《Absolute Power of the Imagination》The Immortal Rat - Part 2


After a day of reinforcing the whole house so no one will ever possibly break in or know what is going on inside, I talked with Violet what to do after in the morning, and both of us decided on going to school so we have stuff to get rid of our boredom since Violet has a personality, and now I'm walking to school.

[Hey, there are other dimensions and aliens right?] I ask a stupid question that I probably already have the answer to.

[Obviously, did you think '(s)he' would not have created other beings, if not then that's stupid] Violet said, a answer which was very close to mine.

[Yeah, that would be stupid, I guess I just wanted to make sure, ] I say and start making a passive skill that is basically what you call wall hacks, where it shows the outline of people but I made it so it also shows any animal even through walls but I add something where it shows different colors, green for calm and not intending any ill intentions, yellow for scared, red for hostile and intending ill intentions, orange for lying, and maybe I will add colors for different things later.

[That will be pretty useful for all kinds of situations, are you trying to make your life like a game?] Violet said something that was spot-on!

[Yeah, I'll add other stuff too, ] I said and start making my life more like a game like adding quests, which will activate when someone requests me to do something, health bars showing numbers for their health and damage points so I don't accidently kill someone, experience points so there's more hardships and it's more simple so easier to remember and measure my skills and others, and I'll add more stuff when I can think of them.

[So we're almost there, buuut there's a red outline right around the corner] Violet said dragging my head out of my brain-storm.

[Oh, there is? Well I don't know if it's directed towards me or someone else since I didn't specify it, well whatever, I'm gonna be the immortal rat anti-hero, so I'm gonna save people but not everyone since that is annoying, and I'm gonna be ruthless since those main characters in those light novels are fucking furiating] I say this while walking towards the corner preparing a one hit punch and then I start hearing someone talking

"That fucking Lilac! He should have walked past by now, well what ever I just need to wait until he walks by and put the mask on and run at him and stab him, even if someone see's no one cares about him anyway's and then voila, Jane will love me, IT'S FOOL PROOF, heheAHAHAHAHA- quiet! I need to be quiet, yes" The creepy and stupid guy said

I didn't know whether to get creeped out by how crazy this guy is or sneer and mock him for how stupid he is, well I think he is crazy, and since he is trying to kill me, , and I create a time warping skill that is like when you have saves in sk*rim or in f*llout where it overites everything that happened after the save when you load into it, and then I proceed to activate and to make my strength 10,000,000,000, then I walk around the corner confronting him and punch towards him with everything I had in me, the air pressure released from my punch pushed back everything and in the process crushing everything and just became colors for a few seconds, grey, colors I've never seen before, and red, then I blacked out. Then I could see again and I think I died since light entered my eyes and I could see that I was back at where I saved.


[Holy. Shit. You destroyed about a tenth of the world, you became a godamn, well, eeeh... you, became you, I, guess] Violet couldn't think of any words that could destroy a tenth of the world just because someone wanted to kill it.

[Good thing I saved, if 100,000,000 could destroy 1/10 of the world, I wonder what 1 googol(look it up) could do? Or maybe even 2 googols] I said questions that were very dangerous to the world or any world.

[Please stop saying things that could endanger solar systems, and maybe even galaxies *sigh*] Violet said and sighed at the end.

[Well since I'm back here I guess I'll just settle things humanly, and maybe in a way that is possibly evil-ish] I say and control my strength so it only fractures bones and walk around the corner and confront him face to face and wait for how he reacts.

"W-What, h-how, wai-no, you're making this much easier for me by walking into here you know, hehe, you don't even know what I'm gonna do to YOU!" He yells at me while jumping at me and I ready my fist in half a second and release it in the other half, all in one second did it take to initiate an action that could easily kill someone when hit in the right place, when I hit him in the chest I felt 2 fractures and felt his body already rebounding away off my fist.

"UGH-KKE, h-how the h-hell did this happe-*painful sounding cough*" He started coughing up blood, I guess I fractured his ribs badly and they shattered and punctured his lungs when he rebounded. and , I created and , healed him to the point where he's not going to die unless he doesn't go to the hospital.

"Do. Not. Tell. Anyone. Do you hear me, if you do, don't yell or make any loud noises" I said in a flat tone while releasing as much I-will-kill-you aura as possible to intimidate him.

"Y-y-yes, y-yes, I-I hear you" He said while pissing his pants and trying his hardest not to cry or scream.

"Now that we got that in order, when the police or anyone asks you about how you got these injuries, do not tell them anything about me or anything that could lead them to me, understand? If you do, say yes clearly" I said activating .

"Y-yes" He said not noticing his mistake, and I realise that I didn't feel anything like the other skills when they succeeded.

"I said, clearly" I said trying to release more aura.

"Hiiiiiii, I mean, yes, yes" He said more clearly this time around, then I, don't know how, but could just feel that has worked.

"Ok,*takes out phone and dials 911*" I start calling 911 and soon after I hear the call go through.

"This is a 911 operator speaking, what is your problem" A feminine voice started to speak.

"Ok, I'm calling to report a injured person by (Insert random address), could you please send over an ambulance, ok bye"( "Why is the man's body still right there, CALL THE DAMN AMBA-LAMB!". Shout out to anyone who knows that video) After I finish talking I fling the phone with a quarter of my strength into the sky and steal the guy's phone and start to walk towards school again as if nothing just happened.


[Hope fully more of that happens at school, but I also hope it doesn't attract too much attention. You understand, right?] I asked Violet just making sure that I'm not in the wrong for hoping for more.

[Yeah, I understand, well I think I do] Violet says being unsure at the end.

When we arrive at school I make a save, and walk to my first period if my memories are correct, and then I activate to make a passive skill called and Both so I can pay attention while not really paying attention, is so I am aware of everything and it is also like I have eyes all of my body and can see in all directions, and so I subconciously take notes of everything I see and my reaction time is multiplied by 3 so I can think and react at the speed of 3 of humanities greatest detectives and analysts combined, just so I can think of other stuff and not have to be bored by different lessons. Then I start to hear and see some people whispering amongst them selves, I also react to what they're talking about, the guy I think sent to the hospital this morning is apparently on the news already.

"The guy who was crazy over Jane is in the hospital right now, can you believe that?" A random student whispered to another.

"Yeah I can believe that, but apparently I heard from one of his former friends that he said he was going to stab Lilac this morning, and guess what, he's in the hospital almost dead, this, morning, I think that's too much of a coincidence not to think about" The other whispered back.

"What, are you saying, Lilac fought back and almost killed him, and still come to school? I think that's too much of a stretch, don't you think so too?" The original whispered back.

"Blah-blah-blah" Their conversation kept going on and other students were talking about the guy I beat up.

"STOP! Are you even listening?!" When the teacher yelled, everyone went dead silent, and this went on for 10 seconds but felt like minutes to everyone except me since my passive skills were still on.

[Listen, to, me, when I am teaching, you are to always pay attention, now everyone, starting with Lilac since he knows everything already since he's not paying attention to me at all, answer all of the problems on the board" She said with I'm-going-to-embarrass-you plastered on her damnable face, since she's got that in mind I make a save and direct my death aura into her eyes so becomes deathly afraid of me and I start answering all the problems correctly and make crazy smile.

"*psssss*" Holy, shit, she started pissing her pants and runs out the room screaming.

, then I'm back at where I saved and then I just answer the problems all in one go, no breaths in between. Now she just looks disappointed in the fact that she could'nt embarrass me, and then continues teaching. HEY, what happened to making the others answering.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 hour later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Just, why? Why, is school so boring, I forgot how boring it was... OH! I can create an exact replica of myself and just have it be the cover and it always streams everything it feels, and hears to me, then when I want, I can throw my concious into the body and control it and when I want, get out of the body an let the replica take control again, this way I don't have to be bored to death trying to experience high school drama and just experience the highlights of it] I was blessed with a great idea which I proceeded to share with Violet.

[That seems pretty good, do it] Violet said exitedly not wanting to be boored to death like me

, , I activate them both, and then I made the skill called which let's me replicate everything perfectly without any problems, so basically I made the perfect spy skill, buuuuuut, I'm using it for skipping school, some thing that could shatter other continents when used the right way, is being used to skip school, let that sink in, and I don't even have to properly know how it works or study it, I just have to know what it does, or what it looks like and I can replicate it, perfectly, meaning I could literally create a star, on this planet, and harness it's power, I could be superman, but that would be no fun for this life. Then I also create the skills and so my life has become even more of a game, then I replicate my self and placed it into my seat and then created a skill named where basically it's a free-cam and teleport in one, I can move my soul around and then if I want to, I can materilize myself where I am in my spirit form so I could literally fly into the sky then materilize and fall down into a hero land or anything else. After I placed my replica I told it to just live the life of Lilac Rat, which is my nickname for the previous owner of this body and then flew away into the streets of downtown to see if I can track down some crime organization and take control of it.

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