《An Empire Divided》14 Trouble at east
Scout Rilik hated being assigned a northern partner. Prince Aedrik had come to inspect the border fortress of Svet Cilar. The fortress marked the eastern border of the Empire, to the north laid the Kingdom of Loire, to the south the Realm of Zel, and to the east the warring hills, orc lands.
Orc raids had increased lately along the border, and so the empire sent reinforcements to Svet Cilar. The fourth imperial prince came with the 4th company of the northern division of the imperial army, as reinforcement. They had the most experience fighting orcs in all the empire, they were veterans of the Boreal Glades, and Rilik had to admit, they were though, and knew how to deal with orcs.
The prince inspected the eastern border and made adjustments accordingly. Rilik had thought the 4th company would become part of the easter division, but he was wrong, the imperial army started recruiting and training soldiers to strengthen the eastern division, the empire was preparing for something bigger.
A few weeks after the prince had come to the eastern border, rumors of a delegation being formed with the intent of achieving a treaty with Loire began spreading. A week later, the rumors were confirmed, the morale was high, if a treaty with Loire could be achieved, the empire could focus on the warring hills, and the southern border.
The entire eastern division started moving around the border, division exercises were taking place more regularly, supplies were being prepared, the northern reinforcements oversaw the exercises and new tactics, they also took over the training of the new recruits. That was when Rilik had been partnered with a northern. Scouting teams were being deployed to the warring hills, they were sent to recognize and follow orc movement along the border.
Rilik and his partner, Egil, had completed a tour to the warring hills, when they heard that the delegation was leaving for Loire. The fourth prince was also leaving as he was part of the delegation, it seemed the empire was pushing with intent for a treaty with Loire.
Everyone of the scouting pairs had been called for a briefing. Rilik had been surprised when he saw that it was the prince who had call them. They were going to go inside the warring hills and establish a clear line of sight for the empire. The prince explained how if the treaty was achieved, the empire would push inside the warring hills, for that they needed information and vision, that was the scout’s job. The scouts were sent once more inside the warring lands, the same day the delegation left for Loire.
Rilik and his northern partner Egil, had been inside the warring hills for almost a week, when they started encountering orcs. They spotted two small orc tribes, but nothing to worry about, Rilik was going to report about them but Egil stopped him. They had been giving a modest amount of message scrolls, Rilik was the main scout, since he knew the terrain, but Egil had been given the right to make the calls, and he chose not to spent a scroll, yet.
Rilik noted how detailed were the northern notes, he not only reported the number and possible strength on the groups they encountered, but he tried to identify their names, and even their customs or intentions, they often spent a day or two tailing each tribe or group they encountered to feed his notes.
They had been inside the warring hills for almost a month, Rilik had considered returning since they had already spent a few message scrolls, but Egil argued against the idea. They had started encountering signs of a possible large group, a big tribe, or the possibility of joint tribes, so they carried on.
Last night they finally found a glimpse of the orc group. Several tribes had gathered, a possible orc raid in the making. Egil did not wait, they reported numbers and location, and started tailing the group.
They somehow managed to remain undetected for over three days tailing the group. Egil was risking exposure, but he wanted to have more detailed information, Rilik and Egil had argued all day, but then they saw the large group take over a smaller tribe, one of those they had spotted earlier. For what they had seen, the large group was targeting smaller tribes or groups, and eating them up, Rilik had stopped arguing with Egil, they had to keep tailing them.
As the orc group grew larger, following became more dangerous. The orcs had started sending scouts of their own, probably looking for other tribes to target, but they seemed to be looking for something else. They did not know if another pair of imperial scouts had been found, but it was dangerous to keep tailing the group.
“When we are found, you will hide scout Rilik, I will draw their attention” Egil’s words surprised Rilik, they were hidden on top of tree “Orcs are incredibly stubborn when chasing someone, I won’t be able to lose them, you have to remain well hidden” Rilik eyes went wide he had not missed Egil’s ‘when we are found’.
“They will move once it happens, they know their position has been called, they will focus on advancing, that will make tailing them easier. You will keep following them, you will report they every move, do you understand, scout Rilik?” the northern man was a man of few words, that was one of the only things Rilik liked about him, ‘how can he be so calmed about this?’.
“We’ve already sent a report of this group, we should just report the current location and head back, I don’t think anyone would reproach us” They needed to head back, they had done their part.
“True, we’ve already reported about this group, scout Rilik. You have seen how fast this orc group is growing, they have enough numbers to start raiding, we need to keep an eye on them, that is our mission, we are the eyes of the empire, scout Rilik” Rilik felt sick, there was no hesitation in the man. ‘You are the eyes of the empire’ that is what the prince had told them, he had felt good then, now…
“I know, I understood the risk of the mission, but I don’t think the prince intended for us to die, we could have been spotted or messed up, that is the risk of job, but we’ve done it properly, we report, and fall back, follow them from a safer distance”
“You are right, scout Rilik. The North Star does not intend for us to get killed, we’ve done a good job, but that is not enough. Have you lost anyone, to them?” Rilik saw the man at the dim moonlight and understood the northerner. He had lost friends and family on an orc raid, but the northern, he had lost everything. Egil knew what his silencer meant.
"We are the eyes of the empire, scout Rilik, this group is too dangerous, and you and I both had seen enough to understand that this did not happen by chance, something or someone made this happen, we must see what it is, you understand, scout Rilik?” they both knew there was something else happening, that’s why Rilik had agreed to keep tailing them in the end, but this, he felt sick.
“Do not worry, scout Rilik. I’ve already told you, when we are discovered, I will draw their attention, form that moment tailing them should be easier. You will keep taking notes, you will report back with every tribe they add to their numbers, still if the wort is to come, you will report the last known number, location, and possible destination, and you made sure North Star gets the information, scout Rilik” Rilik felt his hair stand on end as the northern spoke “And if worst is to come, you will face death a smile on your face, scout Rilik. You smile at them because they will soon face retribution. The North Star is one of the empire paragons, scout Rilik, I don’t know if you understand what that means, but rest assured, death is the gift he brings for the enemies of the empire” the northern had a terrifying grin from ear to ear.
"We are the eyes of the Empire, scout Rilik, there is no darkness we cannot pierce, remember and be proud of that, scout Rilik. I’ll take tonight’s guard” the northern slowly and carefully descended from the tree, leaving Rilik, alone in the dim moonlight.
Rilik woke before dawn, he was about the descend from the tree when he noticed an orc patrol had spotted them. He was about to jump when Egil, tossed the bag where he had his notes, and the rest of the message scrolls, and before he could say anything, the northern prepared his axe and swiftly moved for the orc who had spotted them.
The orc was so surprised by Egil’s reaction that he stood there, he had expected the man to flee, that moment of doubt was enough for Egil’s axe to be in range, and soon found its way into the orc’s skull. The northern carried on, he took his axe for the orc still twitching body and went straight for the orc companions.
There were two other orc patrollers, they had not spotted them at the tree, but they sure noticed Egil killing their companion, they went to meet him. Rilik, could not move from where he was. He was paralyzed, he knew only the first orc had spotted them both, he wanted to help Egil, but he could not move.
Egil, fought alone against the orc pair, it was not a grand duel, but a nasty brawl. The northern killed one and managed to injure the other. Egil was on the floor, they had off his left arm, and broken his legs, still, the norther was laughing at the orc, and he continued to do it, until the orc’s mace fell on his face. The orc took everything he could from Egil, and his companions, before heading back to report to the orc group.
As Egil had predicted, the orc group started moving after their encounter. The orcs knew the man had probably reported their location before he had been done for. Rilik had remained on the tree a few hours after the orcs had started moving.
He passed to where Egil was. His head had been shattered, but he was still smiling, fueled by a wicked promise. Rilik buried the northern where he laid, afterwards he started running, they orcs were moving faster, but they would not escape, the eyes of the empire were set on them.
Lord Zivan woke by an intense pain on his shoulder, one of the healers of the delegation, was pouring a healing potion on his shoulder, he was being held by Slevin and Sir Kole, they must have had to remove splinters of wood from the wound. He tried to move from the pain, but they had him well restrained.
"Calm down Lord Zivan, we are almost done" the healer taking care of the splinters told him. They were on the Fey Danan tent, he could still hear, the crowd applauding, and cheering.
"What happened?" Zivan was confused
"Sir Belmont lance, got through your armor, as you leaned in for a quick strike" Sir Kole, explained. That was it, he had been fighting Belmont, and had been losing. He had missed the first two lances, on the third, he put everything he had behind his strike to try to dismount the black rose, but he had failed miserably.
"I fucked it up, didn't I?" Lord Zivan was mad. He had been too eager to prove worthy in for the empire, in front of the prince. Only to find himself injured.
"You managed to dismounted Sir Belmont, lord Zivan, you were officially given a tie, and you both got disqualified since you managed to hurt each other, but the crowd love it, they are still calling for you" lord Zivan, closed his eyes resigned by what had happened, and heard the crowd 'ZIVAN, ZIVAN, ZIVAN'.
"All ready, lord Zivan, you fared better than Sir Belmont, he probably has a broken rib, looking how he fell" the healer gathered his instruments and returned them to a bag of holding "You sure did us proud" with that, the healer gave them space.
Lord Zivan sat up with the help of Slevin "Are you alright, lord Zivan?" Healing potions could bring a man from near death back, but the body resented the process, and the pain did not go away instantly, it was greatly diminished though.
"I am fine kid, I just old" lord Zivan admitted as he felt the pain on his shoulder. When had been the last time he was given a potion and still felt weak?
"Come then, Zivan, Sir Robert and Sir Larouse are about to begin the final match" a clean shirt was placed next to lord Zivan, he put in on, and went with Sir Kole and Slevin, to where everyone was already watching the last match of the joust at the Fey Danan tent.
"You scared us for a second there, old friend" Sir Kole said as they walked "I thought Belmont had your ass handled for a second, but you came back like, you old dog"
"Sir Belmont, sure did not expect to be dismounted, poor guy, twice he was defeated today" Radim Junku, one of the archers said smiling, everyone in the tent nodded at the comment.
"Shsss, here comes the second lance" Fasti quickly asked for silence, as the trumpet signaled for combat to begin.
Sir Robert and Sir Lance were tied. They had both managed to break a lance on their opponent. Sir Larouse charge was a bit slower, but he was taller than Sir Robert. They once more met just off the center, their lances broke on their opponent. They were trading, no one managed to get the upper hand on the other.
"Sir Robert is doing magnificent" Sir Kole commented, as the contestants matched each other again.
"He is, but Sir Larouse is determined to win, the man did not even flinch when he got hit by Sir Robert" lord Zivan replied impressed, Sir Larouse had surprised him on his last match with Sir Kole as well.
"Do you think Sir Robert has a chance?” Slevin asked, he was looking at Zivan, with awe, after he dismounted Sir Belmont.
"He has, Robert has better technique he needs to use it”
“Larouse has the physical advantage though” Sir Kole intervened.
“True, they are well matched, but sometimes jousting is about something more, about…” Zivan stopped for a second, he could not find the right words.
"Who wants it more"
"Yeah, something like that" Lord Zivan, nodded at Siv, she was right.
"Having something to fight for is important Slevin" Aedrik added as well. The young man, nodded.
"Here it comes" Sir Kole made everyone turned for the last lance.
Jousting was so popular because it was simple. Two opponents ridding at each other, with a lance in hand, things could not get any more simple than that. Sir Robert was ridding fast and trying to keep himself as low as he could, all the while keeping his lance ready, he wanted to avoid being hit. Sir Larouse saw his intention and changed his bearing, he was riding in a bat position leaving himself exposed, but he could reach Sir Robert that way.
As the knights passed each other, Sir Robert pushed his lance on Sir Larouse leaning himself to his right, away from the bear like knight. The lance hit the massive knight, but he powered through the attack, Sir Larouse lance broke on Sir Robert’s side, sending him off his horse.
The crow exploded with applause and cheers, a lady next to the princess, was jumping nonstop. Once Sir Larouse calmed his horse, his looked at his chest, and found, a big splinter of wood lodged beneath his armpit. He grabbed it and pulled it off in a single try, tossed it to the side and roared. Cheers and Applause, a healer from the Loire tent was heading for Sir Larouse, as well as one from the Fey Danan tent.
Sir Robert was still on the floor when another healer had come to see him “Are you alright, Sir Robert?” the healers asked inspecting the dent on the knight’s armor “Tell me, where does it hurt?”
"Only my pride was hurt, sadly" Sir Robert sighed, the healer offered him help standing up, and Sir Robert took it. Next to them Sir Larouse was waving his lance at the wild crowd, a healer was waiting for him to stop, so he could patch him up.
"That was impressive Sir Larouse" Robert told the bear like man, as the healer finally was allowed to treat the tall knight.
"You were on an impossible angle Sir Robert; I have never met anyone with a technique like that" The big knight said smiling not minding the healer at all.
"It was not enough to stop you, that is for sure"
"I could not be brought down, Sir Robert not today" the healer had finished working on Sir Larouse "See that lady next to princess Loraine?" The smiling giant, pointed were lady Velden was, surprising Sir Robert "I asked that lady to marry me if I won, it was not me Sir Robert, but my heart that kept me on the saddle"
Sir Robert was dumbfounded, the lady next to princess Loraine, had noticed Sir Larouse pointing at her, and went red. She was delicate and wonderful, how had a bear like man, managed to land a girl like her. Sir Robert looked at Sir Larouse with a newfound respect.
"Congratulations Sir Larouse, on winning fair and square, and for managing to convince such a beautiful lady to marry you" Sir Robert gave Sir Larouse a bow, and the bear like man answered with a bow and roared in laughter.
"PLEASE, LET THE WINNERS OF EACH EVENT COME TO RECEIVE THEIR PRIZE" as the announcer said that a small stage was being placed in front of where the King was sitting.
Sir Lance, horse had been taken by a squire and went for the stage between applause and cheers. Estelle Magnier went for the stage as well, and last came Aedrik. He had already taken off his armor, as he want to the stage, his attention never left a place in the stands.
The scout master congratulated the big knight as she arrived as well. Sir Larouse was all smiles, and as Aedrik arrived at the stage, he congratulated the other two winners. Loire had taken two events, archery, and jousting, they had bested the Empire, in a marvelous fight. The foreign prince had displayed the empire might, he people felt relieved knowing their nations were now allies.
The King, got up, and every noble, knight and commoner, quiet down. He placed a hand on his necklace, and his voiced invaded the castle courtyard.
"Today, we have witnessed a display of prowess and ability between two nations, two neighbors, two allies" everyone applauded at those words "We have sharpened the edge of our blades, and we stand ready and united" The King descended from the stairs, towards the platform, some servants were carrying adorned chests.
"In any competition greatness is rewarded, and this one is no different" more applause accompanied the kings’ words "We all had the pleasure of witnessing, one of the Empire's most beloved sons with our own eyes. We witnessed an incredible match between the empire’s North Star and the Black Rose of Loire" the crow cheered 'NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR'. Aedrik was waiting for the King, but he kept eyeing Frey from time to time.
"As the winner, of the individual matches, we present to you, a gift from Loire" a servant placed a chest in front of Aedrik and open it. Revealing a short sword made from what it looked like mithril "The sword 'Nuite Froide', the cold night of Loire" many nobles and knights stood up to look at the sword. It was a heirloom of the Kingdom, a magnificent prize. Aedrik came closer to the chest and lifted the sword for everyone to look at it.
It was almost 60 cm long and had a double edge, the hilt was adorned with sapphires, Aedrik felt it cold on his hand and well balanced, a perfect sword for any knight. Loire knights always charged with lances, but they used short swords once they had to dismount. Next to Aedrik, a mage casted a magnifying spell, so everyone could hear his response.
"Thank your majesty, I have heard of the might of this sword, it is known for defending Loire and its people" Aedrik held the sword by the hilt and the blade "This a weapon made for a knight, alas, I am not one, as such I cannot accept a gift such as this" many nobles were frowning, the commoners had gone silent, the King was staring at the prince with caution.
Frey felt everyone near her tense up, Pan had a stoic face as well, she had just met Aedrik, but he was not disrespectful. Some nobles were even giving her and Pan, sour looks.
"Today, I had the honor of crossing steel, with a proud knight of Loire. I bared witness to his ability, and honor, and I am certain, every knight in Loire, possesses these same traits. I, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay had bear witness of the might of the knights of Loire" many nobles had calmed down with his words, the commoners were expectant of what else he would say.
"This weapon is a symbol of Loire, and as such, it should be carried by one of his proud knights, I feel humbled and grateful for the opportunity your majesty, but how could I call myself and ally of Loire if I took from you, a sword made for keeping your people safe, No, your majesty, I cannot accept this gift, let one of your knights to carry it. Let this weapon serve your people as it was intended. I humbly ask your majesty, to bestow this weapon on one of Loire’s most loved children, would you let Sir Claude Belmont carry Nuite Froide, let this sword serve the people of Loire once more. The Fey Danan empire hopes nothing more than happiness and prosperity for Loire” Aedrik, bowed and offered the sword to the King.
Frey was smiling, the nobles who had looked troubled were now applauding and cheering. The commoners were going wild "NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR". The royal duke was surprised as well, and soon started applauding. Everyone was looking expectantly at the King.
"So be it" the roar was the loudest it had been in the whole day, nobles, knights and commoners, laughed, applauded and cheered “Loire respects your request, prince Aedrik. Come forth, Sir Claude Belmont”
Sir Claude Belmont had been on the Loirian tent, he was being tended by a healer. When the king called for him, he went for the stage, surprised, and confused. The king did not accept the sword, and instead urged Aedrik to give it himself. As Sir Belmont came to the stage, Aedrik handed the sword with the outmost care, handing with both hands. The Black Rose hesitate for a second, but Aedrik comfort him with a nod, as the knight took the sword, the applause increased.
"May this sword and the hand who wields it, protect the Kingdom of Loire as it had done in the past, for a knight needs a weapon, as he is the weapon of his people" Aedrik said and Sir Claude, bowed "A fine weapon, for a splendid knight, a responsibility towards your kingdom, a sword to deliver justice. However, a sword needs a companion, another tool for keeping order and justice” as Aedrik spoke, two Feydan man had come to the stage from the Fey Danan tent, carrying a simple chest, and placed it next to Aedrik. Aedrik opened it up, revealing a round shield like the ones Loirian knights carried “A shield forged in the empires anvils, a gift of friendship, a sign of respect the empire has for the knights of Loire”
Sir Claude Belmont received the resplendent shield, it was masterfully crafted and made with imperial ashen steel. The nobles as well as commoners, kept cheering and applauding. Aedrik gave another bow to Sir Claude and returned where the King was.
"I thank your majesty for this chance" Aedrik gave the King a small bow.
"A wonderful gift for Loire prince, but please, you showed the Empire's might, and a reward is due, for the first event was won by the Empire, what can Loire offer as a reward?" the King asked, people everywhere were nodding.
"Loire's friendship, is the only thing the Empire desires your majesty”
“You won the first event, prince Aedrik, what kind of host would Loire be, if we did not reward your skill” the king replied
“If you insist your majesty, there is just one thing I would like for myself” the King looked at Aedrik with caution.
"What is it, Prince?" the King asked, and everyone went quiet "What does the winner of the first event wants?”
Aedrik's gaze moved away from the King, everyone turned to where his eyes laid. Lady Frey Lunebleau, felt, her heart racing, and her cheeks going red, she wanted to toss something at the winner of the first event.
"May I have a kiss as my prize, lady Frey"
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Slashers x reader oneshots
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Adding in [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Sean was a chemist on Earth with a lovely family life. Everything was going well, until a group of gods decide to summon him to their world. An unfortunate appearance by the trickster god derailed a normal summoning, and now Sean finds himself in a pickle. Content warning: There will be profanity and quite probably some gore, though the point of the story will not revovle around any gory scenes. I'm also including traumatising content as there will for sure be slavery and rape. The rape will be alluded to and not described, there are other places for that. I think this also explains the grimdark tag.
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