《Kana Adventure》Chapter Nine: Mysteries Uncovered


"Uh, Kuko, how did you not sense the guy who approached me?" Kana asked, waiting for an answer.

"It is because his power is high. Do not anger him, or we could die!" Kuko warned; she did not want to fight the powerful man.

"Okay, and why did you not tell me of this hero-king rank?" Kana asked, feeling frustrated since she was not told these things earlier.

"Oh, well, to tell the truth, I have been sleeping for the last seven hundred years. The world can change a lot in that time, you know, how was I supposed to know that new ranks would be made at that time?" Kuko explained.

"I see. Well, I will let it go this time, but next time, you will get punished!" Kana stated clearly as if it was a fact.

"Ugh, yes, partner," Kuko accepted, seeing how cruel her partner could be.

Thirty minutes later, she appeared at the castle. It seemed like the general had told them about her coming because the guards let her pass without saying a word or trying to stop her.

"Thank you!" she said smugly as she walked past.

In the castle, Kana saw a golden chandelier, and the windows had red curtains. Soon enough, she found a huge set of double doors that had a design of a dragon on each side with a crown in the middle.

'So, this is the door to the throne room. It looks quite intimidating. Well, I'll enter, I guess,' she thought as she looked for a nearby guard. Upon entering, she walked up to a guard who was approaching her.

"Hello, I am here to see the king, " Kana politely told him.

"The king is seeing someone. You can see him next; please take a seat, "the guard said.


"Alright, thank you," Kana said, and went to sit down.

"No problem," the guard said before returning to his post near the door.

'I wonder what the king is like?' Kana gathered her thoughts while waiting for her turn.

"Kuko, is anyone watching me?" Kana whispered to Kuko.

"There are four, three of them are hidden in the ceiling. They look like guards for the king. The last is that man from the inn," Kuko stated clearly.

"Huh? I thought you could not sense him, though?" Kana asked, confused.

"He is letting me sense him; he is even waving at me right now," she said, thinking the situation was ridiculous.

"I see," stated Kana. As they talked, twenty minutes had passed before the guard told her to go in.

Kana stood and walked toward a side door; she pushed it open and walked in without hesitation.

After she walked in, she heard a voice speak loudly, “Who are you?"

"I am, Kana Kuroko. I want to sign up for the war, your highness," Kana stated to the man on the throne, confidently.

"I see, welcome. How strong are you in terms of rank?" the king asked.

"Around sage level," Kana stated, her true strength was at lord level, but she did not tell him because she did not trust him yet.

"Good, you can join. The guard outside will take you to get a post that will suit you. Glad to have you join us." he stated coldly before dismissing her with a wave of his hand

'This king does not seem to be nice; he rushed me a little too quickly,' Kana thought as she started to walk away. When she reached the guard, he took her to a building and left her with a few men standing around.


"Hello, I'm here because the king wanted me to come here for a position that suited me?" she stated to one of the men.

"Oh, yes, your position will be decided by your strength and skill. Being a general in this war is not impossible, but it will be pretty hard to accomplish," he stated.

" I wanted to ask if there is a position where I can fight as many enemies as I like?" Kana asked.

"Well, we do have a few positions like that, but it is dangerous. Your duty would be to go straight into the devil base to weaken the enemy as much as you could. This would lead to fights against far stronger beings," he explained. He stared at her a moment before adding, "But due to it being so dangerous, the pay is great. They also give you potions for healing your wounds faster to keep fighting."

"I would love that job; it would be perfect for me!" Kana replied.

"Alright, what is your level of strength?" he asked as he walked over to a desk to sit down.

"I am around Sage level in strength," Kana stated.

"Well, you're in luck. We still have room for this unit, only three people signed up so far. With your strength, you would be the team leader," he said as he handed her a small red and black card.

'Team leader is a good position to have, so I guess this is perfect, ` Kana thought to herself while proceeding to grab the card. She looked at it curiously, wondering what it was. She looked at the man with a confused look.

"That card is your team card. It is made of a special material that matches your imagination, so it can have any design you want. You must have the name of your squad on it, so we know who you are, though," he explained politely to Kana while asking her for her team name.

"The team name will be Heaven's Lost Song!" Kana shouted with excitement.

"Okay, let me input it really quick," he said as he wrote down the name of the team along with the members. "Alright, your team members are waiting in that brown tent outside."

When she walked outside, she noticed a brown tent in a secluded area away from the others. It looked smaller than the others and wondered if it was because of the small number of members?

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