《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》SUPER IMPORTANT INFO!!! PLEASE READ!!!


Yo, MultiBlitz15 here! I have a few things to tell everyone about!

First: Stats!

Well, you see, Blitz's stats are MONSTROUS by anyone's standards! He is level 1000, the maximum level after all! What I wanted to say is that the stats of the average human are 100 in all stats except Luck and Health. The average Luck stat is 10 and the average Health stat is 1,000. Also, Levels don't alter one's stats too much: they increase slightly per Level, but the amount varies from person to person and usually isn't that much. People have to train the raise their stats efficently.

Second: The Social Hierarchy of Races!

What, you thought there wouldn't be a hierarchy among the races?! No way, of course there is! Anyway, it goes something like this:

(Lowest to Highest)

Slaves and Monsters -> Demons -> Beastkin -> Humans -> Elves and Dwarves -> Draconians -> Dragons and Angels

Humans are higher then Demons and Beastkin due to their insane numbers while Demons are the lowest sentient race due to having the lowest reproduction rate out of all the sentient races.

Third: How the races compare in strength!

This is kinda tricky to put into words, so I'll do this:

(This is assuming the members of the races have average strength among their kind)

1 Dragon = 2 Angels or 2 Demons

1 Angel or 1 Demon = 160 Draconians

1 Draconian = 5 Elves

1 Elf = 3 Dwarves

1 Dwarf = 5 Beastkin

1 Beastkin = 20 Humans

Monsters can't be ranked and neither can slaves due to their ever-changing strengths and diversity.

Fourth: Will Blitz return to Earth?

Yes! But only after having an adventure in this world!

Fifth: Announcement!

I have decided that I will post AT LEAST 1 chapter a day (this includes parts of a chapter like chapter 11 part 3) and I will be continuing this story for AT LEAST 100 chapters! Wish me luck!!

Thanks for reading so far!

- MultiBlitz15

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