《An Empire Divided》12 Wanting
"The last round will be interesting with, two contestants from Loire and two from Fey Danan Empire, don't you think so, princess"
“Yes” The princess was distracted, she was still lost in her thoughts, she had replied because her companion deserved as much. Lady Agnes Velden was the daughter of one the knights under direct command of the king, and more importantly one of the few friends the princess had. Lady Velden looked with concern at the princess but said nothing about it.
Lady Velden was no sure on what to do. The princess had surprised her last night, with what she had decided to wear for the banquet, the princess seldom looked to draw attention to herself, but she had from the moment she had entered the great hall, it would have been the talk of the day, if not for the joust and well… Lady Velden noted on how the princess was taking quick glances to where Lady Lunebleau was, and how the princess had been on edge when the foreign prince participated in the last event. ‘What had the prince said to her last night?’ she wondered.
"Would you care for something to drink, your majesty?" the princess turned towards her friend and knew she was acting strange, lady Velden brows were almost touching each other.
"Yes please" the princess answered, and lady Velden went to fetch a servant.
'What is wrong with you Loraine' the princess was admonishing herself, but she knew. The princess to look at the blushing lady Frey, as she chatted happily with her family, friends, and the fey man.
The princess had always wanted a sister, Fleur had been wonderful, ever since she had married her brother, but they almost never sat together on public events, even know where close to the Lunebleaus, in that the princess had always envied the other ladies.
But what she had been feeling since yesterday, that was something else. The princess took another look at lady Frey, she was beautiful, her silvery blue hair was lovely but not as dashing as Lord Luka’s bright blue.
Lady Frey had smooth skin, but it was too pale she could not hide a blush, and she had too many freckles. She was short and not very graceful, and yet there was one thing were lady Frey had no rival, the princess looked down at her own bosom, and then at lady Frey’s and blushed, it was impressive, but it was not what Loire took for its beauty standard.
Lady Frey’s sister, lady Noelle on the other hand, the princess understood why she was so much sought after, even her brother paid attention to lady Noelle. She had a healthy natural color on her cheeks, long legs on a slender, proportionated, and curved frame. Her silver hair always looked amazing, and the lady moved with grace and confidence, not to mention her fine choice in her dressing, her mother and Fleur always commented on that as well.
The princess gave another look at lady Frey and sighed; she could have understood if it had been lady Noelle. The princess hated feeling this, she had never, not once felt like this. The princess had always watched the other ladies, but she had never compared herself with them. She knew she was beautiful, she had practically the same body as lady Noelle, with a more ample rear, thanks to her dear mother, and she was a princess.
The princess used to hate to consider that and advantage, but as Fleur had said, any edge is important in a fight. Since when had she started worrying about having an edge to begin with? Well, since yesterday.
The princess turned in time to see lady Frey trying to make her companions pay attention to the archery event, without much success it seemed, the princess let another sigh. ‘When did you started sighing so much’ she asked herself, but she already knew the answer.
"Here princess, have some cold water" lady Velden had returned with an icy cup of water. The princess thanked her friend and took it.
"What have I missed?" Loraine shrugged ashamed, lady Velden however said nothing to her friend "It seems everyone ignored the first target for the first round, my father says any good archer is expected to hit the hundred-meter mark” lady Velden said responding to herself, but also trying to entice the princess with the event.
The princess turned to the arena, where scout master Estelle was preparing her shot. She had always liked the scout master, but she was just not interest in the event, not in the least, not as she had been on the one-on-one fights. She changed her attention to the Fey Danan tent at the edge of the arena, the prince, like her, was not paying much attention to the event, or at least to the scout master.
The princess felt her stomach weak as she remembered her entrance to the great hall last night. When the royal family entered the banquet, most people had turned to look at them, but when she had walked in, she knew, she had made every eye turn on her, even lady Frey’s, but not the prince, he only had eyes for the lady he was holding hands with, that had not escaped the princess attention.
The prince had an average face, but he did have and enchanting smile and curious eyes, she had to admit that. He had an impressive physique, and it was not just for show, as his match with Sir Belmont had proved, the princess noted how many ladies had changed the way the talked about the prince after the fight, but truth be told, the prince was just not her type. She man with slender frames, like her brother or lord Mercer.
She still remembered it had been decided that the Fey Danan delegation would come, how her father, mother and brother had talked to her about the possibility of her having to marry the prince, to seal the alliance. Her mother had been happy, noting on how most royal princess had to marry beneath their status, she on the other hand, would marry and equal, in rank at least.
She had been nervous about it but did not resent having to marry the prince. She had an impressive number of lords and knights wanting to court her, but she had no one she liked. She had mixed feelings regarding the fey heritage of the prince, but to be honest, she was more curious than anything else. Her father on the other hand, regretted deeply having to marry her to a fey, but not having to marry her, still she had not complained, she was a princess of Loire, she would do her duty if it would help her country.
When the Fey Danan delegation had arrived, it had been her brother who told her who the prince was. He had presented a decoy, his cousin, an incredibly handsome fey, who was now talking gingerly with the Lunebleaus.
The princess had been intrigued by the handsome fey, but that was until she met the prince. She had not been able to talk with the prince, but her brother had been impressed with him, that was very rare, and it meant a lot for her. Her brother told her about the importance of the alliance, and how it seemed the empire was invested in the idea as well, and so, her marriage was very likely going to happen, she began working her resolve.
The palace organized a small lunch with only the highest officials from the delegation and the kingdom, as well as the royal family. The whole thing had been prepared with the explicit idea of having the prince look at her, she had been mad about the idea, but the prince had changed her mid. He had been a real gentleman, she was in a foul temper, and somehow, he had managed to make her laugh. She had never talked that much with any other suitor, for all it had been a brief meeting, she had enjoyed the time. After that lunch, she was ready, she steeled herself, she was even expectant about the idea.
Later that day, her father told her he would talk with the prince about the marriage proposal. Her brother explained, how the empire had not asked for marriage as a requisite for the alliance. Her brother said the prince had been very polite regarding her, and he thought the prince had been considerate with her, but Loire needed a guarantee for the alliance. The king would make the marriage a requisite for the alliance. The princess still remembered how troubled her brother was to let her know she would have to marry, but for once she could ease him, she was ready.
As the first official day of conference happened, the princess had been nervous the entire time. She was anxious when it had gotten late and there was no word from her father or brother. She needed to know before the banquet, the wedding would be announced there. After what had felt like an eternity her brother had come with happy news. She would not have to marry the prince, she was free to chose whomever she wanted, and she knew it was something her brother desired for her, but she did not feel happy. Her father could and would still find someone else to marry her, someone she might not like. She had not fancied the prince, but she had liked him.
Her brother noticed her confusion and hugged her. He was very sorry about what had happened, he was proud of her resolution and commitment. His words calmed her down, for a moment she had felt empty, but then she felt truly happy. She was free, for the moment at least.
She did not ask her brother about what had happened with the prince. She was going to prepare for the banquet when she started wondering about it, her father had asked the empire for a marriage to seal the alliance… she changed her dress, she wanted to look radiant for evening, and she had managed to do so.
“This are the last shots princess, scout master Estelle is still leading, behind her is lord Lalande tied with the Feydan woman Fasti” Lady Velden reminded the princess as the crowd applauded and cheered, the princess did so as well, she had to look happy about the two Loirians at the event.
The princess took another look at lady Frey amid the applause. What did she have, that she did not? She knew she was more beautiful, but she had not been chosen, it puzzled and troubled her.
She had never cared for attention, but last night she had wanted it, she had work for it. The moment she had entered the great hall, everyone’s eyes had turned on her. She knew she look astonishing, even though her mother and Fleur were in front of her, she was the center of attention, everyone was looking at her, but not him.
As they moved along the great hall and towards the grand table, her confidence wavered. The man had not once looked at her, his gaze forever lost on lady Frey. He was entranced, anyone could see that. Later that night, lady Velden had told her the prince had crossed the entire hall to greet lady Frey, it had shocked everyone. ‘How did she do it?’ The prince was half fey, love spells and enchantments were practically made his people.
By the time they had arrived at the grand table, she was a reck of nerves and confusion. She did not remember a thing from her father speech, only that when the announcement of the engagement had been made, everyone was delighted at the idea and amid the cheers and applause she saw how the prince still only had eyes for his fiancée. She was upset, she feared what she would say, when she had to congratulate them.
She was trying hard to calm herself before she had to greet them, but before she could say anything, the prince came close to her, and his eyes disarmed her. For the first time that night he was looking at her, her eyes were locked on his, and she felt naked. His words cut through her, he understood her, no one had ever made her feel that way. How had he known? He apologized and she forgave him, but then his eyes left her, and she was left with something else, something that burned inside her.
The first event had made it clear, every time the prince entered and waved at lady Frey, she could still those burning eyes on her, he had only looked at her to apologize and then they have turn to someone else. She was envious, jealous, she felt, wanting. She did not want to marry the prince, what she wanted, was to be looked at, the way the Fey Danan prince looked at lady Frey Lunebleau.
The princess had seldom wanted anything, but now, now she knew what she wanted. She craved it, she felt and urgency, she had to find someone who would look at her like that, and she had to do it before her father found someone else whom he felt like marrying her could benefit the crown.
Was lady Frey aware of how the prince looked at her? She had watched her during the banquet, she exchanged looks with the prince, and blushed. But for all her clumsiness lady Frey had, she could look into those eyes with pride, and elegance, something the princess had never seen before in the lady but was she aware of how rare it was? how precious, how it was the only thing a princess wanted.
"What do you think about the new marriage between the prince and lady Frey?” Lady Velden almost jumped on her seat, startled by the sudden question by the princess.
"I believe, it is a wonderful thing to look for, and an incredible sign for the alliance, not to mention, just how the prince looks at lady Frey" Lady Velden replied blushing "I think I would marry any man who looked at me that way" So, there it was, the princess was not the only one who noticed it, was lady Frey really aware of it?
"What about lady Frey?" lady Velden finally understood what was happening with the princess. She had a suspicious about what the princess so distracted, but now it was all clear. Lady Velden felt relieved, at least now she could offer some proper advice to her friend.
"She seems to reciprocate, but lady Frey has my sympathy as much as my jealously" this time it was the princess who was confused. Lady Velden smiled at rare frowning face from the princess "I would love to be looked at the way the prince looks at lady Frey, but all the time? could I responded to that raw emotion? I am not sure I could, could you?" the princess eyes grew wide open at lady Velden’s words.
She craved for his gaze, but could she endure it? Could she return it? She was not sure. The princess took another glance at lady Frey, this time with a newfound respect.
"Look princess, the Feydan woman, missed the center on the last arrow, scout master Estelle has won" as lady Velden pointed that out, the whole crowd grew in applause and cheers. The contestants had had to go for a 5th shot, since Fasti had matched Estelle's score, but on the last arrow, the scout master steadiness and experience showed.
The usually composed scout master, was happily waving at the crowd celebrating her victory. The Feydan woman Fasti, looked down, but from the Fey Danan tent, her companions were cheering her, the young girl recovered quickly, and went to celebrate with them.
The princess felt clear, her heart finally calmed down. She turned towards her friend “I thought you were being courted Agnes; does he not look at you that way?”
“I don’t know” lady Velden face went red in a moment, the princess what at a loss with her friend. “He barely looks at me in the eyes, he goes red whenever he does” lady Velden was red as a tomato as he finished explaining “I think he might…”
The princess was dumbfounded, the man who was after lady Velden, was a knight of some renown, he was one of the few knights who could spare with Sir Belmont. What was wrong with the man? The princess saw something akin to what she had seen in the prince eyes, was it love, perhaps. She remembered catching her brother and Fleur exchanging glances to each other from time to time, she turned to where they were, and found them chatting with some nobles, she would be paying more attention to them from now on.
“The winner of the second event of the day, SCOUT MASTER ESTELLE MAGNIER” the announcer interrupted the arena, and the crowd continued their applause “We witnessed a magnificent display of archery, in the end the accuracy and steadiness of the scout master proved to much for the rest of the contestants”
“I also want to be looked at that way” the princess covered her mouth, lady Velden just smiled to the princess. They were friends, but the princess was way too reserved with her feelings, lady Velden hoped the princess will continue sharing them.
“I don’t think that will be a problem for you, princess” the princess blushed at her friend kind words.
“You are too kind Agnes. Thank you, for… everything” the princess admitted in a low voice, her friend just nodded. At the arena the targets for the archery contest had already been removed, the preparations for the joust were almost complete.
"In a moment we will begin the last event of the day, THE JOUST” As the announcer began, every Loirian cheered and applauded, jousting was ingrained in the culture of Loire "The last event will be a direct elimination, like the first event, with that said, let me present the contestants for the joust” next to the princess, lady Velden had stood up on the stands.
"From Loire, Sir Lance Larouse, Master Emile Lafrombise, Lord Ilfred Vernier and Sir Claude Belmont” the contestants entered the arena mounting their steeds, a magnificent sight amid the deafening cheers and applause from both stands.
"Agnes, why didn’t you tell me, Sir Larouse would be taking part in the joust" the princess asked surprised to lady Velden, this was the knight who was courting her.
"He did not tell me about it" lady Agnes Velden was confused as well; she had stood up when she had noticed her knight was among the contestants. Sir Larouse was entered the arena sporting an impressive cobalt colored plate, he was as big as Sir Belmont, but in a much slender frame, he had a large beard and somehow it made him look a bit like a bear.
Sir Larouse was chatting with Sir Belmont, as they entered the arena, but stopped when he noticed lady Velden was standing at the noble stands. Sir Larouse broke from the rest of the contestants, galloping directly to where the princess and lady Velder were sitting. The princess saw her friend stiffing up as her suitor rode to meet them.
"My lady Velden" the bear like man yelled from below the stands "I.... I will win this joust for you my lady, I’m sorry I did not tell you yesterday, I wanted to surprise you" The knight managed after stuttering, none of the nobles dare to laugh at the man.
"Thank you, Sir Lance, I will cheer you on" Lady Velden answered proudly if a bit embarrassed about being the center of attention.
"If... if I win my lady, will you... marry me" the bear like man was looking at lady Velden, who was at a loss for words. She had gone red, and everyone was looking at her, the knight was getting nervous.
"She will, Sir Larouse, even if you were to lose, or am I wrong lady Velden?" the princess smiled at her friend, and hold her, lady Velden turned towards the bear like knight and nodded.
"I will, Sir Lance" Lady Velden finally replied "Even if you lose, I will, just be careful… my knight" lady Velden was red all over when she finished.
"We will cheer for you Sir Larouse, I princess Loraine, order you to not get hurt so you can come back and marry my friend, lady Velden" every one of the nobles were surprised bu the princess display, she seldom did anything to draw attention, the princess felt, alive,
"It will be my honor, princess" the big knight was grinning "Thank you, my lady" he bowed at both girls, and rode back, with a roar for laughter as he went next to Sir Belmont, who congratulated the man once he had been told what had happened.
"I guess, there are more ways to express love" the princess sighed as she saw the still standing lady Velden, as she looked at HER knight.
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