《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 11 Part 1 - Hero or Antihero?


Inside the throne room of the castle, there was a major commontion going on. King Edward was just using Identify to see how powerful Blitz was. However, when Edward viewed Blitz's status, he was shocked beyong belief! What he saw just shouldn't be possible! It didn't make sense! Finally composing himself, the king began to emit an incredibly powerful aura, trying to intimidate the boy.

(Edward) Boy...just what are you?

Blitz, not affected in the slightest, just shrugs his shoulders.

(Blitz) Why does it matter? I have no obligation to answer you.


(Edward) Impudent! I am the king of these lands, so you will obey me! If you further disobey my orders, you will be eliminated!!

Before Blitz says anything, Phantom steps in front of the Blitz and faces the king, his face twisted with unmasked fury.

(Phantom) SAY ONE MORE WORD AND YOU SHALL DIE!!! I don't care who or what you are, anyone who threatens my little brother WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT!!


(Phantom) Disregarding my warning, huh? Fine then! We will find another race to ally with!

A ghastly smile suddenly creeps onto Phantom's face...

(Phantom) I bet that the Demons would accept us if we brought them your head...

*snaps fingers*

The moment Phantom snaps his fingers, the heads of all the guards, Steward, and King Edward disappear and reappear in front of Phantom in a cluttered pile.

(Phantom) Hmph! Don't underestimate my unique skill, Meta Teleportation!

Snapping his fingers again, the head of the king vanishes along with Blitz and Phantom.

(Blitz) Looks like your "getting summoned to become a hero plan" didn't work, huh?

(Phantom) Yeah...but we can still be a different kind of hero!

Phantom raises his arm and pumps his fist into the sky and shouts loudly.




No idea when part 2 will be out...I'm just not feeling it today but I pushed myself to write this, so I'm sorry if it seems short. I will try to get part 2 out later today, but if not, I will release it tomorrow. Thanks for your continued support!

- MultiBlitz15

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