《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 8: News From Edinburgh
“When we were camping alongside the Silverpine River, Alita walked downstream from our camp to pick some red apples while I was getting a fire started for the evening. Within ten minutes after she left, I heard her scream and I immediately shot down the river.” Garth said as he made a zooming hand motion. All of a sudden there was a knock at his door. Before Garth could answer it, my father walked in rubbing his hands together.
“Sorry for the intrusion, brother. It's freezing out there tonight.” My father said. My uncle Garth reached in a drawer that was near the front door and pulled out a pair of brown leather choppers.
“You can have these. Don't lose this pair like you did with the last two. Anyways, I was just at the beginning of telling her a story about the time I saved my own daughter from a troll. I guess it’ll be another time.” Garth said as he walked back over to the fire place. My father slipped the choppers on and started to walk over to me. I seen dirt and mud marked all over his face and shirt like always, but not as messy than usual.
“Hey there Princess! How was your day?” My father asked. I gave him a smile and held my cup of tea up to him offering a sip.
“It was fun! Garth and I went up to the river to pick fresh needles from white pines to make tea. We seen two deer on the way, and a lynx on the other side of the river when we were picking needles!” My father shot my uncle a look as he brought the cup up to his mouth.
“Oh, it’s totally fine, Marth! I would never let anything happen to your daughter.” Garth said. My father took a sip and lowered my cup down as he handed it back to me.
“You took her far out to the river to pick pine needles? Garth she's only eight!” My father argued.
“She may be eight, but she's got the heart of an adventurer. Your daughter is fascinated and wants to see the world, Marth. With her by my side I promise you she'll never get hurt.” Garth said with a firm voice. My father was still for a bit then nodded his head with a sigh.
“It is pretty good tea.” My father said. Luckily the short argument stopped there. It’s not too often my father and his brother argue, but I don’t like to hear it. My father walked back over to the door and waved me to him. “Let’s go, Emma. It’s getting late, and I have to work early tomorrow.” My father yawned. I quickly sipped the rest of my uncle’s tea and stood up. I gave Garth his cup back and walked over to the door to get my boots on.
“When’s the soldiers coming?” Garth asked.
“Seven more days. We got more than enough ore as well. I’m having the men tomorrow hide the extra ore in the mines for next month’s pick up. I think this spot is gonna last us a long time.” My father said. After I got my boots on, I slipped my coat on and gave my Uncle a hug.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked. My uncle smiled and buttoned up my coat.
“Yeah. I can finish up that story tomorrow, and maybe tell a few more?” My uncle asked. I nodded as I quickly grew excited about coming over the next day. I turned to my father, but something was wrong. He was holding his throat. With a cough, blood began to rapidly run down his neck. He dropped to the floor knees first and right behind his body was Lokir. Staring at me with his gruesome teal yellow eyes with a sick grin on his face.
Suddenly my eyes shot open and I bolted up from the bed with a loud gasp. I looked around the room making sure it was only just a dream. Molly or Zael didn’t move surprisingly. I could feel my heart race and my body shaking. What I was dreaming about actually happened when I was just a little girl, but not Lokir. He was never there slitting my father’s throat. That part never happened. This was a memory that turned into a nightmare.
I’ve been in Hillford for only two and a half weeks now. I had about six mild nightmares so far, but this was different. Tears were starting to build up in my eyes. I miss my uncle, my father, and my home village very much. I lost all that almost three weeks ago now. It’s all gone, and now I’m here...
Slowly I got up out of the bed trying not to wake Molly. I made my way to the living room window to set my mind on something else. I looked outside at the sleeping village that was completely still. It was so dark that the trees were hiding the moon. The only thing I can see is a small orange light in the distance that caught my eye. It was still, but I am a little curious to see what it is. I don’t feel like going back to bed after that dream. It made me feel fully awake, but scared of sleeping again.
I walked back over to my bed and grabbed my belt where the pouch with Garth’s ashes was still tied onto. I wrapped it around my nightgown and attached my sword to my waist. I slipped my socks and boots on and I slowly made my way to the door. I slowly turn the handle and opened the door. I looked behind me at Zael and Molly, but they were still like a rock. I sneaked right out gently closing the door behind me. Slowly I walked down the stairs. A few boards creaked, but it didn’t seem to loud.
Once I made it to the bottom of the stairs I made my way to the front door. I unhooked the latch and walked right out. The air was a little warm, but there wasn’t a breeze to bring a chill. I closed the door behind me and started walking. It was so dark, and I could hear chirping noises all around me. It sounds small, but harmless. As I kept waking I could see that I was getting closer to the orange light. I began to slow my pace as I was walking down the village path. The light seemed to move up and down a bit. I could see that it was flickering, and I could hear it crackle.
I got close enough that I could see what that light was. A little fire burning with a few logs thrown on. As I walked up to the fire, I raised my hands over it to feel the heat.
“Nice night for a fire, isn’t it?” Quickly I jumped in fear as I drew my sword. To the left of me was that same man I seen two week ago who was stuck in his book laying down against a log. All though I see him out here every day reading. He didn’t move to the sight of my sword, but he was calm. “It’s alright. I don’t mean any harm.” He said.
“I’m sorry. You just startled me. I seen your fire from my window and I was just curious.” I said as I sheath my sword.
“Hey it’s alright. You can sit if you want. I never get company out here at night.” The guy said. I looked down at a log by my feet that was facing across from him. I sat down on it and looked into the fire.
“Are you that same guy who sits out here and reads every day?” I asked.
“My name’s Fennec. I sleep and read. Sometimes I gather wood for the fire. Nothing to really do in this little village, but I found a love for books and I appreciate the outdoors. This makes me happy.” He replied.
“I see. I’m a little curious. Do the soldiers bother you in this town?” I asked.
“I know the king and his soldiers are cruel, but the soldiers here are pretty laid back. They only take their jobs seriously when a ship arrives full of goods. They don’t care what happens in this village, or who does what. I never had a problem.” Fennec said. I nodded my head in acknowledgment and raised my hands towards the fire.
“Why are you really here?” Fennec asked. I looked back up at him in silence. I didn’t know what to say. “You're not just passing through. Just about every day I see you walk to the lake with that child and come back with wet hair. I can tell you're both going down there to bathe. Are you family of Rogfee’s?”
“Yes, I am bathing. I just don’t want men to follow me down and watch me bathe.” I lied. Well not exactly. I really don’t want men watching me bathe. “Anyways it’s bad enough I got a weird guy who hangs outside the tavern eyeing me up and saying weird things as I walk to the lake.”
“I think you’re talking about Jester Jeff.” Fennec said not sounding amused.
“Jester Jeff?” I laughed. “How did he get that name?” Fennec laughed too and then shook his head.
“That man is a drunk and a joke. Any girl that walks into town, Jeff would try to get into their pants. Ten years ago, Jeff’s wife found out what he was doing and left him right on the spot. She ran off to find a new place to live and since then, Jeff started drinking. Today he’s just a creep who completely lost his mind. I recommend you stay far away from him as possible.” Fennec warned.
“He’s not even good looking. How did he get with ladies?” I asked. Fennec stood up and made a muffled chuckle.
“He was actually a charming man back in his day for what I heard. He got into many fights and too much mead messed him up of course. I’m really surprised no one killed him yet.” Fennec said as he threw two more logs onto the fire. He sat back down and stared into the fire with a smile.
I took my eyes off him and looked in the pit of the fire where the ashes sit, I could see small chunks of embers glowing orange. This reminded me how I use to sit outside with my uncle at night. Most nights, Garth would tell stories of his travels and some nights we would stare into the fire. Just focused on the flames as the wood burns.
“So, you’re from Ironmist Village? Fennec asked. I kept my eyes on the fire as I shook my head.
“Snowdrift actually. Molly is from Ironmist.” I corrected.
“Molly? She must be the young girl that’s with you, right? Fennec asked sounding confused.
“Yeah. I adopted her from Edinburgh.” I said. .
“I see. What is Snowdrift like?” Fennec asked. A question like this has never been asked since I left. Just questions about what happened to my village. Nothing about what it’s like. Slowly a smile grew on my face. Finally, something different.
“It’s a village deep in the snowy Pinestone Mountains. The village is in a little valley surrounded by all types of pine trees. Nearby the village is three hot springs. Men bathe in one. Women bathe in the other. The last hot spring we use for drinking water and supplies. We try to keep the third spring as clean as possible. It may sound weird, but taking a hot bath in the freezing cold is actually very heavenly.” I said. I could tell there was excitement in my voice. A nice hot bath actually sounds great right now.
“Go on. What’s the village life like?” Fennec asked.
“I was told that all the homes were very well built when Snowdrift was first a settlement. Back when I lived there, the village was full of small shacks and cabins. Just about every morning you would wake up with snow covering the trace of yesterday. Every morning most of the men head out to work in the mine or chop trees in the forest. The rest of the men would stay back and make warm clothes, chop wood, hunt, or lived the rest of their days growing old. My uncle would stay back and forge pickaxes and axes if any were in need. On his free time, he told me stories and trained me on how to use the sword.” I said as I padded my sword by my side.
“Wow. Seems like a busy village. What about the women? What did they do?” Fennec asked.
“The women in the village made wool and hide blankets. They made warm clothes too. Some cooked meals for the miners. My mother just stayed home while my father ran the mine. She just cooked and knitted stuff. There was only two people in the village that was my age. A few little kids. Everyone else was older.” I said. I looked up at Fennec and noticed his eyes where in the sky.
“What do they think of travelers? It would be really neat to visit that place. Sounds like an interesting trip.” Fennec said with a smile. The smile on my face flipped.
“Don’t bother. Snowdrift is gone.” I softly said.
“Gone? What do you mean? What happened to Snowdrift?” Fennec asked. I really wanted this part to be avoided.
“The Vaesite burned it to the ground and killed everyone. My uncle and I was the only one left.” I said keeping it short. Fennec was staring at me. He looked disturbed, but curious. I could tell his mind was racing with questions. Questions that I don’t want to answer.
“I’m so sorry. Why did they-”
I shook my head in irritation and stood up. “Wait! Where are you going?” Fennec asked as he stood up.
“Back to bed. I don’t want to talk about this!” I argued. I began walking back to the Inn, but I could hear Fennec following behind. “Miss, I’m sorry!” He pleaded.
“So is everyone else, but that doesn’t change anything. I just don’t want to talk about what happened to my village!” I yelled as I kept walking.
“I didn’t mean to upset you. I… I didn’t know.” Fennec cried. His footsteps could still be heard right on my trail. When I approached the front door of the Inn, I felt his hand touch my shoulder. Quickly I reached down and drew my sword as I spun around. I held my blade up at him in anger and looked him in the eyes.
“Don’t touch me!” I firmly yelled. Fennec quickly drew his hands away and stepped back.
“Okay. I’m sorry about that too. I understand. You lost your family and your home. It has to be rough, but-”
“You don’t understand!” I snapped. “Do you know what it’s like? What it’s like to watch your own father get his throat slit, watching everyone in your own village get murdered in cold blood, watching children get tossed into a fire alive?”
“No, but-”
“I was left to burn alive in my uncle’s home. I walked an entire day with my uncle without stopping to find Edinburgh!” I yelled as I cut him off again. “Everyone I loved and spent my whole life with is gone. Dead. Since the night that happened all I wanted to do is to kill that man who destroyed my life. Just a couple days after that, the same man killed my uncle! Now his ashes are hanging beside my hip!”
Fennec was quiet. He took another step back and looked down at my waist. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I know there is nothing I can do about your village, but I’m sorry.” He said with a calm voice. I lowered my sword and turned back around.
“I’m sorry too. I think I should go in. Have a goodnight.” I said as I opened the front door of the Inn.
“Miss?” Fennec asked. I paused keeping my hand on the knob.
“May I ask your name?”
“Emerencia.” I said calmly. I walked through the door and closed it behind me. I locked the door up and made my way back up to my room.
As I walked in, I noticed Zael and Molly were still asleep. I quietly made my way to my bed and placed my weapon, pouch of ashes, and belt aside next to my clothes. I crawled in next to Molly and rested my head on the soft warm pillow. I pulled the blankets over my cold body and laid there looking up at the dark ceiling. Slowly I can feel the warmth of the bed growing upon me.
“Emmy? Hey, Emmy wake up.” Said a soft voice. I could feel a hand on my shoulder gently pushing on me. I opened my eyes and seen Molly looking down at me. The whole room was illuminated from the sun. I couldn’t keep my eyes fully open, so I squinted at her.
“Hey you. Is everything okay?” I mumbled.
“Yeah. I’m just hungry. Can we go down and eat?” Molly asked. I slowly sat up and looked over at Zael’s bed. He wasn’t there. Just his nightgown.
“Where did Zael go?” I asked.
“I think he went to the lake, but I do smell breakfast.” Molly answered.
“Do you want me to come down and join you for breakfast?” I asked. Molly nodded her head. I felt so tired, but Molly seemed to be fully awake. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll go down and join you, but I’m going back to sleep afterwards.” I said.
Molly cocked her head to the side. “Did you have another nightmare?” She asked.
“Yeah. I had a hard time going back to sleep.” I said. Molly then fell forward into me and wrapped her arms around for a hug. I didn’t want to add in the part of me sneaking out. I didn’t want anyone to know that I left for a awhile last night.
When Molly stopped hugging me, she got off the bed and pulled off her nightgown to change into her clothes. I slowly sat up and stretched. I didn’t feel like changing, or doing anything at all. I got up out of bed and waited for Molly to get done. She looked up at me with a smile and started walking towards the door. I followed after her through the door and down the stairs. As I made it to the bottom, I noticed Zael sitting at the table with Rogfee, and Vlad. Vlad has returned.
All the eyes in the room looked at Molly and I. “Well lass it looks like you’re finally awake!” Vlad said cheerfully. I gave them all a weak smile and walked on over. I took a seat next to Zael and sat quietly. My mind and body were still, and I didn’t feel like doing anything.
“You alright, Emma? It doesn’t look like you slept well.” Said Zael.
“Hardly slept. I came down to get Molly some breakfast.”
“Well we’re all glad you're here. Vald has some news about Lokir.” Said Zael. My eyes quickly shot open and up at Vlad who was sitting across from me. Vlad chuckled at my reaction for a bit and went quiet.
“In three days, General Lokir is leaving Edinburgh and heading southwest to Nokomis City to meet with another Vaesite General. It has to do with the war that's going on at sea. I’m not sure how long he’s staying.” Vlad said.
“Is there a path or a main road that he’s taking? We could try and ambush him.” I suggested. Vlad shook his head with a smile.
“Wow! With the sound of that you haven’t changed your mind, huh?” Vlad laughed. Well I’m happy to hear that!”
“He burned my village and killed everyone I love. Of course, I want him dead.” I complained.
“I don’t blame you. Anyways he’s taking the road through Black Cloud Forest, home to the most dangerous creatures in Epeon. He’s also traveling with fifty soldiers. Taking him out on the road to Nokomis from Edinburgh will be a very dangerous move. I recommend killing him in the city.” Said Vlad. I looked over at Zael trying to see what he thought of the situation. After all, Zael said he would help me. His eyes were straight ahead like his focus was miles away.
“Vlad’s right. I heard some unpleasant stories about Black Cloud Forest. There is a man who lives in Edinburgh who traveled through the forest with four of his friends. He came out alive and alone. He said there are Giant Venomous Spiders, Trolls, Moss Worms, Giant Poison Frogs, and Swamp Walkers.” Said Zael.
“The list of creatures in that forest goes on and on. There are two other options to reach Nokomis.” Rogfee said as he scratched his chin.
“Which one gets us to Nokomis faster and which one is safer?” I asked Rogfee.
“Well you can travel through The Great Haven Forest. It’s the long route, but you’ll likely come across some Paskas and such, but it’s much more of a longer walk or carriage ride. The road to Nokomis also forks off to the Vaesite Castle. Your second option that I highly recommend is walking through the Haven River Gorge. Not very many people travel through the gorge, unless they’re traveling light. For what I heard, monster sightings are very slim. It’s the safest and the shortest route to Nokomis” Said Rogfee.
“Have you ever traveled through the gorge?” Zael asked Rogfee.
“I have three times. It’s actually really nice. The water from lake Killarney goes into the gorge. Anyways at the beginning is a waterfall going down into the gorge. You can jump if you like. Anyways from there is the river which is shin high. At some points it can get up to your knees or waist. There are more waterfalls and some rapids, but it’s totally safe to walk through or jump down into. Just don’t slip and crack your skull.” Said Rogfee.
“How long is the trip?” I asked.
“About a five-day trip. From Edinburgh to Nokomis is a four-day trip. If you want to leave for Nokomis tomorrow, you can get to the city before Lokir since he’s leaving in three days. Anyways after you travel through the gorge you will come across Haven Lake. Just south of Haven Lake is Nokomis. Now I want you both to pay close attention.” Rogfee said in a serious tone. Zael and I sat quiet with our eyes on him.
“When you reach Haven Lake. I want you to follow the lakeside south. There will be another river. That is the main Haven River. I want you to stay on that river. Do not get off it! You will either end up in the Haven Forest or Black Cloud Bog. Follow the river and you’ll end up finding a wooden bridge. Go up on the bridge and head on the path going south east. You’ll then be in Nokomis. No shortcuts. Got it?” Said Rogfee.
Zael and I looked at each other and nodded our heads in acknowledgement. I then looked down at Molly who was patiently waiting for her breakfast. I didn’t want her to be left here. Not alone once again.
“What about, Molly? If I’m going to Nokomis, I want her to come with.” I said. Vlad then nodded his head with a smile.
“Well, I can get my private carriage for her to travel to Nokomis City. From there I will have a room waiting at one of the finest Inns. I’ll guarantee you that she’ll not be harmed.” Said Vlad. I looked at Molly and back at Vlad.
“We can’t travel together through carriage?” I asked.
“Do you want to make it to Nokomis before Lokir? I don’t think he’ll be around for long. After all, Lokir is stationed in Edinburgh.” Vlad replied. I sat quietly and looked down at Molly.
“Molly. Zael and I are going to travel through the river to reach Nokomis City. Vlad is a nice man to offer you a safe ride to Nokomis. Are you okay with that?” I asked her. Molly looked up at me with her big brown eyes and a frowned.
“I can’t travel with you? What if something happens to you?” She asked. I leaned over for a hug and rested my head on her shoulder.
“I’ll be fine. I promise you that you’ll arrive to Nokomis safe and sound. I promise you that nothing will happen to me. Most importantly, I promise I’ll see you again.” I said leaning away from her. Molly slowly nodded her head in agreement. I can see Molly’s eyes starting to tear up. I know she doesn’t want to leave me, but I also don’t want to take her through a gorge where we could have a monster attack.
“You promise?” She sniffed.
“Yes. I won’t break this promise.”
“Now that’s settled! I was planning on taking my good carriage back to Edinburgh, but today I’ll give it to little Molly. I’ll give my carriage men plenty of coin and I’ll be sure to have a letter to give to the Innkeeper about Zael and Emerencia’s arrival.” Said Vlad.
“If we leave today, then when will Molly depart? What will you do without your carriage?” Zael asked.
“I think it’s best that Molly should depart today after lunch. Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, you both must start walking. I’m sure you’ll both arrive in Nokomis around the same time that Molly will arrive. As for tonight. I’ll take a room here at your Inn, Rogfee.” Said Vlad. Rogfee grew a smile and laughed.
“Sounds like a night of drinking?” Asked Rogfee.
“As much as you can handle!” Vlad replied. All of a sudden Rogfee’s wife came out with two plates food. She walked over without a word and laid a plate in front of Molly and I. On each plate was scrambled eggs, two firecakes, and some sort of orange ball-like thing.
“Thank you for making us breakfast, Maira.” I said. Maira looked at me with a smile.
“Of course, dear! Today is a little simple for a dish. I made a big batch of scrambled-.” Maira stopped as her attention went straight to Molly. “Why is the little one sad?” Maira asked.
“Because Zael and I are taking the river to Nokomis City. Molly doesn’t want to be alone on her route through the Haven Forest.” I said. Maira studied Molly for a bit, and then kneeled down to her level.
“You don’t want to travel alone, do you?” Maira asked. Molly shook her head and wiped her eyes.
“Well I’ll tell you what. How about I come with you, cook for you, and keep you company. How does that sound?” Maira asked. Molly then wiped her tears and nodded her head.
“Are you sure about this, Maira?” Rogfee asked.
“Yeah. I can go for a little trip. I’ll be cooking for two again instead of five.” Maira said. Molly looked up at me with approval knowing she wouldn’t be alone. I sighed with relief knowing that she won’t be alone for her part of the trip.
“Alright it’s settled! Hopefully when this is over, things up here will calm down a notch.” Said Vlad.
“So Vlad, I was thinking of some fishing in Lake Killarney, and having some drinks at night. What do you say?” Rogfee asked changing the subject. Vlad grew a smile and looked up.
“Sounds great! You think our fishing spot under the old birch is still any good?” Vlad asked.
My attention towards them was thrown off as Molly said something to Maira. Everyone else in the entire room then started talking. Vlad and Rogfee were talking about fishing, drinks, and a bonfire. Maira was talking to Molly about what to do during the carriage ride. Zael joined in on the boys conversation about fishing and late night fun.
I picked the firecake up from off my plate and took a bite out of it. It tasted plan, but crunchy with a soft doughy texture in the middle. My uncle told me that he use to make them a lot when he was traveling. Sometimes he had to bake it in the ashes of a fire. About two years back he taught me how to make a few. It was pretty simple, but interesting. As for the orange ball on my plate, I didn’t know what it was. So, I left it.
After breakfast I headed back up to the room and got dressed into my usual outfit. I and made my way back down.
“The great knight is back!” Vlad announced.
“I’m not a knight unless the king says I am.” I said rolling my eyebrows.
“You’re a knight in my eyes and I’m sure the king who rules Amira would make you a knight too.” Vlad said.
“You going somewhere?” Zael asked.
“Just gonna bathe before we leave tomorrow.” I replied.
“Could I come?” Molly asked.
“Of course.” I said. Molly got up with a smile and gave Maira a hug. We then made our way to the door and waved to everyone as we left. As I opened the door, I noticed the air hit me with a wave of heat. I shut the door behind me and began walking. Just then a small orange thing with wings fluttered across from Molly and I. Suddenly Molly sprung after it. The winged critter went higher into the air away from Molly’s reach and landed on a leaf high in a tree.
“What is that thing?” I asked. Molly looked at me with a puzzled look and squinted her eyes like I was some sort of idiot.
“You never seen a butterfly before?” Molly asked. Slowly I shook my head. “Butterflies come in many colors! Pretty ones too!” Molly exclaimed. “My father says they love flowers!” I looked up at the butterfly slowly moving its wings as it was resting on a leaf.
“Butter... Fly…” I slowly pronounced. “So, do those things make butter that we eat?” I asked. Molly shrugged her shoulders.
“Ummm? I think so.” Molly said.
“Weird...” I slowly replied as I watched the small insect take off into the air. We kept walking down the road and seen two local women carrying a basket of clothes, and bucket of sudsy water. Just beyond them was Fennec and the guy who’s whittling wood. Fennec had the same book in his hand and looked very focused. He never took his eyes off that book whenever I pass by so hopefully he doesn’t notice me now. Molly and I kept walking. I was staring at him making sure his eyes were stuck on that page. Suddenly Fennec glanced up at me and quickly stood up.
“Emer- Emeranzci. Emm!” Fennec said trying to correct himself.
“Em-er-en-cia” I slowly said. “Emma is fine too.”
“Right. I’m sorry about last night. I hope you’re still not upset with me.” Fennec said. I stood there and rubbed my eyes.
“I’m sorry too. You did nothing wrong last night.” I said.
“So that’s the new girl you think is cute, huh? You both gonna get married now?” The whittling man teased.
“Shut up brother!” Fennec yelled as he shot an irritated glance at him. Fennec then quickly looked back at me. “He’s just be a jokester.” Fennec said. I didn’t know how to respond. Was his brother kidding or was he not? I know a few men liked me back at my village. Especially Silas. That red-haired asshole with terrible breath would never leave me alone.
“Funny. Molly and I are going to the lake now.” I said trying to leave. I took Molly’s hand and started walking again.
“James you idiot!” Fennec whispered loud enough for Molly and I to hear. As we got far enough away Molly looked at me and smiled.
“I didn’t know you're both sweethearts!” Molly laughed.
“Whoa hold on here! Fennec isn’t my sweetheart!” I argued. “What do you know about relationships anyways? Aren't you a little young?” I asked.
“My mother told me a sweetheart is boy who likes you a lot.” Molly said. I kept quiet. She was in a way right. I didn’t want to tell her more about relationships and love. For seven years of age I think she’s too young to know. We kept walking as silence grew over. “I still think he’s your sweetheart!” Molly giggled.
“You’re silly.” I said. I then noticed we’re both coming up to the tavern, but Jester Jeff wasn’t hanging around outside as usual. Hopefully he passed out somewhere or he’s inside drinking. We came upon the trail to the lake and Molly was beginning to look confused as she kept looking back.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“Emmy did you bring the shampoo?” Molly asked. I stopped and quickly rolled my eyes.
“I did not.”
“Can I head back and grab it?” She asked. I thought for a bit and looked around. No sign of creepy Jeff, and everyone else in this village that seems to pose a threat. I don’t see why not.
“Do you know the way to the lake?” I asked. Molly quickly nodded her head.
“Alright I’ll let you run back. Do you want to meet me there?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Molly replied.
“Go head back. I’ll see you there.” I said. Molly then turned around and started running back. Hopefully I did the right thing. I hope nothing happens to her while she’s out of my site.
I continued walking the path to the lake. I did what I did most days and looked at the different leaf shapes and sizes above in the trees. Some were oval, and some had a few points at the ends. As I kept walking I noticed a few jack pines, and a couple big red pines aside from the trail. I could make some tea off those needles. I prefer white pine though. Mostly because my uncle says it’s better. Next thing I knew, I stepped in sand at the lake opening. Nobody was here as usual. Just footprints marked in the sand. I made my way to the big flat rock and started to undress. I laid my sword on top of my outfit and walked knee high into the water. I looked over my shoulder at the trail hoping to see Molly, but she wasn’t there. She shouldn’t be too far behind. Maybe a couple more minutes and she’ll emerge out from the tree line. I looked away and down at the water. I slowly took more steps further. When the cold water reached up to my thighs, I stopped. I then quickly fell right in, so I could get use to the cold faster. I brought my head up from water and walked in a little further. I got up to my collarbone and stopped.
“At last I get to see you without clothes!” A man yelled. I turned around in panic and seen Jeff standing at shore. “I was enjoying the show from the forest. Waiting for you to come all day.” He said with a smirk.
“What in Epeon do you think you're doing! You’re a pig!” I yelled. Jeff then walked towards my gear and picked up my sword. “You put that down!” I yelled. Quickly I was growing furious. I took a few steps towards shore, but I didn’t want that sick man to see me naked a second time.
“What’s the matter, sweetie? Don’t you want your sword back? I have an idea!” He exclaimed. “You come up here and we can make a deal! Maybe then you can have it back.” He said. I shook my head and was growing even more pissed. From the corner of my eye I seen Molly standing there with a bottle of shampoo in her right hand and something thin and brown in her left. All of a sudden, she turned around and ran. Maybe to save herself, but hopefully to get help. I took my focus off her and back to Jeff.
“You're disgusting! You’re sick! Put my sword down or I’ll pack sand up your ass!” I hissed. Jeff raised his eyebrows and smiled some more.
“You’ll need to come on shore to pack some sand up my ass.” Jeff laughed. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t want this man taking advantage of me. He then unsheathed my sword and lightly ran his fingers against the edges. “My what beautiful blade this is. Looks like it can go for a lot of coin.
“I said put that down!” I yelled.
“Until the last one bleeds? Some warrior you are.” He mocked, completely ignoring me. He then brought his attention to my gear and picked up my clothes with his other hand.
“Put those down!” I screamed. Jeff looked at me and shook his head.
“No. I’ll just pawn this too. Seems like a beautiful outfit.” He said as he threw it over his shoulder. He then looked back at me and waved me in to come towards him.
“I am not coming out!” I snapped. He then looked down at my things again and up a small piece of of clothing. My underwear! I watched silently in anger as he glanced over at me with a chuckle.
“Not bad. Not too often I get to take one of these.” He said as he stuffed it in his pocket. Well there's only one thing I can do. I dunked myself under water and got a grasp of sand. As I poked my head up, I got my arm ready and slugged one at him. Watching as the wet sand went flying. It seemed as if time slowed down. With a great throw, it hit him directly in the mouth. I could have sworn the gods guided my hand.
“Eck! Wat da uck!” He slurred as he started spitting out the sand. He took his hand up to his mouth and started wiping his tongue. I just couldn't help myself but laugh.
“Now put it down!” I yelled. Jeff then wiped his mouth once more then looked at me in anger.
“You seriously threw sand? Listen up whore! You better come out soon, because I’m getting impatient!” He yelled.
“What else are you going to do?” I asked. Jeff then looked at my stuff on his shoulder and back at me.
“I’ll just come in after you!” He yelled. Instantly I didn’t know what else to do. I don’t know how to swim. He’s probably faster than me in water! Maybe I can get up on shore and somehow get my sword back before he has a chance to do something to me. I then took a small step forward. Then another. I got up to where my breasts were about to come out from the water and I stopped.
“That’s it. You’re doing good. Just a little further!” He said with that sick grin on his face. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around my breasts as they emerged from the water.
“Stop right there you perverted freak!” Yelled a voice from behind him. A familiar voice too. I looked in the direction where it came from and seen Fennec running towards Jeff. Molly stood at the trail exit as she watched in horror. I quickly ducked down in the water hiding my breasts once again. I watched as Jeff held my sword up over his head as he was ready to swing down at Fennec. His arm swung down, and Fennec jumped to his right sliding in the sand a little.
“Get him Fennec!” I yelled. Suddenly Fennec jumped on top of Jeff and started swinging his fists at him. Jeff then rolled over and planted himself on top of Fennec. With my sword still in Jeff’s hand, held it up over Fennec’s chest and was ready to stab it down.
“Molly cover your eyes!” Said another voice. I took my attention off Fennec and Jeff and seen Zael running past Molly with his axe drawn. Jeff looked up and his eyes widen. Jeff raised my blade higher and brought it down. All of a sudden it seemed time slowed down once again as I watched Zael strike his axe right into Jeff’s chest. Blood shot out of Jeff and painted the sand in a violent red color. Then it seemed that life paused. Everyone and everything were quiet and still, but my heart that was racing. Jeff then lowered his hands and the axe was slowly pulled out from his chest. Fennec pushed my sword aside and shoved the man his body. Quickly he crawled away.
“Holy shit! You killed him!” Fennec said in fearful tone.
“Thank you Zael. All three of you. Thank you.” I said in relief. I looked over at Molly and seen her eyes were still covered.
“I was outside the Inn and seen Molly calling this man for help. So, I followed.” Zael said.
“It’s a good thing you did. This man wanted to rape me.” I said. Fennec looked at the dead body and shook his head.
“So, your name is Zael, huh?” Fennec asked. “Thanks for saving me. We should go dump him in the forest and give Emma some privacy.” Fennec said. Zael put away his axe and grabbed Jeff by the arms.
“Take his legs and you lead. Will people notice if he’s gone?” Zael asked. Fennec laughed and shook his head.
“Jester Jeff? Sir you did the world a fucking favor!” He laughed. “Nobody gives two shits about him.”
“Ahem Ahem!” I coughed as I pointed to Molly who still had her eyes covered. Fennec looked over and back at me looking sorry.
I watched the two walk off with Jeff’s body into the tree lines as they both starting talking. That man still has my underwear in his pocket, damn it! At least the rest of my stuff is okay. I looked over at Molly and started to walk towards shore.
“You can look now if you like. The bad man is gone.” I said. Molly uncovered her eyes and ran towards me with fear written all over her face. I quickly slipped on my skirted dress on and hugged Molly.
“You did a great job! You saved me from the crazy man. I’m very proud of you!” I cheered as I squeezed her. I then heard Molly sniff her nose. “Are you crying?” I asked. I felt her head nod on my shoulder. She then burst into tears.
“I thought that bad man would kill you! I didn’t know what to do so I went to your lover!” She cried. My smile instantly went flat at the sound of that.
“You came to my rescue, and what you did was very smart and brave. Fennec isn’t my partner though.” I said trying to reassure her.
“Really?” Molly said sniffing her nose. I stepped back and bent down to her eye level.
“He really isn’t, but you knew exactly what to do, and you saved me.” I replied. I then noticed the shampoo in her hand along with two decent sized pieces of leather wraps. It was one of the two things left behind from my uncle. Those and my sword.
“Why’d you grab those?” I asked, and I pointed down at her hand. Molly looked down at the wraps and held them up to me.
“I was wondering if I could tie your hair with these. My sister did it to her hair with the same thing. I thought it would look pretty.” She said. I stared down at the leather in question. It was from my uncle, but two pieces of leather. What am I gonna do with it? It was just sitting there next to my uncle’s sword for two and a half weeks. Leather isn’t supposed to get wet, but I guess I can make some use out of it.
“You want to do it now while we wait?” I asked as I brought my hand up to my wet hair, squeezing out as much water as I could. Molly nodded and brought her hands up to me to my hair. She gently grasped the front side of my hair and separated the rest. She took one of the leather wraps and began rolling it as it held the front left side of my hair in place. Then she made a rip in the leather, and I could feel it tighten up in place. Suddenly it felt as if she tied it up. She looked at me and tilted her head. Then she began on the other side.
“I didn’t know you had a big sister. You mostly talk about your father.”
“Yeah. She went off with my father too. Traveled somewhere, but they both never came back.” She said in a sad tone as she finished up. She reached her hands up to the top of my head and pulled my bangs down a little bit, spreading them apart from the middle. “All done!” She said with a smile.
“Hey Emma! Is it okay if we come out?” Fennec yelled.
“Yeah I’m dressed!” I yelled back. Zael and Fennec then appeared out from the forest and was walking back towards us. All of a sudden, they both stopped in tracks and looked at me in awe.
“Wow…” Fennec whispered as he looked at my hair.” Zael quickly stopped staring and looked away at the lake.
“The way you have your hair fits the look.” Zael said with an unreadable face.
“You like it? I did that all by myself!” Molly said feeling proud.
“You did that? Gosh you made her look beautif- Ahem! I mean, she looks good.” Fennec said quickly covering his mouth. I could feel my face turn red and I quickly brought my hand up to one of the leather wraps.
“If you too are gonna be acting weird about it, I’ll just wear it down as always!” I bickered.
“No!” Shouted the three. Molly quickly jumped up and brought my hand down away from my hair. “Alright. I’ll wear it like this. Only for Molly’s sake.” I said.
“Speaking of Molly, we should probably head back and get Molly ready for her trip.” Zael said as he looked up at the sun.
“Trip? Where is she going?” Fennec asked.
“She’s leaving for Nokomis City today. Zael and I will be departing tomorrow.” I said. Fennec suddenly made a face of disapproval.
“So, you're leaving tomorrow?” Fennec quietly asked. Slightly I nodded my head. “Will you be back?” Fennec asked again.
“I don’t know, Fennec. There’s something I want to take care of. I just don’t know the answer to that question.” I said.
“Just promise me you’ll come back to Hillford safe and sound.”
- In Serial102 Chapters
In Naruto With Slightly Perverted System
Warning: A little bit of Wish Fullfillment!!! Don't read if you don't like it. Well, there might be slice-of-life chapters too. Leave if you don't like it. That's all.
8 3833 - In Serial25 Chapters
God Rising: The Cult of Ainz Book I
[Based on the Overlord Universe after Volume 13]Neia Baraja is out to change the world, war and conflict follow where she walks as she spreads the worship of the Sorcerer King. But the adherents of the Old Gods will not go quietly into the night. Armies will rise, nations will die, and even if it destroys her, she will see her God Rise. No matter what the cost.
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Diary Log of a Ghost
Is there an after life? Is Heaven true? I dont know? Dont ask me. uhmm hello? Hi. This is a small log i'm recording. It migh be boring and nothing much. By the way, I'm a GHOST?
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The return of the Demon King
The world of Echeus. This world was invaded by the Great Demon Lord once, the humanity can’t fight for themselves until the heroes comes out. Each of them had different characteristics that they hold. Faith… as long as one doesn’t give up he will definitely win. Hope, can turn imaginary to reality. Charity, the noble medic of the field. Fortitude... The greatest knight that the world has ever seen, can block even the most powerful spell of a dragon. Justice, the sword of the group, the bearer can travel through speed of light and attack as if he was the death itself. Temperance, the wise sage that everyone can rely on, one can made meteorite out of nothing by having this gift. Prudence, can see through lies and predict the future the strategist of the group. The seven heroes fight the Great Demon King and after the hellish nightmare they manage to seal the Great Demon Lord and cast him away from the world. After that the Heroes whose origin is from the parallel world decided to stay at the world of Echeus. 5 peaceful years have passed and something strange happens. Heroes start to pop up in different empire and continent of the world. And soon the Heroes became the main forces of the country. Although those heroes cannot compare to those first 7 Heroes they still possess a tremendous power that can invade a small country. The natural balance of the world starts to distort due to Hero summoning and as the consequence the seal that stops the Great Demon King from appearing starts to crack.
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Effigy Of Madness
Alioth Is your average F ranked adventurer. He comes from a family of D ranking adventurers who mainly survive by being luggage carriers for the rich and powerful. Luckily for him He was able to snag a deal with a SSS+ ranking adventuring party due to a chance deal ,he made with the leaders of a S rank party To take 1% of all the loot gathered. Upon enter The SSS tier dungeon He is brought into a perilous situation only to be saved by one of the party members a strange but quirky arachnid girl .When the dungeon is completed he is deceived and instead of 1% he really is only allowed to choose 1 item. Thinking its better not to be associated with these types of people and wanting to make his leave he choose something deemed useless by the party to avoid being hunted down later. This was a some sort of statue that displayed a women being killed by her own tentacles . After choosing the worthless reminder of his deceit not only did the Dungeon lord awake from his slumber but he trapped the party in the dungeon to toy with them for his entertainment .Forcing them to fight through 9999 levels!
8 57 - In Serial108 Chapters
Legend of the Sword Immortal
Some cultivators use swords, but they are not swordsmen. Some mortals are swordsmen, but they are not cultivators. Mu Chen would have also been the same as every other cultivator, if not for an unfortunate incident that changed the course of his life-he was crippled and left incapable of cultivating. Fortunately, the event also led Mu Chen to rediscover his passion for the sword. And in doing so, he stepped onto a completely different path of cultivation. A hitherto unknown path. But with no one to guide him on his journey, how far will Mu Chen walk the path? And where will it lead him to? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover pic. If you enjoy reading what I write, consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IDreamNovelsor you can buy me a coffee:https://ko-fi.com/idreamnovels Copyright © 2020 by IDreamNovels
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