《An Empire Divided》13 Horses and Lances
"You have started a trend prince" the black rose of Loire, Sir Claude Belmont had gone to the Fey Danan tent to talk with Aedrik.
"I am sorry Sir Claude, I am not following you…” the prince had been talking with the contestants for the joust, when the towering man had come to talk with him.
"The man over there, Sir Lance, has been wooing lady Velden for some time now, but after your engagement took everyone by surprise yesterday, it made Sir Lance finally decide to ask the question as well, as if it was the most natural thing to do” the black rose pointed at a tall and bearded man, in cobalt colored armor.
"I am hope, his proposal was reciprocated" Aedrik wished the man had been accepted, he seemed to be a nice guy, Sir Belmont just laughed.
"He was, hence, why I had come to thank you. He may look intimidating, but he is truly kindhearted and shy around woman. I was afraid, lady Velden might start looking at someone else if he made no other move on her” as Sir Belmont explained he offered Aedrik his hand, he did not hesitate. Sir Belmont had recognized Aedrik as a fellow knight companion, no need for any formal bow, a familiarity brought after fighting each other.
"What about yourself, Sir Claude, is there anyone for the black rose of Loire?” Sir Belmont was about to mount again but turned to face Aedrik.
"There is not, I am not as lucky as you or Sir Lance” the knight mounted up, the joust was about to start “Perhaps you could ask, your fiancée to introduce me to some friends or family?” the knight said half joking.
"I talk with her about it, but if you like, why not visit the north?” Sir Belmont was surprised by Aedrik response “Our tournaments might surprise you, and northern woman like good fighters”
“Now that is an enticing idea” Sir Belmont said grinning “If there any fighters like you in the north, that alone might make the trip worth it, still, ask your fiancée for me” with a simple nod from Aedrik, Sir Belmont rode to the center of the arena.
"What do you think Siv?" Aedrik asked to the woman standing beside him.
"About the joust or Sir Belmont?"
"He is tough, fast and strong, many women in the north would find him a good catch” Sir the norkrieger replied “But he is mistaken, the north has warriors who could match him, but very few who can match you” Aedrik smiled at her remark.
"Are you still angry with me? He would have to hurt you if he wanted to defeat you, and that is by no means a friendly match” Aedrik turn towards his meister.
"And who had the fantastic idea of a friendly combat? That is just stupid” Aedrik was sure Siv was still upset about what had happened. Her tanned skin contrasted with her auburn hair held in braids bellow her should, Siv had a natural fierce air around her.
"I did" Aedrik admitted, and they both laughed "But you are right, it was stupid, but necessary" the norkrieger frowned at his answer.
"Have you talk to your lady about it" Siv asked in a lower voice, and more serious tone.
"I have not gotten the chance yet, are you certain about this?” Aedrik had complicated feelings about what his meister intended to do.
"You have to, soon, and yes, I am certain"
"What about Hela?" Aedrik asked in a lower voice, only for Siv to hear about it.
"She will understand" Siv voice was even lower "Or she does not know me at all" Aedrik frowned at her response. He cared deeply for Siv, she had not just made him a norkrieger, she had half raised him.
“Fine, but you will have to meet her you know” Siv fierce stare disappeared, it was very rare for her to be nervous, but she was, to meet Frey.
"Why did you decided to not take part in the joust?” Siv escaped with another question “It is true it is not one of your strengths, but you would definitely do better than Slevin” Siv was referring to a young knight that looked about to be sick, as he mounted up and prepared for the joust.
"He will do fine, this will give him experience" they both frowned as Slevin, trembled when he received his lance "Or I may be wrong, and he will just get beaten. In the end he will learn something" Aedrik added looking with a bit of regret at the young knight.
“Experience… you said the same about Fasti”
“She did earn second place”
“She was crying after her last shot”
“But look at her, she is still cartwheeling inside the tent” they both turned to watch Fasti, still jumping around as she retold to anyone willing to listen how she had felt in the contest.
"You know, I like your lady Frey, she has an impressive vanguard, I never figured you were into that" Aedrik blushed just a little, as he turned to face Siv "Don’t get me wrong, she has a fine body, her rear is also well made, but her vanguard it’s the first thing one notes about her”
"You will like her Siv. Just please, don’t tease her too much, Pan is already taking care of that”
"Why would you send him, unchecked with her?" Siv tone revealed she was nervous about that idea.
"I want her to know what she’s really gotten into"
"Don't you think, that might scare her?"
"I think she can handle it; lady Frey Lunebleau is impressive Siv, and I really wanted her to understand" Aedrik took a quick glance to the noble stands, he could barely see the Lunebleaus from where they were. Siv looked at ger former streiter, his trainee, and smiled. She had hoped for him to fall in love sooner, that way he would stop being so reckless, now that he was it was just a matter of time.
"You have something to return now, you know" Aedrik turned to face Siv, he straightened up, he was much taller and broader than Siv.
"I know, you were right" Aedrik made a bow for Siv, and she responded with one in return "I want the wedding to be in north" Siv smiled at that.
"I think, everyone but Pan would like that" Siv and Aedrik laughed
A wooden division had been placed at the center of the arena. Flag bearers were ready to count the points for each of the three lances. Dismounting the opponent meant a victory, a direct hit at the body was one point and a broken lance on the helmet added two points. In case of a tie a fourth lance would be fare, if the tied continued the crowd would decide who would advance to the next round, this was decided with the intent of keeping the friendly spirit of the event.
“For the first match of this joust, lord Ilfred Vernier of Loire against knight in training Slevin Siroky” the crowd instantly began applauding for lord Vernier, he was fast and accurate, a regular at any joust, Slevin name was unheard of in Loire, and from the looks of it he had not much experience in any joust.
Aedrik and Siv went near the space where the other contestants of the joust from the delegation were waiting. The tent was a large space, on one side Fasti was talking with the rest of the people who entered the archery contest. Skafeld Urn who had participated at the individual matches was looking at the joust with his forever serious face. Kreso Cerny, had already been patched up from his combat and was sitting near the northern man.
"I hope Slevin, does not get dismounted on the first lance" a knight with an old dark armor said as he saw Aedrik and Siv approaching to them.
"He is a decent rider, but he looks like a bag of wiggling worms, Robert" another one of the contestants, an older knight with brass colored armor answered the first.
"Have any of you, faced lord Vernier before?" Aedrik asked the knights who had been chosen for the joust. The three of them had been knights of Faerun once, now they rode under the empire banner.
"Lord Zivan and I have, your majesty" the third knight and the oldest, answered Aedrik, as he pointed at the brass-colored knight. He was wearing an armor adorned with eagle like motifs.
"That bastard is good, he is over fifty, but he remains one of the best jousters in Loire for good reason. He is a bad opponent for Slevin” lord Zivan replied.
"To be honest, Sir Belmont, Sir Larouse or Master Lafrombise are all bad opponents for Slevin, they brought their best for the joust” the man in dark armor, Sir Robert Brodsky added to the conversation.
"He just needs to remain seated after the first lance, and he’ll do fine, I think the prince idea of letting him joust was good" the oldest of the knights, Sir Burian Kole commented as he began moving around in his armor, he seemed to be a be a bit out of shape, but Aedrik had heard he was a good jouster.
The sound of trumpet made everyone quiet. The opposing knights urged their steeds forward, Slevin lance grip was poor, anyone with little jousting knowledge could tell as much, but he was going fast. Lord Vernier, marched at a steady pace, he was already in position; splinters flew everywhere as the lance on lord Vernier hand broke on Slevin's chest.
Slevin, lost his lance after he had been hit but he managed to remain on top of his horse, barely. The crowd roared in applause, they all loved jousting.
"He managed to stay on top of his horse, do you think he can do anything else" the three knights turned to face Siv. They looked at each other before responding.
"Learn" Aedrik answered before anyone else could "Lord Vernier, did not even flinch when he charged, Slevin, will lose, but he has 2 more chances to break his lance on Vernier, that should be his aim" Sir Kole nodded as did Sir Robert, lord Zivan scowled at Aedrik’s words. He wanted them to fair better; it had been a short time since they had been taken in by the Empire. This was a chance for the former lords and knights of Faerun, to earn the respect of the prince.
Slevin and lord Vernier, were positioned for the second lance. The trumpet sounded once more, and they strode forward. Lord vernier's lance found its way into Slevin chest once more. The young man, face the blow better, and this time he even managed to keep his lance on his hands, but he could not make contact with his opponent. The crowd gave applause, and praise for the young man, who faced better this time.
The three knights sighed at the unbroken lance on Slevin, but Aedrik looked content. Slevin had been turned into a squire when the Empire had taken over Faerun, he was part of the first knights of the empire.
The contestants were ready for the last lance, as the trumpets rang, they pushed their steed to carry them onward. Lord Vernier went with his distinguished pace, Slevin on the other hand rode as fast as his horse could carry him. The knight in training readied his lance, much sooner that anyone would have done so, but he could keep it in place as he gained speed. Both lances broke on their adversary, Slevin was dismounted for the impact, he had lost the posture when he leaned in for a hit in lord Vernier’s helmet.
The crowd applauded and cheered, as Lord Vernier lifted his broken lance. Slevin got up quickly and removed his helmet, he was pale but grinning from ear to ear. Lord Vernier passed by him and gave him a small salute.
As the older knight celebrated, Slevin returned to the Fey Danan tent with his horse in tow, and an amazing grin. "I managed to get hit him in the helmet" he said as he reached his companions.
"And got dismounted in doing so"
"Yeah, but he is lord Vernier, master Zivan, and I managed to hit him in his helmet" Slevin grin, was radiant. The other two knights just laughed.
"Go rest the horse, and watch the next matches Slevin, you have much to learn still" Lord Zivan, said sighing. The young man took his horse to the attendants and began getting of his plate armor.
With that, the knight in armor with eagle motifs, put on his helmet, and went for his horse. On the other side, in the Loirian tent, Sir Lance Larouse was ready, his horse was big and powerful, but the towering rider, made it look, small.
Sir Kole rode towards the center, as did Sir Lance, as they reached the center, they both, saluted. Sir Kole was well into his fifties. He had jousted on Loire before, but had never met Sir Larouse, who was younger.
Each knight was prepared and ready, the trumpet signaled the start of combat both men rode for glory. Sir Kole steed was as fast as Slevin, but he had a much better bearing that him. Sir Lance rode more slowly, but a wall didn’t need to move fast. Both lances met their opponent and broke on their armor.
Sir Lance barely looked troubled by the lance, Sir Kole on the other hand, had almost been dismounted, it had been a powerful blow, a little but more to his left, and he knew he would have been thrown of his horse.
"Sir Larouse charge was incredible"
"How so? lord Zivan" Aedrik asked intrigued.
"His bearing is good, but he pushes the lance at the last possible second, making his attack explosive, Sir Kole managed to adjust so he would not be dismounted, but the impact almost did anyway. He could not impact Sir Larouse, his lance indeed broke, but it was by inertia, he could not connect his attack" Aedrik and Siv nodded at the knight’s words, Slevin on the hand was considering taking notes.
"I have heard Sir Larouse was fierce and strong, but his technique is incredible, he might be on par with Belmont or Lafrombise" Sir Robert added. Lord Zivan hated to agree, Sir Kole was not in his best shape, he doubted he could best Sir Larouse.
In the arena, the knights were ready for the second lance. They rode to meet their opponent at the center, this time Sir Kole managed to hit Sir Larouse in the chest, the Loirian knight lance however, found its way into Sir Kole’s helmet, who somehow managed to remain on his horse.
The crowd applauded and cheered, as they saw the dominant performance from Sir Larouse. Sir Kole helmet was bent from the last lance, the older knight sighed as he struggled with the visor.
"Do you wish to continue, Sir Kole" the cobalt knight had come near Sir Kole and asked politely.
"I think that would be foolish on my part Sir Larouse, you are a fearsome opponent, good luck on the next match" Sir Kole resigned, he raised his broken lance and tossed it, forfiting the match in favor of Sir Larouse, who responded with a salute, and left.
Lord Zivan clicked his tongue as he saw the result of the match. He truly wanted for them to best Loire’s knights, but instead they were doing poorly. He gave a quick glance at the prince, but he seemed to be enjoying the match. Lord Zivan still remembered the prince older sister, princess Vania, and felt a chill down his spine, he had seen the execution of Faerun royal family, he felt and urge to do well in the joust.
"That man is like a charging brick wall " Sir Kole said as he returned towards the tent.
"You should have, taken the third lance, you could have tried to bait him" Lord Zivan replied annoyed.
"He would only risk and injury, this a friendly joust lord Zivan" Aedrik replied, the lord nodded.
"Well, it is about time we take a match, don't you?" Sir Robert said to his companions, before he left for the arena, his dark armor was old, a family heirloom. The knight had just turned thirty and he seemed to be on his prime. He had not been part many jousting tournaments, as the Empire had taken over Faerun, but was very skilled.
Sir Robert, rode to meet his opponent, Maste Lafrombise, who was the current champion of Loire. The Loirian was past his forties and as his title implied, he was a knight master. He was currently employed by house Lalande, and rode with a rust-colored armor.
They both were ridding black horses, and had their lances at the ready, as soon as the trumpet sounded, they rode with speed. Sir Robert was thinner but taller than Master Lafrombise, he had the longest reach, as they were about to collide, he managed to break his lance, and Lafrombise missed his.
"Sir Robert is looking good" Slevin said with eyes wide like plates, as he watched the exchange of lances.
"That kid has his father's reach, and his brother’s strength, a shame he had have so few chances to display his ability" Sir Kole replied.
Sir Robert was already waiting for Lafrombise, to be ready, for the second lance. They marched forward, and this time Lafrombise broke his lance on Sir Robert's helmet, but he had almost been dismounted by Sir Robert's lance on the chest. The crowd were standing, and applauding. The match was close, and Lafrombise was not disappointing as the current champion.
"They are tied on scores now; this last lance will decide the winner" Aedrik said applauding as well
"Can he do it, Sir Kole? Can he beat Master Lafrombise? " Slevin, was amazed by Sir Roberts performance.
"Jousting, is not only about technique, strength and accuracy" the older knight explained "The mentality of the rider and the horse are important, my father used to say that horses and lances, change every charge, I think he has a chance" as he said that, both Sir Robert and Lafrombise were ready. They were wasting no time already waiting for the next charge.
The trumpet announced the coalition to come. The knights rode once more, lance at the ready. Lafrombise had an incredible bearing while riding, he had his shoulder well-guarded to prevent a dismount, his head was well placed behind his lance arm. Sir Robert on the other hand, rode with fearlessness, his lance held in a wide grip, he had was betting on his strength to try and dismount his rival.
As they were almost on each other, Sir Robert moved just before Lafrombise lance could reach him, breaking his lance on Lafrombise in return, a magnificent attack. The crowd roared with emotion as a result, Sir Robert’s risky maneuver had paid off.
"He did it Sir Kole, he got Lafrombise" Slevin was jumping in place.
"He risked that last attack, but it paid out" Lord Zivan commented, he turned and saw Aedrik was impressed by the display. ‘Finally, someone responded to the challenge’ he thought as he applauded his companion.
At the center of the arena Sir Robert and Master Lafrombise exchanged greetings.
'It is time to show the prince, a knights honor’ Lord Zivan thought as he mounted to face his opponent, the black rose of Loire.
“Steady arm, Zivan” Sir Kole said to his old friend, as he was about to leave for the center of the arena, the knighted nodded in response.
“Belmont is in good shape, watch yourself lord Zivan” the knight pondered the prince words for a moment, and rode to the center of the arena.
He was upset, did the prince think little of him as a knight… ‘He thinks highly of Belmont’ The prince match with Belmont had been impressive to say the least. He respects the black rose of Loire, ‘Time to show what knights are made of” with that thought, lord Zivan prepared for his first lance against Sir Belmont.
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