《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 22: The Lexium


In front of the mansion. Kyle occasionally eats the cookies made by Melissa while Cellica is sipping an expensive tea once again. Sitting in a white chair made of marble and a table made of Lexium with its colorful crystallize design but the light doesn’t reflect but absorbed instead. Creating a luxurious table that only the high nobilities and kings can afford. Kyle was mesmerized by this new type of material since this can be used as a catalyst for enchanting but it was only discovered when a mine of Lexium exploded in an accident. The dwarfs quickly experimented on it and created weapons and items that can rival the sacred swords.

“First time seeing a Lexium table?” Cellica glanced at Kyle who is staring at the table.

“Yes, tell me. How much is this?” Kyle asked

“Too expensive for someone who can’t afford to stay in an inn” Cellica smiled before putting the cup on the table as she notices that Melissa is bringing Isaac to the table.

“So what did you do again?” Isaac asked before sitting in one of the chairs.

“ME?! what am I? a trouble maker?” Kyle scoffed as he munched at one of the cookies

“I mean, i was sleeping the whole time so i didn’t create any trouble” Isaac glanced at Melissa who remained standing beside Cellica.

“The both of you are trouble maker, no the both of you are assholes” Cellica sudden raising of her tone and her crass words surprises everyone as she glared at both Kyle and Isaac

“Didn’t know there was a word for assholes in this world” Isaac whispered at Kyle.

“There is dipshit, if you didn’t piss them off. I wouldn’t be suspected” Kyle whispered back with anger in his tone before clearing his throat.

“So anyway. Kyle, tell me. What were you doing in the library?” Cellica asked calmly

“Reading for something interesting” Kyle answered

“This ‘something interesting’ of yours means the forbidden books that are not allowed to be read by anyone except for the Venir family. Right?” Cellica says with a smile

“Hey, there are alarm spells at the books. I didn’t touch it” Kyle answered

“I see, so you touched it so you can alert us when that black-robed man appeared to steal a book?”

“Yes” Kyle nodded

“hmmm…so how did you touch the books in the forbidden section when that robed man appeared away from it” Cellica pondered

“I threw a stone” Kyle shrugged

“You threw a stone? a stone?! ok fine. I will not dwell on such matters on how you activated it since you alerted us and fought that man. No books were stolen either.” Cellica sips the tea before glancing at Isaac and Kyle

“So there is a week before the banquet, what are you planning to do?” Cellica asked

“Make some money, we needed artifacts for my next plan” Kyle smiled

“Your next plan….what is this next plan?” Cellica looks intrigued as Kyle scans around the area.

“Do you have a room where we can talk secretly?” Kyle asked as Cellica nods and stands up while gesturing to follow her. The both of them followed Cellica and Melissa as they make their way in a trapdoor near the kitchen before a stair leading deeper into the mansion can be seen. A flight of spiral stairs with torches on the wall can be seen as they walked silently while keeping their guards up.

Once reaching the bottom, there are 6 rooms with metal doors each labeled by a number. Cellica opened room 1 while beckoning the others to follow her. Inside is a comfy sofa with a white table in the middle and a desk in front with sheets of paper piled on each other. Cellica walks towards the desk and sits in the chair behind it while Melissa stands near her.


“Let me ask one more time, what is this next plan?” Cellica asked as Isaac sits on one of the sofas while Kyle walks in front of the desk with a smile.

“The ruins of the fallen kingdom, Verenian. The old magical kingdom of the elves before it was destroyed in the eternal war by the humans. Countless artifacts and items can be found there. If we’re lucky we might find a grimoire. A book, full of ancient spells of the elves, or we might get a class requiem. An item that can give us classes without the requirements” Kyle smirks as Cellica was shocked with her jaws slightly agape and Melissa just stared at Kyle like she didn’t understand what’s so good about it.

“I thought that grimoires are merely myths created by the rich and powerful to have the permission to explore the ruins. It seems that it is true….no, how can I believe you? Do you have any evidence that this ruin you are speaking about exist?” Cellica seems doubtful and Kyle can understand that. No one in their right minds will believe someone saying that there is a ruined and forgotten kingdom with these bountiful rewards that were never explored and discovered by countless people and adventurers hoping to hit it big. Added by the fact that Cellica knows that both of them cannot be trusted yet, it might be harder to persuade her.

‘It was never discovered since it needed the blood of the princess of Verenian and the blood of a royalty of the fallen kingdom of Larashya which coincidentally both Cellica and Melissa both have but i don’t have any evidence right now. How should i convince her….” Kyle pondered for a moment before remembering the table made of Lexium. A smirk appeared on his face as he slams his hands on the desk

“Don’t you think that the art of enchantment was never popular?” his business smile and overly ecstatic tone were a surprise for Cellica and Melissa.

“I never thought of that?..” Cellica asked confusedly and having no idea what he is talking about.

“I know a material that can help enchant weapons more easily than forging and relying on good materials. A material that even an average mage can use to enchant his wand with speed cast and powered spell.” Kyle smiles

“It’s called Lexium” Kyle added which surprises Cellica that her eyes widened before clearing her throat and staring at Kyle seriously

“Ok! i’ll give you a chance to explain” Cellica says

“No no” Kyle waves his finger with a smirk as he summons a clear parchment out of the black cube.

“If i tell you, you might steal the idea from me so we need a business contract and we can discuss business” Kyle smiles once again as Isaac just glances at the people at the table. Isaac only knows how to fight but outside of that, he never has any interest in the business.

“So what do you propose?” Cellica asked

“I will give you the knowledge on how to use this material for enchanting and how to process it. Instead, i want a 15% cut in the amount of profit that you and your family makes from my idea” Kyle smiles while pushing the clear parchment forward towards Cellica.

“Hmmm, isn’t that a bit much? I mean, we handle the selling, the labor, and the materials needed.” Cellica smiles gently as she pushes back the parchment

“Nope, i will only ask for a 15% cut and you will gain an 85% profit or you gain nothing and i find someone willing to take my offer” Kyle says with his forced smile.


“Fine…i’ll sign it” Cellica writes the clauses needed for the agreement including the profit cut and everything. Kyle gazes at the contract and after reading every nook of the contract, he signed before giving it back to Cellica as she also signed it. It glowed a gold color for a short while

“Now that its done” Kyle rolled the contract before shoving it back to the black storage cube

“You need a 100% pure Lexium. If you have that, burned it until it explodes into tiny pieces. These tiny pieces can be crushed to powder. This powder needs to be grounded to runic symbols created by runic magic. Depending on the quality, the level of enchantment can be higher. Reaching levels 8 to 9. " Kyle smirks

“That’s it?! Even reaching the level of 6 and 7 are already high-grade items and weapons that only the dwarves can make. Although a runic magic-user is quite rare, i know someone who we can trust. If..if we can…excuse me. Can i see if you have a sample? forgive me, i was getting too excited” Cellica speaks quickly, and once she realizes she chuckled.

“That table of yours is made of pure Lexium right?” Kyle asked.

“I’m quite sure it is except for its legs.” Cellica answered

“But i have a pure Lexium shard here and a runic paper somewhere in one of my cabinets. Melissa, find me those items and bring it here” Cellica requested as Melissa bowed before leaving the room.

“You do know that we can’t use any fire magic right?”

“Don’t worry. I have an item that can burn it until it explodes” Cellica answered.

A couple of minutes passed as both Kyle and Isaac sits in one of the couches while Cellica reads the parchments in the pile of paper. Once Melissa arrives with a tray with both the shard of Lexium and runic paper situated in it. Kyle quickly grabs the shard while gazing at it whether it’s pure or not before returning it to the tray. Cellica holds the shard before throwing it in the air.

Once the shard is indeed pure Lexium, Cellica didn’t waste any time as she activated one of the rings in her finger as a bright red fire engulfed the shard. It created a loud noise of crackling before it exploded but with Cellica’s control of the wind, she was able to mitigate the damage as the flame was absorbed back to the ring. A black smaller shard can be seen on the floor. Melissa grabs the black shard while turning it around using her fingers as she gazes at it suspiciously

“So i just crush it?” Melissa glances at Kyle.

“Yup” Without any hesitation, Melissa grips the black shard before black dust started leaking out of her hands. Kyle quickly summons a steel spear before grabbing the runic paper from the desk. Kyle stuck the runic paper in the tip of the spear and throwing it towards where the dust is falling. Bright light engulfs the room as the runic letters from the paper burned and engraving it in the spear tip. The spear falls to the ground with a thud as the tip of the spear was sharper as it glints and shines.

“Idiot! why would you do that?! The black dust wouldn’t be pure anymore if some of the dust from the air gets mixed in it. It will explode and destroy the item you are enchanting. Idiot!” Kyle shouted at Melissa.

“HAH?! You agreed to let me crush it spearboy! You are the one who’s idiot spearboy!” Melissa shouted back as they glared at each other.

“Shut up kitten! You should go back and purr at your master” Kyle says angrily.

“Stop!” Cellica shouted while massaging her temples.

“Why? I will not hold myself anymore, i‘ll rip that smirk out of this blond idiot” Melissa threatened but Kyle just laughs

“What are your kitten claws gonna do to me? Scratch me?” Kyle sneered as Melissa charged forward with her claws extended and aimed at Kyle’s neck.

“I said stop!” Cellica shouted angrily as she slams her hand on the desk. Seeing that both of them stopped fighting with each other. She sighs before sitting back in the chair.

“Let’s not fight anymore, we are gonna be future companions so don’t try to antagonize each other. I want my companions that i can trust my back. So please, just don’t fight. Kyle, that’s wonderful with what you have discovered. The steel spear is sharper than anything i’ve seen being sold in blacksmiths here in the capital. I’m satisfied with this sample.” Cellica smiles gently.

“If there’s nothing you want to say, both you and Isaac can leave” Cellica says with elegance in her voice and a friendly smile.

“Yup, there nothing more. I’ll take my leave and i too wish that we can trust each other more in the future” Kyle flashes a charming smile before bowing and leaving the room together with Isaac.

After leaving the trapdoor and entering the kitchen. Isaac appeared to be lethargic and tired. His eyes are flickering from opening to closing. He sways slightly as he yawns once more.

“Why am i so sleepy?” Isaac asked himself.

“It’s probably because of the dragon’s blood that you absorbed. It will render you with fatigue and extreme sleepiness for 3 days so that the blood inside you can control the dragon’s blood. This is usual for people drinking the dragon’s blood since dragons usually sleep and hibernates most of the time. So you should just sleep until you receive a notification from the system” Kyle says as Isaac nodded before heading to his room. While Kyle decided to stay for the library for the rest of the day.

On the third day of them staying at the mansion, someone unexpectedly visited the white mansion. Outside of the gate is a handsome man wearing a green chinese robe called hanfu with a golden dragon embroidered around the robe while he is carrying a white fan. His long white hair ponytail and fair-skinned attracted the woman outside the gates no matter the status. His elegant and graceful demeanor with his fiery red eyes wooed the women and men alike. Kyle gazed outside and a huge smile appeared on his face.

“A chinese cultivation addict and the future owner of the largest corporations in the world of Aleria. Shen Xia” Kyle muttered.

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