《Absolute Power of the Imagination》The Immortal Rat - Part 1


When I ran out of the alley I started thinking of ways to make my strength control easier, and I remembered to use (That's what I'm calling it now) to make and activated which, I got after injecting knowledge, agility, and strength into myself, and injected a skill to help me with my self control so I don't accidently kill someone... but then again I could just make something to erase or store objects if I do kill someone, I'll just enchant a ring or bracelet for that. I could also just make a persona of a modern mage and make a stick looking thing that knocks people out with one touch, I'll also make some more stuff that might be convenient when the time comes. When I'm running around randomly through a random alley I hear something I never heard in my entire 2 lives, even though I've only been alive in this second life for 2 days, which was a explosion, right next to me. When I heard the explosion I felt a huge amount of force and was lifted and thrown through the wall and felt all of my air pushed out of me and felt heat... A HUGE AMOUNT OF HEAT, and blacked out, and this all happened in half a second.

~1 day later~

[Shit, what happened?] I questioned Violet in my head.

[You died in a gas explosion and when the explosion happened, many people reported to the authorities that they heard an explosion and saw smoke, so the authorities sent the firemen and they found your body, and your body reverted to your 6 year old form and now you're in a morgue, at least I learned that when you die your body reverts to the form before it.] Violet informed me about everything that happened while I was dead.

[Ok, ok, so does that mean I've been declared dead to anyone that knows of me?] I said with a hint of excitement.

[Yeah, why did you say it like that?] Violet questioned me not reading my mind.

[I said it that way because then I don't have to kill this body myself, fate just did me a favor] I said with a sigh.

[Well what are you gonna do now, are you just gonna do the same thing again? Or...] Violet said obviously being curious about what I was thinking.


[Well I was thinking of other ways to build a life and thought of , I'm going to take control over someone else's life, preferably someone's life as a poor person or someone with a normal life style by my standards] I said while thinking what it would look like to be flying all over America looking for someone who's had a normal or poor life.

[Hmm, that would be easier] Violet said with a face plastered with expecting a reason why I want to do this.

[Well, my reason is that I do not want to hang around with kids that have the normal sterotypical brat personality and humour, for 8 years straight, and just start at high school where everything drama related happens, which makes life more interesting for an immortal] I said explaining my plans obviously being excited.

[Yeah that does sound interesting, well, when are we gonna start?] Violet explained obviously losing her patience.

[Now!] I thought yelled and activated ... Or not?

[Y-Y-You forgot to create the skill and inject it into your status] Violet said trying to hold in her laughter

Good thing I'm thick skinned or I would've already destroyed the whole planet from embarrassment, then I activate and and make and inject it into my status.

[Ok, it's not that funny, ok. Now let's start! ] I activate my new skill and become disappointed with how lackluster the skill is.

[Huh? That's all? It can't be, right?] Violet machine-gunned these questions clearly being confused, to be honest I was too.

[I think it is, huuu~] I imagined myself pouting like those children who are told they can't have candy, then I start searching for people who are highschool students, poor, and are close to dying in their homes, and have loving parents.

[That is a really specific search, are you sure there are people like that in America?] Violet questioned my actions right as I found someone fitting those descriptions.

["Are you sure there are people like that in America?" of course there are people like that in America, what kinda world do you think the world is?] I mocked and questioned her thoughts.

[I-I-] Violet stuttered trying to find a retort to my words.

[Uh no, I'm about to invade someone's mind and take over, I don't want to mess up incase something happens] I stop her with a serious tone and prepare for any kind of pain that I will feel when I take over since the person is about to die.


[Ok, we are starting in 1, 2, 3, and GO!] I thought yell and start invading and then everything goes black, and in the next moment, I feel and extreme amount of pain everywhere, my eyes feel pain, my stomach, my mouth, my whole nose, and I have the biggest headache I've ever had in my two lives.

[ and ] I activate my two skills to create a healing syrum that will deal with everything possibly wrong with my body and inject to rid my body of this torture.

[Holy shit, your whole body is rotting, was the past owner a drug abuser?] Violet said very surprised

[Is this what happens if you abuse drugs? If so, I'm never taking drugs without healing myself right after, *moan in pleasure*] I said and moaned from the big amount of pleasure that came after healing myself.

[Hey! Why did you say, "I'm never taking drugs WITHOUT", are you seriously gonna take drugs?](Lacromyte: Don't do druggos you kiddos :p) Violet said with a hint of worry in her voice.

[If I become curious and am bored, then yes, my answer is yes] I said

I start to get up after answering and start looking around my house to see a huge mess and start to get sick from the smell and sight of shit and vomit everywhere.

[What the hell happened here!] I start yelling in my head a rhetorical question.

[Are you gonna start cleaning up or keep annoyingly yelling in your head?] Violet said sarcasticly

[Clean up time, ] I activate my skill and start making a broom that removes everything considered disgusting by my standards off everything not originally disgusting within my house.

After I made it I just tapped the floor with the broom and everything instantly cleaned up and started reinforcing my whole house with unbreakable glass and unlockable doors that only open when I command them to, I also made the glass one way glass so I can see whoever is sneaking around my house but they can't see me.

[So what was this body's name?] I question Violet

[Apparently the name was Lilac] Violet said not realising what just happened.

[Wait, Lilac!?] I exclaimed remembering my past life's name.

[What, is something wrong with Lilac?] Violet still not realising what is wrong.

[That was my past life's name, maybe that is a weird coincidence or...] I started thinking of other ways that I could've gotten this name again

[Don't mind that but do you wanna hear what kinda story this body has with the students at high school?] Violet said obviously wanting me to say yes.

[What if I say no] I said wanting her reaction.

[You don't get to say no *imagining her pout her cheeks*] Violet said

[Fine then, yes] I said because I was curious no matter what I said before.

[The owner of the body was at the bottom of the food chain in the school, constantly picked on, extorted, ridiculed, and constantly had the worst scores in all of his classes, but was slightly lucky despite of his daily life, there was a nice girl by the name of Jane Reed that constantly helped him and was nice to him, but because he was with such a nice girl alot, many people made his life much worse and then he turned to drugs and now we're here] Violet said everything with a hint of pity in her voice.

[Damn, that is sad, well now that we're here, I mean me, I'm gonna take control of this school from the shadows, and technically I will call this life "The Immortal Rat" or T.I.R. for short, by the way, what about the parents because this life is pretty messed up?] I asked

[Well the parents are pretty nice, just that their work is two states away and only have time to visit once a month but couldn't this month, but they wire $1000 every month hoping that you are having a good life] Violet said

[Well this life is the complete opposite, and I'm guessing this past owner was so cowardly that he couldn't tell his parents or anyone with authority, and probably this all happened in one month, am I right?] I said

[Yeah, pretty much] Violet said

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