《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 10: Into The Gorge
“Zael. Come on wake up.” I said as I nudged his shoulder. Zael whined as he rolled over to ignored me.
“Wake up, Zael! The world says hello!”
“Fuck the world.” Zael grunted. I sighed as I walked over to my bed and grabbed my gear. I then stepped out of the room to get dressed. I still didn't hear Zael move.
“When I come out from getting dressed, you better be out of bed!” I shouted as I dropped my nightgown to the floor. I slipped on my socks and stepped into my outfit. I could hear Zael yawning from the bedroom area, but he didn't make no other sounds.
I wrapped my belt around my waist and pulled down the pouch of Garth’s ashes to make sure it’s not going anywhere. I then tied my hair up the same way Molly did it with my leather wraps. I kinda like it this way. It also keeps my long hair from the back and sides from getting into my face.
After I got my long socks and boots on, I walked out to see Zael surprisingly awake and fully dressed.
“I didn't even hear you get dressed. I was gonna hit you with a pillow if you were still asleep.” I said as I grabbed my sword.
“I'm still tired. I definitely don't feel ready to walk in a river for five days straight. Zael complained.
“I know walking in water for five days won't be fun for you, but it's a gorge!” I exclaimed. “My uncle never traveled through there. Well maybe he did, but I don't remember him telling me any stories about him traveling through a gorge.” I said as I started walking down the stairs. Zael followed after and made another yawn. When we made it to the bottom we both seen Vlad sitting at the table with a mug in his hand.
“Good morning.” Vlad greeted in a quiet tone.
“You're up early. Is Rogfee up too?” Zael whispered back. Vlad shook his head.
“No just me. I got up when I heard footsteps from upstairs. I just want to tell you something before you both go.” Vlad said.
“What is that?” I asked. Vlad stood up and looked at the both of us.
“You both are going to reach the city on the same day Molly gets dropped off. Ask around for the finest Inn. She’ll be there waiting. The next day, General Lokir will arrive so be ready. Anyways after Molly gets dropped off, my carriage men is going to pick me up and I’ll have him drive me down to Nokomis to see you. Now listen up.” Vlad demanded giving us a serious look.
“When I get to Nokomis, I better hear news of that fucking general being assassinated. I want to see you both alive at an Inn, or some talk about two wanted people with a child escaping that city. I don’t want to come there hearing no news and seeing you both sitting around at an Inn. Understand?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he gets what’s coming.” Emma said.
“That’s what I like to hear. I wish you both luck, and I hope everything goes well.” Vlad said as he held out his hand out towards me. I stepped forward and shook his hand. We both realized and Zael shook his.
“See you in Nokomis.” I said as we both started walking towards the door to leave.
“In ten days.” Vlad added. We both waved goodbye and walked out the door. The sky was still dark with a hint of light from the east. It was still dark, but we could barely see. Zael and I both walked through town and passed Fennec’s fire pit that was sitting still with no sign of smoke or burning coals. Then a bit afterwards we passed up the local tavern with no drunk pervert waiting for me to pass by. As we passed the tavern, we came upon the trail that leads to the lake. I looked back at the village one last time.
“Are you gonna miss this place?” Zael asked.
“Of course. I’m gonna miss going down to the lake for a morning bath. I’m going to miss Rogfee and Maira. I’m also going to miss sleeping in those wonderful beds.” I said. Zael nodded and sighed.
“Those beds are absolutely the best. I wonder where I can get a bed like that.” Zael asked.
“I don’t know, but if we see Rogfee or Maira again, I’ll be sure to ask.” I replied.
The rest of the walk to the lake was quiet. The only noise was our footsteps and the birds singing in the trees. For this early, I did even know bird were awake. The sun is barely out, and the forest feels alive with them singing.
“Zael. Why are the birds out so early?” I asked. Zael looked up and over his head where the noise could be heard, but no bird could be seen.
“There could be many reasons, but I personally think they’re up early for the worms and nightcrawlers.” Zael replied. The first thing that came to my mind was an ugly four-footed creature crawling through the woods, but birds wouldn’t come out for that? Worms I can understand.
“Zael what’s a nightcrawler?” I asked as I walked closer to his side with my hand hovering over the handle of my sword.
“Nothing to be scared about.” He laughed. “It’s pretty much the same things a worm. Just a bit fatter though.” He said.
From up ahead was the opening to the lake. Fog could be seen floating over the water with the reflection of the morning light just starting to peek over the trees. As we emerged out from the wooded trail, I could see the lake was resting still. No wind to blow little waves like some days. Just still water, like when I first arrived. Suddenly Zael stopped and looked at both directions of the beach.
“If I remember correctly, we walk the beach until we come across a river. Then we follow the river into the gorge.” Zael said.
“Sounds about right.” I replied. Zael scanned the lakeside in both directions then pointed West.
“There. See that opening. I’m sure the gorge is that way.” Zael said as he started walking. I looked in his direction and seen where there was a spacing between trees. I looked over to the east, but there was no opening. Just a tree line going on and on.
I followed after Zael assuming he was right. I don’t really know much about lakes and rivers, but tree spacing sure sounds about right for where a river would be.
We then passed the flat rock where I would always set my things every morning. Just beyond that was a dark color in the sand. Right where Zael stabbed, Jester Jeff yesterday. I remember watching Zael’s axe striking him, before Jeff had a chance to kill Fennec. I’m just happy Fennec and everyone else was okay. Especially Molly. I’m happy she didn’t see any of that.
I took my eyes off the bloody sand and looked straight ahead. Up ahead was more dark colored sand, but instead with scraps lying around. I looked at Zael who was right by my side, but his focus was at the tree clearing from up ahead. We came across a scrap on the sand, but it seemed like dark a piece of clothing. Beyond from that was more.
“Hey Zael. Look at this.” I said as I pointed at the ground. Zael’s attention was turned away from the clearing and down at the sand. We walked up to another scrap and Zael gave it a light nudge with his boot.
“I’m sure the wolves or coyotes got him.” Zael said.
Suddenly something big came whipping in front of us. It struck the sand and fell still. It was white and bloody. We both looked in the direction where it came from and seen two upright creatures that seemed a half size smaller than us up by the tree line. Then they both began hissing. A hiss so bad it sounded as if they had their throats burned.
“Zael what is that!” I panicked as I drew my sword.
“Those are Paskas. Stay calm and back off slowly.” Zael ordered as he started stepping away. The creatures started walking towards us from the tree line and stepped into the morning sun that casted some brief light upon them. The creatures skin looked like a sickish pale with straight pointed ears and the nose shape of a hook. From what I could see it looks almost as if they barely have lips and a huge set of razor-sharp teeth to show. They were wearing what looked like animal hide wrapped around their waist with a wooden club in their hand. This is by far the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
“Emma let’s go!” Zael yelled again. Instead I raised my sword readying to strike. The two beasts were drawing in close with backs hunched like they were old. “Emma I’m serious. Do not attack.” Zael said. I didn’t understand why not. They look weak, but these things would just keep following us, wouldn’t they?
Quickly I sprinted forward swinging my sword at the nearest Paska, hitting him down right in the shoulder. I then took a jab right into the creature’s chest and kicked its body off my sword sending him down into the sand. The second one screeched as it lunged towards me with its little wooden club. I blocked the attack and ended up staggering him. I took a swing across and made a big slice through its stomach. The hideous creature screeched even louder and fell on the beach making more noise. All of a sudden Zael’s axe came down, taking off its head. I looked at the two bodies of the Paskas, then I looked up at Zael full of pride. I never took down a monster before, and that was actually easier than I thought.
“They didn’t stand a chance right, Zael?” I asked. Suddenly Zael grasped my hand and he began to run as he was dragging me back.
“You idiot! You know what you done?” He hissed. I looked back at the two bodies and back at Zael.
“I killed a monster, and you helped me kill the other. What’s the big deal?” I asked. From the tree line I could hear sticks breaking and leaves crunching. Suddenly more paskas sprung out from the trees. There had to be five of them. No Seven. Then more growing into a dozen chasing after us. I then picked up my pace and began running with Zael.
“Why are there so much?” I asked.
“Paskas are always in a group or clan. When they screech, it’s usually a sign for help. Two may not be a big deal, but when more appear they surround you like a pack of wolves randomly taking turns to take you down!” I looked back behind us and the little pale ugly creatures kept chasing us. Some had wooden spears, sticks, and most had clubs.
I kept my eyes back at the twelve paskas that were tailing us from the sand. Zael and I kept running, but the beasts were catching up. One slipped in the sand and planted on its face. The other’s ignored the fallen one and kept chasing us. Another paska with a spear readied his arm back for a throw. Suddenly my heart began to race.
“One’s going to throw a spear!” I panicked. As I said that the critter threw the spear right at us. I quickly sprinted up more to Zael’s side. The spear spiraled right at us and almost hit me in the back of my left leg. Zael then let my arm loose and spun around at the monsters that are tailing us on shore. With a swing his axe, he nearly sliced the closest paska in half. I stopped and went on shore to help Zael. The paska who threw his spear at us began backing up with a hiss.
“If this gets bad we need to start swimming.” Zael said as he went to attack the nearest goblin.
“I can barely swim. I can only go neck high.” I replied as I watched the other monsters around us starting to form a circle in the sand. One paska then jumped at me with a stick and whacked my arm as I tried to block it.
“Ouch! That hurt!” I yelled as I drove my blade right through its stomach. I pulled out the blade and the goblin took a few steps back ready to collapse. My eyes were then on six more of them while Zael was dealing with four. The monsters screeched and hissed as they slowly came in closer.
Two of the six paskas came running at me with a club and spear. The spear went for a direct stab, but I managed to block it by hitting it down with my sword. With my free hand, I grabbed the wooden spear and tugged it towards me with the tip facing away from my body. I managed to rip it out of the ugly little creatures’ arms and send him falling to the sand. With my other hand I stabbed my sword down into the paska’s upper back. The thing made an ear aching scream as I pressured the blade down more.
“Emma lookout!” Zael yelled. Suddenly my back leg was hit with what felt like a log. It felt almost like my leg got charley horses by a troll. I fell back letting go of my sword, but with the spear still in my hands. My heart was thumping even faster. I won't let these things make a morning meal out me. Quickly I looked in the direction where I got hit, and I seen it was the other goblin with the wooden club. The paska moved in for another swing. Quickly I stabbed the beast in the gut and stood up. My leg felt so sore that it hurt to stand. I looked over at my sword and seen the weaponless goblin pull it out of the dead paska’s back. My sword. My uncle’s sword that he made for me. Now in that monster’s hands. Anger quickly grew over fear and the pain in my leg disappeared.
“That’s mine!” I yelled as I ran the spear straight into the paska’s neck. I pulled the spear out and stabbed into him a second time. Right there I felt a club whack me hard in the lower back. The wind flew out of me and I fell forward driving the paska that I stabbed to the ground along with me falling next to the hideous creature.
“Emma get up!” Zael yelled as he stood over me. I quickly reached for my sword and got back up. My lower back was great pain. I could see there were three paskas left. Zael must of took them out as I fell.
As another moved in, Zael took a swing and knocked it to the ground splashing blood all over the sand. The last two then charged right at us. As quick as I could, I took a swing down at the little dwarf beast and injured its shoulder. With that swing, my back was screaming in pain. That paska stepped forward with a club in the air. Suddenly Zael’s axe came slamming down on the paska’s skull and knocked him in the sand.
With the last one, Zael turned his axe to the side and gripped hard it with both hands. He took a swing hitting the goblin and sending him flying into the water. The creature then screamed as it quickly sank down below drowning. Almost like it got devoured.
I then took a couple steps away from the bloody mess with my hand over my back. I dropped down on the sand and laid there. My lower back was still in pain, but it didn’t hurt as bad as before. Zael took his eyes off the water where the goblin vanished and then he looked over at me.
“How bad is it?” Zael asked.
“Like I got punched in the back by a troll.” I answered. Zael walked up to me and kneeled down by my side.
“Those clubs are basically logs stolen from woodpiles and carved into a weapon. Goblins are easy to take down, but when they get into a pack. You never know which one will strike first and with what weapon.” Zael said as he looked over at the dead bodies.
“I’m sorry.” I said as I slowly sat up.
“It’s fine. We should be getting close to the river. Do you think you can make it?” Zael asked. Slowly I stood myself up.
“My back still hurts, but it’ll probably leave a good bruise. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I then started to walk, but it didn’t hurt my back as much. Just a slight sting with every step, but It should be easy to ignore. Zael then followed and caught up next to my side.
“I kinda noticed that you don’t handle yourself too well with a group of enemies.” Zael said.
Zael is right. I’m no good in a group attack. I got hit a couple of times. These paskas could've gotten me too. I was never trained by my uncle about fighting big mobs. Because of this, I think I lack skill. I feel… Kinda useless.
“You’re right. This is something, I should work on. I hope I’m not holding you back.” I mopped.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. You’re doing fine. We all have a weakness that we can build to overcome. You’ll get there.” I couldn’t help but smile from his words. I heard those words years ago. Zael looked over at me and caught my smile.
“What’s with the smile?” He asked.
“Garth told me the exact same thing when I first started to learn swordsmanship. I had a hard time with blocking once. So, we worked on that for a few months. If I never got good at that, then I would of died in Snowdrift from a soldier. That Vaesite soldier only broke my old uncle’s rusty sword with a swing of his battle axe.” Zael then shot a surprised look at me.
“You blocked a huge battle axe with a rusty sword?” Zael awed. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed.
“Well if you say it that way, I guess that is pretty impressive. It kinda staggered me, but I had to defend myself with something. He was going to kill me with the next blow for sure, but luckily Garth saved me.” I said.
As we kept walking, the morning sun peeked over the trees more and brought light upon the whole lake. I could feel the warmth lightly hit against my head. The light wasn’t bothering my eyes, but it felt nice. I think we’ll soon be warm to the point that we’ll be grateful for walking in the water.
As we approached the beginning of the river I noticed a weird sound from just up ahead. It was ongoing, but it’s an unusual humming sound vibrating in the air. I stopped in my tracks and held my hand up in caution.
“Zael. Do you hear that up ahead?” I asked. Zael then froze in place for a couple seconds. Then continued walking.
“That’s the waterfall up head that Rogfee told us about.” Zael said. I continued walking feeling stupid, but how was I supposed to know? I never seen or heard one before. A waterfall though. My Uncle promised that he would take me to see one down in the Silverpine Forest. Excitement quickly grew over me and I began to run ahead of Zael.
“What are you doing?” Zael asked. I looked over my shoulder with a smile.
“I want to see the waterfall! Come on!” I shouted. Zael didn’t chase after me, but he kept walking. I looked behind me a couple of times to see where he’s at, but he was still walking. I ignored him and kept running.
The sandy bank ahead was disappearing into the river, but that didn’t bother me. I splashed into the water that was shin high and kept running. My back was still hurting, but I didn’t wanna stop. The noise was getting closer and closer. I could feel cold water soaking my feet with each step. From up ahead I could see rocks over the water that looked easy to walk on.
As I approached, I climbed up on a flat rock. From there it looked like a river of stepping stones. I jumped to the next rock in front of me and then the next. This was absolutely fun. I kept jumping from rock to rock. I jumped to the next rock and noticed there wasn’t any more in front of me. Instead it was a huge drop. Water was heavily pouring over the edge and was crashing down into the river below. I looked down at the river below and noticed it was isolated by two huge rock walls close together.
I expected this waterfall to be beautiful but standing on top of it makes it hard to tell. Suddenly I felt a soft nudge on the back of my leg. I looked down and got startled at first, but it was only a tiny fuzzy brown animal with a stump of a tail and round ears.
“Oh, my goodness you're so cute!” I squealed as I bent down to pet it. The furry animal nibbled my hand and rolled over on its back. I looked behind me and seen Zael coming up from the distance. I looked back down at the furry animal and continued to pet it.
“What are you doing so close to an edge like this?” I asked. Of course, the animal didn’t talk back. I wasn’t sure what is was, but it was as big as a small dog, and its fur coat was thick. It then stood up on both legs and put its large front paws on my lap. I gently put my arms around the creature and lifted him into the air. It didn’t squirm or anything. It seemed like the animal liked it. I turned around to face Zael who was just climbing onto his first rock.
“Zael look! I made a friend!” I shouted as I lifted the animal higher. Suddenly Zael’s eyes shot open in panic and his head began to shake.
“Emma put that down!” Zael yelled as he started leaping quickly towards me. I grew confused and looked at the animal. The innocent thing licked my cheek and made a squeak.
“He’s not hurting anyone!” I shouted back. Zael was half way to catching up with me. He looked off to his left and he began to pick up the pace as his eyes grew bigger.
“Emma put him down and jump!” Zael screamed. I looked off in the direction where he looked and seen a huge brown animal charging towards me from the forest with a roar. It looked bigger and identical to the one I’m holding. I quickly set the small animal down and looked behind me at the river below. The jump was extremely high, but it looked scary to do. What if I hit the bottom of the riverbed and get hurt? Hell, I could even die! I looked over at the large animal that was racing its way through the water in my direction. My body began to shake, and my heart started to race. I looked over at Zael and seen him sprinting and running on each rock trying to hold his balance.
“Emma you need to jump!” Zael demanded. I was frozen in fear. I didn’t know what to do. Zael and the large animal was closing in on me really fast. I turned my head back towards the river and back at Zael. Next thing I knew, Zael plowed me off the edge. I could see the large furry animal taking a swipe so close to my face as I fell with Zael. His arms reach around my waist pulling me close as we both went flying off the edge of the waterfall. Suddenly I began screaming knowing that we’re both falling. I could feel wind and mist hitting my face as we fell with the water. All of a sudden, the sight of the morning light disappeared as I felt my body anchor deep into the water.
Water got up into my nose causing my nostrils to sting. I could feel water going down my throat and into my lungs as well. I couldn’t breathe, but most importantly I can’t swim. I started to kick and wiggle, but Zael’s grip was tight around me. He let go with one hand and started to wiggle too. I couldn't tell what he was doing with the water current pushing the both of us. I was panicking, and I could feel more water going down my throat then suddenly I felt ground on my feet. Almost like I can walk on the river floor.
I can feel Zael picking me up off the river bed. Suddenly my head emerges from water. I gasped and started to cough up the water that I swallowed. The river floor from below must be a slope rising up. Zael carried me to the point where the water touched his shins, then he placed me down. I sat in the cold water coughing and gasping for air. I looked up from where we jumped and seen the large brown creature picking its baby up by the scruff and walking off.
“Good gods! This will make a good story to tell.” Zael laughed. I finished coughing up water and looked up at Zael in shock.
“What the hell was that?” I asked.
“Those were brown bears. You go near a mama bear's cub and they will maul you to death. Even if the cub is friendly. The mother bear would kill you.” Zael said. I looked back up at the falls and watched the mother bear carry its cub out of sight.
“I’m sorry. Again, I did something stupid and almost got us killed.” I said as I began to cry. “That was scary. The huge bulky bear, falling down, and almost drowning! I didn’t know it was a baby. I didn’t know they got bigger and mean!” I bawled. Zael sighed and held out his hand to me. I grasped it as he quickly pulled me up out of the water.
“Come on, don’t cry. You didn’t know any better, but we survived right?” Zael asked. I slowly nodded my head, but I continued to cry.
“All you been doing is saving me. You saved me from getting my hand chopped off. You saved me from a perverted man. Then those Paskas. That bear, and from drowning. You should just leave before I get the both of us killed.” I wept as I covered my eyes.
“That’s enough. I’m not leaving you. Clearly you don’t know anything outside of Snowdrift. So, from here on out, I’m going to teach you. Also, you’re not going to wander off far from my sight anymore. Understand?” I nodded as I uncovered my hands from my eyes and looked up at Zael. His brownish black hair was soaked along with the rest of his clothes. I took a look down at myself. My dress feels like it’s stuck to me. The water was making it feel heavier. Luckily Garth’s ashes is still by my side, but the pouch is soaked.
“Now let’s get moving. We got a long walk ahead of us.” Zael said.
I turned around facing away from the waterfall and looked in the direction where we’re supposed to go in the gorge. From down here it looked more beautiful. It was a straight shallow river with large narrow mossy rock walls on both sides of the water. The rock walls had vines, ferns, and flowers growing all around the top. High above the gorge were trees covering the bright morning sky with their green leaves.
Zael then started to walk through the water making ripples with every step. I followed after him and noticed the sandy river floor was disappearing and we were then walking on rock. All of a sudden Zael slipped backwards and fell into river making a huge splash. I busted out laughing as he shot up out of the water with irritation written all over his face.
“Watch your step. These rocks are pretty slippery.” Zael puffed as he stood back up. I slowed my pace and sure enough. It was like walking on ice, but with water up to my shins.
“Have you ever been to a river before?” Zael asked as he took off his coat.
“Yeah. There is a river a little far out from Snowdrift. My uncle and I would go there because that’s where the white pines are.” I answered. Zael gave me a confused look as he twisted his coat up and gave it a squeeze letting all the water escape.
“White pines? What for?” Zael asked.
“Pine Needle Tea. All we had to drink in that village was water and rarely milk. So, my uncle would make pine needle tea to give the water a slight bit of flavor.” I said. Zael threw his coat back on and slide his arms through his sleeves.
“Well what about fishing? Have you ever tried it?” Zael questioned.
“I never did. My uncle caught a few, but catching fish is kinda rare in that river.”
“When we get hungry I’m going to teach you how to spear them. I’m not sure how we can build a fire but keep an eye out for dry wood and a dry flat surface when the time comes.” Zael said.
As we kept walking through the gorge the sun became higher in the sky. For what seemed like a dead end up ahead was always a rock wall and a river leading us left and right. The river lead us down little waterfalls which was basically steps for us, but slippery. The river got up to our knees and thighs at a few points and sometimes down to our ankles. The water current seemed to slow down as we kept going further and further downstream.
I noticed with every step I took, I could see little gray and brown critters with two claws shoot out from the big cracks of the cleavage rock below our feet. Then they would swim off backwards and hide in a different spot until our feet spook them once again.
I focused on a big gray one in front of me and paused. I slowly bent down and placed my hands in the water.
“What are you doing?” Zael asked. I ignored him as my right hand was sneaking up behind the critter and the left hand stood still in front of it. I then wiggled my left-hand fingers to distract him as my right hand snatched him from the back. I pulled the little creature out from the water and looked at it. Its front claws were up in the air like it surrendered and it had four legs on each side of its body. The head had two big whiskers and two small little black eyes.
“Looks like you caught yourself a crayfish.” Zael said sounding surprised.
“That’s what these things are?” I said as I wiggled my other finger in front of it. The small crayfish was moving its arms towards my finger and then suddenly its pincers latched onto the tip of my finger.
“Gahh!” I yelped as I quickly swung my hand left and right, but the little shit wouldn’t let go.
“What would you think would happen?” Zael laughed. I kept swinging my wrist then finally the crayfish went flying off my index finger and smack into the rock wall of the gorge. Zael was then laughing harder.
“Are these things in every watered habitat?” I asked as I looked at my finger. There was no blood, but the crayfish left a good mark.
“Only in rivers where it’s rocky.” Zael laughed. I grew frustrated with his laughing and puffed my cheeks.
“Stop laughing! That really hurts!” I whined as I held onto my finger. As we kept walking, I noticed more crayfish swimming out from the rocky riverbed with every step. I tried to squash the little water creatures with each step, but they were too fast.
As the afternoon came my legs were getting tired. I went to walking through water to dragging my feet through it. I looked over at Zael, and I’m sure he’s getting tired as well. I looked up at the top of gorge and seen the sky turning orange, and the trees were looking darker.
“Hey. How about we call it a day. Find a dry spot and relax. Maybe you can teach me how to fish?” I suggested.
“Not tonight. How about I get us both a meal, and you can search for wood?”
“Sounds good.” I said as I looked ahead for a dry spot.
“Don’t worry about making a fire. With all this moss, I’m sure I can get one going.” Zael said.
As we turned a slight corner, I noticed a huge flat surface up ahead and out from the water. Big enough to fit five people at the most.
“I think I found the perfect spot for tonight!” I cheered. Zael squinted his eyes and nodded.
“Looks pretty good. Get some big rocks out from the water and build a circle. I’m going to see if I can climb my way up the gorge.” Zael said. As we arrived, I pulled myself up to the surface and looked around. Moss was growing towards the edge of the gorge wall and near the water. So perhaps it’s best to keep a fire in between. I took off my belt and placed it next to the rock wall along with my sword. Now that I’m out of the water, I can feel cold water gush out of my socks and soak back in with every step. I pulled off both of my boots and flipped them upside down for the remaining water to drain. I slid off my socks and hung each one on the cross-guard of my sword to dry. My outfit was damp, but not completely dry. Hopefully the leather cuirass built in won't go bad.
I looked over at Zael who took off his coat exposing his brown shirt. He placed his coat next to his sword and looked up the gorge wall. I could see fear in eyes as he scanned the rock wall for a way up.
“If you want, we can skip the fire for tonight. I’m sure we can eat tomorrow.” I said. Zael looked around and sighed.
“Sure. I’m just hungry and we haven’t eaten all day.”
I sat down next to my things and nodded in agreement. “I too am hungry, but there isn’t any wood around here for a fire. The walls are too steep, and it seems dangerous to make our way back down.”
“You’re right. Let's rest for now. My feet ache and we have to get moving tomorrow at sunrise. We have four more big days ahead of us” Zael added.
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8 153 - In Serial36 Chapters
give me love ➳ zarry
❝you know how they say, what was it? don't judge a book by its cover? well lad, this is a prime example.❞zayn was your typical bad boy. leather jackets, motorcycles, and smokes.everyone seems to judge zayn quite quickly. they don't know the real zayn.harry is one of those people, although he absolutely despises zayn. harry's a great student, loves everyone, & not to mention openly gay.he volunteers at a local retirement home, which just so happens to be the same place zayn volunteers.but of course, no one knows that. zayn enjoys having everyone wonder about him. zayn's on the other side of the building, therefore they've never ran into each other.one day harry does run into zayn.and after that, he just can't help but run into zayn all the time.© sweatshirtzarry 2015
8 117 - In Serial6 Chapters
President of My Heart (Barack Obama x Yui Tamura)
The 44th president of the United States of America has decided to visit an established school in Japan that is well-known for being one of the most prestigious schools in the country!Dive deep into the adventures of Barack Obama as he discovers a new club, new friends, and most importantly; the love of his life.
8 93 - In Serial10 Chapters
One shots..
8 181 - In Serial74 Chapters
Little short stories, full of emotions, and the things that are still not solved today. Every chapter is a new story. There might be a story of a mouse and a horse. An article about freedom. A love story in between. Read to find out, what stories come out.________________Cover made by me_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I reserve the right to these small short stories, their plots, their inspiration, the words and the characters, any form of copying is illegal.
8 398