《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 22


Yang soon left the sect and was walking on a trail in the forest; he was wandering because his whole body was still aching. As he was walking, he soon noticed a strange phenomenon. He saw a very thin membrane in the distance. On the other side of the membrane, quite a large amount of snow was everywhere.

Yang: What could that be?

Tirips: It seems you really are uncultured... that is an array. I would say it is quite a powerful one. It keeps the temperature at an excellent level.

Yang: I see... I do need a tutor for these things... I hope I can bother you with things I don't understand.

Tirips: I think you are already doing that... but I will answer your questions if I can.

Yang: Thanks!

Yang stepped through the membrane, and the chilli wind struck him.

Yang: Oh, god, I should have taken a fresh set of clothes, I will probably catch a cold. But at least my pain is being mitigated... at least temporarily.

Yang started jogging home in the snow, but it was challenging because the level of the snow almost reached his knee. The moment he finally got home, he proceeded to ignite the furnace to warm the house up as fast as he could.

Yang: And now the most reckless action... cleaning.

Yang left his slowly but steadily warming house and used the snow to clean off his body.

Tirips: You are not alone, Yang!

Yang's hands were shaking due to the cold snow, but he was almost fully clean, except for his face. The tree next to him cracked, and he managed to dodge in time before the tree collapsed. Behind the tree, Yang noticed three adults and two small bears. The bears had abnormally large eyes, and they were brown. Also, the animals gave off a brownish aura, except for one of the adults, who just laid down.


Yang: It seems I have to use what I learned from Tirips!

Yang closed his eyes while the two adult bears started running towards him. Yang brought his right hands to his chin and extended his index and middle finger; they almost touched his nose.

The tools Yang had placed into the house flew outside and started floating around him with a blueish aura. Seeing this, the bears stopped, but the two kids jumped onto the back of the adults who launched them upwards, and the kids wanted to attack Yang from above. But suddenly, the axe and the sickle separated their heads from their necks.

Yang: Break!

The tools darted at one of the bears, but they slowed down and lost their aura. The equipment killed that bear for every tool hit its head, and the tools had enough speed to penetrate the bear's skull. As for the other animal wanted to tackle Yang, but he grabbed his body in time, so Yang was being pushed backwards in the snow.

The bear wanted to use his claws to end Yang, but before the bear could have moved, Yang hit the bear's throat with all of his might. The bear was stunned, and Yang twisted its head, but The bear headbutted him, sending him backwards.

Yang shook his head dashed back at the bear, and at last, he dropped and slid under the bear. Believing that his hands wouldn't break easily, he extended all of his fingers and both of his hands, and as he slid under the bear, he trusted his hands into the beast's chest as hard as he could, penetrating the bear's ribcage and piercing its lungs.

Yang started pulling the ribs of the bear to the side until it fell onto him, crushing him. He stayed under the corps for a few minutes, but since he couldn't move, he decided that he would try lifting the beast. It seemed impossible, but still, he gave it a try.


The corps started to shake, and they rolled to the side, and Yang could finally sit up. Yang was covered with blood once again, and he was catching his breath, but still, he stood up. He looked at the bear that was still taking a nap.

Yang stood up and rushed at the last bear, but the monster didn't move and was still resting. Before Yang was about to throw a punch, the bear yawned and then Yang was blasted away.

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