《Kana Adventure》Chapter Ten: Weird and Crazy New Friends


"I wonder who my subordinates are?" Kana said softly as she approached the tent.

"Maybe crazy people, only they would take a job like this," Kuko said to Kana with amusement lacing her voice.

"Are you calling me crazy?" Kana yelled out, attracting the attention of the people in the tent.

"Who is there!" demanded a young voice.

"We will talk about this later, Kuko," Kana whispered with an evil smile.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it!" Kuko screamed. "Please, no spankings.”

Kana entered the tent and saw three people. One was a young man around eighteen with brown eyes and black hair. He wore the clothing of a nobleman, and his face had a strange black flower tattoo.


The next person she saw was a girl around her height with brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a robe and held a small stuffed toy in her arms. Last was a man who looked forty. He wore a butler outfit and held a dagger but let down his guard once he saw her.

'He must be that young man's butler,' Kana thought.

"Who are you, kid?" the young man asked her rudely.

"Who am I, you ask?" Kana said slowly, "I am your new boss, so bow before me, weaklings!" Kana said, laughing inside to herself.

"The hell, you say!" the young man yelled. His first thought was to pummel this little girl to a pulp and feed her to the fishes.

"Young master, be careful, she must be strong," the man whispered in his ear. At first, he also thought she was only a little girl, but something told him that she was stronger than she looked.

"Really, but she looks so young?" the young man said, forgetting about the others in the tent.


"Let's introduce ourselves before we do anything else, okay?" Kana said as kindly as she could.

"I'll go first," the young man said." My name is Faendal, son of a minor nobleman. I come from a small town to the west, and my strength is at the knight level, " he said proudly.

"I am, Kreaul, his butler in charge of protecting him. It is nice to meet you, young lady," he said kindly. Then there was silence as everyone looked toward the other girl in the room.

"My name is, Orina," she said, keeping it short.

"Well, nice to meet you all. My name is, Kana, and I'm your new leader since I am at the sage level," Kana said with excitement.

"Sage level? Why would you go with a job like this? It doesn't pay as much as some higher jobs," the young man said astonished.

"Because I wanted to kill a lot of demons, and this was the best way," Kana told him.

"Now, we can talk more about ourselves later; for now, let us rest. We must be prepared for a massacre. Sleep well, guys. I sure as hell know I will," Kana said, walking toward the exit.

"Oh, make sure to be ready at dawn," she remarked before proceeding toward the inn she was staying at.

"Young master, let us return as well. We need to prepare ourselves since this job is not easy," Kreaul said, leading Faendal outside.

"Her soul seems far stronger than any I have ever seen… interesting," she said as she disappeared.

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