《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 6: Hillford
I scooped my hand into the pile of flaky warm ashes as I began to fill a small leather pouch given to me by Digby. I packed as much of the ashes in as I could and tighten the strings to close the bag. I double knotted both ends and held the dark brown leather pouch close to my chest. The only person I have left is really gone. The man who told me stories since I was a young child. The man who has practically been by my side for my entire life is now in my hand. Behind me, I could hear footsteps slowly walking towards me. Very likely it’s Digby trying to apologize once again about my uncle’s death.
“Are you gonna do anything with his ashes?” It wasn’t Digby, but it was Zael.
“It was my dream to see the world with my uncle. So, I’m taking him with me.” I softly replied.
“That’s a good idea.” Zael said as he took a seat on a log next to me. “I noticed you didn’t come in last night. Did you spend the whole night out here?”
“I did. I just wanted to stay out with him one last time.” I quietly replied.
“I don’t blame you.” Rogfee said joining in on the conversation. I looked behind me at the man with short brown hair and a gray tunic who was walking up from behind us. With a swipe of a finger, Rogfee wiped a tear from under his eye. “Garth was a good friend of mine as well. I known him since we were kids. Anyways, Digby and his wife will be heading back to the city pretty soon. Thought maybe you want to say goodbye.”
“I do. Thank you Rogfee.” I softly said.
“Not a problem. I’m gonna head back in a bit.” Rogfee said as he began walking away. I focused on the ashes from last night. Still a bit of smoke was rising in the air and the small leather pouch held against my chest was warm from the ashes. What will I do now? I don’t know this world as much as he does. Where will I go?
“If it makes you feel any better. Garth is up there, and he’s watching over you.” Zael said. I took my eyes off the ash pile and looked up in the sky. Somewhere up there, I’m sure Garth is looking down at me. He’s up there with his wife and his daughter, Alita. Both of my parents and everyone else.
“Yeah. You’re right.” I softly replied as I slowly got up off the ground. I tied the strings of the pouch onto the right side of my belt and gave it a good tug to make sure it’ll stay. “I’m gonna head in now.” I softly said to Zael.
“I’ll go and say my goodbyes as well.” Zael replied as he stood up. From the backyard of Rogfee’s Inn, we both started walking. The two of us were quiet. The only sound was the birds from above singing songs I never heard before, and the wind rustling the green leaves together from above.
“It’s a beautiful day for spring.” Zael said.
“Spring? So that’s the season we’re in?” I asked.
“We’re about a month in for spring.” Zael replied.
“I could never really tell the seasons up in the mountains. Sometimes the snow melts in my village, but not as much where I could see the ground.” Thinking back, I kinda miss my home, but I know there’s nothing left. I miss waking up to see my mother, taking early baths in the hot spring, playing tag with the kids in town, and gathering pine needles for tea. I even miss listening to my uncle’s stories just about every night when I was young waiting for my father to come pick me up after working the mine. I could feel tears began to build up, but I didn’t want to cry. All in three days I have lost everyone and everything I love. I’m sick of crying. It’s all that I done!
As we both made our way to the front of the Inn, I opened the door. I never been inside yet, but as I looked in, I noticed that the main room is huge! There are two wooden doors on both the left and right side of the room. The far back was a single door and a staircase going up to the left of that. In the middle of the room is a table with two chairs on each side, and a candle lit chandelier high above. I then brought my attention to the Digby and Rogfee who were talking in a circle quietly. Suddenly their attention turned to us.
“We just want to say goodbye before you leave.” Zael said.
“Of course. Hopefully I won’t have any trouble as I return home.”
“Lokir only wanted Emma and I out of the city. I don’t think you’ll have a problem. When you do arrive. Can you stop over at the orphanage and tell Korla that I’m okay. Explain everything to her, because I’m sure she’s be worried sick.” Zael said. The orphanage. I totally forgot the promise I made to Molly. She really wanted to come with me yesterday. The night I arrived, she wanted me to take her with wherever I went. Just like me, she has nothing left.
“Can you also bring Molly over?” I blurted out. The whole room was quiet, and all three guys were looking at me. “She’s from the orphanage.”
“Emma. In order for Molly to leave, she needs to be adopted.” Zael quietly said.
“Sure, I can do that! I mean if it’s okay with Rogfee?” I hesitated as I looked over the innkeeper. The room was once again quiet and Rogfee brought his hand up to his mouth and hummed for a bit.
“I don’t see why not, but this child is gonna be your responsibility.” Rogfee firmly said.
“Yes, I can look after her. She’s not a bad kid. She quiet and well behaved!” I replied.
“Sounds good to me.” Rogfee said.
“Thank you, sir!” I cheered.
“Well now that’s settled, I should be on my way. Since I’m gonna be heading back here with this Molly girl. Why don’t I look over your weapons and see if I can sharpen them up back at my house. That was quite a battle yesterday.” Digby said.
Without hesitation, Zael pulled out his axe and handed right over. The blade of the axe looked dull and had multiple dents at the end. As for me, I slowly pulled out my sword. Digby’s eyes gazed down at the sword in my hand as he leaned in closer for a better look. “Holy shit! I see Garth smithed you a mighty fine sword there for your birthday.”
“I seen it yesterday, but I didn’t get a good look to see that the blade is actually black!” Zael said looking at my sword in amazement.
I looked down at the weapon and gently nodded my head. “It’s beautiful, yes. I’m not really sure what it’s made of to make the blade of the sword black. Garth said he wouldn’t tell me, but one day he’d show me.”
“That’s what him and I call God Steel.” Digby said. Rogfee, Zael, and I looked around at each other confused.
“God steel?” I asked looking up at him.
“Well your uncle named it Limpathiam. Garth said he first found that metal in a cave not too far from Haven Lake back when he was traveling. That was about a little bit after I got married. Anyways he told me it was the hardest thing he has ever mined in his life, not only that but the toughest metal he has ever forged. He made a couple trips out to that cave over the years afterwards. One time he made a weapon out of it for his daughter, Alita. Then obviously the second one is yours.” Digby said pointing at me.
“He gave me a big chunk to make something too. After a good few months, I grew tired of working on that hunk of shit.” Digby complained. For the way Digby said that, a small laugh escaped out from me. I turned the sword over and lightly ran my fingers against the edge of the blade. Still after yesterday, it was razor sharp. For something that sounds unbreakable, my uncle really did an outstanding job.
“He even engraved the damn thing?” Digby shouted in disbelief. “Well shit! What does it say?” He asked.
“Until The Last One Bleeds. I wasn't sure what Garth’s quote meant, but he said that it’s up to me to decide.” I replied.
“That was my favorite quote from Garth. When I think about it. There’re many meanings, but anyone or anything could be “The Last One.” If the last one bleeds, there is always a purpose that follows after it. To survive, win a war, or for glory. It’s up to everyone to decide. Though of course there’s always another purpose for the next fight. Yet it could be the same. Then before the last one bleeds. You gotta fight.”
I stared down at the sword that my uncle made me and gripped the handle tightly.
“I think I already made up my mind on who the last one will be.” Digby looked up at me with a blank face. Slowly he started shaking his head in disapprovement.
“Emerencia, I don’t think that’s the best choice. You three fought well yesterday, but the way Garth and Lokir were slashing those blades so quick, I’d say it you’d die pretty quick.”
“I don’t care!” I snapped. “That man carried out an attack on my village starting with my own father! I watched my own people get shot, stabbed, and burned alive! I saw the last person I love get stabbed yesterday and now he’s hanging from the belt of my waist!” I cried.
“Emma.” Digby whispered waving his hands down.
“What if another attack happens? It could be this village that’s next!”
“Emma!” Digby repeated, but this time raising his voice. Instantly I stopped and tilted my head down.
“Alright listen.” Digby said holding his hand up signaling me to pause. “I understand what you’re feeling right now. You lost everything, but Rogfee and I too lost our best friend. What you wanna do sounds insane! You’re begging to adopt a child and now this? I highly suggest you take it easy. You already been so much in just three days. Rogfee’s already okay with you staying at his inn until you’re ready to leave. I want that man just as dead as you do, but maybe after a little while, you may or may not change your mind.”
“He’s right.” Zael said budding in. “I got a good look during the battle as well. Lokir is fast and dangerous. Easily he could of killed us both, and I’m damn luckily that I’m still alive. If you still want him as dead as the rest of us, I’ll be happy to help you.” My head peaked up and I slowly gave him a nod.
“Zael are you serious?” Digby asked.
“Of course. I too don’t have anywhere to go or do. If I want to return home, I’m sure a couple dozen Vaesite soldiers will arrest me as soon as I enter the city. Plus, I don’t want to put the children or Korla at risk. I’m sure that general gave me a promise. Korla is the closest I ever got to a mother. Those kids are like siblings to me. I don’t want to see them hurt or even worse, dead.” Digby puffed out his air in frustration and shook his head.
“If you both go along with this, I guess I won’t stop you. Emerencia?” Digby said as he turned to me. “I understand your thirst for vengeance, but that man you killed. He killed your mother, didn’t he?”
“Yes. His description of her was brief, but it was accurate.” I quietly replied.
“I could tell on how you lost control. Did you feel anything after killing him?” He asked. Everyone in the room looked at me waiting for my response. I remember killing him. My sword going straight into his throat. His life draining away as he let loose of his grip on my leg.
“I don’t think I felt anything.” I softly said shaking my head.
“Alright I’m gonna ask you this, but I don’t want you to reply. I only want you to think on it for a while.” Digby said looking me straight in the eyes. “Do you think you’ll feel any better killing that general?” The room was silent, and I didn’t know what to think. Digby placed a hand on my shoulder and bent down a bit to my eye level.
“Over the years when Garth came to the city to visit Vlad and I. We three would take a carriage right here to meet up with Rogfee for a couple days. Your uncle would always talk about how he was so proud of you. How much he loved you like his own daughter. For how much that man lost, for some odd fucking reason when he brought you up. It made me feel happy for him. You seemed to bring happiness back in his life!” Digby said shaking his head. I could see tears building up in his eyes. With a warmth running down my cheek, I too was beginning to cry.
“My father said.” I suddenly paused as I had to gasp some air. “I make him happy every day.” Digby nodded and removed his hand from my shoulder.
“You do. I noticed he was miserable with nothing left until he moved to Snowdrift. For how much he talked about you, I was excited to see the person who made him so happy.” Digby said stepping back wiping his face with his sleeve. “My point is, you sound like an amazing person. For Garth’s sake, I just don’t want that person to make the wrong mistake and die. I’m not gonna stop whatever decision you make, but I want you to be careful.”
“Alright. Thank you, Rogfee.”
“Not a problem. I should be going now. I think I kept my wife waiting outside for too long.”
“Wait!” I shouted as I took a big step forward, wrapping my arms around him for a hug.
“Thank you for helping us.”
“Not a problem, but I suggest you get yourself cleaned up. You’re covered in blood and smell like smoke.” Digby said. I stepped out of the hug and looked down at myself. Sure, enough my whole outfit is dirty.
“Oh right. Hopefully there won't be any stains.” I said rubbing a red blood mark on the skirt of my dress.
“Hope not either, but I tell you what. I still have your designs on paper that Garth made. If this outfit rips or gets destroyed. I can make another for you.” Digby started walking towards the door. As Digby approached, he looked back at us and waved.
“See you later Rogfee! Emerencia, I’ll be back sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. Also, I’ll get this axe sharpened for you!” He said pointing the weapon at Zael.
“Take it easy, Digby!” Rogfee shouted.
“Thank you, Digby! Return safe!” Zael yelled.
“Thank you for everything!” I waved. Digby opened the door and just then he was gone. The whole room was quiet and all we could hear is Digby talking outside to what may be his wife.
“Well Emma, since you’re in here, I’ll show you to your room. I hope you don’t mind that I put you in the same room as Zael.” Rogfee said as he began to walk.
“Not at all. Back in Snowdrift my home didn’t have any rooms. So, I’m pretty use to it.” I said.
“I guess I’ll come with. Not like I have anything to do at the moment.” Zael said tagging along. We both followed Rogfee all the way to the back of the room. Rogfee then turned his direction slightly to the left towards the stairs. “I gave you both the upstairs room. The second-best room in the Inn. Complete with two beds, and a small living room. It was also your uncle’s favorite room to stay in whenever he came over.” Rogfee said as he began walking up the stairs.
“Wait second best? Then what’s the best room in the Inn?” Zael asked.
“Rogfee stopped on a step and looked at Zael with a smile. “My room of course. I have to have the nicest room for my wife.” He laughed. With a couple more, steps Rogfee opened the door on the top of the stairs. “Here you are. Make yourself at home and stay as long as you please. There’s also a tavern down the road here if you like to drink. Also, the marketplace is over by the ocean docks.” Rogfee said.
We all entered the room and looked around. To the left wall was two big beds. Beds that look really comfortable. On one bed I noticed my uncle’s sword laying on the top along with some leather wraps that Digby used to make my pouch to carry the ashes. To the right was a small fireplace with a whole stack of wood. Just pasted the beds was another opening where the tiny living room was. I walked over and seen two wooden chairs with fluffy wool on the seat and a padded headrest. Just to the left of that was a small work desk and a wooden chair.
“Thank you again for letting us stay here.” I said feeling the soft wool chairs.
“Not a problem. Any family of Garth’s is family of mine.” He said.
“Is there a bathhouse in this village?” Zael asked. Rogfee looked at Zael with a frown and shook his head.
“Apparently not. We do have a beautiful lake just a bit south from Hillford.” Rogfee said.
“Lake Killarney, right?” Zael asked.
“That’s right. Just don't wander off to far from the lake. Monsters lurk in the forest.” Said Rogfee.
“What’s the safest way to get there?” I asked.
“Hillford does have a safe dirt path going to and from the lake. Just head south of the village and there's a dirt path with a sign saying, “Lake Killarney Ahead”. You can’t miss it. Said Rogfee.
“Thank you again, Rogfee. If there’s any help you want around the Inn, we’ll be happy to help out.” Said Zael. I nodded my head in agreement. Rogfee’s face suddenly glowed with happiness.
“I’m gonna love you fellas!” He laughed. “Thank you, but I want you both to relax for the next couple of days. Especially Emma.” Digby said looking at me. “Anyways I’m going to get some lunch started down stairs. I let you both know when it’s done.” Rogfee said as he walked out.
“Emma just so you know, there are nightgowns in the drawer over there.” Zael said pointing to a dresser across from the beds.
“Oh good. I’ll grab myself one and get cleaning on my dress.” I responded as I walked out to the dresser. I grabbed a gown and found a smaller one just under that one. Perhaps this may fit Molly when she arrives. I held my nightgown up and looked over at Zael. “Besides my dress. Do you think I should bathe or wait till tomorrow?” Zael studied me for a bit and shrugged.
“You look fine, but it’s up to you. I’m hitting the lake tomorrow morning though.” Zael said as begin to walk towards the door.
“Well Digby said I smell like smoke, but that never bothers me. I guess I’ll bathe tomorrow when you get back.” I said.
“Alright. I’m gonna give you some privacy and see if Rogfee needs help with lunch.”
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This is not the first time Blanc’s been summoned to an Isekai. It’s not even the fifth, or the tenth, and by now, he’s seen nearly everything. Backstabbing Mages, Surprisingly Sane Demon Lords, Misunderstood Evil Villains, Plotting Princesses….not only is it boring, it’s exhausting! His latest destination is the land of Excelsia, but the System seems to have updated recently. His progress? Gone. His Skills? Vanished! His Hero Class? Completely wiped from existence. And yet, maybe the new Ultra-Rare "Butler" class that Blanc has been bestowed with has some hidden tricks after all? All Blanc knows is that he has a job to do, and Butlerdom is a lot more complex than he might have imagined. On Hiatus for now: I'm going to spend a few months trying to clean up the plot and grammar a bit more before re-publishing it. Thank you all for the time, comments, feedback and the journey. Feel free to message me on my Discord at Nooblet121#8431 Happy reading to everyone!
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