than yours ever was." She smiled with hate. Neither one back down.

"Oh, I doubt that. Mine is pretty big." He boops her nose.

"Pretty big? How come I didn't see it yesterday?" She grinned like she had won the argument. Crossing her arms in victory.

"It is in my pants." He smirked and backed up a little. "I could show you, but you wouldn't be able to handle its might."

"We'll see about that." Waylan rolled her eyes and scoffed a little.

Urielle opens a portal at the otherside of the table, away from the bickering couple. Through the portal was a group of people fighting a lion beast. "If I can have your attention." Mallary and Wayland sit down and look towards Urielle. "This is the party I propose. You can see what they are capable of during this quest."

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