《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 21


Tirips: Alright, I have stopped your bleeding, so you will be fine, so I will give you back the control over your body. And yes, it means the pain will come back as well.

Yang: Alright!

Tirips: Don't forget, I will not save and or help you when it comes to fighting; I will not help even if you are at the brink of death.

Yang closed his eyes, and he could feel a sudden immense pain coming from every portion of his body, and the pain just kept on rising.

Tirips: Oh, I forgot to tell you that since I used your body beyond their limit, you will feel incredible pain for some time, but it will vanish in a few minutes.

Sect master Dsuo walked up to Yang and Mig.

Dsuo: So, Yang, did you decide whether you are interested in joining our sect?

Yang: It depends. Will you invite Mig as well?

Dsuo: Of course, she has great potential! Why would we not invite her? That would be unwise.

Yang: I see. Mig, Are you interested?

Mig: Yang, I will follow you everywhere, that I decided! If you join, I will join as well; if you venture to a different region, I will be by your side!

Yang: Are you sure?

Mig: Yes, I am sure.

Yang: In that case, yes, we will join!

Dsuo: Most excellent! I will arrange your sleeping quarters for you.

Yang: Actually, I would like to stay in my own little house if you don't mind; I don't think that I would be a good fit here... after killing one of the disciples of the sect. Also, I feel more relaxed when I am in a more "natural" area. Also, that way, I can improve my survivalist skills as well.

Dsuo: I absolutely understand your wish and concern, but believe me, it wouldn't be a problem if you stayed here; Gsuo was always a delinquent and would have ended up being beaten by another student, so you can rest assured, most of our sect's pupils are happy that you killed him.


Yang: I see, well I still would like to stay there.

Dsuo: Alright, but that is approximately thirty minutes away from here.

Yang: I am an early bird, so if needed, I can get up earlier.

Dsuo: Great! I think you should go back and have some rest for a few more days, and I will have master Dong meet you at your place. Since he currently has no pupil, you will be his only for the time being, so I believe he will not have a problem taking a walk to meet you.

Dsuo smiled and gently put his hand onto Yangs shoulder.

Yang: Thank you, but I have to disagree with your first statement. If master Dong will come personally to teach us, I think I should go back and do a few things immediately, because our house is too small for three people.

Dsuo: What a hard-working man you are!

Tirips: I am getting bored, go already!

Yang: Fine! Sect master Dsuo, if you will excuse me, I will go and prepare for departure. The book you gifted me is still in the room I used up until now...

Mig: Yang! You are injured; you should go and have a rest immediately! I will go and get that book for you. You just either wait for me here or just start slowly walking back.

Mig rushed away, Yang and Dsuo giggled. One of the masters next to the large pile of swords waved to invite Dsuo.

Dsuo: It seems I will also have to take my leave. Be careful!

Yang: Thank you!

Yang left, and Dsuo walked over to the master, who waved. The master seemed to be in a shock.

Master: Sect master... please look! Gsuo was not killed; he was utterly... massacred.

The master pointed at the pile of swords, and the moment Dsuo got close enough, he looked inside, and even he himself was shocked at the sight. The reason they couldn't find Gsuo's corpse and the reason why every centimetre of the ring was covered in blood was unveiled.

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