《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 10 Part 2 - New World, New Rules


Standing on the rubble of the collapsed wall is the person Phantom was looking for: Blitz!

(Phantom) THERE YOU ARE!! Guess what?!

(Blitz) What?

(Phantom) I won the bet! I was right, we WERE summoned to fight the Demon King! As promised, I will get to be the leader!

(Blitz) *sigh* Oh well, since I lost I will keep my word.

Meanwhile, the King heard the wall collapsing and felt the castle shaking.

(King) Steward, was that an earthquake?

(Steward) It was not, King Edward.

(Edward) What was it then?!

Stewards bites his lip out of fear, hesitates, and then says...

(Steward) According to my surveillance ghost spell, the cause of the rumbling was one of the summoned smashing the walls of multiple summoning rooms in order to get to a specific summoning circle.

(Edward) WHAT?!?! Impossible!! Those walls can't even be broken by a titan, and you tell me one of the SUMMONED broke them?!

Composing himself, Edward comes to a realization.

(Edward) Wait, if this summoned is a powerful as I think they are, then what if I manage to monopolize that power for myself?

Standing up off his throne, Edward then speaks in a booming voice.


As his vassals hurry to perform the King's orders, Edward sits down and speaks to Steward.

(Edward) Which of the summoned is the one who broke the walls?

(Steward) Look for a white-haired, young-looking boy with red eyes and ghostly skin.

(Edward) A boy?!

While the 2 of them continued their conversation, the summoned, which numbered 28 due to some of the summoning circles summoning more than 1 person, had gathered in front of the King.

(Edward) White haired boy with red eyes! Come to me!



Walking up to the King, stops at the foot of the throne.


(Edward) Kneel before me.

(Blitz) No. You're not MY king so why should I?

(Edward) How dare you! You think you can disrespect me and get away with it?!

Staring the King directly in the eyes, Blitz then says 3 words that shocked everyone present.

(Blitz) Yes, I do.

While the King was boiling with rage, Blitz adds fuel to the fire.

(Blitz) I only obey those stronger than me. And you are far, FAR weaker than me!

This was an incredible insult to the King, especially since he is a former SSS Ranked adventurer, one of the best!

(Edward) Identify!

(Edward) ...what?


Hey guys, are you enjoying the story so far? I am! (Writing it, I mean)

Please comment with what you think, I'd appreciate it!

- MultiBlitz15

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