《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 24


A few days had passed since Yang got ill, and Mig took good care of him, but Yang's fever didn't ease; instead, it got worse. Yang couldn't even stand up anymore, and his injuries didn't seem to be healing. Mig got more and more worried as the days went by, and when Dong came, she asked him to go back because Yang was not in great condition. Mig promised that she would inform Dong once Yang got better.

Unfortunately, Yang's condition got to the point where he was only sleeping and was awake for a few hours a day. Mig used up all of the wood Yang had prepared beforehand, so she needed to go out and cut and gather more. She grabbed the axe and went ahead and proceeded to cut trees in the area. She was worried and frustrated, so she went overboard with cutting trees because no tree could withstand even a single chop from her.

After cutting down a dozen trees, she started chopping them there and then took the chopped logs inside the house. After her first delivery, she placed a larger chopped log on the fire to keep it up then she went back to finish the work.

She cut down so many trees that she had to place a large margin of the logs outside of the house. After she was finished, she went ahead and used Yang's torn clothes. She cut a smaller piece of it then put some snow inside the trim piece. Slightly warmed that cloth above the furnace then placed it onto Yang's forehead.

Mig: Yang, I will go out and clean the area a bit because last night the level of snow increased again. If you need anything, just yell!

Mig left the house and started scooping the snow into a large pile. The pile was already higher than Mig because of the regular snow in the area. Mig almost cleared the area in about thirty minutes, but she decided to take a break and go back to look at Yang.


She went inside, colled the cloth on Yang's head by melting some more snow in it. Then she gently touched Yang's forehead then put the cool cloth back there.

Mig: It went up again... Don't you dare give up and die! He is at least forty degrees... I don't think anyone could survive having that high temperature for such a long time. He must be suffering. If only I could help him!

The said Mig left the house once again and was about to finish, but someone was walking on the trim trail with a membrane around them. The membrane was melting the snow around the person, and the person's destination was Yang's territory.

Mig put the shovel down and went ahead to greet the guest, but that was the moment she realised who was coming. It was Xiu. He was wearing a special leather armour that emitted the membrane around him. Although Xiu managed to heal his leg, he seemed to be using that carefully.

Mig: What business do you have here?

Xiu: None of your business! Now scram before I kill you!

Mig: I am afraid you are not going to get past me! I won't allow you to disturb Yang!

Xiu: So you are a friend of that crippled worm! Today I will personally...

Mig dashed forward and wanted to punch Xiu; the membrane blocked her punch but was shattered by the punch. Xiu was shocked to see it and jumped back.

Xiu: I-I was told this could withstand an attack from Gsuo, even if he used his sword skill. How can this be!?

Mig: You have crossed the line! You will not leave from here today alive!

Xiu: Did you really think that was only up to my sleeves? If yes, you are a vaguely mistaken little girl! This master will punish you!


Xiu took out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it. He gained a dark red aura around him, and his muscles bulged to the point where his armour was about to be torn apart.

Xiu: Today, I will kill both you and Yang! I have lost all my face due to your arrogance and stubbornness!

Mig started smiling and sweating at the same time. She started walking towards Xiu and was gazing coldly into his eyes.

Mig: Show me how you plan on achieving that!

Xiu: You little brat!

Xiu wanted to punch Mig, but before his fist could have reached her, his hand from his elbow was separated from his hand. Xiu instantly pulled his hand back and was about to scream, but Mig grabbed him by the throat and started choking him.

Mig: I will protect Yang, but there is one thing he must never learn because he would hate me for that. And that very reason is the fact that I am no human...

Mig was holding Xiu's throat but didn't apply much pressure so Xiu could still breathe, but enough pressure was applied to mute and immobilise Xiu. Xiu started crying and shaking. And Mig increased the tension by having a sinister smile as she was staring at Xiu.

Mig: I am something you would call a half-breed. I am partly a... vampire! And you are dead!

Mig gave an innocent smile then closed her grip, crushing Xiu's throat. Then she grabbed the shovel, dug a hole, dropped the corpse and its separated arm then buried it. But she suddenly turned around, because she heard a strange noise.

The noise was similar to placing snow onto a hot object. So holding the tool, Mig turned around, and what she saw shocked her to the core. Yang jumped onto the large mountain of snow and was sinking in because his temperature melted the snow. But, the most shocking was that Yang was only wearing pants, nothing else.

Mig: W-w-what is going on...Did he hear what I said? I hope not. I don't want him to treat me like I am a monster! But, wait, what am I thinking. I must get him out of there as soon as possible.

But she was late because the moment she started running, the whole pile of snow vanished, and Mig could see as Yang sat on the ground with crossed legs. He was concentrating with closed eyes and had two tiny balls spinning and orbiting in his right hand. one of the balls was brown, and the other was relatively transparent, almost as if it was ice. And the last orb was absorbing the snow in the snow in the area.

Mig: D-did he just make a breakthrough? What is he doing?!

Mig stopped and was observing Yang and the spheres in his hand. The balls started orbiting faster and faster until the two almost seemed to be merged, and the two colours seemed to be on. But then Yang closed his grip then he collapsed.

Mig: YANG!

Mig rushed over to Yang and picked him up. Fortunately, when she touched him, he no longer had a fever but seemed to have lost consciousness. Mig took Yang inside, dressed him up appropriately. After having dressed him, Mig picked him up again and rushed towards the sect to seek help.

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