《An Empire Divided》15 Time Alone
"I am sorry Frey; I could not help it" Aedrik was sincere, they were walking behind everyone else as they left the castle courtyard towards the carriages. Frey did not want to dwell on what had happened, she still felt the rush on her face “I was hoping to talk with you, some more…”
"Would you like to come to the estate later?"
"I would, but to tell you the truth, I was hoping to talk with you, alone" Frey turned and saw his eyes pleading. Frey understood him completely, she also wanted to be able to talk with him, without anyone around them, this little conversation was allowed, because her mother had been nice enough to have everyone give them some space.
Frey liked talking with Aedrik, she had loved their little conversations as they danced on the ball. They had so much to talk about, so much she wanted to know, to listen. The problem was, where could they be left alone? He was a guest in the castle, a public figure, and the estate was going to be full, everyone who knew them wanted to visit them, they needed some place where they could hide…
"I think, I know a place where we could hide..." Aedrik smiled, as he understood what Frey was thinking.
"I'll come by to the estate, and we could go from there"
"I don't think people will let us there freely" Frey asked worryingly “When Luka and René got engaged, the Lunebleau state had a never-ending parade of friends and family” and this time, she was certain there would be more.
"I think I can take care of that, should I ask your parents for… permission?” Frey smiled at his response. You were considered an adult in Loire, once you turned 17, she would turn 19 shortly. Frey was an adult, true her most adult decision ever had been deciding to marry a day ago, she was and adult and her family respected that. Still, she had loved how him, an orc fighting norkrieger was preoccupied with asking his fiancée to be left alone with him.
“Don’t worry, I let them know" Frey replied smiling "At what time would you be coming?"
"I think, in two hours from now, I have somethings to take care, but I'll see to them quickly" They had arrived to the carriages, everyone was waiting for them.
"Will we be seeing you later, Aedrik?" as lady Lunebleau asked, everyone else faked interest in their conversations.
"You will, my lady, I just hope I am not imposing"
"Nonsense, we are to become family" she looked at him and Frey still holding hands "And I believe you need to make up for the time you had available” Frey have never wanted to hug her mother so badly.
"Then its settled, my lords and ladies, I'll be seeing you later" Aedrik make a weird bow and turned to help Frey board the carriage "I'll see you later, Frey" he looked at her with longing.
He closed the carriage door, made a bow to lord Damian, Luka and Percy who were ridding next to the carriage. Aedrik stood there watching the carriage leave the courtyard. Then he went to look for Pan, he hated having to ask him for a favor, but he needed to talk with Frey.
He reached for the ring in his hand an felt her heartbeat, he smiled, as he felt his ring checking on him as well. He had made a choice yesterday, he had decided to forge his future, and fate, answered.
He could not explain what he felt for Frey, but she had become, everything. He massaged his left hand, Sir Belmont was a formidable opponent, and a fine knight. He liked Loire, it was a shame he did not felt the same for its King, the royal Duke on the other hand, he liked the man. The alliance with Loire was important, the Empire had expanded to quickly, it needed to focus on consolidating itself,
He wanted to know Frey opinion on the empire current state ‘Damnit, get your shit together Aedrik’ she was smart, that was the first thing that had caught his attention, but he needed to stay impartial, when he discussed things with her. Getting accustomed to his kismet was not proving to be easy.
"Wow, Pan's magic is great" a girl with freckles and auburn hair, said to a man with a handsome face and brown hair. They were at the entrance of the Ciel Rouge Library.
"I told you he is a trickster; his magic can even get passed magic detection" they were heading for the master librarian office. There were few people in the library, as the couple passed for the office door. The young girl gave the door a small knock, and waited, after a moment they were told to come in.
Mrs. Ferlin, sat next to a big desk, the record of the Order of the Lilly was on top of it, she had been reading it, she looked confused at the couple standing in front of her.
"Hi, good afternoon, is there anything I can do for you?" She was surprised, there was almost few visitors, and most never sought her out. Most people didn’t even know this was her office.
"I am sorry to bother you this way, master librarian Emery, but you see, we needed a place we could talk, and where people would not bother us" The man told her, the master librarian felt the familiar tone and was confused, but just for a second.
"I am impressed and surprised, it usually takes some time for a couple to share their habits, how did you do it, miss Frey?” Mrs. Ferlin said with a smug face "I understand prince, as I told you yesterday, I don’t appreciate being lied to, I understand but I do not like it, this however, this I approve”
"Thank you master librarian Emeryn, for forgiving me and for being so understanding" Aedrik smiled, he had a more handsome face, but he looked better on his true form, in Mrs. Ferlin opinion.
"Thank you, Mrs. Ferlin, we were hoping we could borrow one of the private chambers" Frey asked with an apologetic smile. The old woman, looked at the young couple and for second, thought of sending them to a inn instead, perhaps what they needed was a room, but she knew Frey, and the prince seemed like a decent man. They had just gotten engaged as a result of politics, but they had chosen, they deserved to have some quiet place, she sighed, when had she become such a softy.
"You should take, room 4, there are no people on the chambers next to it" they both bowed grateful "is it and artifact or magic?" the librarian wondered, as she looked at two different people from whom they really were. Aedrik smiled, as he knew the librarian would ask.
"Fey magic, from a trickster friend, he is good, but expensive, and again, I can thank you enough for what you did, master librarian Emeryn” Aedrik bowed once more, Frey looked at him confused “You were the one who introduced me to Frey, I could never thank you enough” Frey felt a rush, Mrs. Ferlin just grinned.
"I just made you talk to each other, but it was your own feet who brought you here" the librarian smiled "Here, miss Frey, the key to room 4, and please don't make me come and check on you" she gifted Frey a small key, and before they left, Mrs. Ferlin winked at Frey, she had understood what she mean. Two times had Frey heard noises coming from the private rooms, only to have Mrs. Ferlin go in, to “separate a couple”, she felt her face changing color with her remark.
She bowed and left for the room, bringing Aedrik with her, before Mrs. Ferlin said anything else. The private chambers were close to Mrs. Ferlin office. They passed by the other chambers, until they reached number 4. Frey used the key and they both went inside.
The chambers were small rooms, with just one big window at the end. They had a large desk a several chairs, they had been built in the event a group of people wanted to look at some document or book in particular. The rooms had a silent proof spell, so they would not disturb the other person in the library. People seldom used them, you just had to ask for one, but the silent proof spell needed to be activated.
A small runed rock, rest below the window, Frey went to it, and draw the number 4 on it, the runed rock went bright, and afterwards the few noise that was coming it came from outside had disappeared completely. Mrs. Ferlin had no trouble in letting people use the rooms, but she seldom said how to activate the runes, hence why some couples believed themselves to be safe, only to be interrupted by Mrs. Ferlin.
"I like the enchantment, it is smart how the rune rock activates the larger written spell” Aedrik leaned on the door, and looked at the edges for some reason "The silent spell, is ancient, I am guessing, Mrs. Ferlin needs to power the runed rocks, from time to time" Frey was surprised, she had been present once, when a mage had come to replenish the runes, but there was no written information about, that she knew, how could Aedrik know?. Aedrik turned and saw her confused face.
"I can see traces of magic, courtesy of being kismet" he said pointing at his eyes. What did he saw? Frey wondered. They looked at each other, and Frey blushed a bit, they were alone, no one could hear them now, was this a smart idea? she turned toward Aedrik, whose eyes never left her, her heart started racing.
"Let me dispel the magic" Aedrik took a silver goblet from his bag of holding and place it on the table. He placed both hands on top of it, a metallic liquid poured inside the cup, and Aedrik’s appearance changed back, Frey eyes went wide "This cup can store minor spells for a time, if you place both your hands, the mirage spell Pan casted on us will remain inside the cup, and we could use it once more before we leave” Frey marveled at the cup, her family had some rare artifacts but not something like this, she had read about spell storing artifacts, but had never seen one before.
Frey placed both her hands on top of the goblet, she felt as if something cold surged from her, as is something peeled from her. The goblet was almost filled with the same strange liquid. She blinked as she noticed her reflection on the cup.
"I could never tire of looking at you" Frey lift her face and found Aedrik staring at her, his bright eyes burning with intent. She blushed and sat on the bench next to the table where the goblet was placed. Aedrik considered the possibilities of where to sit, after hesitating for a moment, he sat in front of her “Don’t worry Frey, I’ll never do something that would hurt you” He said smiling at her, he had noticed how tensed had Frey been for a moment “If you have other idea in mind, well… I could always come over to your side” Frey felt her heart beating faster, their eyes met, and she knew, he had spoken half joking, perhaps...
"I believe we have many things to talk about Frey, and to tell you truth I am looking forward to it, to be completely honest, I have barely been able to sleep thinking on what I what I wanted to talk with you. I can’t help but smile at the thought of being engaged with you Frey, still I guess we skipped a few things along the way, why don’t we start over?" He laughed as he touched the ring he had on his left hand.
Frey, had almost had no sleep yesterday, she had enjoyed the banquet, specially the little talks they had while dancing, but she still had many things she wanted to know, what did he like, what did he want, what did he expect, she had kept thinking on how much she did not know during the joust, she had been nervous while she had waited for him at the estate. How silly, to think that she was the only one with those thoughts. Frey nodded in response.
"My name is Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, it is my pleasure to meet you, my lady" Aedrik smiled at her and offered his hand, she smiled as well, and took it.
"I am, Frey Lunebleau Beaumont, a pleasure to meet you as well, my lord" They both stared at each other and laughed "Do you promise to be honest, Aedrik?"
"I will Frey, will you?"
"I will" they both have not once stopped looking at the other and smiled.
"Seeing as how I found you on the library, what do you is it that you like to read, Frey?" Aedrik asked, he had been wondering that ever since he heard she frequented the library, Frey smiled at him.
"I like reading almost anything, I started reading tales of knights and heroes, then moved on to history, I figured it was similar to the tales I like reading, but they did not try to softer reality” Frey said without hesitation “Mrs. Ferlin started recommending me different things to read, and from there I got hooked, I read anything that got my attention”
"Do you have a favorite book?" Aedrik asked with his eyes lost on her, Frey could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks.
"The tales of Sir Medy" Frey replied instantly, the look on Aedrik's face let her know he had never heard about it "I read it as a book for children, but there are many different versions with few differences, it is an old tale form Loire"
"What is it about?"
"Sir Medy, is a knight who wants to marry a princess, but he is neither the strongest, wealthiest of the most handsome, however he is smart, and unyielding. Sir Medy manages to get a flower from the Velian Moon, with his wits alone, and with it, he earns the princess heart” Frey blushed as she explained, she had not given hesitated to talk with Aedrik about the book because she loved it, but she could not help but felt related to the tale, as she explained to him.
"If there are so many different versions, which one should I read, then?" He asked with curiosity all over his face.
"The one the library has, it is the oldest one, and the best in my opinion, it is on the far end, of the north side, the second shelf, a green cover with silver letters" Aedrik lifted an eyebrow, she knew where the book was by memory.
"You came to the library as well, Aedrik, what do you like to read?" Frey said quickly.
"I confess, I like reading tales and legends, the Empire was growing when I was little, so I tried to learn everything I could from these new places” Aedrik sighed "However I could not spend that much time reading, I had many lessons when I was little, my mother believed in trying many different things to see if what we liked" Frey had seen Aedrik smile enough to understand that this time is was different, it changed whenever he mentioned the late Empress.
"How was she, your mother?" Frey had read a lot about her, Morgana le Fay, the Fey queen of the Londen Woods, a grand mage, incredibly powerful. Frey felt a deep respect for the Empress, one of the few women to be respected far and wide. She saw a complicated face on Aedrik before he answered.
"She was just mother for me, but I also got many chances to witness the Empress as well" Frey understood that well, lord Lunebleau and her father, often seemed to be different persons "I guess, she was like any other mother who loved their children, lady Lunebleau certainly seems to that way" Frey smiled at him.
"I told you I was raised in Danan when I was little, my mother did everything different from anyone there. I had thought it was because she was fey, but when I got the chance to visit the Londen Woods, I knew it was just her. She was cheerful, playful and fair, but she was very strict, much more than my father” Frey was surprised, somehow she always pictured the Empress to be grand and extremely doting” She loved with passion and abandon, she had a special connection with everyone of my siblings, I was no different, but when we were certain I was kismet, it did not change that, but she started sharing more things with me” Aedrik stopped, just to look at her, his eyes aflame “I would have loved for you to meet her, Frey” Frey felt her heart ache.
She had lost her grandmother a few years ago, and she had felt terrible. Her grandmother had meant much to her, but even though what one felt could not be put as a quantity, she considered Aedrik’s loss, was much deeper. She wanted to know more about her, but they had time.
"What things did your mother had you trying, how does a Fey Danan prince, spent his time?"
"Well, I guess is the usual you know, a little bit of martial training, some horse riding, and of course, drinking the blood of virgin maidens" Aedrik grinned.
"Yeah, I guess it important to have some practice in that” they laughed after staring at each other for a moment.
“My mother suggested I tried playing any instrument, she liked to play the harp, I tried some, but I was not into them, until I saw one of the castle cooks playing and oud while he was resting. I learned to play with him, much to my mother’s delight” Frey smiled, from this and what Pan had told her, she was starting to have and idea of how Aedrik was as a child.
“She also insisted on learning any other language, she never suggested we learned fey, but if you wanted to, she would teach you herself. I never told her I wanted to, it was Pan who taught me, I wanted to surprise her. I still remember her face, when I went and asked her about my aunt Alba in fey”
“She liked it?”
“She said I sounded like a drunk child, but she did laugh for a whole week, she never spoke to me in common from then on” Frey hesitate on how to react, until she saw Aedrik smiling.
“What did house Lunebleau children did?”
“We had lessons half the day, mother was adamant in every one of us, receiving a proper education, anyone of us must be able to help house Lunebleau. Even though Luka was the heir, we received the same general lessons he did. Even though Noelle and I would probably become part of another family, mother and father were adamant in us taking lessons as well”
“Lord and lady Lunebleau are incredible, this alone would have earned my honest respect if they did not have it already” Frey liked his response “My father was very much of the same idea, my mother was too much into it though. I am sure you were great at your lessons” he said it with a pleased smiled on his face, Frey rolled her eyes.
“I did, I had a bit more teachers than my siblings since I enjoyed it, I had a liking for economics, politics and mathematics, Luka was good as well, father always said he understood the general picture but that I had an eye for details”
“I have seen that”
“Noelle and I had more chances of studying other things we had interest in, but we also had more etiquette lessons than Luka” Frey remembered fondly her childhood “I entered Luka’s war lessons from time to time, much to his displeasure, but my father always allowed me to”
“I can picture you perfectly, but I can’t imagine Luka being upset about it. I suppose you spent every free time you had reading”
“I did not, only read you know” Frey said frowning, Aedrik made it sound as if reading was all she did, she certainly read a lot, but she did other things as well.
“Like what?”
“I taught Lean and Anne how to read” Aedrik lifted one eyebrow as a response “I also liked playing the vielle a roue with my grandmother”
“Did she taught you how to play it?”
“No, we took lessons together. I found a vielle a roue at the castle basement, when I showed to my grandmother, she said it was her father’s, and she asked if I wanted to learn to play it with her. I still remember my father face when an instructor came to the castle” Frey smiled, and she saw Aedrik lost in her. How strange, she had been nervous about their time alone, it was easy talking with him, and the way he looked at her, she liked it.
“Did you enjoy any of your lessons?” She asked before she allowed her thoughts to continue.
“I was good at tactics, mathematics because of logistics, and I excelled at history, like you said I found it entertaining and enriching somehow, I had different teachers, so I had different points of view for some of events. Mother had been working with different historians, trying to create a more “accurate” history, I got dragged into it”
“That is amazing, Aedrik. Mrs. Ferlin and I had discussed the same idea several times, I am sure she has someone working on something similar at the library, is there anyway we could borrow your notes and cross check them?” Frey was ecstatic at the idea.
“Certainly, I’ll try to have a copy send to me as soon as possible” Frey had always considered her education incredible, she loved visiting Meury, because she could visit the Ciel Rouge Library, for all she had said it was important to consider a wider range of possibilities as the conference continued, it had not occurred to her, she had a wider range of knowledge as well with Aedrik.
Frey smile turned a bit mischievous and Aedrik did not mind in the least, he smiled right back at her. Frey for once, was not certain they had the same thing in mind.
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