《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 5: Tell Me I'm Not Alone
“Hey, Emma it’s time to raise. Korla made soup for everyone.” Garth said gently nudging my shoulder. As I sat up, I noticed all the children were no longer in the room. It was only Garth and me.
“Soup again? When did you arrive last night?” I asked with a yawn. I looked beside me, but Molly wasn’t there.
“Digby walked me here shortly after his wife came back from closing her little shop. Zael answered the door and seemed pretty happy about his axe improvement.” Garth replied.
“Well I’m glad to see you here safe.” I said as I scooted over to the side of the bed.
“You as well. How did things go when you arrived last night?” He asked.
“Not bad. The kids got excited to see a new face, but other than that. I ate supper and I basically dropped like a log when I went to bed.” I said as I grabbed my gear. “I’m gonna get dressed, and I’ll be right out.” I said as I made my way to an empty room to change.
As I closed the door behind me, I pulled the nightgown off from over my head and began to get dressed. Afterwards, I pushed my blonde hair back and walked out to see Zael and my uncle smiling in conversation.
“So, is pumpkin soup for breakfast?” I asked as I approached them.
“Korla made Potato Soup for breakfast. You can go in the kitchen and grab a bowl.” Garth Said.
“Potato now? What’s all in it?”
“Potatoes.” Zael replied. I shot Zael a confused look and turned my attention towards Garth who seemed to have ate.
“What else is there? Beef? Venison? Corn?” I questioned.
“Just potatoes.” Zael repeated.
“Alright?” I awkwardly said as I walked away. Did I irritate Zael? Surely, he seemed fine yesterday, but he seems different today.
As the questions keep filling my head, I walked towards a room where voices of kids could be heard. As I entered, about a dozen children sitting on the floor had their focus on me.
“Emma’s awake!” Announced one of the blonde boys from last night. Just then the rest of the children with their back towards me turned their head in my direction. Now the whole room was staring at me. Including Molly against a wall with a little smile on her face. Just then Korla walked out with a bowl already filled halfway with her soup.
“Good morning dear! I was just cleaning up in the kitchen. I had your bowl set aside for you, but it may be cold.” She said as she quickly handed me the bowl.
“Oh, thank you. Do you need help with anything at all? You seem to be in a rush.” I said. Korla squinted her eyes and tilted her to the side.
“Rush?” She puzzledly asked. “Oh no! As soon as I heard one of the children say your name, I had to dry my hands and grab your bowl. I was just washing the dishes.” She laughed as she turned away.
“Alright. Well thank you again!” I hooted as I walked back to the room. I noticed Molly looking at me from across the room and assumed she wanted me to sit next to her.
As I came over, I sat down next to Molly and dipped my spoon into the soup.
“So how did you sleep?” I asked as I brought the spoon up to my mouth with a small chunk of chopped potato resting in the middle. I noticed that no steam was raising from the bowl, nor the spoon. So, it must be cold already.
“I slept okay.” Molly simply replied. I nodded my head and took a bite. Suddenly I made a face of disgust as the bland watery flavor of potato soaked my entire tongue. Just then a few children including Molly burst with laughter. I seriously don’t want to eat this, but I’m not sure when I’ll eat next.
I brought the bowl up to my face and quickly took down what I could. As I brought the bowl down, I noticed half of the kids were watching me with a smirk. Suddenly their eyes turned their focus on something behind me.
“Looks like you’re already done?” Garth laughed as he walked over. I looked down at my bowl and seen six more chunks of potatoes resting at the bottom.
“Just about. The soup is hard to take down.” I whispered. Garth closed his eyes and gently nodded his head.
“Korla told me that she’s practically poor. It’s usually up to Zael to buy the food. He earns the money from working at the lumber camp to the south of the city. Zael told me he did most of the shopping yesterday for that pumpkin soup you mentioned.” Garth whispered back. I nodded my head and brought the next spoonful of potato bits up to my mouth for the next bite. Hearing this, I’m sure Korla is very grateful to have him here to help out.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” I asked.
“We’re gonna meet up with Digby outside of Aarus’s temple and from their we’ll walk to the Edinburgh Ale Company. There’s someone I want you to meet. His names, Vlad. Another good ol friend of mine. I’m sure he can help us find a place to properly get settled in.”
“You mind if I tag along?” Zael asked as he appeared from behind me.
“Not at all.” Garth replied.
“When shall we leave then?” I asked.
“Whenever is fine. Garth said. “Digby’s shop is right across from the temple. He told me that he’ll be running the smith shop with his wife until we arrive.”
I took the last spoonful of cold soggy potatoes and swallowed without trying to make a face in front of Zael.
“Well I’m ready now if you both are.” I said as I stood up.
“Hey, Emmie? Can I come with?” Molly asked. I looked down to the right of me and seen Molly looking up at me with her big blue eyes. I don’t mind her coming along. I could tell by yesterday, she clearly doesn’t want to be here. I don’t really know how to respond. She isn’t my sister or anything.
“It’s probably best you stay here with the rest.” Zael said as he grabbed the dish from me. Molly without a word nodded her head and stared down at her almost empty bowl of that disgusting soup. I felt bad for her, but I’m not sure what exactly we’ll be doing today, or how late we’ll be out. “I’m gonna give this to Korla and let her know that I’ll be heading out with you two.” Zael said as he walked towards the kitchen.
“It’ll be alright, Molly. I’ll be back.” I said as I turned to her.
“You promise?” She asked.
“I promise.” I said with a nod as I looked her in the eyes. Not another word from Molly was said as Garth and I stood there waiting for Zael.
“Well how is that fitting you?” Garth asked pointing at my clothing. I looked down at my myself where the golden thorn vines seem to be crawling up me from the boots to the skirting at my waist.
“I’m not having any discomfort yet, but I do love it. Thank you.” Garth’s blue eyes were focused on my neck. With a squint of his eyes, he tilted his head to the side as he reached for it.
“Your shirt collar is folded up on one side.” He laughed as he began adjusting it.
“Yeah, I never wore a shirt like this before.” I said looking down where his hands.
“That’s okay. It’s always an easy fix.” Garth said as he brought his hands down. I brought my hand up to my neck to feel the shirt collar and I suddenly seen a flash of my father’s neck pouring out blood.
“Emma? What’s the matter? You’re suddenly looking pale.” Garth uttered. To the sound of my uncle’s voice, I quickly snapped back into reality.
“I’m okay. I just. A memory flashed from the other day.” I said as I lowered my hand. I could hear Garth deeply breathe in, and after a couple seconds I could hear his breath escape.
“Your father?” Garth asked.
“What about my father? How did you know, I was thinking of him?” I quietly asked.
“Nothing. Your hand was at your neck, and you told me that you had a flash. Your father was the first thing to come into my mind.” Garth replied as Zael walked into the room adjusting the axe on his back.
“I’m ready when you are.” Zael said.
“Will you be alright?” Garth asked me.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.” I said as I walked into my uncle for a hug. From over Garth’s shoulder, I could see Zael patently sitting there.
“I know it’s hard but try not to think about it.” Garth said as he stepped out of my arms.
“Alright.” I simply replied knowing that this topic has been difficult to push aside.
“Well let’s head out then.” Garth said as he made his way towards the door. Zael and I followed him and as we three reached the exit, I looked back at Molly who looked like an abandoned fawn. Lost and confused. Gods I feel bad for her.
As Garth opened the door, I felt a cool breeze hit my face, and rush of air through my hair. Zael looked back as he walked out, giving a wave out to all the kids who were watching us from behind. As the last one out, I closed the door behind myself and started walking with the two.
“So, Digby’s shop is across Aarus’s temple? I didn’t know there was a temple of Aarus.” I said.
“Wait! You mean you never heard of Aarus’s temple?” Zael said shooting me a confused glace.
“Nooo.” I slowly replied looking just as confused as him.
“It’s the temple that Kára protected during her last battle. Ring a bell?” Zael asked.
“You mean Kára the Valkyrie?” I asked.
“Yeah! A statue of her is even built outside the temple in her honor.” Zael said.
“I still wasn’t aware of this temple though. Nor Kára’s last battle.” I said. Zael’s face quickly grew with irritation, but instead of feeling bad for not knowing, I let out a small laughed.
“I’m not really sure what a Valkyrie is ether. An angel that fights or something?” I asked.
“Well yes and no.” Garth said jumping into the conversation just as Zael was about to say something. “For what I read, during the four day great war, a Valkyrie appeared from another world to aid Aarus and the mortals. Apparently Kára stepped away of her role in her former world and fought on the ground leading the humans into battle to take down Scourge's evil creations such as monsters. After the war ended, Kára carried every fallen soul to the heavens and to hell. Afterwards she left this world. Aarus liked the idea of having someone to carry the souls to both of the afterlifes and he created a Valkyrie of his own. So, he made Visellia. Unlike Kára, Visellia doesn’t fight.” Garth said.
“You’re right, but you forgot an important detail.” Zael said. Garth rubbed his beard in thought as quietly walked.
“Ah you’re right, Zael!” Garth quickly shouted. “Aarus deeply honored the Valkyrie that he offered to make her the goddess of war, but she had to refuse and return home. So Aarus decided to keep watch for a female warrior who leads an army. If she leads her army into victory, Aarus will make her a Valkyrie and crown her the goddess of war in honor of Kára.” Garth said as he looked up at the blue sky.
“Now I figured out why I haven’t seen any female Vaesites.” Zael scoffed. Zael’s right. Could the Vaesite fear a female soldier of their own to become a god? Perhaps someone powerful enough to overthrow the king? I only heard the nine gods, but not a goddess of war. If there’s another world that Kára came from?
“If Kára came from another world. Are there other gods we don’t know about?” I asked getting one of the questions out of my head.
“I’m sure there is, but they’re not ours. So, it’s probably best that they don’t come into our world.” Garth replied. It makes sense thinking about it. Another war between gods could clash. We could be worshipping gods who aren't ours. Anything could happen.
As we took a left turn onto another street, I could see more market stands, a couple buildings with “Inn” inscribed on a wooden sign above, and a few taverns with different names. One Tavern called “Hopin Horse” and another far past that called “Gnarly Marley’s”.
“You see that building way up ahead? Kinda looks like a tower.” Garth said to me as he pointed ahead at huge structure that looked older than the other buildings around it.
“Is it that old stone looking building?” I asked.
“Yep! That there is Aarus’s temple.” Garth replied. Looking at the building, I could see that the tower looks ready to crumble down. Quite a lot of a deterioration could be seen from the bottom up. Not only that, but for looking four stories high. The temple kind of has a lean to it.
“That is Aarus’s temple?” I asked making a disgusted face.
“You sound pretty unenthusiastic about it.” Garth replied.
“Well I was hoping to be impressed. His temple seems like it’ll fall over and crumble to dust at any given time.” I said.
“Well you got to remember this building is about seven hundred years old. Though Emma is right. It can definitely use some remodeling. I’m sure Aarus himself would agree.” Said Zael.
As we got closer to the temple, I could see a huge white angel-like statue of Kára standing in front of the building with her sword raised skyward. Her hair was long, and she was wearing a dress that looked almost realistic for stone. Just across from her statue, I could see a huge market stand with melee weapons laying on the table, and bows hanging on the side. The closer we got, I could see Digby unloading more weapons off a wagon and handing them down to a woman who I believe is his wife.
“I can find a rusty chain sturdier than this shit!” Garth shouted over at Digby. Quickly I shot my uncle a muddled look, but there was a grin on his face. I looked over Digby who stepped away from the wagon behind the stand looking just as confused as I was. As Digby spotted my uncle, he began to shake his head with smile.
“Geez you really got me!” Digby laughed. The two blacksmiths begin laughing together with Zael joining in on Garth’s little tease. I looked around me, but other people walking by didn’t seem to notice. Except for two Vaesite soldiers standing near Kára’s statue with theirs eyes glued on Garth. One of them kind of looks familiar, but I’m not too sure of it.
“Good morning to you! I’m happy to see Zael tagging along.” Digby said as he walked out in front of market stand. “How are you liking the axe?” He added.
“It’s the sharpest that it has even been, I’d say!” Zael replied. I turned my focus away from the soldiers and looked over at Digby.
“Good to hear! Garth did most of the work. I just replaced the old leather straps on the handle for a better grip.” Digby said. Garth looked over Digby’s shoulder and gave his wife a wave. She placed a sword down on the market table and gave him a wave back.
“How soon until you’re ready?” Garth asked. Digby looked back at his wife and gently scratched his head.
“I just got to help my wife unload some of the items and I’ll be set. Shouldn't be too long.” Digby said walking backing to the wagon.
“Well how about I give you a hand?” Garth asked.
“Oh no need! We don’t have much left. Thanks for the offer though.” Digby said as he reached into the wagon pulling out an axe. I looked behind me at the soldiers and seen one familiar looking one talking to the other as he pointed his fingers at Garth and I. The soldier I didn’t seem to recognize nodded and quickly ran off. Suddenly a rush of fear flooded my body and I could feel myself begin to sweat. The soldier I recognized then started making his way across the street towards us.
“Garth.” I whispered taking my eyes off the soldier. My uncle turned towards me and seen the worried expression on my face.
“What’s the matter?” He asked.
“Both of you! Stay right there!” Yelled the soldier as he approached. As Garth turned around and seen the soldier, he stepped forward and held his hand back to me giving me a pausing signal.
“Is there a problem?” Garth asked.
“I know you. You both are from Snowdrift. No doubt.”
“So, what if we are? Why is it your problem? You already took the lives of everyone in our village and took everything from us. What more do you want?” Garth asked.
“Your lives.” Said a familiar voice. I looked over to where the voice could be heard and seen General Lokir who dressed in dark red clothing. By his side was the other soldier who ran off not too long ago. Lokir stared at my uncle for a minute and turned his attention towards me. His eyes studied me from head to toe as he hummed. “I’ve seen the blacksmith around Snowdrift a few times, but you. I’m surprised you lived. You weren't wrong when you said that you’ll see me again.”
“Our lives? What did we do to deserve death?” Garth protested.
“With the war going on, King Haveron wanted all the mines in Epeon to give iron over to the Vaesite for weapons and materials. The Snowdrift mine is by far the only low production shipments we have received yet. The king himself found you all useless and ordered me to slaughter every last one of you. As for me.” Lokir said pulling out his sword. “I take my orders seriously.”
“Emma.” Garth said unsheathing his blade. “Prepare yourself.”
“Yes sir.” I said as I quickly pulled my sword out. My hand was shaking, and I never felt this nervous before. I never yet killed anyone, but I’m scared to death. In this situation. It’s kill or be killed. I watched as the two soldiers behind Lokir both drew a sword and a mace. From the corner of my right eye, I could see Zael walking next to my side with his axe already in hand.
Quickly my uncle shot forward with a strike staggering Lokir. I did the same spring forward towards the soldier with the sword. Quickly out of the blue my attack was blocked, and the soldier gave me a swift kick in the stomach sending me back. The pain made me want to bend over and cough, but it felt almost as if I couldn’t breathe. The soldier quickly came in for a swing. Without thinking, I dodged over to my left and got back into stance. This time the soldier darted at me with his blade about to swing down. I brought my sword up for a block and backed my way out momentarily stepping back in for a direct jab, striking the Vaesite Soldier on his chest plate leaving a small dent. My eyes were focused on my enemy, but all around I can tell there’s a huge crowd of people gathered around cheering.
“Come on girly! If you’re gonna kill me. Kill me!” He laughed as he waved his hand towards himself. I know what he’s doing. Garth told me all about how people will taunt to piss you off. It can be dangerous to fall for, but I gotta stay focused. “You remind me a lot of a helpless women that I killed in Snowdrift. Her hair was tied back and had the same colored eyes as you. Such a pretty blue apron she had. Was that your mama?” This was the same man who recognized me from Snowdrift. He wasn’t wrong, my mother’s description from when I last saw her was spot on. My blood was boiling, and my eyes began to water.
“I’ll have you dead!” I screamed as I lunge towards him swinging my sword horizontally. He blocked, but it caused him to stumble back. With the point of his sword facing the ground, I brought my sword up and quickly swung down. With sudden action, he brought his sword up holding each end with both hands to stop my blow. Now this is it! His stomach is wide open. I can end him here! With a direct kick I sent him down on the ground causing his sword to fly out of his hand.
I ran straight over to him and took a stab down on his armor once more, but it only made another dent. I could see fear in his eyes as he took a grasp of my right leg. Quickly I brought my sword up and shot it straight down into his neck. His grip tightened on my legs, but slowly it came loose as I watched his hand fall to the ground. I- I just killed a man… I could hear everyone around us roaring with cheers as the soldier’s life drained away. I took my eyes off my dead enemy and looked over at Garth who was fighting Lokir. As for Zael, he was holding his axe in one hand as he was taking swings at his opponent. I didn’t want to stand around, so I decided to make Lokir my next target. The man who killed my father and carried out orders to destroy my village.
With his back turned to me, I quickly ran at him with my sword ready to block in case he gave me a surprise attack. From behind Garth and Lokir, I could see a cloud of blood misting in the air as Zael’s axe struck the second soldier in the head. Again, the citizens around us were cheering.
Before my eyes, Lokir quickly spun around with a strike sending my sword out from my hand and sending me to the ground as I lose my balance. As my uncle got ready to take a blow from behind, Lokir stepped aside out of the way grasping his sword with both hands as he turned towards my uncle. With a quick stab, the point of Lokir’s sword could be seen sticking out of my uncle’s back. Everyone around us was silent. My heart felt still, and it seemed as if time froze. Slowly Lokir pulled his sword out and kicked my uncle down the same way he kicked father.
“That’ll be enough.” Lokir said as he turned to me. My uncle was still breathing as he eyes were focused on me. I watched as Zael quickly ran over to Garth’s side trying to put pressure on his wound to stop the bleeding.
I tried to scurry over to my sword, but Lokir’s foot stomped down on it. He brought the tip of his sword covered in Garth’s blood up to my neck as he looked directly into my eyes. “I’m gonna give you one last chance to live. I want you out of Edinburgh by dusk but understand this. If we cross paths once more. I’ll be sure to have you dead. Do you understand me?” He slowly said in a firm voice. I stared into his teal green eyes with hatred. Slowly I nodded my head. “That goes for you too, Orphan boy!” Lokir shouted as he looked over at Zael. “If you don’t leave I’ll have my men kill every child in there. Now get that dying man off my streets!” He ordered as he stepped away lowering his weapon. “Everyone else! Time to clear up! Take your business elsewhere!”
I watched as Lokir disappeared into the scattering crowded, and quickly I grabbed my sword and hurried over to my uncle.
“Zael! Quickly pick Garth up and carry him to my wagon. It’s probably best that you three leave now!” Digby ordered. Zael tried to pick up my uncle, but he suddenly huffed out air.
“I can’t. Digby give me a hand!” He yelled. Not knowing what to do, I ran over to my uncle’s side as he was lifted into the air. I placed my hand under him where blood was dripping from his back. The warm liquid covered my hand, but I tried to press my hand up harder.
“Claire! Pack everything, we have to head out. I need you to steer the horse!” Digby yelled as he and Zael carried Garth over to the wagon behind the market stall. I got ahead of the three and hopped up on the wagon pushing my way through the back covers. I helped carry my uncle in from there, and gently I placed him on the floor of the wagon. As I got a good view, I could see Garth laying down in a quickly forming puddle of blood and his hand holding a wound in his upper stomach. With a cough, blood spurted out from his mouth. My lungs felt heavy and my eyes were frozen on the site. One by one, a lot of random weapons were carelessly thrown into the wagon.
“Alright that’ll do. Leave the rest here and get in!” Digby yelled as he hopped in with Zael behind him. Digby made his way over to the opposite side of me and looked over Garth. Suddenly with a quick jolt, I almost flew back as the wagon begin to quickly take off.
“Where the hell are we gonna go?” Zael yelled as he quickly crawled towards my uncle.
“Rogfee.” Garth whispered.
“Right. Good friend Rogfee. He’ll house you guys for sure. Claire we’re going to Hillford!” Digby yelled as ripped off a long piece of clothing from his shirt. “Now quickly unbutton his shirt, we need to stop the bleeding!” Digby demanded. As tears quickly flooded down my eyes, I did as he said. Instead of unbuttoning, I just carefully ripped the shirt open as buttons went flying left and right. As I got a good look, I could see a single stab wound with blood flowing out like stream. I looked up at Garth and could see his blue eyes locked with mine.
“I... Love you.” He quietly spoke. In fear and pain, I opened my mouth to say it back, but only a squeaking whimper escaped as my uncle gritted his teeth to Digby applying pressure to his wound.
“Emma listen to me! I need you to stay strong. Stay strong alright?” Digby said looking me in the eye as his other hand touched my shoulder. “Your uncle is a strong son of a bitch! He can make it through!” Digby cried as he looked down at Garth. “Listen I need you to hold this on his wound for bit!” Digby said pointing down at Garth with his free hand. With a nod, I quickly took grasp of the torn clothing and applied pressure. Digby quickly stood up and headed up to the front of the wagon, suddenly he peeked his head through the curtain.
“You’re gonna be okay, Garth!” I said as I rested the back of my left hand behind his head. My uncle made a grunt, then he let out another cough that sent more blood shooting out from his mouth.
“Gods I wish there was more, I could do!” I cried. I could feel my whole cheeks drenched in tears and my vision came to a blur as water blinded me. “Please don’t go! I’m so scared, and you’re all I have left!” I sobbed. I breathed in for air, but the oxygen filling my lungs felt so heavy. “I don’t want to be alone!” I screamed.
Slowly I could feel Garth’s hand reaching up on mine where I was applying pressure.
“I don’t want you... To be afraid.” Garth whispered to me. I could feel my own tears dripping down onto him, but I could feel his chest jolt a couple of times as he left out a breath of air. Even with the wagon bouncing, I could tell his chest stopped. I pulled my hand out from under his head and quickly wiped my eyes, but as my vision came clear from the tears. I could see that my Uncle Garth is no longer with me.
“Garth? Garth! No please don’t! Don’t leave me here! I don’t wanna be alone! Garth!”
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