《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 7: The Sun & The Snow
I opened my eyes and yawned. That was probably the best night of sleep that I ever had in the past couple of days. I feel so comfortable that I don't even want to lift my head off this soft cozy pillow. Slowly I turned my body around and became face to face with Molly who sitting on the bed next to where I was laying.
“Good morning, Emmy.” Molly whispered with a smile. I lifted myself up from our bed and noticed Zael was missing from his bed.
“Good morning, Molly. When did you get here?” I asked rubbing my eyes.
“Not too long ago. A man named Digby brought me here.”
“So, then Zael must be downstairs with Digby then?” I asked.
“No, Digby left.” Molly said shaking her head. “He didn’t want to disturb you, because he said it was best you rest.”
“Oh alright.” I said. I’m a little bummed that I missed him, but at least he made to Edinburgh safely. I’m not sure where Zael is, but he could be down stairs with Rogfee. I tried to fully sit up from the bed, but it was too comfortable that my body dropped back down.
“This bed is so nice. That I can’t get up.” I laughed. “Now I’m going to try this again.” I said as I brought myself up from the bed. I then moved myself to the side of the bed and stood up. I stretched and turned to Molly who was still sitting on the bed. “I’m going to get dressed and I’ll find something for us to eat. How does that sound?” I asked.
“Okay.” Molly said with a simple reply. She then yawned as she turned the other way. I picked my dress off the floor and laid it on the bed, so it was set to be worn. Luckily last night I got it everything cleaned off. The blood was the hardest part, but it’s nice as new now. I dropped my nightgown to the floor and slid my feet into my long black socks. I reached for my dress, and then the door opened. Zael right away seen my breasts and instantly covered his eyes. Quickly I grabbed my dress and held it against me.
“Oh Aarus! I’m so sorry!” Zael said with his eyes still covered.
“Stop standing there and get out!” I yelled. Zael quickly backed up out of the room with his eyes still covered and then there was loud thud with more thuds following after it. What in the world is going on now? There was a long pause then a couple coughs were heard from the bottom of the stairs.
“Gah. That… really hurt.” Zael wheezed. Molly quickly jumped off the bed and ran over to the door. She took a good look down below, then at me with a smile.
“Emmy come look at Zael!” She laughed. I threw my dress on and quickly walked over to the doorway. Down below I could see Zael laying on the ground with one-foot laying on the steps, and his arms covering his waist. Molly couldn’t stop laughing, but I was glaring at him with anger.
“You could've knocked.” I said with an annoyed tone.
“I thought you would still be asleep.” Zael said while he’s trying to sit up.
“Anyways you can come up when you clear everything out of your head. I’m basically dressed now.” I said as I walked away from the door and back to my gear. I slipped my boots on and hooked my belt in place. As Zael came up the stairs he slowly walked over to his bed. Just then I noticed his hair was wet. “Where have you been?” I asked.
“I bathed in Lake Killarney.” Zael said as he sat down on the bed.
“How’s the water?” I asked.
“Water was fine, but before you go. Rogfee’s wife made some breakfast this morning. Lake Trout and sautéed potato slices. I ate before I left. I’m sure the rest is cold right now, but she expected us to be up early.” Zael said as he adjusted his blue coat.
“Alright. I guess I’ll head down now.” I answered back while looking down at Molly hoping she wasn’t a picky eater. She might not be if she could stand that bland potato soup. I began walking back to the door to head down stairs. I could hear Molly quietly following behind me. When I reached the bottom, I could see a middle-aged women in a white dress with long brown hair sweeping the front of the Inn. From the corner of her eye, we caught her attention. She set the broom aside and smiled.
“Well good morning! You must Emerencia? I’m Rogfee’s wife.” She cheerfully said.
“I am. I apologize that I was asleep earlier when you made breakfast.”
“Oh no need to apologize. I still got you both some breakfast. I left the pot of food hanging high on a tripod just above the fire out back to keep it warm. You both can take a seat at that table in the middle of the room while I’ll go fetch it for you.” She said as she quickly walked off.
Molly and I took a seat and waited. In front of us was a couple plates and forks lying on the table nicely set. In the middle was a long red flower with thorns on the vine resting in a vase and standing tall. To the far end of the table was a perfectly flat rock sitting there. I wasn’t sure why it was there. I never once seen a rock on a table before, but why?
“Emmy. What are we going to do after breakfast?” Molly asked. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and that was to get clean.
“I’m going to the lake and get cleaned up. Would you like to come?” I asked. Molly thought about for a few seconds and nodded her head. Just then Rogfee’s wife came in holding the handle of the pot with a big glove. Gently she lowered the pot on top of the rock a relaxed her hand.
“It’s kinda hot, but I assure you it’s still good.” Rogfee’s wife said as she began serving. I’m not feeling so hungry, but my mouth began to water as the smell of cooked trout filled the air. As the fish hit my plate I quickly forked a piece and stuffed it in my mouth. It was so soft and warm. I haven't had food this good since my mother made venison that morning. I don’t even remember the last time I had fish. There were the three little hot springs that us villagers would bathe in, but there were no fish that lived in the clear steamy waters. The nearest river was a good long walk away from the village and from what I was told the fishing was tough. It was rare to see my father or uncle return with a catch.
I brought my head back into reality and noticed that Rogfee’s wife was staring at us like we were two goblins that found a basket of food. “I am so sorry.” I said as I wiped my mouth with the top of my hand in embarrassment.
“That’s quite alright. You both seem to be very hungry.” She said while letting out a small laugh. I looked over at Molly and her plate was more cleared off than mine. Oh goodness, she’s eating faster than me.
“Molly take it easy. You don’t want to get a belly ache.” I said. I brought my attention back to Rogfee’s wife. “Thank you so much. It’s been a few days since we had a good meal. Especially the little one.” I said as I looked back at Molly who completely cleared her plate.
“You're quite welcome. I’m very happy you both enjoyed it.” she said as she served more fish on Molly’s plate. “I apologize that I didn’t introduce myself earlier. My name is Maira. I know now that this little one is Molly.” She said as she shot a smile at the young girl. “Anyways I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. He was a very kind man.”
“Oh, thank you.” I quietly replied.
“You know, you’re a very strong girl. How far you came from the mountains, and what you did in Edinburgh. You are very brave, and I am very proud of you.” She said with a smile. I then clenched my fist in irritation.
“I wish there was more I could do.” I replied. “Maybe if I was a better swordsman, Garth would still be here.”
“You did what you could, and I’m still proud of you. You even had a heart to adopt this child here.” Maira said. I then fell calm as her words hit. I released the tension on my fist and looked down in pity. “Oh, that reminds me!” She shouted as she took off to the other room. Before I knew it, Maira came back in with a paper, feather, and a bottle of ink. “You gotta sign this adoption form. Digby left it here for you.” She said as placed everything on the table in front me.
“Oh okay.” I said. I gently opened the tiny ink jar, and dabbed the point of the feather in. As I took it out, I began to sign the paper above a line that said “Signature” to the left. “Alright.” I said as I handed the feather to Maira.
“Goodness you have lovely handwriting. I’ll keep this aside until Digby arrives.” She said as she gathered the paper and ink jar. “Now that you’re done with breakfast. What are you going to do next?” Maira asked. I sat there for a moment and thought about it.
“I’ve been through so much the past couple of days. I’m going to go outside and take a nice relaxing bath in Lake Killarney.” I replied. Maira then nodded with a smile.
“In that case. I’ll give a little gift.” Maira said as she walked out of the room. Seconds later she returned with a clear bottle full of some gray liquid.
“Um… What is that?” I asked.
“This is Shampoo” Maira said as she handed it over.
“Weird. My mother would make the same thing out of soap that was boiled in water with some pine needle oil added in to give hair health and fragrance.” I said looking at the bottle.
“Oh, so you’re familiar with this kind of stuff? This bottle was made by a small company in the Vaesite Castle Town. It’s expensive, but it makes your hair look and feel great. Just pour some on your hands and scrub it in your scalp with water until the suds are gone.” Maira said as she handed me the big glass bottle.
“Thank you, Maira.”
“Not a problem dear. I should let you both go. I have sweeping to get back to.” Said Maira.
“Okay. Thanks again for the shampoo!” I said as Molly and I made our way out the door. As I closed the door behind me I could suddenly feel the warmth of the sun come down on us. All around us was trees with so much green on them. With how bright it is, the colors seemed to stand out to me more than it did yesterday. I then noticed how the leaves are all different in shapes and sizes on every branch. The pine trees in Snowdrift were green, but not like this.
“Why are you looking up at the trees, Emmy?” Molly asked as her curious brown eyes looked up at me.
“Yesterday, I was having a bad day. I guess I ignored my surroundings and never noticed how beautiful these trees look.” I said as I gazed up. The young girl shot me a weird look.
“But these trees are everywhere.” She said.
“Back in my village, there were no trees like this. Just pine trees. Anyways let's start walking. I’m sure there’s more to see!” I said with excitement. After all, I never really got a good look of the entire village. As we began walking away from the Inn, I started to see more houses that were hidden from trees. Just up ahead were two men sitting next to a fire. One man had a knife in his hand with a piece of wood in the other. The other man had his eyes deep in a book. They look like locals. I forgot where to find the path to the lake. Perhaps they know where the trail would be.
“Excuse me you two. Would you know which direction Lake Killarney is?” I asked. The man whittling looked up and smiled. The other man who was reading kept his eyes in his book but nodded.
“Yeah. Follow this dirt road here and take a right up ahead. There will be a tavern, and just past that is a sign that says, “Lake Killarney ahead” Stay on that path and it’ll take you there.” Said the man who still didn’t take his eyes off the book.
“Thank you.” I said as I began walking.
“Wait. Excuse me ma’am!” Said the other man. Molly and I stopped as we looked back at the guy who was whittling. “I haven’t seen you both around before. Where are you from?” He asked.
“Pinemist!” Molly said cheerfully before I had to speak.
“Wow. I never met anyone from that place before. You both must have traveled a long ways. What brings you to Hillford?” Said the man whittling. I could tell him the truth, but I don’t want to be locked in a conversation about my own village and my uncle. I starting to wish this man would just shut up.
“We’re just traveling for the spring. I’m sorry to say this, but I got to go meet up with a friend.” I lied.
“Oh no problem. Hope you enjoy your stay!” He replied. I waved goodbye and continued walking. I looked down at Molly and seen her hand in the air as she waved goodbye to the two men as well. Just a little bit ahead there was a road to our left just as the bookworm said. A little more up the road past our turn was a couple Vaesite Soldiers walking around. As we both turned onto the small road. I could see the tavern just up ahead with a middle-aged man hanging around outside the door and just past him was a sign that said “Lake Killarney Ahead”
As we were walking I took a quick look at the man hanging outside the tavern and seen he was checking me out. The way he looked at me reminded me how the Vaesite Soldiers would eye me up every time they come to Snowdrift. I looked away trying to ignore him as I continued walking.
“I haven’t seen a beautiful girl like you in town for a long time.” He said slurring his words. Again, I tried to ignore him as I kept walking. Molly surprisingly didn’t say a word or even look at the man as we passed him up. “I hope you stick around!” He shouted as Molly and I got on the sandy path to the lake.
Once we got distant from the man I looked over my shoulder to make sure he wasn’t following us. Instead he was still staring at me with a huge grin. “I’m happy you didn’t say anything to that man, Molly. I’m proud of you!” I praised.
“My father told me not to talk to crazy men.” She said. I laughed and nodded my head in agreement.
“My father told me that too.” I said. From far up ahead, I could see an opening where the sun is shining. Up above I can hear the birds sing, but I never heard birds like these before. Suddenly to the left of us, we heard a branch snap. I stopped in my tracks and looked in the direction, but there were large shrubs blocking the view. Molly quickly stood right behind me feeling frightened. Slowly I pulled out my sword thinking that the ether the crazy man was stalking us, or some monster was ready to jump out and attack. My heart then began to race as I brought the tip of my blade up to a branch of the thick green bramble in front of me. Slowly I pushed it aside only to see a whitetail doe face to face with me.
As I jumped back in terror with gasp. The deer sprung in the other direction and ran. “What was that!” Molly screamed. I breathed out in relief and lowered my sword.
“It’s okay. It was just a deer. Let’s move on.” I said as I sheathed my blade. Molly then grabbed my hand and we continued walking.
“Are there monsters out here?” Molly asked.
“Yesterday, Rogfee said that if we stick on this path and near the lake, we should be okay.” I replied.
Just a little bit further we finally came up on the opening to the lake. As we both emerged from the woods, my eyes opened wide to the beautiful sight. The large body of water was so crystal clear that I could even see the bottom. Surrounded by the lake was whitish yellow looking sand. As I walked onto the beach, I could feel my boot sink in a little into the sand like I was walking on grainy snow. I bent down and brushed the tips of my fingers against the soft warm sand. It’s soft and each piece is so tiny!
Just nearby was a big flat rock sticking up from the sand that looked perfect to set our things on. I unhooked my belt that held my sword and my uncle’s ashes by my side as I walked over to the flat rock. Gently I laid my belt down and placed the bottle of shampoo next to it. Next, I sat down and pulled off my boots and socks. I rested my feet on the soft warm sand and stood back up. I then walked over to the water and dipped my toes in. The water was decently warm, but not as warm as the hot spring back at home. I looked over at Molly and seen that the girl was looking along the shore line looking fascinated with her distant surroundings.
“Are you going to come in the lake too?” I asked.
“Hmm. Maybe in a little bit!” Molly cheerfully said as she began walking the lake shore.
“Alright. Take your time. I’m in no rush to leave.” I said as I walked back over to the flat rock. I pulled off my cuirass vest with the white skirting and set that aside. Next, I unbuttoned my short sleeve button up shirt, and slipped off my undies. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and walked back over to the water. I placed the bottle on the shoreline and stepped into the lake. I slowly walked in where the water was up to my shins. The further I went, I could feel the water was starting to feel cooler. Gods this is so different! Back at Snowdrift, I could just jump right into the water. I walked in a little further and stopped to where the water was up to my thighs. The water was starting to feel even more colder that I didn’t want to go any further. I then got onto my tippy toes and slowly walked further in.
“Jump in, Emmy It’s not that bad!” Molly shouted. I looked back at Molly and seen her still fully dressed standing on the sand away from the water.
“What are you talking about? You didn’t even touch the water yet!” I yelled back. Molly giggled and began walking towards the flat rock. I brought my attention back down to my toes and took another step. Suddenly my left foot hit something hard that sent me falling forward. My body fell into the cold water sending a couple seconds of shock through my body. Instantly my body got used to the temperature. I stood back up in panic seeing nothing, but sand floating around my feet.
“What happened?” Molly asked giving me a weird look. I looked back down and seen something gray resting still. Slowly the sand settled back down onto the lakebed. I bent down and looked closely only to see that gray thing was just a rock.
“I tripped over a rock.” I said as I lowered my body down into the water. I watched Molly as she was focusing on something far away. She stood very still like statue. Her face expression was so blank that I didn’t know if I should be worried or not. I looked over to where she was looking and seen something black sitting in the water far away. “What are you looking at, Molly?” I asked.
“There’s a loon sitting in the water. It’s my father’s favorite bird.” Molly said as she pointed. I stood up out of the water to get a better view, but it was still a bit hard to see.
“That bird isn’t a monster, is it?” I asked as I kept watching it.
“No. It’s a good bird. My father says it swims underwater to eat fish. He also loves the noise it makes at night.” Molly said.
“Is this also your favorite bird?” I asked.
“Yeah. Only because my father likes it. Before he came to Pinemist, he said that he seen this bird a lot.” Molly said.
“Where is your father from?” I asked as I made my way up shore towards the shampoo bottle.
“I don’t know.” She replied. I stopped asking questions thinking that I was going to make her sad if I continued. As I picked it up, I made my way back into the water. I popped the cork out and dabbed some on my hand. As I got a decent amount, I popped the cork back in and lightly threw the bottle over to the shoreline. Then I began scrubbing the shampoo into my hair. Suds started to build up on my scalp as I kept rubbing. This stuff seemed exactly like what my mother use to make. Instead it smelled so much nicer than pine.
I let myself sink down into the water and began washing it out of my hair. I brought myself up to the surface and back down to continue washing. I kept running my fingers through my hair, slowly I could feel my hair become smooth as silk. I brought my head up and checked my hair to see if I got all the shampoo out. I opened my eyes and seen Molly in the water right in front of me bathing.
You got in so fast, I didn’t even notice you?” I said.
“I just walked right in.” Molly laughed like the cold water wasn’t a big deal. I ran my fingers through my hair once more and didn’t feel any suds left.
“Well I’m all cleaned up. I’m going up on shore to dry.” I said. I emerged out from the water and sat down on the big flat rock. Right beside me I noticed Molly’s clothes right next to mine.
“Hey, Emmy? Am I going back to the orphanage?” Molly asked. I brought my head up and gave her a smile.
“No, I adopted you. Remember?” I asked. Molly nodded her.
What about, Zael? Is going back?” Molly asked as she dipped her hair in the water.
“I don’t think so. Him and I aren't welcomed in Edinburgh anymore.” I replied as I laid myself down on the flat rock to let the sun dry the rest of my body. Molly didn’t say another word after that. I wasn’t sure if she heard me or not. I ignored it and closed my eyes to rest.
The sun feels nicer here. I can feel the warmth hitting against my bare body. Instead of water beginning to freeze, I feel it quickly disappear. Not only that, but this rock I’m laying on is soaking up the sun’s heat making me dry off much faster.
After Molly finished up, we both got dressed and headed back to the village. Luckily the crazy man wasn’t outside the tavern. When Molly and I walked through the door to the Inn, I seen Rogfee talking to a man who was very well dressed in black. His black hair was long and reached down to the top of his chest. With a weak smile, his amber eyes made contact with mine.
“Emerencia! Just in time. I want you to meet someone. He’s a great friend of Garth, Digby, and I. I’m sure you heard about him. This is Vlad, he just arrived from Edinburgh.” Said Rogfee. I looked at the man in disbelief and walked over to him with my hand out for a shake. I never thought I would meet this Vlad guy that everyone was talking about.
“Emerencia. It’s finally nice to meet you.” I said.
“Garth, owner of the Edinburgh Ale Company.” Vlad said as he shook my hand gently. “I’m terribly sorry about what happened. Garth was like a brother to me. Once Digby gave me the news last night, I had to come over.”
“Yeah, I’ve been through a whole lot.” I quietly said.
“If I were you, I’d kill that bastard.” Vlad softly said.
“Believe me, I’m having thoughts. It’s just Digby wants me to rest up here for a little while.”
“Well if you ever do, I can help you out. You both probably don’t know this, but I’m a pretty wealthy man. With my deliveries all over Epeon, I hear rumors about where the Vaesite go and what they do. If I hear anything about Lokir, I’ll let you know. I want him dead probably just as much as you do.”
“One person doesn’t want me to kill him, and you do.” I chuckled.
“Well since King Haveron The Second took the throne and started a war with Amira down south. My company isn’t doing so well now that ale can’t be delivered down there. As for Haveron himself, I get to meet in person many times. Nice to me because I personally deliver his drinks, but he’s monster. The things I seen in that castle kinda makes me wish I can forget. Not only that, but Digby told me that he ordered that general to slaughter your village If I’m correct. You lost everything, and I lost my best friend.”
“I know. Digby wants me to rest here and think about it for a while.”
“And I’ll help you in any way I can. I’ll promise you that.”
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