《The Survivor From Snowdrift》Chapter 4: Arrival At Edinburgh
I looked up at the evening sky where golden clouds mixed with the colors orange, red, and a little blue. With the mountains blocking the west back in Snowdrift I rarely seen anything like this.
“Are you ready?” Garth suddenly asked. I looked away from the glowing sky and shot my uncle a puzzled look. “A couple more steps and you’ll see the whole city of Edinburgh from the top of this hill.” All of a sudden, my eyes shot open. Quickly I got excited knowing that once when I get to the top I’ll see it all.
I started to pick up my pace and began running. Little by little I started to see more and more of this new world. Finally, at last there it was! I stopped in my tracks and looked with awe at the large grassy green world full of pine trees, and a cluster of buildings down below surrounded by a stone wall. Just behind the city was a large body of water full of boats. Boats that I would see in pictures that Garth would draw for me when he told me his stories.
“It’s so amazing! That… That’s Edinburgh, right?” I pointed as I looked back at my uncle. Garth finally caught up to me and nodded his.
“That’s Edinburgh.” He said with a weak smile.
“The air even smells salty. Why is that?” I asked.
“You see that body of water?” Garth pointed. “That’s the ocean. All of that is made up of saltwater.” He said. I took a moment to look at the ocean, and I turned my focus back at the city. By the gods, I can’t get over how big it is. I then looked down and noticed that I was a step away from touching grass. I picked my foot up and slowly stepped down on the green little blades. I didn’t hear a crunch like I would in the snow. Nothing at all really. I took a few more steps and it felt so weird. I can easily stand up and walk on this. I bent down and brushed my hand against the soft little green plants. Little drops of water sparkled on the green blades as the evening sun shined down.
“This is so amazing! This is grass!” Garth shook his head and lightly laughed.
“Out of all things, I never thought you’d be so excited over grass.” Garth chuckled. I stroked my hand across grass once more and stood back up.
“And this stretches on and on?”
“As far as the eye can see.” He replied as he gazed at the path ahead. “Well shall we?” He asked. I nodded my head and quickly stood back up.
“Once we’re inside the city, were will we go then?” I asked as I began trailing after him towards the city.
“First we’ll get your birthday present. From there an old friend of mine might be able to shelter us for a bit.” Garth said.
“I see.” I mumbled feeling bad that Garth still insists taking me to this present. I fear we might be in some risk inside the city. I already have a beautiful sword. What more do I need?
As we got closer, the city wall looked as if it grew higher. Almost as if it’s at least three stories tall. Just up ahead I could see the gate into the city with two soldiers blocking it. If they ask where we’re from would they kill us? Would they just let us pass? What excuse would Garth use if they asked us something?
“Garth what will happen when we approach the soldiers?” I whispered.
“I’m not sure, but I’ll handle it.” He replied.
As we got even more closer to the gate, a soldier on the left took a few steps forward and held up his hand half way. “Both of you halt right there. Where are you from and state your business.” He demanded.
“We’re both from Graycott. We’re both plan on traveling to Zarell City, and we would like to stay at an Inn for the night.” Garth said. The soldier studied Garth and I as he hummed to himself.
“So, you’re from Graycott huh?”
“Well of course.” Garth replied in a positive tone.
“I see. Well go on ahead.” He said stepping aside. I watched as the other soldier pull a lever up and the metal gate ahead slowly began to open. Garth continued forward without thanking them. Which I guess is understandable, but a risky move.
As we walked in through the city gates everything was so different than I imagined. Houses made of fine stone were everywhere and people crowded the streets. Up above there was thin ropes holding clothes, and colorful plants growing out of jars up on windowsills. This place is so different compared to Snowdrift! My eye quickly caught a lady coming in my direction carrying a big basket of cheese and bread. I didn’t realize until now how hungry I was. The venison from earlier was good, but wasn’t enough. I wonder if the soldiers drop food off for the people here like they did in my village.
I followed Garth in the direction where the lady came from and up ahead was a big opening full of so many food stands, weapons, jewelry, and bottles of some sort of drink. The streets were so noisy that it’s hard to hear what people are saying from far away. I approached a stand, and the man standing behind it shouted. “Bread! Get your fresh baked bread here!” My attention was completely drawn. I stepped up to the bread stand and looked at all sorts of bread just laying there. I can’t believe these people are giving out bread. The people at Snowdrift never share their food, because there wasn’t much to go around. Well except for Cleon. He was a talented hunter. “Hey there young lady, you here for some bread? I got all sorts freshly baked today!”
I looked down at a big loaf that was golden brown with little black tiny dots on top. “This bread looks so delicious. Thank you, sir.” I said as I grabbed a big loaf. The bread was so warm in my hands that my mouth began to water.
“Poppy seed bread. You have pretty good taste.” He said. I brought the bread up to my mouth and took a bite. The bread tastes so good, and yet so warm. Never have I had bread this good before. My eyes close from how delicious it was. I could feel the little seeds crunch against my teeth. I could live off this forever! “You got money for that right?”
“Money? What’s that?” I said as I went for another bite. Suddenly the man grabbed my wrist and slammed it down on the stand.
“This isn’t a charity little lady! If you’re gonna be a thief, then I’ll punish you!” He barked as he pulled a cleaver out from under his stand. I started to panic and pull my arm out, but his grip was too strong. I looked around thinking Garth was right behind me, but he wasn’t. He must not of noticed me when I stopped. Quickly the man raised the cleaver up in the air.
“Get your hands off her! I’m paying for it.” Said a voice behind me. The man running the stand took his hand off my arm and lowered the cleaver. I looked behind myself and seen a guy who looked to be the same age as me with medium brown hair down to the bottom of his ears and amber eyes. He was wearing a dark blue, light coat with a brown shirt and pants. Attached to his back was an axe that looked like a cross between a wood chopping axe, and a battle axe. The blade of the weapon was convexed outward and the shape reminded me of a crescent moon. He slapped down a couple of round silver looking chips and grabbed the loaf I bit into to.
“Next time pay before you take.” The bread man snarled.
“It won't happen again!” The swordsman argued as he took my hand. He started walking me to the center of the street, and then he let go of my hand.
“Thank you for saving me.” I said.
“I never met someone who doesn't know what money is. You must not be from around here.” He said.
“Well. I um…”
“Emma!” I turned around to my uncle’s voice and seen Garth making his way over to me.
“I’m sorry I got distracted and lost you.” I said as Garth approached me.
“You know each other?” The guy asked.
“Yeah this is my niece.”
“You should keep a closer eye on her. She almost lost her hand. Luckily I stepped in to pay.” The guy said. Garth turned his attention over to my hands and noticed the poppy seed bread.
“I’m sorry about that. She still has much to learn. Thank you for the help, I wish I had the coin to pay you.” Garth said. I looked at them both confused. Coin? Was is that? Could it be that silvery chip from earlier?
“No need. You both don’t seem like you’re from around here.” The guy said.
“We’re not.” Garth replied as he began walking. “Emma let’s get going before it gets too late.”
“Alright.” I replied as began following Garth. I looked back at the guy who helped me, but he was no longer there. Almost as if he disappeared. I turned my head forward and kept my eyes on Garth, so I wouldn’t lose him again. “Would you like some bread?” I asked.
“Sure.” Garth replied as he slowed his pace to be by my side. I handed the warm loaf over to him. Garth carefully tore a piece off and handed it back. “I’m guessing you just took the bread?” Garth asked.
“Yeah. The man at the stand asked for money. I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he almost chopped my hand off! I never heard of this money before.” I said taking another bite.
“Well how do I explain it to you? Money works kind of similar with trade. Kind of like how the Vaesite trade us food for your father’s ore. You can do all sorts with money. You see, coins have value. You can buy food, pay people to do certain things, gamble, and a whole lot more. The list goes on really.”
“So how do I get this money?” I questioned.
“You can do just a whole lot to get money. You can work for it, sell things, beg for it, and speaking of money take a look here.” Garth said as he pointed at the ground. I looked down and seen a shiny silver chip sparkle in the afternoon sun. It looked like the same one from earlier too. Garth bent over and picked the coin up from off the ground. “Here this is yours.” He said as he placed the coin in my hand. “Put it in your boot for now. Maybe sometimes I can craft you a little pouch to hold money in.” He said as he continued walking again.
I looked down at the coin and seen a face of a fancy looking man on the front. I flipped it over and on the back was a shield with little star on it. I brought my knee up and slipped the coin into my boot. I could feel the round cold chip ride down my shin and land next to my ankle. As I continued walking it felt pretty uncomfortable. Almost like I have a flat little rock in my boot.
“Garth Drason! Here at last!” A man shouted up ahead. As soon as I heard my uncle’s name be called out to, I quickly caught up next to my uncle and seen a man with long blonde hair tied back and dressed in a brown button up shirt sitting next to a forge outside a home. “Ahh is this your niece that you were talking about?” He asked.
“That’s her.” Garth replied. “Emerencia this my good friend Digby. Him and I use to work together as blacksmiths before I got married. Digby this is Emerencia.” I looked over at Digby with surprise. So, this was the guy that Garth use to work with before he adventured and found his spouse.
“It’s nice to meet you, sir.”
“To you as well! If you’re here it must be your birthday? I heard you were pretty excited to finally leave Snowdrift. How are you liking it so far?” Digby asked. Without a response I looked up at my uncle not knowing what to say.
“What’s the matter? Did something happen?” Digby asked.
“Actually, it’s about the village. We should go inside and talk about this.” Garth said.
“Suuure.” Digby slowly said looking confused. Digby walked over to the door of the house and held it open for us. “Well you both make yourself comfortable.”
“Thank you, Digby.” My uncle said as he started to walk in. I started to follow Garth into the house. As I entered, I could smell freshly cut pine in the air. The house wasn’t much, but filled with tools on the walls along with weapons, and a couple chairs next to a fireplace to the far right along with a huge stack of wood. Then in the back was a single door to another room.
“Alright so what’s going on?” Digby asked as he shut the door behind him.
“The Vaesite attacked Snowdrift yesterday. Emerencia and I are the only ones who made it out alive.” Garth softly said.
“By the gods you’re serious. Why’d that happen?”
“Marth had another low production. The Vaesite gave us another warning, but it seems Marth clearly understood what was gonna happen. My theory is that Marth believed that he would reach the production limit this time.”
“So, Marth is gone, huh? Cleon too?” Digby asked.
“Just Emerencia and I.” Garth said looking at me. “If it wasn’t for that hot spring, Emma would’ve been a goner as well.”
“For the love of Larine!” Digby yelled has he brought his hand up to his forehead. Digby let down his hand and shook his head with release of air. “How are you both holding up after all this?” He quietly asked.
“We both practically cried every last drop out last night and this morning. Throughout this whole day, I was mainly staying focused on getting to Edinburgh before sundown.” Garth responded. Digby slowly nodded.
“How about you?” Digby asked as he turned to me.
“I’m trying my best to ignore it, but the… Never mind.” I stopped. I wanted to keep going on how I could hear screams of my people echoing through my ears. Especially Tobie’s. The things I seen keeps replaying and replaying in my head. Almost like I can see it.
“I’m sure it’s difficult to talk about, but that’s okay.” Digby replied. “To change the topic. How about I get Emma her present?”
“Wait what?” I said looking at the two confused.
“I think it’ll help get our mind off things.” Garth said. Digby nodded with a smile and walked off to the room in the back.
“So, you always see Digby whenever you travel to Edinburgh?” I asked Garth.
“I see another good friend of mine too. Then the three of us get together and catch up.” Garth replied.
“And you never took me along until now?”
“Well your parents did give me permission to take you traveling when you’re eighteen. Otherwise we would out somewhere in the world by now.” Garth said. Just then Digby emerged out of the back door with a big white wooden rectangular box. On the top was a red ribbon that tied the top cover down to the box itself. I looked over at my uncle and for once out of today, I could a warm smile. No trace of pain or force was pushed into it. Just a pure smile. Even his blue eyes had warmth.
“Here you are. Happy birthday!” Digby cheered as he set the box down in front of me. “Sorry I couldn’t find a nicer looking box. It’s the same box where my wife keeps her old wedding dress. I had to move that to back of my dresser.” Digby laughed.
“Looks like you went through more trouble than I imagined.” Garth laughed.
“Luckily she didn’t notice for the past month! Not like she wears it anyways.” Digby replied.
“So, is this another weapon? Like a dagger or something?” I asked.
“Well you gotta open it and find out.” Garth replied.
“I can tell you this. Garth designed it, and I made it.” Digby said. I looked at box with curiosity and gently begin untying the red ribbon. Garth designed it? I thought Garth could make anything. He can craft weapons, armor, and building materials. What is it that Digby made from his design?
As I got the ribbon done, I slowly uncovered the top of the box and my eyes begin to widen. As I reached in, I carefully pulled out a beautiful white button up short sleeve shirt with a long collar. On the ends of both sleeves was a ribbon looking band that looked adjustable to tighten the sleeves. Just below the shirt was a brown leather vest with little black strings in a shape of a “V” going up through the middle. Even through the middle of the vest, to the top was a gold looking fabric as well bordering the outside. It didn’t seem to be the same material like the ribbon bands on the shirt. As I pulled the vest up, I noticed there was a white skirt attached to the bottom of the vest with gold designs as well twisting through the skirt like a thorn vine. It looked almost like a sleeveless dress. Then right towards the bottom was a pair of fine long black leather boots with the same vine design along with a pair of long basic black socks.
“Well what do you think of your new outfit?” Garth asked.
“It’s beautiful. I love it! Thank you both so much!”
“Your uncle drew me the the whole outfit on paper. Told me the colors and wrote down the measurements.” Digby said.
“I never had time to work on a dress back in Snowdrift. A sword I could do, but I needed extra help with this.” Garth added.
“Wait. How did you get my measurements?” I asked Garth.
“What do you mean? I’m always the one who’s making boots and fur coats for you, your whole life. Well just about everyone in the village too.” Garth replied.
“Right. I kind of forgot.” I said.
“How about you try it on? Get out of them warm clothes for a change.” Garth suggested.
“Sure. You can go ahead in the bedroom back there and try it on.” Digby added.
“Alright then.” I said as stood up with the box. I began making my to the room in the back where Digby came out of. As I walked into the bedroom, it felt almost as if I walked into a whole different house. Instead of smithing tools and weapons hanging on the wall. It’s actually a beautiful bedroom! A bed in the center of the room that’s similar to the one my parents had. The base of the bed seemed more patted down, and not one blanket made out of animal hide. Instead these were quilts. I seen some in snowdrift, but nothing this nice. Then around the room were a couple dressers and shelves filled with decorations. A strange stone critter, and a few glass bottles with an orange colored liquid with perfume written across it. There were even some little carved statues of angels, or maybe they’re Valkyries.
As I close the door behind me, I gently set the box down and begin to strip everything off. I reached into the box and pulled out the white short sleeved button up. I unbuttoned the top two buttons on the shirt and began slipping it over my body with ease. The way it fits is perfect. The long collar is soft, and enough room is there to easily move my neck. Even the bands on both ends of the sleeve don’t seem to get in the way of my arm movement. Next, I pulled out the cuirass vest with the white skirting attached with the golden thorn vine design. As I slipped that over myself, I could feel the comfortable fit from my waist up. Looking down at the skirting was absolutely beautiful. It almost looks as if the golden thorns are climbing up me.
At the bottom of the box was the long black folded socks and boots. I pulled them both out and set the boots aside me. I sat myself down on the bed and lifted my right leg up as I slipped my foot though. I kept pulling and pulling until the sock reached to the middle of thigh. After that, I started with the other. Finally, I grabbed one of the boots and pushed my leg in. From the tips of my thumbs, I could feel a soft wool insulation on the inside. It didn’t feel so thick, nor too thin. At the bottom of the boot, I could feel soft cushioning pressing against my foot. At last I wrapped my belt around me and moved my sword over to my left side. I’m not sure how I look, but I absolutely love it! I shook the coin out from my boot and stuffed it in my new one, and got ready to step out.
I opened the door with a grin and suddenly both Garth and Digby looked at me with my old clothes in my arms.
“Throw your old fur clothes aside and let’s see how you look. You don't need them anymore.” Garth said.
“Throw everything in the fireplace here, but the fur boots! Beaver fur is hard to come by.” Digby said. I nodded and placed my old boots aside as I made my way over to his fireplace. With a gentle swing my old clothing went flying into the fire. Quickly the sparks of ashes flew up and drifted its way back down. I backed off from the fireplace and turned around facing the two.
“Wow Digby that looks far better in person than it did on my sketches. She looks like a child of Raria.” Garth praised.
“Thanks. My wife did help out with part of it. The golden thorn design on her boots and skirting was her idea.” Digby replied.
“Well it definitely leaves a nice touch too.” Garth said.
“It’s very comfortable and beautiful. Once again thank you both!” I said. Suddenly three loud knocks were at the front door and it quickly flew open.
“Digby you mind if!” Suddenly the person stopped as he seen me. His eyes gazed from my head to toes in awe. It was the person from before that prevented my hand from being chopped off. “Sorry for intruding, I could wait outside.”
“Not at all Zael, come on in! I like you to meet a couple people here.” Digby said waving him in. Zael shut the door behind him and stepped over to fireplace near us. “Zael I like to introduce you to Garth Drason. I’m sure you remember me telling you about him?” Zael looked over at my uncle with shock and quickly reached out his hand.
“You’re that amazing blacksmith that Digby told me about! He said you could forge the most outstanding weapons! Not only that, but you’re a highly skilled swordsman! It’s an honor to meet you!”
“Very well experienced, but I don’t know if I’m that amazing. Thank you though.” Garth said shaking his hand.
“Oh, and Zael this is Garth’s niece, Emerencia Drason.” Digby said pointing at me. Zael looked over at me still speechless and reached his hand out as well.
“You’re the guy who helped me earlier.” I muttered as I shook his hand.
“I figured you looked familiar. Thank you again for stepping in.” Garth said.
“Yeah… Sorry if I seemed bitter towards the both of you earlier.” Zael replied.
“You are forgiven. I’m just happy she’s okay.” Garth said.
“So, it seems you already met?” Digby asked.
“Sort of. He stepped in and paid for bread that Emma grabbed at the marketplace. Living in Snowdrift her whole life she doesn’t know anything about money.” Garth said.
“So, you're from Snowdrift? I guess it kind of makes a little more sense.” Zael said looking at me.
“This is Zael. He comes by to deliver wood to my house. Not only a customer, but more of a good friend to me. Anyways what brings you in all worked up?” Digby asked.
“I was hoping you’d let me use your tools to sharpen my dagger.” Zael said. Digby nodded.
“Well sure. You’re always welcome to, Zael.” Digby said.
“How about I do it for you? For helping my niece earlier. Maybe I could improve your axe there too.” Garth suggested. Zael’s face quickly brightened and he instantly passed his weapons over to my uncle with a nod of his head.
“How about I join you? Just like old times.” Digby asked.
“Sounds like fun to me!” Garth cheered. Digby and Garth both stood up and began to walk out the door until Digby stopped in tracks.
“Oh, um hey, Zael. I don’t wanna cause you trouble with Korla or anything, but these two don’t have anywhere to stay, I was wondering if you could allow them two to stay at the orphanage for a bit?” Digby asked.
“I’d be honored to do so.” Zael replied looking at Garth.
“Wonderful! Since it’s night, how about you show Emma the way there. I’m sure she’s exhausted after walking all day. When Garth and I are finished up, I’ll walk him there as well with your things.” Digby said.
“Sounds good. Can you both work in the dark?” Zael asked as we both followed after them.
“I can, but I’m sure Garth can work with his eyes closed.” Digby laughed as he held the door open. Zael and I both stepped outside, and I begin to follow Zael.
“I’ll see you in a while!” I shouted to Garth.
“I’m sure you’ll be asleep by the time I arrive. So, I’m gonna have to say goodnight!” Garth shouted back.
“Alright goodnight. Thank you both again!” I yelled as I turned forward. Now it’s just me and this guy named Zael. I looked down at myself, but the colors of my new clothing could no longer be seen.
As we walked through what are now dark empty streets neither of us said a word. It almost felt a bit uncomfortable.
“So, do you help out at the orphanage?” I asked trying to spark a conversation.
“Well it’s kind of my home.” Zael answered.
“So, are you from Edinburgh?”
“No. I grew up with my parents at a farm in Springmeadow Village. From there it’s a touchy subject.” Zael quickly replied. From how fast he responded, I’m not sure if I upset him or not.
“It’s alright, I understand. Garth and I just lost everything last night. I’m just happy he got to see Digby. This is the most he smiled since.” I said.
“That’s good to hear. We should probably speed up. You look a little more cold now than you did when we first met. These spring nights can be chilly.”
“So, it’s spring? I could never tell in the mountains.” I said looking up at the starry night sky.
After a while of walking through the streets, strangely not another word was said. Before I knew it, we both arrived to a building with “Edinburgh Orphanage” written across on a wooden board in giant letters clear enough to see in the dark.
“Alright we’re here.” Zael said as he opened the door. I walked into the building and seen children everywhere. A couple of girls ran by with dolls. A few kids were doing their own thing, and some were playing in groups. “Here I thought they’ll be in bed by now.” Zael said to himself.
“What happened to their parents?” I asked.
“Accidents, drinking, gone missing, and murdered. Some parents just drop them off here.” Zael said as he walked out. I followed him into the room where there were at least fourteen kids playing and racing around. One of the boys running through the room caught Zael by a glimpse and stopped.
“Hey, Zael’s back!” He shouted. Just about all the kids in the room stopped what they were doing and surrounded us.
“Where have you been, Zael?”
“Who is this girl?”
“Is this your new admirer?”
“Where’s your axe at?”
“Okay, okay. Calm down everyone. Let me explain.” Zael said. Suddenly all the children grew quiet. “This is Emerencia. She’s from the village of Snowdrift in the mountains. She's going to stay here for a little bit along with her uncle. Now I'm going to find Korla.” Zael said as he walked off. A couple kids followed after him, and the rest stood around me except for a little blonde girl that I across the room sitting against the wall with her head tucked in her knees. Almost like she’s crying.
“Hey Emmaranzia? Are the mountains cold?” A little boy with blond hair asked.
“Well It can be, but you need to dress warm.” I replied.
“How old are you, Emarenzi? A brown-haired girl with freckles asked.
“I’m eighteen, but could you kids tell me who that girl is over there?” I pointed. Suddenly all the kids turned their heads in the direction to where I was pointing.
“Her name is Molly. She hasn’t really spoken any words since she arrived.” Said the blonde boy.
“Can you kids can go play. I’m going to talk to her, Okay?” I said as I began walking to the young girl. Suddenly all the kids scattered like fresh snow in a breeze and continued playing. “Are you okay?” I asked the girl. I sat down on the floor next to her and waited for a response. “You don’t have to be shy. My name is Emerencia, but you can call me Emma. Would you like to be friends?” I asked. Molly then nodded her head, but kept her face covered in her knees. “Why are you sad?”
“I miss my parents!” She said as she lifted her head. Behind all her blonde hair and knees was a adorable face. So adorable that I grew confused. Did her parents drop her off? Didn't want her? Not with a face like this.
“May I ask what happened to your parents?”
“My Mommy left me here. She said it’s not safe in the village.” Molly sniffed.
“What village are you from?” I asked.
“Ironmist.” Molly said.
“You know I grew up in a village too. I just left last night because the soldiers attacked. Your mother must have sent you here to protect you, huh.” I said as I rubbed her head. “I’m sure she wants you to be strong.” I added. Molly sniffed her nose and nodded.
“Are you going to leave this place?” Molly asked.
“I’m not sure, Molly. I might be gone sometime soon. I don’t know how long I’ll be staying.” I replied.
“If you go. Can you take me with? I don’t want to be here.” She cried.
Just then a door opened and Zael walked out with a old lady in a blue dress. Molly seen the two coming and she shyly dug her head into my shoulder facing away from them.
“So, this is one of the two guests? She asked as she stepped forward and smiled. “Hello dear my name is, Korla. I own the orphanage. I see you already made a friend.”
“She is a sweet child. Anyways my name is Emerencia. It’s good to meet you.” I replied.
“To you as well. You and your uncle are welcome to stay as long as you wish. Just so you know, Supper will be done real shortly for everyone.” She said as she began walking back to the kitchen.
“With all that walking, I’m sure you must be tired? Are you up for some soup?” Zael asked.
“Yeah, I’ll stick around for a bowl.” I replied.
“Alright, well I’m about to help Korla get ready. Will you be okay out here?” Zael asked.
“Of course. I’ll be fine.” I said. Zael gave me a nod and followed after Korla. Molly then brought her head up and looked around.
“Were you shy?” I asked. Molly thought for a second and nodded her head. “It’s okay. There’s no reason to be shy. I’m sure those two are nice.”
“Are you spending the night here?” Molly asked looking up at me.
“Yeah. I think I’ll head to bed along with everyone else.”
Within a little bit a bell was ringing from the other room and everyone formed a line as Zael came out passing out bowls to everyone. The kids went into the kitchen and came out with their bowl full. Suddenly I seen children finding a spot on the floor to fill their stomachs. As I lined up with Molly, Zael passed me an empty bowl and kept moving. As the line kept moving, I finally met Korla in the kitchen who gave me two scoops of the soup.
After I thanked Korla, I moved out to the room with Molly with the rest of children and sat down in the same spot where we both were just sitting. As I ate Molly began telling me more about her farm life in Ironmist. She told me how she held the baby chicks and played with the kittens. How her father use to throw her in the hay pile for fun before he went off to fight against the Vaesite. Molly told me how her mother kept promising her that he’ll return. Knowing that her mother brought Molly here. It kind of sounds like bad news, but he could still be alive. After a little while, Zael finally came out of the kitchen and began gathering bowls. After he got just about every last kid, he approached Molly and me.
“How is everything?” He asked as he grabbed my empty bowls.
“It’s good, but why is everyone eating on the floor?”
“We don’t have a big enough kitchen, and we can’t afford chairs. The kids don’t seem to mind though.” Zael said as he grabbed the bowl from Molly. He wasn’t wrong. I didn’t mind eating on the floor, but it was different than what I’m used to. “Did you like the soup?” He asked.
“I do. I can taste pumpkin in it.” I said looking down at my bowl.
“It’s what I bought at the market today when I found you. There’s pumpkin, milk, maple syrup, salt, and garlic all in this. Korla’s own recipe.” Zael said. Next thing I knew, all the kids were walking off towards a room in the back.
“Where are the kids going now?” I asked.
“To bed. It’s already late, but Korla’s pumpkin soup takes time to cook.” Zael replied.
“I guess, I’ll head in too. I’m not sure what Garth has planned for tomorrow.” I said standing up with a yawn.
“Very well. I guess, I’ll see you in there.” Zael said walking back into the kitchen. I began following Molly into the room where all the children walked into. As I entered, I stopped in my tracks to the site of beds everywhere. Beds on top of beds which I never seen before! I’m not even sure where I’ll be sleeping. I scanned my eyes around the room for an empty spot, but it was hard to tell with the kids were getting dressed in white nightgowns and crawling into their beds.
“I’ll grab you a nightgown that’ll fit you.” A voice said behind me. I turned around and seen Korla walking to a closet grabbing a nightgown off a shelf. “This should fit you, dear.” She said as she walked back over and handed me the gown.
“Mrs. Korla can Emma sleep next to me?” Molly suddenly asked. I was pretty glad she did. I would have been waiting for an empty bed to show when everyone was settled in.
“Of course, she can dear, but that’s her decision. You have to ask her.” Korla replied.
“Emma could you sleep next to me?” Molly asked giving me adorable puppy eyes.
“Of course, I can. Let me go in the other room, and change.” I said. Molly got excited and pointed to a bed in the middle of the room.
“That’s my assigned bed. I’ll meet you there.” Molly said as she walked off.
After I got changed I walked back out with my gear and laid down next to Molly. The room was very quiet. Some kids were awake, but not a thing was said. Zael then walked in dressed for bed as well. He came right over to me with an extra blanket.
“Just in case you get cold at night. If you need any more blankets, you can come find me. My bed is in the far corner if you need anything. I’ll be blowing the candles out soon, but I’ll stay awake for your uncle’s arrival.” He said as started walking away.
After he left. I kept my eyes up at the ceiling and before I know it, they’re forcing shut on me. After a big day, I know I should no longer fight it. I just hope Garth come here safe.
- In Serial47 Chapters
Bloodshard: Stolen Magic (COMPLETE)
Magic cannot be given away or rejected; it is as permanent as life itself. Not that I'd know anything about that. Magic is both impossible to obtain and illegal for commoners like me. So when I unexpectedly witnessed a brutal, deadly confrontation between two nobles, I assumed that was the closest to magic I'd ever get. Until I woke up the next morning with the unmistakable glow of power in my blood. My only hope is to hide who I am and somehow discover the truth of what happened that bloody night. And, more importantly, why. ---- 2020 nanowrimo project and [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Completed March 2021
8 213 - In Serial26 Chapters
Digital Haven
The modern world fell into a deep depression, and few options remained for the suffering lower class. The global economy crumbled under a growing energy crisis and overpopulation led to the creation of a virtual frontier known as Teurilia, the first full immersion virtual reality. Teurilia introduced a world of adventure and exploration leaning on human nature for greed and power. The world, built to be a realistic role-playing game offered players nearly unlimited freedom and became wildly popular around the world within weeks of its initial release. Originally intended to be a temporary relief from the real world, the world’s governments soon realized the potential of virtual existence with the release of technology to permanently transfer consciousness from physical bodies into virtual ones. Supported by economists of the world and political power from the United Nations, Teurilia received limitless funding to support the migration of millions of new citizens. Eric Williams like many low-class citizens immediately saw the potential new life in Teurilia offered and signed up for the migration program within the first week of its announcement. Eric always dreamed of grand adventure and Teurilia was his golden ticket. This is his story…
8 278 - In Serial59 Chapters
A Will to Recognize
What do you think it takes to live? Is it strength? Power? Magic? Unparalleled intelligence? Or are they all mere accessories to the fact that life is irrelevant? Do you have what it takes to bear the burden of life? Does life even matter? I don't know, and to be frank, I am somehow alive; I was even able to function in society at one point. It frightens me to think no one else knows our purpose: not our parents, friends, or mentors. And I can't bring myself to surrender to any religion. But I do have a direction. A goal, one might say. My wish is to one day shout on top of the highest mountains, "Life doesn't frighten me!" But that won't happen. Because I died a long time ago. ... You're still here? That? Oh it was all in the script. You didn't think I'd actually say that cringey stuff, did you? ~Daniel
8 138 - In Serial6 Chapters
Otherworld's Game (GameLit)
Leighton Grenville was only strolling around with his best friend on Saturday morning when suddenly, he was transported to another world for mysterious reasons As he arrived at the Otherworld, The System had informed him that a total of 13 people from Earth got transported to the Otherworld as they were, including him, invited to play a game. He thought it was a fun game but little did he know, it was a different type of “fun” game. The participants were to play an elimination game — to kill each other. The last standing man will receive a crucial title for both Otherworld and Earth. Left with no choice, Leighton had decided to play the game of death with the utmost of his strategic skills. *** Cover art made by my "cousin", WitheredSage.You should check out his fiction, too! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 134 - In Serial599 Chapters
Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
Edward was reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, an act which excites him giving the fact that this was one of his favorite books. So, he embarks on the path of wizardry in the hope of discovering the way it works, the laws or theories that govern it; he wanted to find its essence. He tries to find the answer to questions like What is the soul. Why can wizards use magic, while muggles cannot? Do bloodlines truly exist? And if so, what use is it to wizards? Could it be the reason that some wizards are born with exceptional talents like Parselmouth or Metamorphmagus? When Edward finally uncovers the answers to these questions he pondered on, he suddenly thought to himself: "Since the world of Harry Potter is real, what about all the other anime, movies, games, and books that I read from my past life? And if they are indeed real, how I can I get there?" This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. Warnings: The MC will spend a great deal of time in the Harry Potter World before going to other worlds.I have not decided whether the [Curse Child] is canon or not. I do not care what JK Rowling said. This is a pseudo-science explanation of magic, so take it with a grain of salt. I am an amateur writer with not-so-good grammar, so any constructive criticism is appreciated. This is a wish-fulfillment and Gary Stu-type novel so read at your convenience. If this is not your kind of thing, then move along and do not complain about it later. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. Only a few will follow him in his journey. Also, a few men will be in his group. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. Disclaimer: All the characters--except the one created by me--belong to JK Rowling.
8 88102 - In Serial80 Chapters
The Brotherhood Archive:Crossroads(Revised)
All people great or small have a story - Patriarch Lord Theris'Heron Soletus, was on the verge of becoming a warden in the Dias Brotherhood until his father holds him back. Instead of proving his skill with culling monsters that plague the land, he is given an assignment different assignment. It isn't one that test doesn’t test his physical strength, but his strength of character. He is paired up with a shy and traumatized boy name Mien. Between Mien’s anxious behavior and the crime he committed, Soletus doesn’t know what to do or what to think. He wasn’t trained for the duty he is performing and has no idea if he is doing the right thing. However, when Soletus’s resolve to help starts to waiver, Mien does something unexpected and Soletus decides that the boy deserves a second chance not as an act of duty but as a friend. Hy'Ruh-Ha is a what I consider a chronicle fantasy. It is a fantasy drama coming of age story inspired by slice-of-life stories I've read and watched. It is heavy on the slice-of-life and does move slow. It is low-stakes fantasy. This particular story is romance free.(2 out the of 4 is re-uploaded under this title) And if you are someone who cares, the POV character is asexual. Crossroad(formally labeled as the intermission stories)- is a novella collection continuing the tale where Hy'ruh-Ha. The collection as followed: Wolf- After spending several months in the swamp post, Oeric'Sheldmartin returns to repair the chasm between him and his son, Soletus. However, a ghost from his past comes to haunt him and could ruin the life he's made completely. Note: Wolf is a bit of a character piece. POV character is Oeric. The Priest and the Priestess- A novella written in the POV of Mien and then Kiao after a series of unexpected events that change their lives. Mien's POV- Mien has spent the last couple of years working not only in the infirmary but training to become a combat chanter as part of his penitence. Then one day, a drug addled elf comes into infirmary and changes his perspective of a friend and puts his knowledge to the tests to figure out a mystery effecting children in town. *Spoiler warning* Kiao's POV- Kiao spent most of her time in the infirmary living the same daily secret filled life and until Mien changed it. Now she has to figure out her future in ways she never thought she would. I'm going for a Tues and Thurs day schedule for the re-upload. I may or may not stick in extra days.
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