《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 23


The moment Yang was blasted away, the bear stood up, yawned once more and walked away. On the other hand, Yang was stopped by a tree and was stunned by the strange occurrence. Because the moment he wanted to touch the beast, a bolt of brown lightning hit him coming from the bear, and that was the reason he was sent flying.

Yang: What the hell was that?

Tirips: That was one of the magical beasts you are looking for... The Brown Eyed Bear.

Yang: Luckily, I wasn't killed by the lightning, but that one is pretty powerful.

Tirips: You are very fortunate. You seem to have some sort of resistance against Lightning attribute because anyone in your current level would have been either killed or injured heavily.

Yang stood up and looked at the leaving bear, who didn't even pay attention to him, and so he walked over to the corps he killed with his bare hands.

Yang: So these bears' claws won't do in that case.

Tirips: No, they will work for they are bears with the required attribute. The quality of the essence is much lower, but they are still usable. The only downside is that using these will have significantly less probability of a successful attempt.

Yang: But didn't you say that...

Tirips: Yes, but these were soon to be magical beasts, as I have said. The quality is lower but can be used.

Yang: Alright!

Yang then walked over to the beast, which contained all of his tools. He retrieved them, washed them in the snow as well as his body then went back into his house. The fire was barely glimmering, so he used his axe to slice very thin pieces of wood, which he then carefully placed in the furnace along with some grass. Once the fire was burning steadily, Yang put some extra smaller and one larger log into the furnace.


Yang sat down in front of the fire to warm himself up; as he was staring into the fire, Mig arrived, and she put Yang's books down and brought a few extra clothes along.

Mig: Sect master gave five extra robes because you like destroying them. I will put them here and go out; you should get changed!

Yang: Alright, thanks!

Yang got changed quickly, and Mig could go back into the room. The two of them sat next to one another in front of the fire.

Mig: I saw that you had some fun again. Next time you should leave some for me too! I also achieved Foundation Conception 4 while you were reading, So I think I can be of some help to you!

Yang: Yeah... You are right...

Mig: What's the matter, Yang? You seem unwell!

Mig put her hand onto Yang's shoulder, who turned his head to look at Mig. Then Mig touched his forehead.

Mig: You are burning! You have a fever. You must lay down!

Yang: No need. I am perfectly fine... I am... I...

Mig stood up and picked Yang up, which startled Yang so much that he wasn't even able to react. Mig effortlessly walked over to the pile of grass. Gently put Yang down and then went to grab the extra clothes she was given. Once she got back to Yang, she began to dress Yang up, who was just sitting while he was shocked and stunned due to Mig's sudden actions. Mig put all four of the remaining robes onto Yang then covered him with the grass.

Mig: There! You always work hard. Now you can rest!

Yang: W-w-what?! How? Why? When? I have just rested back in the sect. I am fine; I don't need to be treated like this! I am a grown-up adult man!


Mig: No. You are a grown-up STUBBORN man! One can act tough all the time, but when it comes to being ill, one must accept that they are sick!

Yang: Fine! I am a tiny bit ill. Are you happy now that I have admitted it?

Mig: Yes!

Tirips: It seems she is more like a mother now.

Yang: Haha, very funny

Mig: Now, let me spoil you a bit!

Mig leaned forward to look directly into Yang's and smiled. As Yang looked at Mig's naive and honest smile, his eyes filled up with tears.

Mig: What's the matter?

Yang: You... remind me of my... little sister... who... I might never meet... again. She... she was just as kind as you. Whenever I was ill, she was there for me; she always helped me and supported me, even if she was working on my part of the tasks at home...

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