《The Aligned Path》10. Azure Huntress
Aberrations are a perversion to the natural cycle. Any environment they invade becomes corrupted with their presence. They compete with the beasts native to the world, often endangering them. Those that have survived the longest are the most dangerous. Attaining great age, they are wandering disasters.
-Chapter 5 on calamities from Monsters of Duality
The mid-day sun up above, caused the trees of Emerald Expanse to cast a variety of shadows. The humidity caused the air to feel thick and heavy. All around the forest pulsed with life, insects buzzed through the air along with the occasional call of a bird. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Selvia knelt onto the ground littered with leaves and scattered various small plants. Gently pushing aside the leaves of a large fern bush with the silvery head of her glaive, she examined a trail of prints that gouged the dirt. They were deep imprints of feet that had five claws, these were large creatures. Sniffing the air, Selvia could smell a faint acrid scent. Lowering herself to the ground she saw that the prints seemed to be slightly discolored around the area. From beside Zelos, one of her current companions spoke.
“Bodies chilled by shadow and large claws. Scaled ilk corrupted by the Deep.” He said appearing at her side, his robes rustled as he moved. Within the various pouches at his wait, Selvia could hear the soft clack of the unknown contents within. Absentmindedly the hellion scratched the smooth surface of his bone crest as he looked in the direction of the trail. From a single ray of sunlight that sneaked past the thick canopy, Zelos’ dark red scales gleamed with a soft ruby glow.
The crunch of leaves on the forest floor heralded the arrival of the other two adventurers within the small party. Kesna, the most experienced individual within the group strode up to them. From her bronze skin and sharp features, Selvia could tell that the woman had a Kithoral heritage. The woman’s muscles were apparent beneath the dark-colored clothing she wore. Behind her appeared fourth member, Mallik, a man with fair features. The plate of his light green tinted armor clanked as he followed behind Kesna. The visor on his helmet was up, revealing a confident face.
Both of them gathered around Selvia and Zelos. All three of them hailed from the same guild outside of Eventide, The Slayers. Emblazoned across their garb was the guild’s heraldry, a minimalistic design of a hooded figure plunging a sword downward.
“Finally found signs of the monsters, did we?” Kesna said, her thick Kithoral accent colored her words. The woman was one of the few from the south Selvia had met that did not hide it.
“Leader, they look to be maws,” Zelos said, his words punctuated by a low hiss, swishing his tail across the ground and nodding. Mallik grinned, “Then it is to be a good hunt?”
How confident he is. Selvia mused, she stood and shook her head. “Concerned. From the tracks, we may be dealing with a large herd.” Zelos huffed and turned to Kesna.
“The green-skinned one speaks some truth, though her words include some cowardice.” He said glancing at her. Selvia crossed her arms, she could feel her cheeks warm. The azure colored skin on her face becoming lighter. Her tendril trailing down her back twitched in annoyance.
“Annoyed. You have been snapping at me since we left the city.” Selvia said with as much bluster as she could convey, though a few words were fumbled in her frustration. A habit she displayed whenever she got too emotional. “For a shaman of your kind, your words are fool-hardy.”
Kesna clicked her tongue and stepped between them. “Enough!” She barked. Glaring at Zelos she spoke with an authoritative tone. “We brought Selvia because we could not find someone in time. You have been hounding her since we began, and are making yourself and the guild look foolish. Calm yourself Zelos.” Mallik was observing the exchange, now leaned against a tree and casually chewing a dried piece of meat. Kesna sighed and looked back to her, giving Selvia a small smile, “I apologize. His skull just holds too much pride.”
Zelos closed his eyes and breathed deeply. When he spoke his tone was neutral, “As you say, leader. I will hold my tongue.” He gave Selvia a stiff bow and turned his attention back to the trail.
Looking to everyone Mallik spoke happily while walking to Kesna’s side, “Well, that just tightens our bonds. Right Kes?” He said, spreading his arms out in a grand gesture and nodding. Kesna turned to Mallik and grinned, playfully she nudged him in the shoulder. Selvia chuckled internally, she could tell the two of them were close. A relationship that likely went beyond being simple guild-mates. While adorable, they sure are confident about completing the task at hand.
“Always providing such witty commentary.” Kesna said and motioned to the trail, “We have business to attend to.” They followed the trail deeper into the forest’s awaiting embrace. The tracks soon became more prominent and numerous. This party’s objective involved either scouting the herd of aberrations or if possible subjugate them. To Selvia the circumstances were showing itself to be the former, this group was showing itself to be larger than initially thought.
Kesna was the one who found her at the League hub. The Kithoral woman sought her out after hearing that Selvia was a skilled outrider proficient in tracking. She was a lone huntress not belonging to a guild, jobs were always welcome. Though the three were visiting due to the festivities they would not ignore a request to dispatch an aberration scourge. Their guild was well-know as aberration hunters. Individuals who gladly would guard against any threat they posed, for a price. From what Kesna told her, the assignment was posted by a contingent of guards stationed in an Eastern rural village. From the posting, events were reported to start with sightings of unidentified creatures followed by missing livestock. Concerned for further escalation the local guards sent in the call for adventurers.
As the trail continued further into the bowels of the forest it showed more indications of the pack’s presence. Many trees appeared to have long gashes while others looked a bit decayed. An eerie silence also seemed to hang within the air. Noticing this the group began moving more cautiously. Selvia held out a hand to stop the group’s advance, she wanted to take a moment to examine their surroundings. The terrain was now becoming more varied, in certain areas the ground sloped downward while in some places rising into rocky formations.
They were getting closer to the monsters and a course of action needed to be decided upon. Late evening was approaching and the shadows within the forest became more pronounced, licking at the remaining light. Peering into the gloom, Selvia looked for both movement and a more defined pattern to the disturbed portions of the forest. Squinting her eyes she identified a more noticeable trail of wilting plants, in that direction it looked as though colors had been drained and replaced with a sickly gray. Another detail that caught her attention was a long set of scratches from the top of one tree, most of the bark on it was discolored and warped. From what she did know of shadow drakes they normally did not climb trees. How curious, the pack may have adopted a few other species of aberration. Could be a flesh crawler, but the markings are slightly off. Selvia pondered while looking to see any similar markings on any of the surrounding trees.
Seeing no other signs of similar markings, she turned back to the group and motioned with her head toward her find. “Thoughtful. Many trails look to be used by the pack regularly. Hard to tell how big the pack is, may not be that big.” Selvia pointed to the tree with scratches coming from the higher branches, then continued, “Though we may also be dealing with another kind of void-spawn. The shadow drakes may have included another form of aberration into the pack.” She turned to Kesna, “What are your thoughts Kesna?”
The Kithoral woman looked at each of the party members. Sighing she closed her eyes, brow furrowed in concentration. Slowly opening her eyes she spoke with determination, “A few of us should scout ahead and confirm their numbers.” Selvia held up a hand.
“Eager. I can go myself. It will be swifter and quieter.” Selvia motioned in the direction she would go. The area had large rock boulders leading to a ridge. “The terrain can mask my approach. That and we can set up an ambush in case I bring some company back.”
Mallik turned to Zelos and raised an eyebrow, “And you called her a coward earlier.” Zelos sniffed in irritation. Kesna looked at the trail of sickly plants, taking a moment to think. Looking back to Selvia she gave a curt nod.
“As much as I hate waiting, caution is likely going to keep us from becoming a meal here. That and if we decide to skin the monsters we can catch them by surprise.” Kesna grunted at the thought and plucked at a nearby bush, crushing the leaves between her fingers. “This is why I despise leading, I’d rather rush in and take our chances.” Mallik flicked her with one of his fingers and smiled.
“Cool that hot blood of yours, sand warrior.” Kesna’s cheeks slightly reddened in response, she then looked at Selvia with a serious expression and pointed to the sky.
“We will have to move quickly. Otherwise, if we decide to fight, we will be at a disadvantage.” A smile crept across her face as she punched a fist into the palm of another hand. “Either way, I am excited.”
They decided that a nearby cluster of boulders would be where they would await her return. The three moved off toward the indicated spot as Selvia stalked deeper into the forest. With haste, she quietly moved past the sullen appearance of wilting vegetation. Some of the trees she passed oozed a disgusting yellow liquid. Insects buzzed through the air. They were gathering around rotting leaves and flowers, attracted to the slowly dying. A pungent order filled the air from the deteriorating plant life. Careful to maintain a hidden presence she kept her steps light.
It was not long before the trail led her to a break in the tree line. Slowing her pace, Selvia crouched down and moved toward it. It was an open area with rough and uneven ground. A gully cut through it, she could hear the murmur of a small stream from within it. The ground near her gradually sloped down into it. Multiple prints of different creatures marred the dirt, creating a natural path down to a source of water. Amidst them were the somewhat fresh tracks of her quarry. Unhewn stone protruded from the ground around the small chasm, some had glowing fissures that ran across their surface. Gray stone that is glowing, so the creatures are here. In that crevasse? Gently Selvia placed the tip of her head tendril onto the ground and then scanned the clearing for any signs of movement.
She was about to creep forward when a figure crawled out of the gully. Moving close to the ground it clambered onto a flat rock formation. Selvia shivered at the sight of it, the grip on her weapon’s haft tightening. It was an emaciated creature with dark gray scales. Wicked spikes covered the creatures back. They also protruded out from a ridged bony structures atop its head. A slender tail lazily waved behind it.
Slowly it stood on hind legs, the dense muscles across its body flexed. Its nostrils flared as it sniffed at the air. The maw’s most prominent feature was a large mouth that occupied most of its head. Constantly the maw bared its sharp teeth in an almost macabre grin. Darkness oozed from its jaws like murky saliva. Slowly hitting the stone below, the liquid hissed as it made contact.
Selvia crouched lower, watching the maw while also looking to see if more of its ilk would emerge. A sudden vibration rushed up the right side of her tendril, springing backward she looked to see the low figure of a maw approaching. Its form snapped upright as the one in the clearing began loudly snapping its jaws while chuffing. More of them emerged from behind rocks and out of the trees. She noticed the rustling of leaves at the other edge of the clearing, something else was moving between the branches.
At the fringes of her mind, Selvia could feel the presence of panic. A faint scream echoed within her head. Turning she ran, her core pulsed violently within her chest.
Selvia ran at a reckless pace. Vaulting over a mossy tree trunk, she could feel the savage presence of the monsters surrounding her. From all directions she could hear their snarls, the dissonant snapping of their jaws sounded their primal hunger. Dark shapes moved alongside her, on their four legs the aberrations moved like a pack of wolves, closing in around their prey.
Beside her she saw a flicker of movement followed by the scrape of tree bark, it was the menacing form of a Maw lunging at her with a thin outstretched arm. Its long claws flexed outward as they reached for her. She reacted immediately. Concentrating the energies within herself, she reshaped her tendrils tip to a sharpened point. Selvia then lashed out with it and jabbed at the hand. The natural weapon pierced the flesh of the maw’s hand, recoiling back it screeched in either pain or annoyance. More shrieks filled the air in response. Another leaped in front of her from the side, striking from the shadow of a tree. Thrusting her glaive forward, she braced herself as the weapon’s metal point sank into its torso. Keeping her momentum Selvia jumped forward while releasing the grip on the glaive’s haft, kicking the creature downward she stumbled away from it managing to continue running. Snapping her tendril backward she yanked the weapon back.
After what seemed like an eternity of running, Selvia finally saw the cluster of boulders where her companions awaited. “Fear! Prepare yourselves!” She screamed while rapidly closing the distance. A small figure crawled up onto one of the rocks, it was Zelos. The hellion was equipped with a round shield, it was about half as big as him. A warhammer was gripped in his other hand. As he looked at Selvia’s approach, she could see the shock on Zelos’ face at what was chasing her. At once his red scales began to radiate with light. Quickly joining him atop the rock were Kesna and Mallik. The Kithoral woman drew the large battle-ax on her back and jumped down from the boulder. Mallik lowered his visor and raised two gauntleted fists, he quickly followed behind his leader.
Selvia ran past them both, her breathing was heavy and ragged. She whipped herself around to face the oncoming horde. From the trees emerged multiple black bodies, their teeth bared and eager to taste flesh. Up above the evening sun began to sink below the horizon, darkness was approaching. Zelos landed next to her with a light thud, light radiated out from him.
“You brought a fight. My blood is burning with excitement.” The red scales of Zelos glowed with brilliant light, an incandescent ruby color. Raising his shield up the hellion banged his hammer against the weathered wood of his shield.
A loud series of clicks and hissing noises with varying pitches rang out from atop the trees. Several maws that were encroaching upon them slowed their approach, impatiently the aberrations circled the group with saliva dripping from their jowls in anticipation. From a tree behind the pack of maws dropped a tall figure cloaked in black. Red eyes peered out from the hood as the four clawed hands gesticulated directions to the pack that appeared to be under its command. On its back, thin jagged wings vibrated, their crystalline surface shimmered in a reddish tint. Selvia felt a cold presence touch her mind. More maws crawled out from the forest, gathering to the side of their master. Kesna clicked her tongue.
“And things only get more interesting.” She said raising her ax up. A sigh drifted from Mallik’s helmet.
“To think, this was going to be a normal job. Now we have to crush a bug too.” He said, jabbing his fists forward into the air.
With both hands Selvia held her glaive at the ready, a slight tremble ran through them. The sun now drifted towards the horizon, the darkness began smothering the land. With loud screeches, the maws leaped toward them in a flurry of teeth and claws.
Bursting through the foliage of the Emerald Expanse, Dar’Noth searched for any signs of activity. The night was soon approaching as the last vestiges of evening light slowly retreated from the world. A gentle breeze passed over him, it had a cool touch. The vibrations from his wings rapidly moving always made him feel more alive, an almost serene sensation. I should include that in some writing or a song. I’ll take note of that. He mused, then quickly returned to his search. Slowly he rotated in a circle, not far off in the distance, the lights of Eventide shined like a beacon. South of his position he could see the soft glow of the village of Oaken. Unable to see any indications of the objective, he dove back down through the trees to his two waiting companions.
Kneeling on the ground was the hellion named Ghask. His snout was raised and sniffing the air. Sitting cross-legged nearby with the enigmatic individual, Alric. His quarterstaff rested across his lap. Both of them looked up at Dar’Noth as he descended.
“Find anything within the Open?” Ghask asked, his tail swished across the ground restlessly. Out of his two companions, the hellion was, like most of his kin, crude. Though, he still found the little scaled creature to be entertaining. Having more access to another source of foreign culture fascinated Dar’Noth.
“You will have to tell me about why you call the sky, the Open. For later, of course.” He said, projecting his thoughts to them both.
Ghask snorted, standing he shook his head.
“The oncoming dark is going to make navigating these woods a fun ordeal,” Alric stated with a sigh, using his staff to prop himself up. As usual, his appearance was strangely noticeable, the man looked strangely brighter.
Two days had passed since the two of them took their respective adventurer exams. According to rumors circulating the hub it had been an eventful day. League representatives had stated that a misunderstanding had occurred with some unruly members from the Everlasting Radiance with some adventurers. Dar’Noth’s new companions had been occupied for those two days, business relating to their tests, or so they told him.
“Hopefully the concerns for the investigation party are unfounded and they are camping nearby.” He said while reaching into a pouch, grabbing a sphere of hardlight. At his waist hung a lantern with a glass cylinder at its center, Dar’Noth dropped the ball into it after infusing it with a small amount of luminescence, it landed with a clink and shed bright yellow light.
“Or we find a fight,” Ghask said nodding to the claw prints, moving forward the hellion pushed past some thicket. Alric followed behind him, holding one end of his staff he casually rested it across his shoulders. Reaching to his back, Dar’Noth ran a hand over the wood of his saila. The feel of its grainy texture and carved patterns gave him comfort.
“How does it feel to be on our first adventure?” Dar’Noth asked as he followed them. Though he had been a registered adventurer, this was still his first job taken as one. Both pride and excitement swelled within him, the adventures he undertook would inspire him in his creative pursuits.
“It was about time,” Alric said motioning with his other hand and looking back to him. With an affirmative nod, he continued his thought, “If I had to say, it is a fulfilling feeling. Like finishing off another tankard of ale, despite having drunk too much.” From up ahead Ghask pounded his chest plate.
“You speak of ale, are you buying when we return?” Ghask said, a grin forming across his reptilian features. Alric tapped his chin with a finger. Then shook his head sadly.
“I thought the drinks were on you.” With a flourish, Alric motioned to Ghask, “You so brazenly said you would buy a few pints with our newfound earnings at the tavern last night. I see now you take back your word.” Dar’Noth’s wings vibrated in amusement.
“My scaly friend, you did say this earlier. Oh, what honeyed words you wove!” He said, following his words with a slow shake of his head. Dar’Noth made his wings appear to exaggeratedly droop.
Tilting his head Ghask looked back at them, brows raised in confusion, “I said this? When? On my ancestors, I would never go back on my word.” The hellion’s expression reflected his attempt to recall the claim.
“You are far too easy to trick friend,” Alric said with a playful tone. Ghask looked back at him, momentarily perplexed by the statement. His head then slumped a little to the side upon realizing the deception.
“I shall remember this, you tricksters.” A low chuckle came from him, his beady eyes glinting.
Dar’Noth laughed, a faint whistling sound came from his mandibles. The three of them walked in silence for a few moments, and that was when they heard it, a faint screeching sound echoed through the forest. Ghask stopped and cocked his head to listen. Alric looked around them, darkness now engulfing them as the sun was now retired for the day. Something stung Dar’Noth’s mind, a cold and malicious sensation. Immediately realizing the feeling his mandibles snapped together several times in succession. His wings vibrated in anticipation, for the Fallen were near. He quickly unslung his saila, holding with two hands. Spreading out his wings he began to hover above the ground.
“It seems as though we are dealing with more than aberrations, I sense fliers whose wings have been corrupted.” Dar’Noth said with a flustered voice, his hands flexing above the strings of the instrument. All three began to rush forward through the trees, he flew above the ground while weaving between the foliage. Holding his ax out before him in a two-handed grip as he moved, Ghask looked at him.
“You speak of darkened winged-ones, those embraced by the Deep?” His companion asked while sprinting beside Dar’Noth. A wave of heat washed over him, anger clawed at his mind.
“Traitors to the sky.” He said tersely. Those who accepted the temptation of more power were treated as such. They gorged on the energies of duality and became a twisted image of the proud magonon. For Dar’Noth they may as well be an aberration, he saw them as monsters. Ghask grunted in response, as if in agreement.
As they approached closer to the source of the disturbance, the sound of combat became apparent. An intimidating bellow rang through the air from someone engaged with their foe. Within the range of his light accompanied by the small fragments of faint moonlight, he could see forms moving around the trees.
The three emerged into a small pocket of the forest, it was the scene of a desperate struggle and ongoing carnage. Dar’Noth could see that two battles were happening at once. Across the forest floor, surrounding a small cluster of boulders were strewn the many lifeless bodies of bony and monstrous figures. Several that were still alive circled two tired and wounded looking individuals, hounding them with harrying strikes. The adventurers were a hellion whose shield was raised in defense, behind it was an aetharr who held a pole-arm at the ready, swiftly lashing out to any that got close.
Nearby, two other adventurers were in the process of exchanging blows with the corrupted magonon while also fending off attacks from the few brave aberrations. The two Fallen flitted about on fell wings, buffeting their prey with a series of blows from thin daggers. Away from the fight, a few maws either watched the scene from a distance, awaiting an opportunity to attack or picked at the corpses of their fallen pack-mates
A determined roar emanated from Ghask as he bounded towards the nearest aberration within the glade, a pure white light began to pulse beneath his scales. Leaping up while raising his ax, his fangs bared, he swung the weapon at its back. The wicked edge cracked against the creature's spikes, breaking through them and biting into its flesh. Blackened blood spilled out from the cut as the aberration screamed in agony.
Attention shifted to them at the outburst, the traitorous sky-born hissed at seeing the three of them. Dar’Noth could feel a powerful wave of hatred being washed over him. Four spindly figures converged on their location, within the glow of hardlight he could see that obscuros swelled within them. They clambered over the bodies of their ilk and rubble, bounding towards the group with claws extended and mouths wide open. From their gaping jaws trailed darkness. Ghask wretched his ax free of his quarries back in an arc of black blood, with another snarl he hewed its neck. With a sickening thud, it struck true, the body went limp as most of its head hung free of its body. Noticing the others approaching he yelled to them.
“Shadows stick to their hides!” Ghask then raised his ax to intercept a maw leaping for him. Another attempted to go for an opening to his side, but it was met with the end of a staff slamming into its face. As the creature staggered to the side, Alric followed the attack by swinging downward for another strike at its head. Teeth cracked as the metal end of the quarterstaff connected. Instead of the strange glow that clung to him, Alric now shined with luminescence.
Hovering higher into the air, Dar’Noth strum a few quick notes on his saila, thin strands of light seeped both from himself and the lamp hanging from his belt. With as much energy as he could bring forth, he manifested particles of light that shimmered around him like a veil of glimmering dust. They quickly fused together and formed into several spheres that floated around him. He focused his attention on the other two attempting to join in on the fray. The orbs of luminescent energy shot forth and streaked toward the two remaining maws. Both stopped as the barrage of energy hit them, shrieking in agony as it sizzled against their shadowy hides. The two creatures recoiled from the attack and rushed back into the darkness of the forest.
Having seen the new arrivals the adventurers seemed to rally themselves, the hellion among them charged forth with a tremendous yell. With both shield and weapon raised, it slammed into one of the maws confused by the changing situation. The action was quickly followed by the ringing strike of a hammer, like the heavy toll of a bell.
Both the Fallen screeched through their mandibles and began to zip away into the trees. A shrill outcry escaped from Dar’Noth as he saw the two escaping, strumming his instrument more balls of light flashed through the night air. He hurtled them toward the fleeing targets, a pang of sharp pain struck his mind. It was followed by an eerie and harsh voice.
“As usual, treating us as though we are inferior. You who flies within self-righteous skies.” The words were filled with animosity towards him. From the faint moonlight, he saw the Fallen flip itself about with deadly grace to face Dar’Noth. It swiped a hand upward, the motion was followed by a surge of shadows. A wall of darkness formed to intercept his projectiles of light. As the shadows dissipated from the several bolts impacting it, both the magonon had disappeared into the darkness.
Any maw that remained alive fled after their masters, scurrying back into the trees. He turned back to face his two companions. Ghask was in the process of removing the head of his ax from the split skull of a maw. Alric stood before the twitching form of a maw laying at his feet. The aberration’s throat looked crushed and its head snapped in an unnatural position.
They moved to join the four adventurers who now were recollecting themselves from the ordeal. A woman with bronze-colored skin jogged forward to meet them, a look of relief upon her face. Her right arm hung limply at her side, Dar’Noth could see some blood trailing down it.
“Are you looking for us?” The woman said, greeting them with a strained grin. From behind her, a man wearing heavy plate with fresh dents and scratches across it removed his helmet and took a few long drafts from a water pouch. Across from him, the hellion was crouched down and appeared to be in prayer, its robes were partially pulled down to reveal its upper torso. Scratches covered his snout in a bloody arrangement, a sheen from the trail of blood could be seen against its crimson scales. Behind it, a female blue-skinned aetharr was focused on applying a salve onto the creatures back. Her hands seemed to tremble
“It seems we arrived at an opportune moment,” Alric said, giving the woman a firm nod. “I am glad we made it on time.” Ghask moved to stand by his side, his tail thumping onto the ground.
“A shame we didn’t participate sooner, my blood boils with the heat of battle,” Ghask said, peering into the depths of the woodland, energy still thrummed throughout his form. At hearing his voice, the other hellion present opened its eyes. They immediately narrowed at seeing Ghask.
“The battle was fierce scale-brother, it is a shame you could not have basked in its glory earlier.” It spoke in a quiet voice as if constraining other words that wanted to be said. Ghask snorted in response and shrugged. The aetharr finished her task and considered them while putting away supplies, its head tilted while looking at Ghask and Alric.
“Curious. I see we meet again. Fate either wishes us to meet or it is simply repaying me for stopping a punch from landing.” She said motioning to Alric. The man regarded her for a moment.
“Ah!” Alric exclaimed in recognition, “You threw a mug at someone who was swinging for me.” He laughed then continued, “I recall thinking it was an interesting demonstration of skill.” Turning to Ghask he motioned to her, “She was present for our debut brawl at the Crow.” Ghask saluted the aetharr by pounding his chest with a fist.
From the side, the man in armor weakly waved an arm in the air, “As much as I would enjoy exchanging more pleasantries, how about we return back to the city?”
Dar’Noth nodded his head in agreement as he stared into the dark of the Emerald Expanse, “Yes, we have some interesting news to report to the League. For Fallen to be here, it does not bode well.”
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