《The Aligned Path》9. The Boar and Wolf
To fight is to bleed. To bleed is to show you are alive. With fangs bared a warrior truly lives when upon the field of battle.
-From The Tale of Mek, A Hellion Lord
Pain was abundant at the moment.
Alric’s vision blurred as a gauntleted fist connected with his jaw. He staggered backward dazed from the savage blow. A layer of darkness he manifested managed to soften the attack but the luminescence fueled punch still hurt.
The bitter taste of copper filled his mouth, a stream of blood trickled from it. Those small rivulets caused dark red to bloom across the cloth wrapped around his visage. He could feel the warmth of the blood-soaked into them as they stuck to his skin.
He felt exposed as his hood was now down, it slipped off sometime during the ongoing scuffle. Alric felt naked without the comfort of its shadow. The wraps around his face were also slowly unraveling onto his shoulders. They now appeared as crimson ribbons from the blood staining them. What cloth remained wrapped around his face clung to Alric desperately from the cold sweat covering him.
Traces of discordant whispers still lingered within his head from his exposure to the obscuros. Not only had he been relying on it throughout the fight but shadows were also sparse within the bright room. Alric had to pull from his own shadow and the small traces that were present. The voices tempted him, they spoke of the comfort provided by the eternal dark. Within himself he could feel the claws of the darkness grabbing him with a vice grip, an icy feeling filled his chest. He shook his head forcefully, Alric willed himself back into focusing on the present.
How long has this fight dragged on? The difference in ability is frustrating. He thought while clenching his jaws, Alric looked at both his antagonists. The one attacking him was quick despite his big build. His companion, an older man, did nothing but watch the fight and made no motions to join the fray. For whatever the reason it allowed Alric to simply focus on the one attempting to flatten him with a maul.
Throughout the fight, he had been at a disadvantage. Not only was his opponent experienced in their use of duality but also were well-trained for combat. His rudimentary understanding of using those energies showed from the strain he felt using them. The door to the room he emerged from had closed behind him after he entered. Its wooden surface thrummed with both energies of duality while emanating an aura of soft gray light. Phasing through the door would not be a good idea and now Alric's options were limited. Alric knew that the darkness he controlled could devour the light if he willed it, but did not know how to manipulated in that manner. To say my situation is dire would be an understatement. Remaining defensive is the best option until I find an opening to run or the League miraculously arrives. He glanced at the edge leading to the climb down and frowned. I would have to climb fast.
With a booming laugh, the bigger man in armor swung at him again. Alric quickly ducked as the large mace menacingly whistled through the air above him. Taking several quick steps back he once again raised his quarterstaff in a defensive position. It surprised him at how calm he remained in the face of unfavorable odds.
As both men did not bother to introduce themselves Alric game them both nicknames, the boar and wolf. The titanic man was the Boar, loud and an embodiment of strength. His companion was the Wolf. Alric saw the eyes of a vicious predator that was simply biding its time, poised for a kill.
His body had moved on instinct for this entire conflict, and any movement caused pain to radiate throughout it. The numerous bruises across it instantly reminding him of their existence. But he willed himself to continue standing. I’ve still got a test to pass. He thought with a mixture of grim determination and amusement. With a flurry of movement, he twirled his staff about him and lashed out at the head of his foe, the wooden pole flexing as it moved to its target. Two heavy consecutive strikes were followed by resounding loud metallic bangs. This quarterstaff proved to be invaluable, a worthwhile buy from the Kithoral merchant. Wielding it during this fight, he managed to redirect swings from the mace that would have crushed him. His arms were becoming numb from the vibrations that reverberated through it.
From the quick blows, the Boar-like man staggered back and growled deeply. “You are far too agile. The act of breaking your legs, you abomination, is going to be satisfying.” He said pointing to him with a thick finger, tapping the head of his mace onto the ground, punctuating his statement.
In response, Alric focused the energies of the obscuros on the man’s shadow. It rippled as tentacles of darkness crawled up his armor, tangling themselves around his legs. Such a simple manipulation of shadow was taking him great effort to keep up, his head ached from the concentration being exerted.
When the man began to take a step forward his body jerked in the attempt to move, with a snarl he looked down to his legs. Alric wasted no time and leaped into motion, quarterstaff held at his side. Jabbing the pole forward he thrust its iron point into the chest of his incapacitated foe. A loud clang of metal rang through the air as the man went sprawling backward. Landing prone on the floor, the shadowy tendrils followed like snakes to their prey. They began to hungrily reach for his vulnerable form. Suddenly the air began to bend and shimmer around the one named Darthos. His figure flashed then became shrouded in bright yellow light. Some of the shadows burned away as if consumed by a flame while the other vestiges retreated to Alric.
In response, Alric immediately jumped back a few paces. He then gathered what energy he could within the room. Black tendrils slithered to him from the corners of the room. It also emerged from the shadow made by the edges of the carved image of the awoken, seeping from it like flowing water. With what he could muster in a few moments, Alric cloaked himself in as much ethereal armor he was capable of manifesting.
And still, the old Wolf watched, surveying everything with cold eyes. They appeared to follow every movement Alric made throughout the fight. His face was rigid and emotionless as if carved from stone. “Darthos, I do believe that the grace we have provided this abomination has now run thin. The League will likely try to interfere with their notions of pride and false law.” He said in a slick voice, speaking for the first time since the struggle began. With a slow-motion the older man drew his sword, a smooth metallic sound followed as it left its scabbard. A wicked smile slowly formed across his weathered features revealing rows of white teeth, slowly the man began to move forward.
Alric shuffled to the right, his staff raised in preparation for an attack. “What do you know? How did you find me?” He said with as much calm as he could muster.
The man simply continued to smile. His features displaying nothing but an unnerving calm. “We want to ensure that the world continues to be bathed in light, it does not need to go back to one dimmed by the taint of shadow.” Gradually he circled to the right of Alric.
A loud bellow from Darthos pierced the silence, a primal scream that echoed throughout the room. Looking back at him Alric saw him now standing. With unnatural speed, the man surged forward in the direction of Alric. The intense glow that emanated from him blurring as he moved. With a yell, he threw his maul at Alric, and it was sent tumbling through the air with terrific speed.
Alric rolled to the side as the object smashed into the floor beside him, the weapon stuck into an indent it made on the wooden floor. He quickly looked back to the man to see his figure now bearing down on him. Reacting as fast as he could, Alric raised the quarterstaff in defense as his opponent punched downward at him. It flexed from the blow but held, but before Alric could react the giant grabbed onto his staff and quickly lifted it along with him. Then with a balled fist backhanded him viciously. Pain erupted around his skull as he flew to the side. With blurred vision, he could see the cloth trailing from him. Skidding onto the ground he groggily looked around, his eyesight was filled with fuzzy balls of light.
“What an impressive stick you have,” Darnoth growled, his voice reflecting the strain on his body from the luminescence coursing through him. Following the snide comment, heavy footsteps reverberated across the floor along with the clang of metal as he approached Alric.
“And you, you should punch harder or I will keep getting back up,” Alric said gasping from an attempt to chuckle. He was finding it difficult to raise himself, his body was battered and exhaustion nipped at him. The wraps that were around his face now had completely slipped off, he was fully exposed. He looked at the towering figure menacingly advancing on him, he noticed that a slight red mist was leaking from openings within his armor. It wreathed his helmet, creating a ghastly effect. Stopping before him, the man kicked aside the quarterstaff Alric barely held onto. Then reached down with a big hand and tightly gripped his head, the metal of the gauntlet felt cold. Intense heat radiated out from the man, it blanketed Alric with an oppressive feeling, weakening him.
Lifting him by his head, the Boar raised him enough to level Alric’s face to his, “I have seen a few of your kind now. Each of them also attempted to hide their unnatural and grotesque appearance.” He said, the grip of his cold metal fingers tightening. Alric twitched in response, unable to move. “Look at you, skin of white and gray that shifts about like filth mixing into water. A face covered by a mirage of light and darkness, and now it remains shamefully hidden from the world. Shaking his head slowly, the contorted metal of his helmet’s skull design gleamed while red mist curled around it. “You and your kind are abominations, touched by the Tyrant’s corruption. Not only must you be saved, but we are the shield against your vile influence.”
Appearing at the Boar’s side, the still-unnamed companion looked at Alric with pity reflecting in his light blue eyes. A smile still across his face he looked at Alric and spoke softly, as if reprimanding a child, “Those of your kind who we have met always struggle, you lasted quite long. That is impressive.” The smile disappeared and became a thin line, “I suppose I can answer a few of your questions before your cleansing.” Slowly he began to circle Alric’s helpless form, “How? Well, our prophet spoke and told of the scourge present within our lands. As for how we found you, well, most spawn of the tyrant attempt to hide. Not only do their appearances give it away”, he paused to pick up a strand of cloth, “But also emit an energy that can be felt, a presence.” Suddenly he paused his stride, he raised a hand along with a single finger. “No more questions except for the two. First, what is your name? With it, I will pray for your salvation that the cleansing is swift.”
“How courteous and noble of you, a true man of virtue,” Alric grunted still unable to move. His entire body felt numb from the heat emanating from the giant holding him. “I will humor you, seeing as though that is all I am capable of at the moment and it may be one of the last few things I can do. I am Alric.” He said with strain in his voice.
The eyes of the Wolf narrowed at the mention of his name, for a moment Alric saw his smile twitch and falter. “Ah, what an interesting name you have.” He said regaining his composure as if nothing happened. “Now for my final question, what were you seeking child of the Tyrant? To bring about a new age of stagnation? Cull the touch of radiance upon the world?” His eyes now looked at Alric expectedly, his smile widening just a bit.
“I bet a few of the last remaining ringed coins that you think my purpose is that of Balance’s will or some form of altruism.” Alric chuckled softly. “My goals are ultimately selfish. I simply wish to ensure the world remains as it is. If it were to fall into ruin, I would be alone and unable to experience it, and that would be boring.” A smile crossed his face. Saying that out loud, it sounds pretty ridiculous.
Shaking his head the Wolf looked at Alric. His eyes were filled with pity. “Indeed, very selfish, but then again not many of you seem to aspire to much. We must protect this land from oncoming corruption.” Raising his longsword the Wolf dug the tip of it into Alric’s neck, blood quickly pooled around the puncture.
Alric felt the sting of cold metal followed by the warm trail of blood soaking into his shirt. He croaked a laugh, “For heroes, you both seem to enjoy toying with your prey a bit too much.”
The Boar raised Alric up and with great force threw him onto the ground. Beside him the Wolf raised his blade, a haze of white light shimmered along its edge. Gripping the hilt with both hands, he carefully aimed the point at Alric’s chest. “May Illumin guide you toward the light.” The wolf breathed, his eyes glimmering with a primal excitement.
A deep rumbling interrupted the moment. The big doors with the intricate carvings began to open, and from it ran in two figures. Alric recognized them both, the sheen of white scales belonging to Ghask and the grim face of Bartos. Each had weapons at the ready, Ghask with his ax while Bartos wielded a spear. Alric felt relief but still flinched at their appearance. While welcome, why not arrive earlier? Now more arrive to witness what I truly am.
Bartos strode into the room. His graying blond hair was unkempt and wild. Watching his eyes Alric could see that Bartos was rapidly analyzing the situation, looking at everyone in turn. They paused on him but his face remained impassive. Ghask kept stride with the taller man. The hellion eyed both men with a fierce look. When he saw Alric they went wide.
“Alric? For a non-scaled, you have an odd appearance.” Ghask said with some awe in his voice as he tilted his head slightly to the side.
Both the Boar and Wolf turned to face the new arrivals. Neither spoke but simply watched. The Boar tensed up, squaring his shoulders up. While the Wolf shifted his attention away from prey, but still held out a hand allowing the blade to hover over Alric.
With a look of scorn, Bartos spoke. “And what are you doing with him?” He said pointing to Alric still on the ground, “From my perspective, you were trying to kill him.” The old adventurer’s voice was low and every word sharpened. His face was set into an intimidating scowl, his teeth slightly bared. “Here within Eventide, we have laws. Do you not have those in Thyniron?” A condescending tone was entwined within his words. “And not only is that a crime but you also dare interfere in on this tradition?” He asked while twirling the spear between hands with a flourish. “This will not stand. Release him, now.”
“You would dare interfere with our business? He is ours to deal with.” The Wolf said coolly.
Ghask bared his fangs and snarled. “To the Deep with your mission. All I see are cowards who would engage in an unfair fight!” He said thumping his tail twice on the floor.
“Your rules do not apply here radiant. You are within the jurisdiction of the League and you will compose yourself as such. You already broke our laws by interfering with this exam!” Bartos said ferociously in response while pointing to the Wolf. “I do not know what your business is with him, but your order is overstepping themselves. You may do as you wish with him once he finishes his business here.” Swinging his spear around he slammed the butt of it onto the floor. “I will not ask again. Leave with the rest of your zealots! Otherwise, I am sure Director Markan will find a way to make your stay unpleasant.”
“You dare speak against the will of…” Roared the Boar as he began to walk forward, but before he could move forward the Boar was quickly stopped by his companion. The older man barred his advance with an arm. Alric could see the Wolf shaking in fury, a blush coloring his cheeks.
Laying on the floor Alric watched the tense standoff between both groups. An oppressive air seemed to smother the room as both sides glared at each other. He could hear the quiet sound of hands tightening on the weapons they held. Finally breaking the silence someone spoke.
“Darnoth, unfortunately, we missed our chance. As our friend from the League so kindly stated. We can conduct our business outside their grounds.” The Wolf looked down at Alric and whispered, “Jelod, remember that name Alric. You will be seeing us soon.” He swiftly began to walk away. Darnoth followed Jelod after retrieving his maul, the glow now receding from his body.
Before they moved through the door Bartos called out to them, “Oh, the rat that let you in will be disciplined for what has transpired. He tried stopping us at the door.”
Both men kept their pace and moved into the dim light of the next room.
Still laying on the ground Alric raised himself off the floor. His body entire body felt heavy as if being weighed down by a heavy pack. “Not entirely sure what to say. I am surprised to see you both here. Though, Bartos, you were the last individual I thought would arrive to help.” With a grunt, he slowly stood up.
Ghask walked over to Alric. His facial features softened and now replaced with a look of curiosity. “I must say, this is the first time seeing something like this.” The hellion said while examining Alric closely.
Well, at least my scaly friend is fascinated with my appearance rather than disgusted. Alric thought, taking some small comfort within complicated situation.
“Do not become accustomed to it.” He said briskly walking over, Bartos shoved his bright red coat with white trimmings onto Alric. “You will need to cover yourself up.” The examiner said with a stoic expression. He said then nodded curtly, “We will have to speak about what happens with your exam. Though it was not completed fully…” Bartos paused and nodded to the door, “you did manage to fight with two radiants and survive. Though likely out of luck, it is still somewhat impressive.”
Alric put the coat over his head. He pulled the front of it tighter so that his face would be hidden. The comfort of anonymity relieved him, he felt less exposed and vulnerable.
Bartos watched Alric for a moment then spoke, “What are you?” Ghask looked between the two of them, his tail swaying as he awaited an answer.
“Would you believe me if I said that I am a simple traveler?” Alric said while examining Bartos carefully. The League representative’s face was difficult to read.
With a sigh, Bartos ran a hand through his hair. He then shrugged and said in a tired voice, “No, but if that is what you want to claim yourself as who am I to stop you?” Motioning to the surrounding room he continued, “By an awoken’s holy balls, I just administer the exams for those who think they can be an adventurer.” Pausing he gave Alric a hard look, “I could care less who you are until I see you as a threat, and from what I saw you were being attacked partaking in League business.” He huffed then muttered, “Damn zealots.” Nodding to the open doorway he said, “We can talk more once we return to the hub.”
The three moved through the doors into a spacious chamber. It was lit by the soft glow of hardlight shards at each corner, and at the opposite end of the room was an opening with the late day sun shining through. Alric could see that the floor was worn down from use. Various scars marred its surface at random places.
“What was this room used for in the exam?” Alric asked as he glanced around the space.
“This was supposed to be the combat test portion of your test…” He sniffed derisively and scowl, “but it seems as though the one assigned to you seemed more interested in letting the radiants in.” Bartos said gruffly.
As they followed behind Bartos, Ghask thumped Alric on the back and spoke in a cheery tone, “Seems as though we both were not far from completing our exams.” He lifted his snout and gave him a firm nod, “Good thing too, otherwise, your scaleless hide would have been sent to the Deep.” Snorting he continued, his raspy voice taking an edge, “If those cowards dare provoke another challenge I will not back down.”
“We still have laws in place, hellion,” Bartos spoke up, looking back at Ghask as he continued striding ahead. Unlike the feuds back on your home island.”
With a hiss, Ghask retorted, “Our feuds are competitions between clans scaleless.” The hellion jutted out its chest slightly, puffing himself up.
Shrugging Bartos continued walking while Ghask glared at him from behind.
The group soon reached a platform outside the doorway. It looked as though three lifts ran up to it, one was currently present while another slowly rattled its way down to the hub. Alric could see the occupants were the two radiants. He could see the crouched form of Darthos within the cart while Jelod stood beside him, staring off into the distance. Glaring at them while they descended, he winced from the throbbing aches that permeated his body. Dried blood crusting across his neck and clothing. Without any word, the three stepped into the remaining lift. Bartos operated one of the two levers present within the circular space, and with a clanking noise, the lift began to move toward the hub.
Alric sat on one of the benches within the lift, he watched the scenery as it slowly passed. The late-day sun colored the city in soft shades of orange. Only a few days within the confines of these walls and already I find myself being jabbed at by fate. He thought to himself, slightly amused at the idea. Ghask was crouched on the floor with eyes closed and arms draped across his lap. His slender tail flickering with movement every few moments. Bartos stood at the railing, his arms were tightly held behind him while he surveyed Eventide.
They spend the trip down in silence. Upon arriving at the platform to the hub several individuals rushed to the lift, some wore similar garb to Bartos. A hail of questions was thrown at the man, he provided a few short answers before quickly stating that he needed to report to the director. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for both Ghask and Alric to follow him.
“The hub does provide lodging for adventurer’s passing through the area from outside of the Eventide branch of the League.” He said as they moved through the main reception area. Alric was cast a few glances for his odd appearance, but none seemed to inquire about it when they saw who led him.
Entering into another series of hallways the group walked past rooms that all seemed to serve different purposes. Alric saw one filled with tables cluttered with various vials and crystalline jars. An assortment of contents filling each of them.
They soon arrived at an open space with a quaint look and feel. It had a few shelves lined with scrolls and books. A long table with a few chairs and a couch was located before a fireplace. The charred remains of wood lay within its iron grating. Above them was a loft with more shelves along with what appeared to be various crates and chests. Windows built into the slanted ceiling overlooked the room. The clear glass provided a view of the evening sky and the few clouds lazily meandering it. Two other hallways branched away on either side of the room. They walked down one of them and moved past a line of doors, Bartos led them to the first open one. He peered inside then nodded.
“An empty room for you. Use it to get some rest.” Looking at both of them he motioned with his head to the room. “I will have to report to the director about what happened.” A slow sigh escaped him. “There will be a discussion about your exams as each was not fully completed, but with the circumstances…” He glanced at each of them, “exceptions may be made.” Before either of them could speak he gave them a dismissive wave, the old adventurer then strode down the hallway at a brisk pace.
Looking at Ghask, Alric gave him a light shrug and said, “A rest is most welcome. I feel as though I may collapse at any moment.”
Ghask nodded in agreement, “I received a few welts during my test.” He pointed to Alric, “As you appear now, you look like a scaled having fallen into the Deep then thrashed around by a long-fin.”
Alric walked into the room. Within it was sparse accommodations, two cots and a bedside table with a pillar of hardlight on it. One of the walls did have a window, it provided a view of the hub’s front court area. Sitting one of the beds, Alric unslung his pack from his shoulder. It was moist with sweat and dotted with a few specks of blood. Reaching into it he removed a roll of cloth wraps. Waving it at Ghask he said, “Yes, I know I look like a mess. And what is a long-fin?”
Following behind Alric, Ghask sat on the bed opposite of him. A grin forming along his long jaws. “They live within the depths close to my native land. Imagine a creature with slender bodies and plenty of teeth. Not easy to catch.” Leaning his ax against a wall and arranging his pack next to him, the hellion then stretched himself out then curled up onto the bedding. As Alric wrapped cloth strips around his face Ghask stared at him.
“From when we first met I thought something was strange about you,” Ghask said after a few moments of silence. Cocking his head to the side he examined him, “You seem different, from earlier I mean. Brighter.”
Tightening the wraps around his head, Alric gave a slight nod. “I have a tendency to that from time to time.” Ghask narrowed his eyes at him and huffed. “I will explain in time.” He said holding up a hand up in reassurance. Raising his brow the hellion then nodded seeming content.
“I will hold you to your word,” Ghask said before yawning. “For now sleep calls to me.”
Crawling onto the rough sheets Alric sank himself into the comfort of the bedding. Slowly his eyes closed as he embraced the onset of sleep.
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