《The Aligned Path》11. Forward Unto Adventure
Travel within Aebros can be risky business. The League is diligent about answering threats near populated regions. This does not much apply to those in rural areas. We do what we can, but in the end we do answer to coin. Keep your wits about when venturing away from civilization.
-Words from Castis Melock, Thyniron League Director
Three tankards collided within the dim light of The Drunken Crow. Ale sloshed out from them spilling onto the wooden table below.
“A toast to our first success and to those that will follow,” Alric said, then vigorously downed some ale.
“And to the battles, we fight and glory we gain!” Ghask grinned and drank deeply from his tankard.
Dar’Noth seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, slowly lowering his mug of ale. His wings then vibrated as the magonon’s thoughts excitedly echoed throughout their minds, “To many exciting adventures and to the stories I shall write about them!” Raising the mug to his face, Dar’Noth opened his mandibles and drank with the mouth that was behind them, gulping down the liquid.
The bitter taste of ale burned Alric’s throat, draining the tankard he slammed it onto the table with a satisfied sigh.
It was a night of celebration. The three of them had successfully finished their first adventure. After returning to Eventide, with the rescued adventurers in tow, they reported the events of the job. They reported to Nesh, the Eventide guard captain, along with Bartos. Through Bartos, Nesh was the one who hired the three for the job. Both were troubled by the news of Fallen coordinating aberrations. The two dismissed them to further discuss the matter. Afterward, the three decided to relocate themselves to the Drunken Crow for a small celebration.
Alric watched his two companions, the familiar feeling of contentment returning. Ghask had been openly showing his delight at their accomplishment and relished the fact he was victorious in combat, stating it felt good to once more “bare his fangs”. While drinking his ale the hellion fervently tore into a large seared leg of some local bird, he had wanted food to go along with the alcohol. Dar’Noth strung a slow and somber tune on his saila, a bowl of half-eaten fruit near him. Since there return, Alric noticed that the magonon had become melancholic, he appeared to be deflated.
A smile crossed Alric's face, it was only a few days ago that the three formally were recognized as a party by the League. Though they were guild-less, the three were still shared the dream of forming their own. And it seemed to them that this was the first step to that goal, though small it may be.
“So, what are the chances of our next job being as exciting?” Alric waved a hand to the barkeep and signaled for another drink. The portly man acknowledged his wave with a warm smile.
“Since we are guild-less, well, we shall be seeing most second-hand postings. Guilds always get priority when it comes to getting missions.” Dar’Noth said with a somewhat irritated and distant tone, his large body seemed to wobble.
As the thoughts from the magonon flowed into his mind, Alric could feel a somewhat relaxed and sluggish sensation following each utterance of a word. Those are some honest thoughts, even going so far as to tell us that he drunk. He thought, feeling slightly amused.
Ghask shrugged as his fangs ripped into the darkened and broiled flesh of the leg. “It is to be expected, we are essentially a new clan with much to prove.”
Sighing, Alric motioned to Dar’Noth, “I was going to wait until later, but I shall mention it now. Dar’Noth you seem preoccupied. You are still thinking of what we saw in the forest, right? Are you well?”
Plucking at the strings, Dar’Noth’s cast his gaze downward. He ran a claw across the design carved into the carapace atop his domed head. A sound like a soft breeze rolled through Alric’s mind, the magonon had sighed. He shook his head slowly.
“We are a proud people. It angers me to see my own kin in such a state.” The claws of his dominant arms clenched tightly together, “But now that the embers of my anger fade, I cannot help but feel profound sadness. Though they too hail from the sky, we will not accept them nor them us.” A short pause followed his words, then quietly Dar’Noth said, “For our differences, we still came from the same sky.”
Ghask snorted then looked at Dar’Noth. He shook his head, white-scales lightly glinting in the light, “Winged-one, I can relate to those fallen. To be shunned by your people for being different…” Ghask glanced at Alric then continued, “It is unpleasant."
Since becoming part of the League, Ghask still saw wary glances from other adventurers and disgust from his own kin. Alric found the hellion’s determination and fortitude to be admirable.
A figure appeared next to Alric holding a tankard sloshing about with fresh ale, it was the red-haired waitress from his first visit. Her name was Mavis and she seemed to have taken a liking to the trio after they visited a few times. Mavis smiled to them as she placed the ale before Alric, “Call me if you need anything else when I have a moment I will stop by and ask about the adventure.” She said, running off to retrieve a new order before a response could be made.
“It sounds to me as though you feel some compassion. That, in my opinion, is commendable.” Alric paused himself to sip from his ale, he nodded to Dar’Noth, “It is too easy to see an evil and much harder to see the good.”
Chuckling Ghask waved the half-eaten leg at Alric, “Those sound like words a scaled shaman would say, I am impressed.”
I must admit those words did sound wise. Alric thought, feeling impressed with his use of words.
Dar’Noth looked at Alric and Ghask, a sudden chirping sound came from him as his wings fluttered. “Alric, those words actually made me feel a bit better. I am often seen as being strange even among my own people.” He said, motioning to Ghask with an open hand, then continued his thought, “I can somewhat relate to your circumstances. We should speak more of it one day.”
Ghask regarded the magonon, with a sniff he nodded. The hellion then proceeded to use his long tongue to lick the dregs of ale within his tankard, he grunted, “I crave a spice stick.”
“A spice stick?” Alric asked, peering over the top of his mug while taking another swig.
“Bark from a tree from my homeland, very sweet.” Ghask made a chewing motion with his jaws.
From within the din of the tavern emerged a familiar and cheery voice, “Well, I heard the job went well. Thought I would pay you all a visit.” Dreyfus said as he walked up to their table. The man seemed to move with a fluidity and grace, a smile spread across his angular features. He grabbed a nearby vacant chair and joined them.
“Shall we regale you a tale of our adventure, or did you already hear from the League?” Alric asked as Dreyfus pulled the chair to sit beside him. A playful smile flashed across the man’s face as he glanced at the three.
“Well, I am sure the League left out some of the more exciting details.” Dreyfus glanced at each of them, he raised an eyebrow and looked to them in playful anticipation.
Having ripped the last bits of flesh from his bird leg, Ghask now licked the bone left from the meal. He paused to chuckle, “Ah, yes, did they tell you about the rock hulk we met?”
Dreyfus clasped his hands together and leaned in expectedly, “This would be the first time I heard of such a creature, do tell me more.”
Dar’Noth raised a claw and motioned to Ghask, “I do believe our scaled friend is referring to a colossi.” The magonon said, seeming to appear pleased at his deduction, then quickly added, “Which we did not meet, though to actually record a sighting would be an amazing opportunity.”
Alric could not help but laugh at the honest words from the magonon. Ghask tilted his head, looking at Dar’Noth in confusion.
A grin flashed across Dreyfus’ face, “Now, that would be a story itself if you did manage to meet one. I would be most interested in how you would survive such an encounter.” He paused, raising a hand Dreyfus wagged a finger in the air, “As most do not, in case you were curious.”
Within his mind Alric heard a sound akin to a soft breeze, Alric realized that Dar’Noth was sighing.
“Ah, yes, the act of being facetious. It is lost on me.” Dar’Noth said dryly, continuing to pluck at the strings on his saila. A slight vibration running through his wings.
“I see it as being extremely playful with words,” Dreyfus said, then turned to wave down a waitress for a mug of ale. He then looked back to them, “First off, congratulations on your first job.” Pausing, the man looked to the three of them, Alric could see a glint in his eyes, perhaps a trick of the light. “But with that now under your belt, I am going to now ask for that favor.”
Within Alric, a feeling of giddiness spread, the alcohol was beginning to do its work and was setting in. A smile spread across his face as he faced the finely dressed man. He lazily motioned to him with a hand, “Ah, yes, we do owe you! I was not expecting it to be so soon.”
“I was going to wait for a situation like hunting some beast…” Before Dreyfus could continue, a waitress passing by their table dropped off his drink. “Or eating a new and exotic dish.” He said finishing his thought, raising his ale in a salute-like gesture Dreyfus took a long draft of the amber liquid.
The man licked his lips then said, “But circumstances have me leaving Eventide as the festival is soon ending.” Pausing briefly, he indicated to them with a wave of his hand, “And that is where you all come in. My next destination is going to be Duskrun. From what I hear, the lands near the city have become a bit more lively.”
Ghask waggled a claw at the merchant, “Lively? And what do you mean by that?” After speaking the hellion stretched his arms outward and yawned, rows of teeth glinting in the tavern light.
“Reports of aberration activity within the west and southern regions of Aebros have been increasing, I was mostly unaware of this until reaching Eventide.” Dreyfus casually swished the contents of his tankard. The look on his face tightened, “Your encounter is among them. What you saw matches other recent sightings, the monsters are becoming more coordinated.”
“And so you want us to escort you there?” Alric asked a spike of clarity hit his mind as if a cog had been turned. Within the hub, he had heard whispers of more frequent aberration activity, but he had not thought too much of it. The circumstances now sounded as though the scale could be much larger. From what Alric was told, Fallen were known to raid and attack the unsuspecting, but for them to be so close to highly populated areas was considered to be odd.
I now wonder if what we saw in that forest was mere chance? Or are those above moving their pieces? Either that or I am drunk and over-thinking. Alric contemplated, his brow furrowed at the thought. He could feel the warmth from the ale permeating his face.
“I do not see why we should not, we are a heroic band of adventurers!” Dar’Noth said, his voice was firm as he struck a few chords across his instrument. With another hand he lifted his tankard and drank the remainder of his ale, slightly swaying as he did so. Alric saw Ghask grin and raise his mug to those words.
A slight smile returned to Dreyfus, “Yes, an escort would be welcome. In other circumstances, I would simply navigate my way around any danger.” Alric saw the merchant’s eyes harden, “But not only do I require an escort to the city but within as well. I am going to conduct some business there and visit family, and recent reports from them have me concerned. Duskrun has not been the safest place but its residents have followed ‘rules’.”
“We owe you for your aid Dreyfus. The three of us shall make sure you get to Duskrun, when do we leave?” Alric felt a sense of satisfaction from accepting the job, it was an instance that reinforced his earned title of adventurer.
Dreyfus held up a finger as he raised his tankard, tilting it back at a steep angle he finished his drink. Placing the mug back on the table with a loud thud he exhaled loudly as if expelling his stress. After taking a deep breath he said, “We leave tomorrow. This is a journey I would like to make with haste, several days of travel lay ahead of us.”
Thumping the table with a fist Ghask stood up, placing a clawed foot onto the table, the hellion struck a heroic pose. “Worry not merchant, with fiery blood and immense courage I shall ensure you reach your city.”
“Ah, yes!” Alric rose and with flair, gestured to Ghask with both hands, “With the almighty scaly hide of Sir Ghask, your safety is but assured.”
Several low whistle sounds came from Dar’Noth, the magonon was laughing, “And worry not, for I shall chronicle these heroics. Nothing shall be missed.” Dar’Noth ran a claw across the strings of his instrument, a bright sound rippled out from it.
Raising an eyebrow Dreyfus shook his head, “How fortunate for me! I will have the three most capable adventurers with me.” He placed an elbow onto the table and rested his chin on the palm of his right hand. A small smile playing across his lips, “And though I may not entirely doubt your prowess, I will have two others tagging along. My cart will carry a bit more than usual, I am taking a few baubles and goods to Duskrun.”
“Then where will we be meeting our newly appointed client?” Alric asked while fighting back a yawn.
“I shall be awaiting you at the West Gate, meet me and the others at morning light.” Dreyfus stood and gave them a slight bow, then moved to the bar. After exchanging coin and a few words with the barkeep, he moved to the tavern doors, pausing to wave them as he left.
Reaching into his coat, Alric pulled out his coin pouch, it now had a bit more weight to it since arriving in Eventide. Producing a few gray coins, ringed patterns already glowing, he tossed them onto the table. They landed toward the center with a metallic clatter. He leaned back into his chair, almost sinking into it. His body felt weightless, it was like a feather floating within a soft breeze. The ale most assuredly has done its duty.
“What an eventful day, eh? We finish our first job then have another handed to us. I would venture to call that luck.” Alric said, his words felt clumsy as they left his mouth. He tapped a few fingers onto the table while looking to his two companions, at this moment Alric brimmed with a sense of fulfillment, “As we have an early morning, I think that for the evening I shall fall into the embrace of a warm bed. What about the two of you?”
As if also answering his question, both of them tossed their payments into the pile of coins for the night’s fare.
“Yes, I would not want to have my sense dulled by lack of sleep,” Ghask said with a firm thump of his tail while stifling a yawn.
Dar’Noth slung the strap of his saila onto his shoulder and stood, a slight sway in his massive frame. “This plan, it is a good one.” He said, the words within Alric’s still felt hazy but were happy.
Alric awoke as the sun’s light began to wash over the land. Not far from his quarters was a sizable balcony, several benches and tables filled the space. It was a peaceful spot that faced south, overlooking some of Eventide and the sea of green that surrounded it. He leaned against some railing and gazed out over the land. A light mist was mingling with the forest canopy, it slowly retreating down into its depths. Far off in the distance, Alric could see the faint outline of the Greencrag mountains, he had not known of their existence until recently. The view was calming to him.
I will be leaving Eventide. He thought, feeling a sudden weight from the idea. Though it did excite him it also made him nervous. To him, the world was a mix of vague familiarity and the total unknown, and outside of the city wall was a world that he was essentially new to. It was an exhilarating yet overwhelming feeling. Alric breathed deeply of the crisp morning air, with both his hands he slapped his cheeks then shook his head vigorously. To get to the top of the mountain, I have to climb. I cannot be certain of anything until I get out there and see it myself, eh?
Taking one look at the scenery Alric walked back inside to begin gathering the others. Ghask and Dar’Noth were already in the dining hall, a long room filled with round tables and a kitchen in an adjacent room. Both of them were enjoying a small morning meal, Dar’Noth munched on fruit with thick red skin, its innards were a pulpy white. The hellion was cracking a few small dark orange eggs and downing their contents, some yolk dribbling from his jowls.
“Are you going to eat Alric?” Ghask grabbing another egg from his bowl and cracking it against the table’s edge.
“I will wait until we are on the road, my stomach is feeling a bit skittish. Besides, the League’s rations are not all that bad.” Alric said with a laugh.
Dar’Noth looked at Alric while picking a few flecks of pulp from his mandibles, “Ah, I can understand the nerves, this job is a bit more involved than our last.” His wings flexed for a moment then said, “It has been a while since I have left Eventide. Going that far west of the Greencrag’s spine will be new to me.” Alric could hear the excitement ringing within the magonon’s thoughts.
Finishing their meals, Alric led them to the supply rooms of the hub. They would need supplies for the journey ahead. As they walked through the halls, more adventurers were moving about also starting their day.
They arrived at the large open room filled with crates and racks about as tall as Dar’Noth. The shelves were lined with various items and paraphernalia. Alric could see that a nearby door led to another room that also seemed to be filled with more things. A man with wispy gray hair stood behind a counter at the center of the room, he was handing off a few things to a green-skinned aetharr. He saw them approaching as he finished handing off a few pouches to the aetharr. The older man acknowledged them with a nod.
“Come for supplies, aye?” He spoke with a voice that was scratchy and rough, it reminded Alric of grinding stone. With squinted eyes, he examined the three of them, “New’r faces all the time, first time ‘ere, yeah?”
“Yes, it would be.” Alric said sheepishly, he gestured to the other two, “Our first job did not give us much time to visit you…” He paused gingerly motioning to him with a hand.
“Cald, I am the quartermaster of this hub.” The man said, a small grin spreading across his face. The three of them introduced themselves, Cald’s eyes widened for a moment causing the creases across his face to deepen. “Is ‘hat right? I have heard of you three from Barty. You would have thought the awoken themselves descended upon Aebros, the way he spoke of you two in particular. ‘ard to earn the man’s praise.”
“Oh? So, he does have nice things to say sometimes?” Alric crossed his arms, he then looked to Ghask who simply huffed indifferently.
“He may be rough but a wisdom does accompany his harsh words.” Dar’Noth said from the side, he was examining a shelf and its items.
“He does, though a rare occasion,” Cald heartily laughed at his statement. “Well then, if you are starting a new job then I will need…” A deep voice coming from the doorway into the room suddenly interrupted the quartermaster.
“You three will be needing this to get supplies,” Bartos said striding into the room, his usual grim expression across his face. “I do believe you were instructed that having your contract was essential.” He said holding out a scroll tied with a clasp engraved with the League’s motif. “Partially this is the fault of your employer for not having one drafted. Luckily that man…” Bartos snorted then continued speaking, “…has connections here so a contract was quickly written up.”
“Bartos, as usual, you have a way of making an entrance.” Alric said taking the rolled-up parchment, “I appreciate the help.” He looked at it, “Now that I think on it, we did not do much to outline finer details about the job.” Glancing at both his party members, Alric gave a slight shrug.
“An adventure’s call sometimes requires that you make haste,” Ghask said pointing his snout up and glancing at Bartos, he then pounded the middle of his breastplate with a fist.
Bartos gave the hellion a bored look. Looking back to Alric he reached into his vest and handed him a sealed letter. Nodding to it he said, “Give that to Dreyfus and tell him that Archones has a task for him.” The older adventurer looked over the three of them, “Act with pride as you represent the Eventide League branch. May your roads be safe.” With a stiff nod, Bartos turned and quickly walked out of the room.
A chuckle came from Cald as he began rummaging around for a few packs and supplies. He handed them a few sacks containing rations and simple equipment. Salted meat from a variety of beasts hunted within the region along with dried plants and vegetables were the rations provided to them. Cald informed them that this would last them a week or two when eaten in moderation. The simple equipment given ti them included items such as rope, hardlight shards, and a few other assorted tools.
After looking over everything the three of them divided the equipment and rations amongst themselves. Once they finished Cald gave them a warm send-off, telling them that he would be here upon their return.
With the equipment secured the group left the hub and walked to the Western gate. The morning sun now fully occupied the sky and shined down on the world. They reached the gate and found the familiar cart along with an accompanying wagon. Dreyfus was within a gathering of several individuals.
Two of them were Eventide guards, Melthor and the equally imposing captain of the guard, Nesh. Both seemed to compose themselves with great certainty, confidence radiated from them. Another aetharr was present, he recognized it as Selvia, the adventurer from their prior job. She was currently kneeling on the ground while checking the contents of a bag. When his eyes fell upon the final figure, Alric felt himself become tense. The worn and rusted armor from the day he took his test, it now stood still a few paces away from the group. As if sensing his eyes upon it, the helmet turned to face the group.
Within his mind, Alric could feel the faint tingling sensation of something brushing against his consciousness. An ethereal voice followed, it was the same metallic ringing that seemed to resonate with each word.
“Be at peace, Son of Balance.” It said with an airy quality while nodding toward Alric, “I have not come to harm you. You can see me as an observer.”
“You do not instill much confidence in me, especially after running away after our last encounter. And what are you observing?” Alric thought gruffly as they neared Dreyfus and the others.
“You and everything else.” The voice said with a tone of utter sureness. Before Alric could retort once more, Dreyfus approached them with arms spread open in a welcoming gesture.
“Ah! The last of the group now has arrived. You three the captain of Eventide has been providing a warning to those traveling west.” Dreyfus said motioning back to the aetharr stiffly standing nearby.
Nesh provided a stiff salute while Melthor followed with the motion Alric saw when they first met, a bow while touching his forehead with a claw. Alric saw Dar’Noth mirror the greeting with equal grace. Both magonon exchanged a few chirps and clicks, their mandibles quickly articulating. Compared to Dar’Noth, Melthor was a little taller and bulkier.
“Concerned. Yes, after your encounter within the expanse we heard of more reports of incidents to the west.” The aetharr said with a deep baritone voice, nodding its head to the gate, “ A sharp increase of aberration activity has been observed, I have been advising caution to any traveling in that direction.”
“Yes, I fear more Fallen may be behind some of the attacks. I suggest showing them no mercy.” Melthor said, his thoughts and voice tainted with a sense of bitterness. The magonon then looked at Dar’Noth, “My brood-kin, we must not show them any kindness, even in your state you still have a code to uphold.”
Alric looked over to Dar’Noth who simply nodded solemnly, “Brood-kin, a relative of yours?”
“Ah, yes, Melthor is a fellow Varn. He would be equivalent to a brother.” Dar’Noth said, a claw fiddled with the strap on his saila, then continued with an afterthought, “My brood and the house I serve see me as an oddity.” Alric looked at his companion, confused by the sudden confession, the magonon glanced at him, “Worry not, I direct these thoughts to the two of you. All it requires is a certain amount of concentration.”
Ghask looked up and regarded Dar’Noth for a moment, then shrugged and turned back to looking at the others.
“Well! Shall we introduce the other two who will join us? They gladly accepted my job posting on the boards at the hub.” Dreyfus exclaimed while clapping his hands together, then with a showy wave of his hand, he indicated the other two adventurers.
Selvia tilted her head in greeting and gave them a lazy wave of a hand, “Joyful. We have already met under interesting circumstances.”
“Our final member could be described as enigmatic, he prefers to not say much. Says that his name is Rust.” Dreyfus peered over with an expectant look. The one called Rust gave a nod of his helmet, it creaked with the slow movement.
“Silent ones are hard to trust, they hide words.” Ghask jutted out his chest and examined Rust with narrowed eyes. Flaring his nostrils as he began to stride up to the hulking figure, “Have you no words for your companions?”
A deep and hollow voice emerged from the suit, “No words need to be exchanged.” Dreyfus sighed then shrugged with an amused expression displayed across his face.
“Virtues held by a hellion are fierce and noble indeed.” Dreyfus moved to stand between the two of them, holding up his hands, “However, we several long days of travel ahead of us. Let’s get along, yes?” He offered them a smile while appraising them with sharp eyes. Alric cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence of the interlude.
“The three of us have everything prepared and are set to travel.” Alric nodded to the cart, walking forward he nudged Ghask, who still affixed Rust in a menacing stare. The hellion looked up at Alric, grunting Ghask let out a rumbling sigh.
“Who will be driving the wagon?” Alric inspected it, a thick canvas was stretched over the length of the transport. The wagon appeared to have a sturdy yet simple design.
He then peered over to the creature that would be pulling them, it was a large and muscular lizard. Thick green scales covered its body while a mane of bright and colorful plumage covered its neck. It was currently laying on the ground, the reins provided enough slack for it to do so, and curiously watching them all with deep blue eyes.
“Because I certainly do not have experience with beasts, what is that?” Alric nodded his head to the large being.
A bright laugh came from Selvia as she looked at Alric, “That is not surprising reaction, this is a kuroc. They are native to the Greencrag mountains and live within its forests. They are rare as taming a kuroc can be difficult and costly.”
She moved to the creature, the kuroc snorted as the scales rippled across its body. Selvia moved to pat the long snout of the creature, Alric noticed that two bright yellow sacs were located along it. “I will be the one to cooperate with this one.” The kuroc nudged its snout into Selvia’s arm, pleased at the attention it was receiving.
“I have seen these. Coming into Aebros some merchants we traded with had them. They are impressive.” Ghask said, nodding to the kuroc as he spoke.
“I do believe everything is ready. We have some travel ahead of us, so let us use the day while it is available.” Dreyfus climbed into the driving seat of his cart, leaning out he patted the flank of the brown mare pulling it. The horse responded with a simple toss of its black mane.
Alric climbed into the back of the wagon with Ghask following behind him. He could see the two magonon still exchanging words, suddenly the Melthor tapped the breastplate of his Dar’Noth with a clawed fist then firmly nodded. Turning away Melthor climbed into the wagon, bending over a bit to fit himself beneath the canvas.
Rust was the last to enter, situating himself next to the back entrance of the wagon. Once Selvia clambered onto the seat, the wagon began to lurch forward. Alric could hear the heavy footsteps of the kuroc as it pulled them.
“Best of luck to you all! May the winds from the vastness above be at your backs.” Melthor called out to them as they moved away from the two guardsmen while Nesh gave them another stiff salute.
The clatter of wooden wheels against stone soon faded as they exited the city. With Eventide behind them, they again entered into the embrace of the Emerald Expanse.
His armor rattled at the shake of the wagon when it hit a bump or dip in the road. Within the shade of the forest, they moved down the road.
He spent his time observing them, they spoke in loud voices and were animated in their actions. Unlike him, they were free, unshackled, and could express themselves openly. They could also experience and truly interact with the world.
Such was the privilege for those who still had a true presence within this plane. Seeing how they act, it still made Rust feel both uncomfortable and envious all at once.
A vestige could only imitate.
Ghask, a being that was part of those called hellions, it was boisterous and demonstrated a great pride for everything it did.
Then the tall insectoid whose thoughts would touch his. It would play with words that confused him. What was the purpose?
The creature with blue skin, it was silent and would occasionally react to the others.
He stayed silent as he usually did.
But what was most interesting was the one named Alric. The presence of duality was strong around the man. Rust could see an aura made of mixing energies within the man. It emanated from him, illuminating him to Rust’s eyes like a beacon.
From his first encounter with Alric, he knew this was an individual similar to him. But at the same time entirely different. He could feel and see the connection to something greater, this was a thread that came from Balance itself.
Within the depths of his armor, he could feel the shadows rolling around the metallic shell. It was reacting to the pure and strong presence of duality. It was uncommon for a concentrated amount to exist outside of natural means, and this was unnatural.
Since becoming a part of this world he was driven to learn from it, and this man was a phenomenon he was to understand. Why was he here? More importantly, what grand plan was he involved in?
Upon touching his mind the image was clarified, this was indeed a return of Balance into this world; however, it was new and different.
Rust was compelled to follow this person. By doing so, he felt as though he would witness something. It was unknown as to what this would be.
Some primal instinct told Rust that changes were coming, Alric was somehow a part of it.
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8 435 - In Serial47 Chapters
Up In Space
New chapter every other day Iain Compton never planned to be abducted by an alien spaceship. It just… happened. And now he’s been awakened 22,000 years in the future and half a galaxy away by a pair of oddly human seeming beak nosed aliens and a space ship A.I. that seems to have more than a few screws loose. Oh, and then there's this gorgeous alien woman who he probably shouldn’t trust at all. His plan is to find a way home to Earth, even if its unlikely to be remotely the same; to find a better class of companions among an often strange and inexplicable galactic community, at least one who won’t use him or sell him out at the first opportunity; and to do something about the parasites in his brain who are supposed to connect him to a library the size of the galaxy, but seem to only be telling him that almost everyone and everything he comes across wants to kill him. But at least he can still send tweets.
8 65 - In Serial44 Chapters
Stealing Is An Art Form | ✓
Solace Laurent and Sage Reyes never got along. They fought and competed over everything, whether it was grades or afterschool clubs. She hated his arrogant, I-don't-care-about-the-rules behaviour and he loved to annoy her. Not one day went by in high school when an argument didn't break out until he disappeared without a trace. Solace, along with Sage's family and the entire school, thought he was dead. After months of criminal investigations, search parties, and missing persons posters, he was nowhere to be found. But what happens when Sage shows up at her doorsteps in the middle of the night, bruised and bloody?***"Sage?" whispered Solace in utter shock. He smirked at her as he leaned against the doorframe, looking her up and down from her blue penguin pajamas to her oversized t-shirt until he met her eyes. She felt a rush of emotions when she heard his voice after six months. It was the same: deep, unbothered, and familiar. "Solace Laurent, I need your help."
8 192 - In Serial7 Chapters
The catcher in the rye- Allie's death
I had to write a "catcher in the rye" fanfic for school so I decided I might as well post it hereThis is a fanfic from the point of view of 13 year old Holden and how he dealt with the death of his brother
8 60