《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 9: The Night Before Departure
“Just promise me you’ll come back to Hillford safe and sound.” Said Fennec. Emma’s face was emotionless. She looked at Fennec with her blue eyes for a few seconds and turned around facing Molly.
“I can’t promise you that, but Molly should really be going. Thank you, Fennec for coming to rescue me.” Emma said as she started to walk back to town. Fennec was watching Emma as she walked away. He was still and very quiet.
“You favor her, don’t you?” I asked. Fennec cocked his head to the side and breathed out heavily.
“Yeah. Just a little, I guess. I seen her around for a good two and half weeks. I got to meet her on a bit of a personal level last night.” Said Fennec. Quickly I became confused. Last night? Emerencia was sleeping next to Molly last night. I got up three times to take a leak. All three times she was in bed.
“What happened last night exactly?” I asked. Fennec shrugged his shoulders and let out another sigh.
“She came out by my fire last night. She couldn’t sleep well I guess. She told me some details about what her village was like. The night didn’t end to well. She got angry and stormed back to the inn. She’s upset about what she lost.” Said Fennec. I started walking towards the path to Hillford from the lake. Fennec followed up next to me and stayed at my pace.
“So, tell me, Zael. Why are you three leaving for Nokomis?” Asked Fennec. I didn’t know how respond. I basically just met the guy.
“Business we need to take care of. Why do you ask?”
“You and Emma both have a weapon. You seemed pretty skilled too. Last night before Emma went to bed, she said, “All I wanted to do is to kill that man who destroyed my life.” and I think she’s after some guy who killed her uncle?” Fennec said scratching the small hairs on his chin. I nodded my head in acknowledgment. I’m sure Emma has said enough to Fennec, so why not tell him?
“Yeah. Emerencia wants to kill that man. A friend of mine was hoping she would change her mind, but I guess not. I trust you won’t tell a soul. Not even a Vaesite?” I asked. Fennec shook his head with a smile.
“Not a soul. You saved my life, Zael. I believe you can help Emma take down that man. I watched you take a good swing at Jester Jeff before he could get me. You hold that mean looking axe with one hand. You must be crazy strong. As for Emma, I haven’t seen her in a fight yet. Well… She did swing her sword up to my throat in a heartbeat last night. I do believe you both can do this.” Said Fennec. Now that I thought of it, I only seen Emma in action once and that was when we were defending ourselves at Edinburgh. She seemed to lose balance here and there, yet she lost control. Though she ended killing him. Maybe her and I need to practice. See how we both do. After all, Digby said her blade is practically indestructible.
As Fennec and I made it back to town, I noticed a fine wooden carriage with a huge back end to it. I definitely seen this carriage in Edinburgh. Basically, my whole life. Up front by the two horses was a familiar blonde man well dressed in a white long sleeve shirt with a black buttoned up vest. So, this must be Vlad’s private carriage? Right beside the carriage was Emma, Molly, Maira, Vlad, and Rogfee standing together talking. As I approached, Vlad seen me and smiled.
“Aha! Today’s hero has appeared! Good job on what you did back there, Zael! Mighty proud of you!” Vlad roared with happiness. I didn’t say anything, but quickly flashed a smile as I continued walking towards them. Rogfee then seen Fennec and smiled as well.
“Well well, Fennec me boy! Didn’t know my good neighbor was the other hero today! Good work, both of you!” Rogfee exclaimed. I looked around making sure that their yelling wasn’t attracting any attention from both citizens and soldiers, but everyone else seemed focused on their own thing. I walked up to Emerencia and stopped.
“Is Molly all set?” I asked. Emma yawned and nodded her head. I looked down at the young girl and noticed a slingshot in her hand and her telescope in the other. “Looks like she has a weapon of her own now.” I said.
“Well actually it’s just something to do if we get bored on the ride. I’m just having her borrow mine.” Maira said. The site of that slingshot reminded me when I had a slingshot of my own when I was kid back when my parents were alive. My father would let me shoot at a wooden target. Rock after rock it would slowly chip away. I lost it one day outside, but I could never find it. I think maybe one of the neighbor kids stole it.
“Well should we be off?” Maira asked Molly. Molly looked over at Emma with watery eyes and opened her arms for a hug. I watched as Emma kneeled down and wrapped her arms around Molly.
“Promise I’ll see you again?” Molly said with a sniff.
“I promise. I’ll see you in Nokomis before you know it.” Emma replied. The both separated from the hug and Molly held her arms out at me. I felt speechless, but I kneeled down for a hug. I felt her little arms wrap around my back. I never really thought Molly cared much about me. She was always talking to Emerencia and always stuck near her.
We both then separated from our hug. Molly took Maira’s hand and they both walked to the back of the carriage. Maira lifted Molly into the back and she disappeared behind a curtain. Maira then climbed in the back next and was gone too.
“Alright off to Nokomis.” Vlad said to his carriage driver. All of a sudden, the carriage driver gave the horses a whip and suddenly they were off. The rest of us were quiet as we watched the carriage drive away.
“Alright you two. Make any preparations you can tonight. I recommend you both leave tomorrow at Dusk. Just remember it’s a three-day trip.” Vlad said as he turned to us.
“The clothes on my back and the sword by my side is all I need.” Emma said. The focus from everyone was then on me.
“Well we could use food. I don’t know what we can live on for three days in a gorge.” I said. Everyone was quiet once again. I was right though. We would be walking through water up to our shins and thighs for three days whole days with nothing, but a rock wall on each side of us and a river to follow.
“Well I’ll give you both some flint for a fire. Make a few spears out of sticks tonight. There’s plenty of fish to eat in the river. Mostly trout, bluegills, crappies, perch, and pumpkinseeds. All the small stuff. That’s just in the gorge though.” Said Rogfee.
“What about when we leave the gorge and start following the river?” Emma asked. Rogfee pointed his index finger in the air and closed his eyes.
“I was going to get to that.” Rogfee said with irritation in his voice. “Now when you get onto the main river there will be some more fish that are bigger, but very hard to find. Fear not. They aren't dangerous. I strongly recommend you eat big before you hit the river. Just remember to stay on the river and do not leave until you find the first bridge. You wander off, you’ll be in Black Cloud Forest, Black Cloud Bog, or in The Great Haven Forest. You both go into the Black Cloud territory, you’re basically fucked. Understand?” Rogfee said. We both nodded our heads.
I could tell he was serious. The stories I heard about Black Cloud seemed terrifying. A very thick wooded swampy forest flooded with monsters. Then there’s Black Cloud Bog. Over a hundred years ago it was known as Black Cloud Lake. Well until vegetation grew over the murky water and became a bog. Black Cloud Lake is surrounded by land, and that land is surrounded by the Haven River and Haven Harbor.
“Alright, I’ll leave you all be. I’m having a bonfire behind the Inn tonight. Oh and, Fennec. You’re welcome to come if you wish. Now I’ll be back at the Inn if you three need me.” Rogfee said. I watched as Rogfee walked off towards the Inn with Vlad following by his side. Then it was just the three of us. Emma, Fennec, and I. The three of us was quiet. Emma looked over at me like she was waiting for me to say something. Then there was Fennec who I barely knew that was looking at me as well. Even though we’ll be traveling light. Rogfee is right about preparations. Which reminded me about what I thought of earlier.
“Since we’re leaving tomorrow, I was thinking we could practice a bit. Maybe we could both teach each other some moves and a new technique? Nokomis will be full of Vaesite Soldiers. Incase anything happens, I want us both to be ready.” I said.
“Sounds like a good idea. I’ll show you what I know.” Emma smiled as she gave me a smug look. I could feel she was excited, but why? “How about tonight at the fire? That way we don’t cause attention towards anyone during daylight.” Emma suggested. I nodded my head in agreement to her idea. I don't know how well we can see tonight, but it's worth a shot. Maybe Rogfee’s fire will shine enough light off for the both of us.
I turned my attention over at Rogfee and Vlad. I watched as the two walked off to the Inn laughing and giving each other a light nudge on each other’s shoulders. Those two seemed to be friends for such a long time. I was told that true friends are never apart. Maybe in distance, but never from heart. I kept watching the two until they disappeared into the Inn. How would it be if Garth was here right now? I’m sure we would still be stuck here. Emerencia would be a little happier. I don’t really know the man to well, but I wish none of this never happened.
“Everything alright, Zael?” Emma asked as she interrupted my thought. My attention went back onto the three of us and I nodded my head.
“Yeah. Just thinking of preparations for tomorrow.” I lied.
“Alright I should let you both go. I’ll see you both tonight?” Fennec questioned. I looked over at Emma to see what her answer was. I don’t know the guy much, but she knows him more than I do.
“Yeah. See you then.” Emma replied. With just that, Fennec turned around and started walking away.
As Fennec left, Emerencia looked at me with her gentle light blue eyes. Her face was expressionless, but it seemed she wanted to say something. Then a warm smile.
“Zael. Thank you for what you did back there. Saving me from that crazy man.” Emma said calmly.
“No problem. After all we’re companions now. Having each other’s back is important.” I said. Emma’s smile grew a bit bigger as she looked down at the ground playing with the end of her bang. “Anyways when Fennec and I was dragging that dead perv into the woods we decided to check for some valuables on him.” I added. Suddenly Emma’s smiling face shot into panic. She lifted her head up and looked me back in the eyes.
“Wh… What did you find.” Emma stuttered. Trying to ignore her face, I dug into the inside of my coat and pulled out a small leather bag of coins.
“Money. Probably at least fifty epons at the most. I haven’t counted them yet.” I said. Emma’s face relaxed and she gave me a slight nod. Suddenly I figured out her problem.
“Fennec also discovered a pair of girls underwear in the man’s pocket.” I said. Emerencia’s face quickly shot right back up.
“What! What did he do with it?” She panicked. I couldn’t help, but laugh from her reaction. Maybe it was best to keep that unsaid.
“Fennec tossed it aside. That was yours wasn’t it?” I asked. Emma slightly gave me a nod.
“That sick man took it from my clothes pile. There’s no way I want it back after he touched it.” Emma said giving off a disgusted look. I didn’t want Emma to get more irritated than she already was.
“Tell you what. I’ll give you the bag of coins, so you can go down to the market and pick up some things you need. I’m sure this village sells some clothing.” I said handing her the bag. She took the little leather bag and smiled.
“Thank you, Zael. You’re too kind.” She said.
“No problem. I know you never shopped before, but it should be simple. The person running the shop will ask how much coin you’ll need. So, then you’ll trade that amount of coin for the shop’s product. If you need some help, I’ll be back at the Inn. I’ll probably take it easy for the rest of today.” I said as I started walking.
“Alright! I promise I’ll come back with both hands in tact!” Emma laughed as she began walking her way. Now it’s just me. I think I might take a little nap. Perhaps clean my axe. I should've done that when I was down at the lake now that I think about it.
As I walked in through the door of the Inn, I could see Rogfee and Vlad sitting at the table with a bottle in each of their hands that said “Edin Ale”. Vlad was laughing really hard, but he was trying to calm himself.
“Then the man kicked open the back-tavern door with a pipe in his mouth and yelled “Alright! Now where’s the old women with the loose tooth?”. Vlad said. Rogfee was quiet for a moment as he was deep in thought. All of a sudden, his face grew disgusted.
“Aw man! What the fuck? That’s disgusting, Vlad.” Rogfee said. Vlad started laughing again and slamming his fist on the table. His long black hair flew over from the back of his head and draped over his face. Suddenly Rogfee started to laugh with him.
I stood at the doorway of the Inn watching the two laughing uncontrollably. Vlad pulled his hair back and imminently caught sight of me. “Zael! You’re back quick. Want to have a drink and listen to some of my good jokes?” He laughed. I shook my head and started walking over to the stairs.
“I don’t drink. Besides I gotta clean the blood off my axe, and I’ll probably take a small nap afterwards.”
“Hold on now, Hero. How about I clean that axe, and you can take a nap. Rest up for today. You’re gonna have a big trip ahead of you starting tomorrow.” Said Vlad. I stopped at the stairs and pulled out my weapon. I never once let anyone wield it, but Digby. I never trusted anyone with it, but this is Vlad who’s gonna clean it for me. Is he good with this kind of stuff?
I looked down at the bloody blade of my axe and hummed. I walked over to the table and carefully handed the axe over to Vlad. The second it was in his hands, Vlad loss balance of the axe and the tip hit the floor making a mark. I sighed in frustration thinking this could be a bad idea.
“Woah geez! I’m sorry about that. I didn’t expect this sucker to be that heavy!” Vlad said lifting the axe up onto the table. Vlad then breathed out and looked at me with disbelief. “You fight with this thing?” He asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Took me awhile to gain full control of it, but now I swing it like a stick with one hand.” I said. Vlad’s eyes widen as he looked back down at my axe.
“Maybe taking the route through Black Cloud Forest wouldn’t be a bad thing after all. You run into a Swampwalker and you’ll probably walk out without a scratch. Anyways I’ll get a rag and get cleaning for you.” Vlad said.
“Thank you, Vlad.” I said as I started to walk back to the stairs. I took off my blue coat and tossed it over my shoulder. I couldn’t wait to hit the bed and relax. I’ve been helping Rogfee with cutting wood and house chores all week. I finally got a day to myself to take it easy.
“Hey Zael!” Rogfee called. I stopped once again at the steps and looked over at the two.
“Yeah?” I answered.
“Just wondering if you’re gonna make it to my fire tonight?” Rogfee asked. I didn’t know if the man forgot what I said earlier, or he wasn’t paying attention when Vlad invited me to have a drink with the two of them.
“Of course, Rogfee. Like I said. I’m gonna take a short nap. Emerencia and I are gonna practice out by the fire tonight if that’s alright?” I asked. Rogfee closed his eyes and looked away as his hand went in the air.
“Of course. You both do what you wanna do. I understand the both of you are going to be in Nokomis in a few days. Best prepare right? I’m just happy to hear you’ll be out to join me by the fire tonight.” Rogfee said.
“I couldn’t miss that, Rogfee. You’re a good friend.” I said with a smile as I begin walking up the stairs. Once I got up to my room, I shut the door behind me and tossed my jacket to the side of bed. I slipped off my boots, and then crawled into my soft comfortable bed wearing nothing, but my brown shirt and jeans.
I’m really gonna miss this bed. The two cushioned pillows. The warm wool blanket with a soft beautiful quilt on top. I really wish I can take this bed with me. I rolled over to my side facing away from the door. I closed my eyes and smiled. From how nice this felt, I kinda don’t want to leave tomorrow.
“Zael. Hey Zael. Wake up sleepy head.” I opened my eyes, but the whole room was dark. The only light was a lantern in Emma’s hand.
“Wow. How long was I out?” I asked.
“From midday to a bit after sundown.” Emma replied. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms.
“How did it go shopping?” I yawned. Emerencia smiled and pulled out the leather bag of coins I gave her earlier.
“It wasn’t too hard. Turns out there was seventy-eight coins in there.” I grabbed the bag from Emma and noticed it felt super light. I could hear what seemed like only two coins jingling inside. This could not be good.
“What did you buy exactly?” I asked. Emma set the lantern down and sat beside the bed facing me.
“I told a shop owner that I was new to shopping, but I got what I needed for only twenty coins! How nice is that?” Emma exclaimed. I just became fully awake in shock from what she just said. I just couldn’t believe my ears.
“Twenty coin? Is that underwear made of gold!” I yelled. Emma jumped in fear and moved back a bit.
“N… No. It’s just... Is twenty epons to much?” She asked. I slapped my face with the palm of my hand and breathed out.
“Something like that should cost around five to seven! Clearly you were scammed.” I said. I shook the bag again feeling the two coins jump. “For the love of Larine, what else did you buy?”
Emerencia slowly pulled out a small flaying knife and placed it on my bed. She looked at me with fear on her face. I knew my yelling was scaring her, but this money could have gotten us a good meal, or maybe some useful items. It was a nice looking knife though. I sat still for a bit staring at the flaying knife. Well this can be useful. That is if we catch ourselves a meal.
“I’m sorry for yelling. How much was this though?” I asked.
“Fifty-Six coins.” She said softly. So that really did leave us with two coins.
“For now on. I’m gonna do the spending.” I said as I got out of bed.
“Zael. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Emma said. I pulled on my boots and stood up to put my coat on.
“It’s alright. We won’t be needing money for the next few days I guess.” I sighed as I started walking down the stairs. Emma followed after, but she kept a bit of distance. When I made it to the bottom, I noticed there wasn’t anyone in the room. It was empty.
“Emma. Where is Rogfee and Vlad? “ I asked.
“Out back for a fire. Remember?” She gently replied. Her soft tone was starting to irritate me. If we’re going to practice, I don’t want her acting so soft and sad. I walked a little ways and still she was a bit behind kept at a distance.
“Emma, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I don’t want you to feel sad or anything. Come on now. Let’s get some practice in. I want to see how deadly you can be!” I shouted with excitement trying to change the mood. I ran right out back hearing Emma right on my tail this time. I ran into the backyard of the Inn and seen Vlad, Rogfee, and Fennec sitting by the fire. It was dark outside with only the fire and a bright night sky to give off light. Bright enough to practice. Especially with that bright moon over our heads.
“Geeze, Zael. I thought you said a short nap.” Vlad teased.
“I kinda thought so too, but the bed is so comfortable.” I said.
“Good thing you're up, but sadly you have to die.” Rogfee laughed. I was confused. What did he mean by that? Just then Fennec pointed behind me. Quickly I turned around and seen the tip of Emma’s blade up to my throat.
“Killed you!” Emma giggled. I shook my head and breathed out in relief.
“Trying to give me a heart attack?” I asked. Emma cocked her head to the side and smiled.
“Hey Zael. Your axe is all clean. Give us a good show tonight. I want to sharpen both of your blades by the end of the night.” Vlad said as he walked over with my axe. I took it from his hands and looked it over. It was dark enough that I couldn’t see detail, but I hope he did a good job. As Vlad sat back down. I looked over at Emma and swung my axe up on my shoulder.
“Are you ready?” I asked. Emma took a couple steps back and stood in a high stance. I got in my stance and nodded my head. All of sudden, Emma darted towards me hitting her blade against mine nearly knocking me off balance. Next thing I knew the tip of her sword was once again at my throat.
“Alright you got me while I was unprepared!” I argued.
“You gave me a nod.” Emma shrugged as she lowered her sword.
“Again.” I said. We both got in positions and stood still. I gave her another nod and as soon as she lunged towards me, I quickly blocked it off and took a horizontal swing, knocking her sword away from her. With another swing towards her, Emma jumped back and blocked it nearly taking her sword to the ground.
“Wow. You’re pretty good wielding that.” She complemented. Both of our weapons quickly collided together, and we were face to face fighting strength. Suddenly she gave me a kick in the gut. I tried to keep my balance, but I fell back on my ass. Everyone was laughing, but Emma.
“What happened to the man who struck a soldier’s in the head? She taunted.
“Come on Zael!” Rogfee cheered. I slowly got up and took a running swing at Emma. The girl drew her sword out to block, but my attacked ended up sending her sword flying out from her hand. I pointed the head of the axe at her and laughed.
“Another swing and it would’ve been over!”
The whole night was endless practice. The boys kept watching us as they talked about their own life. Vlad told some more dirty jokes and Fennec was mostly quiet, but he kept watching Emma fight. Overall Emma was a great swordsman. I taught her some things, and she taught me a few too. The night ended as Fennec went home, and Vlad went to bed in his own room. Rogfee, Emma, and I wrapped up the fire and headed in a little bit afterwards. Rogfee said his goodnights and went to bed. Leaving me with Emma.
We both made our way up to our rooms and got ready for bed. We both took our turn to step out of the room, so we could get dressed into our nightgowns. Then we both settled in. I kinda had fun practicing with her, but is this something that would last longer?
“Good night, Zael.” Emma said.
“Yeah?” She replied.
“Remember when I said that I would help you kill Lokir?” Emma was quiet for a second.
“I do. Are you having second thought?” She asked.
“No. I’m just wondering. When this is all over. Are we going to split apart from our companionship, or are we going to stick together?” I asked. Emma was silent.
“That's your call. Not only do I think of ourselves as companions, but I do think of you as my friend. For what I heard, friendship doesn’t end. I do want to see the world, but you're always welcome by my side.” Emma said.
“If Lokir dies and all this ends. I might come home to Edinburgh. I miss Korla and the rest of the kids. As for right now, you're all I have left. Perhaps traveling with you could be fun.”
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