《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 21: Axis of Darkness


“So tell me, how did you know that sacred weapons can change their form, and more importantly, where did you learn how to activate it? Even i have never heard of such a thing” Cellica asked

“In the library of the witch of calamity, there is a book detailing how to change the form of sacred weapons with the help of a sol inside the sacred weapons. This sol is the opposite of ego since it’s benevolent rather than malevolent.” Kyle explained

‘I have never seen Kyle going to the library or if there’s any library, to begin with. Either he’s lying or hiding something. Still, i didn’t explore the mansion of the witch so i guess i’ll never know.” Isaac pondered as he gazed outside the window to see different types of carriages going by them.

“I see, so can your weapon change forms too?” Cellica asked once again

“Nope, as i said. I sealed my ego while Isaac’s ego was forced to hibernate. I’m not strong enough to dominate the ego of my spear so i figured i might as well seal it” Kyle shrugged like it was an easy feat.

“Suspicious…let me ask you. How? there are no reports on how to seal the ego of a cursed weapon. You’re really suspicious you know that” Cellica leaned forward with suspicion in her eyes.

“Secret~” Kyle smiled

“Well, everyone has their own secrets. I have no right to ask someone what they’re hiding” Cellica says before closing her eyes and sipping the tea.

“As long as your actions don’t undermine my goal. I don’t really care, i’m merely curious”

“As they said in my homeworld, curiosity killed the cat” Kyle says

“Oh, i see” Cellica smiled. As they can see the tall wall of the capital of Demer Kingdom. Countless archers surveyed below them from the castle walls as soldiers checked the passengers of each of the carriage. The security is tighter than usual since there will be a banquet where each of the noble’s envoys gathers together. Most of the envoys of the nobles are either their heirs or the head of the family itself. This would affect the reputation of the kingdom if something happens to the guest. More importantly, the three sacred weapon wielders will be attending.

In a dark cave, a man adorned with gold armor bashed the walls of the cave with his fist as the cave shakes violently. His facial expression twisted in anger as he glared at the people who are wearing black robes.

“What the fuck happened?! How the fucking hell did a hatchling become larger than normal and not only that. It escaped!” Leonard shouted as the people in black robes didn’t move a muscle.

“How will you take responsibility huh?!” Leonard appeared quickly to one of the men in black robes. His large stature almost dwarfs the man. Still, the man didn’t shake in fear nor anger.

“You forgot something, dear golden knight. We merely were asked to weaken and forcefully hatch the black dragon. The actual taming it was your job. The fact that you failed has nothing to do with us” the man in a black robe gazed at Leonard with a lifeless and emotionless expression

“YOU!!!” Leonard swings his fist towards the man.

“Cease!” the man shouted as Leonard froze, his hand barely moving as the black robe man revealed a black scythe before slashing upwards. Leonard jumps back before summoning a golden sword as he stabbed forward towards the man’s stomach

“Gentle Spring Style: River Flow” the man moved unnaturally as he twisted his body to dodge the attack before he throws the scythe in the air before bringing it to the ground slashing Leonard in the chest before pulling it towards him before running forward and stabbing Leonard. Two scratches appeared in Leonard’s armor as the man hides the scythe in his robe.


“Fighting each other will do us no favor. I’m not ordered by the king to handle your tantrums. It’s your fault for failing to secure the hatchling” the man in a black robe together with the others vanished in thin air. Leaving Leonard alone in the dark cave

“Dammit!!!” he shouted in anger as it echoed through the cave.

“Please join us in my mansion,” Cellica said with a smile. They finally entered the capital with no problems since Cellica is the heir of the great four families and one of the wielders of the sacred weapons.

“No need, we will just stay in one of the inns” Kyle smiled while Isaac stared at them.

“No, its alright” Melissa says

“Since you’re gonna be our companions, we need to learn from each other” Melissa laughed before grabbing Kyle on his wrist.

“I thought you didn’t trust us? why are you so adamant about letting us stay in your mansion?” Isaac’s cold voice echoed behind Melissa. Melissa turned her head to gaze at Isaac before pouting.

“It’s not that we trusted the both of you, it’s just easier to observe and monitor anything the both of you will do here in the capital. As i heard from an otherworlder i met. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Besides, the price of a night in an inn is 20 silver for each person.” Cellica says

“Really?!…Damn….sorry Isaac. We have no choice but to stay at their mansion” Kyle looks at Isaac with a crestfallen expression before smiling cheekily and revealing a wallet with only a couple of silvers left. Kyle already expended most of his money for the preparation for the tower of insanity so he doesn’t have enough money for the both of them to stay in an inn for a week.

“What?! There are a couple of gold coins when we robbed the bandits, where did you spend it?” Isaac asked

“My clothes cost 5 golds so it can’t be helped” Kyle laughed but Isaac glared at Kyle as he revealed the jagged katana.

“Hey! we just need to stay at the mansion for a couple of days. It’s not like we’re gonna go to a dungeon” Kyle says with a smile

“Fine…“ Isaac sighs before gazing at the smirking Melissa and the smiling Cellica.

“I guess we don’t have a choice”

After walking for a couple of minutes, they arrived at a large white mansion full of white lilac planted in the front. A golden gate stops anyone from entering while a solid white concrete wall protects the mansion itself. A statue of a man wielding a rapier is situated in the middle of the yard.

“My Lady, welcome to the White Mansion” the golden gate slowly opens to reveal a couple of maids and butlers with their heads bowing down. A beastman knight bowed with his knees on the ground. His red hair is identical to Melissa but with a scar running from his eye. His fair-skinned is ruined by his scar but it added a ferocious look on his face.

“What are you acting like a dog for? Ciaran. " Melissa laughed as Ciaran stands up and glared at her.

“Ohhh. What? you’re gonna fight me? come on dog boy hahahaa” Melissa snickered and Ciaran gritted his teeth in anger.

“Stop Melissa. You shouldn’t treat your brother like that” Cellica says as she flashes a bright smile to Ciaran. Lucas blushed before coughing awkwardly.

“You’re always scolding me” Melissa pouted before walking towards the mansion.

“t-that’s right my lady. I don’t have the time to humor a crass woman” Ciaran says in an attempt to hide his embarrassment as Cellica chuckles.


“Meet my companions, Isaac and Kyle. They will be staying in the mansion for a week. Please treat them nicely” Cellica smiles.

“Hello~” Kyle waves his hand with a friendly smile

“…..” Isaac just stared at Ciaran before nodding.

“They reek of demonic aura!” Ciaran unsheathes the sword hanging on his belt as he points it at both of them.

“If i were you, you should stop before i rip you to pieces. I don’t like someone pointing their weapons at me since it means they are planning on killing me” Isaac says as he glared at Ciaran.

“Demon!” Ciaran shouts as he dashes forward with his sword swinging towards Isaac. Isaac strikes the sword to the side and breaking it into pieces since the jagged spike of the katana was stuck on Ciaran’s sword before stabbing forward. Ciaran moves his head to the side in an attempt to dodge but it was too late as a large wound appeared in his cheek. Isaac attempted to slash to the side to rip Ciaran’s face but a rapier stops the advance of his katana.

“Stop!” Cellica shouted. Isaac removes his katana from Ciaran’s face before backing away, staring with his usual deadpan expression

“Ciaran! why did you do that?! they are my guest and i won’t allow you to point your weapons at them” Cellica sighs before glaring at Isaac

“Isaac! you nearly killed him!”

“So? am i supposed to get stabbed by this dog? he aimed his weapon and attacked me first. This is why i didn’t want to stay here. Too many hypocrites thinking that they’re doing a good thing attacking me just because we reek of demonic aura? He planned on killing me so why can’t i do the same?” Isaac mocked with a sneer on his face. Cellica shakes in anger before storming into the mansion.

“Do what you want to do but if you hurt anyone i care about. I’ll kill you” Cellica glared at Isaac one more time before entering the mansion.

“Huh?! did you hear that Kyle? She said she will kill me. You should tighten the leash of your dog to avoid it being killed in the streets!” Isaac shouted as Ciaran glared at him full of anger as he followed Cellica in the mansion.

“Isaac…they’re our future companions. Can we have a day of you without offending anyone?” Kyle sighs as he followed Ciaran. Isaac returned to his uncaring look on his face as he shamelessly followed Kyle.

After that day, Isaac stayed in his room resting while Kyle explored the mansion itself. Looking for a library in this large mansion is quite hard. The worse thing about this is that the maids and butlers ignored him or outright disrespected him. He was quite happy that Isaac decided to stay in his room since if he witnesses this, he would probably do something outrageous again. He continued smiling while walking casually in hopes to find a library only to meet Ciaran and Melissa arguing at each other.

“They cannot be trusted! they will only harm lady Cellica” Ciaran says

“I know but….they have something that is important for Cellica” Melissa frowns

“They’re blackmailing her! they’re atrocious demons!” Ciaran shouted in anger but Melissa punches him in the chest as he flew a couple of meters back.

“It’s not like that! we already made a pledge so you can’t do anything about it. Cellica already knows the risk involved, even at first, i argued that she shouldn’t do it but…but i can’t stop her. You wouldn’t understand brother” Melissa shakes her head with sadness on her face. Ciaran was about to speak again only to finally notice Kyle standing near to them with a smile and his closed eyes.

“Yo! do you guys know where the library is?” Kyle said cheerily. Ciaran clicks his tongue before walking away leaving Melissa.

“It’s on the second floor, in the most east room. There will be a large plaque on top of the door that says Library” Melissa says before bowing like a maid and quickly walks away. Kyle didn’t even have the time to say thanks as Kyle shrugged before heading upstairs.

Kyle spends the majority of his time reading, especially books that have information that he doesn’t know. Ever since that time in the tower, he naively followed something written in the book that might have ended badly if not for the demon god. He would have wasted the time fighting that boss only to find out that the title he is seeking is only a piece of false information. What he really wanted is the forbidden parts of the library but when he goes to that section, all of the books are protected by a complex alarm spell that will alert everyone in the house.

‘Damn, it’s my first time being invited as a guest in the white mansion of the Venir family but i can’t even do anything. Guess I’ll read some interesting storybooks to pass my time.’ Kyle sighs before going back to the section of books where the novels are.

‘I guess this will do’ Kyle picks a book named the forbidden book vol 1. A sudden pain erupted inside his mind as he falls to his knees. He gritted his teeth before a blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Warning!! The Seal Of Gods needs to be broken to be able to open the book]

[Please return the book or suffer the status (Mind Destruction) ]

He squinted his eyes as his body trembled with extreme pain.

‘Even my SS mentality can’t do anything’

He releases his grip on the book as it falls to the floor with a thud. He sighs before pondering on what to do but even if he circled around the library, stares at the book, or using his spear to poke the book. He still wouldn’t remember how to open it.

“I guess…wait. If Isaac has the eye of truth, he may be able to see the information of this book” Kyle smiled before rushing downstairs.

Meanwhile, a man in a black robe appeared from the shadows of the bookshelf. He bends down to pick the book only to have a spear flying towards him. With a quick slash, he parried the spear as Kyle dashes forward. Grabbing the spear from the air, he stabs forward but the man dodged to the side before throwing 3 knives at Kyle’s chest. Kyle blocks the knives with the shaft of the spear as both of them stared at each other.

“Heh. Didn’t expect that the axis of darkness would be able to infiltrate here” Kyle smirks

‘Luckily my eye of foresight activates when someone is hostile to me, i was able to see the future for 1 second’

“Boy, i was impressed by your instinct but that’s about it. I will kill you if you move an inch” the ragged and unnatural voice of the man echoed through the library as he bends to grab the book only to be interrupted by Kyle.

“You shouldn’t pick that up, it will inflict a mind debuff” Kyle says while smiling

“I know boy, no need to warn me”

Suddenly, the footsteps coming from downstairs can be heard. Knights and Mages filled the entrance together with Cellica and Melissa armed with their weapons. Seeing that a man wearing a black robe is stealing a book. With no hesitation, the knight charged while the mages chanted their spells. The man clicked his tongue before glaring at Kyle with his dragon-like eyes. He suddenly merged together with the shadow before the knights were able to catch him.

“I’ll remember your face boy” the man says before vanishing in the shadow.

“No~ i’m scared” Kyle mocked the man before staring at the mages, knights, and both Cellica and Melissa. Flashing a white smile.

“I didn’t help that guy with anything, i merely wished to read some books.” Suspicious looks coming from everyone surrounded Kyle.

“I swear” Kyle salutes before attempting to leave the library only to be blocked by Ciaran and the mages.

“Umm…i’m planning to stay in my room. I’m quite tired” he yawned but they didn’t move out of the way.

“Come with me, someone! bring Isaac. I have some questions i want to ask” Cellica says as Melissa rushes downstairs to bring Isaac.

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