《The Fisher King》IX-II. A Night of Fun


Urielle crashed through the roof of a house, breaking glass and wood which scatter everywhere. The once clean floors were now a field of pain and suffering for those who stepped on it. "This by far is my best landing," Urielle said chuckling. She set down Opal first. Opal fell to her butt in shock, "I-I," she thought to herself in shock, "I almost died." Tears flooded out her her right emerald eye, like a meadow being flooded. Her eyepatch was soaked in her tears, as it sagged a little.

"You're fine," Urielle said with a little annoyance. She tossed Mallary and Waylan onto a pink bed that was near by. She went over to a desk covered in glass and picked up a silver needle and white thread.

The room was about half the size of the tavern, but mostly empty. On the other side of the room was a wooden framed bed with pink sheets. To the left of the was a redwood desk with all sorts of tools. Some of the tools Opal was able to identify like a wooden mallot and an axe. But others she could not, like a thin metal rod with a wooden handle and a flat tip. Next to the desk was a tall metal poll that sprouted out seven different arms with clear circular objects on top of each arm.

Urielle walked over to the bed where Waylan was lying on top of Mallary. Waylan's feet were in Mallary's face and kicked him every now and then. Mallary had his legs wrapped around her like a pillow between someone's legs. "Aww... How cute," Urielle pushed Waylan off the bed, and she fell with a loud thud.

"Noooo," Waylan moaned, now partially awake from the drop, "I don wanna get up!" She then barf under the bed and fell back asleep on the cold hard floor.


Opal, who was walking over there say Waylan puked. She stared in shock after seening the sight of a grown woman acting like child in the morning. When Opal reached Waylan's head, she started poking it to see if Waylan would respond. Nothing happened. "Mine," she said, poking at Waylan's passed out body.

"I told her what would happen if she drank to much," Urielle said to Opal. She turn Mallory onto his stomach and started sewing the hole shut. "You know Opal," she started talking, "You are a strange little creature. I haven't seen anyone like you outside of the Grandeur Imperium. I wonder what you're doing so far away from home?"

Urielle waited for Opal to respond, but she didn't hear anything. "Opal?" Urielle said looking around, but she didn't see Opal anywhere. Urielle closed her blue eyes ands focused. "Where are you?" She thought to herself while seaching for the blue haired girl. Urielle sensed a powerful aura hiding under the bed. "There you are," she said like a parent finding a kid at hid and seek. When Urielle looked under the bed, she saw Opal playing with barf. "No! Don't touch that!" Urielle shouted, but it was too late.

Opal had place some of it in her mouth and gagged. "Nasty- HHUULL- BLARGH!! Opal started puking up food bits. Earlier she had felt sick to her stomach, the flying didn't help, but the taste of Waylan's was the final catalyst. Opal kept puking nonstop to the point where she fell into her own puke. Lying on the floor, she clenched her stomach as she continued vomiting.

"Ah right," Urielle said calmly, "She had over twenty cups of alcohol." She resumed stitching up Mallary as Opal continued her melody of puking. After working in silence, except for the orchestra of vomiting, Opal's stomach had finally calmed down.


Urielle changed Mallory's cloths and rolled him over to the wall side of the bed, with his face pointing at her. She then got up and picked up Waylan. "Let's get you dressed," Urielle chuckled. She sprouted a second pair of, black feathery wings that filled the room. Each wing was about the size of two fully grown humans. She wrapped her midnight wings around Wayland and started changing the silver haired girl's clothes. A few moments later she was done. Urielle hid the second pair of wings back into her, and moved her first pair away revealing Wayland in silver and pink pajamas.

"Perfect," Urielle said, laying Waylan down on the bed next to Mallary. "Just need to fix a few things." She moved Mallary closer to Waylan so that they were in the center of the bed. She set Mallary on his back and placed Wayland on top of his right arm. Urielle placed Waylan on her side and put her right arm on Mallary's chest, tucking Waylan's head curled up next to him. "It's missing something..." Urielle looked displeased for a bit before figuring it out, "Yes, that will go there..." She moved Mallary's left hand and place it on top of Waylan's right hand, making sure that they held hands. "... And this here..." She lifted Mallary up a bit and slid Waylan's left arm under him. "Maybe this instead..." She moved Mallary a bit lower so that Waylan's head was more to him neck. "Perfect," She said, taking a step back to admire her handy work. "That's what you get for being drunk."

Urielle reached under the bed and pulled out a sickly Opal. "Now to get you cleaned up." She held Opal by the back of the shirt, holding the smelly girl far away from her. "There should be a pool of water to clean you off..." Urielle paused for a second and started pondering, "But what are we suppose to do for a spare change of clothes..." She looked over at a wall that had a small hole in it due to a glass shard slicing through. "I think I just found our answer," She smiled with malice.

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