《Absolute Power of the Imagination》Self control is hard


As I wake up I remember to ask Violet if I could give her a personality somehow. She said yes and so I made her one that was just randomized because it's too much having to add every single habit and thought proccess, I'm just hoping she doesn't have a edgy teen so edgy that they could cut you with just their voice, or one where she tries to make me destroy the world and maybe make me insane.

[Thanks Lilac, what do you plan on doing with your powers, well with ones that make you a practical god?](Violet)

[I'm planning on just being an immortal that observes the world, and sometimes interferes with normal people, because it would be pretty cool to have people tell stories to their children, then they tell stories to their children and repeat]

[Nice, by the way, if you're gonna do that then why be in an orphanage?](Violet)

[Well I'm planning on experiencing the warmth of parents and friends, and I've always liked to be kind to people but only when it benefits me, because I used to think I only had 1 life, now I can do it without any reprecussions and I'm immortal now, so I'll just be human for a few lifetimes, and then head off to another planet with humanoid life forms, and maybe one day go to another dimension after finishing this one]

[Well, that would be nice, I could also experience them with you](Violet)



[It sounds like someone's got feelings for muah]


[Ooh, ain't this a spicy personality for you]


[Maybe I'll make a body just for you~]



[Well whatever... Oh yeah can't you mind control a couple to adopt you?](Violet)

[Yeah but too much work]

[What are you talking about? Can't you just imagine it and it happens](Violet)


[Yeahhh but then I would have to look through people's memories, to make sure I find the right parents all day and maybe even weeks, days, and maybe even months will pass before that happens, even if I mind control a couple their whole time with me, I just wouldn't feel right doing it, so I'll just let fate do it's work]

[Yeah, that would take a long time to do, then what are you gonna do in the mean time?](Violet)

[Relax and make myself known to people when I go out to relieve myself of boredom]

[Good thinking, well what are you gonna do today then?](Violet)

[Go out]

I get up to go outside when I'm again asked to buy groceries, I wonder why I was asked again to to get groceries but I still go out.

[Are you gonna actually go to the grocery store?](Violet)

[Nope, I'm gonna explore]

[Good, are you just gonna go explore randomly?](Violet)

[Yeah, and maybe try to get better at controlling my strength because the weakest I can go with my strength still makes fist shaped dents in the ground, at least I'm able to control the strength in my legs because it would be terrible to accidently go into the roof or run into someone with a force of 60 meters in one second]

[Yeah that would be bad](Violet)

[It would be]

As I'm exploring randomly I hear some people yelling in an alley, so I just walk into the alley to see what's happening, aaaand I see a fight going on and had the bright idea of "I should break that fight up" and created a pill that would make me look 20 years old and also created a black cape and black skintight clothing and ran in forgetting about my bad strength control.


"Hello, who should I help here, the first one who answers get's my help!"

"Who the hell are you, what the hell are you wearing you nerd!?"(?)

"Ok nevermind what I just said just because you said that about me in a condescending tone"

I say that as I run in and just punch everyone once except the guy who was getting ganged up but was still doing pretty well, he got no punch since he looked like he needed help.





They all spat blood and I heard 4 audible crunches from the guys I punched.

"I guess I forgot to control my strength *Audible teehee from a guy that looked 20*"

Why did I 'teehee' -_-

"Who are y-"(Guy I saved)

I cut him off by running away, jeez I can't believe I forgot about my poor strength control

[You forgot about your poor strength control didn't you, and why did you 'teehee', it was creepy](Violet)

[Yes and HEY! It wasn't creepy at all now was it Violet]

[Uh yeah it was Lilac](Violet)

[Come on it was just something I did on accident, also I've always wanted to do that then run away and think about how much I've weirded out the other party]

[At least you've completed a dream you've always wanted to do](Violet)

[Hey! It wasn't a dream =3=]

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