《Tironia》Floor 25
Ready for anything, was most certainly an overstatement.
Upon reaching the last step, I exit the stairwell into a single large room.
How do I know it's one big room?
Shockingly, unlike the other two rooms and tunnels that I've traversed so far, this place is bright.
Outstandingly bright.
The astonishing sky stings my eyes briefly before I become accustomed to the change in light. It makes observing my surroundings far easier than when using Night Vision, I wonder what can cause such a feature in a dungeon.
I'm fascinated to know what illuminates this floor, It feels refreshing to be able to see as far as my vision will permit. On the contrary, instead of the ceiling, my attention is glued to the sight going on in front of me.
Hundreds, of what I would assume to be goblins, litter the area before me. They seem to be carrying out, what appears to be, everyday life. All dressed in a similar attire, which isn't much, by the way, my boxers cover more than most of their loincloths do. A select few have robes on and a couple of others have what I would call basic armour, that seems to be as far as the apparel goes in this place. I don't feel so worried about my own modesty now, nor the social anxiety of been underdressed in another's presence. It's reassuring because I'm almost clothed the same way. However, my fear factor has jumped straight back up to the, 'I'm shitting my pants' level.
I don't want to ruin these boxers on their first day.
These goblins may be dressed in rags, but in no way are they living in squalor. For some unknown reason, there is a vast amount of very well constructed buildings. On my right, starting furthest away from me, these structures are easily noticeable as homes. Each has a small plot of grass outside, a front door, glass windows, two floors and a roof.
Actual houses!
It's hard to keep on surveying the area when my focus keeps shifting back to the goblins pottering around, going about their daily lives. It seems less daunting than before and actually quite astonishing now I'm taking it in. I hope I don't have to fight these guys, I'm severely outnumbered, they all look quite cute too scurrying around. Well as far as a cute goblin could go any way. Ahem, moving on, after the large cul de sac area, we have...... a hot spring.
Ha. I know, right.
I don't even think I can continue. I swear, I'm tearing up, even with my dehydration. I solemnly stare at the steam rising, from what I'm going to assume, is the perfect temperature of the spring water. If I didn't still have a morsel of sanity left, I would have sprinted, no hesitation, storing my boxers on the way and then dove straight in without a care in the new world. There are no walls, just a very large piece of water catering for a few individuals, the goblins must not care for modesty.
Trying my best to fight the temptation of a nice soak in the hot spring, which is almost irresistible, I examine the other side of this floor. On my left appears to be where the goblins work, I think. There are lots of different sized buildings here and there, scattered about with mismatched sizes. It's hard to guess what they're doing in there, probably because my mind is away soaking in the spring.
Trying to gather my thoughts together, I take notice of the simple building in the centre. It is directly in the middle of the whole room. I'm guessing if we measured the distance on every side, it would be perfectly symmetrical. Ignoring its location though, this single building seems to be frequented by more goblins than any other solo building. I wonder what's inside there, whilst once more staring over towards the spring.
This whole place appears to be a decently sized village, not at all the rest stop I was expecting but way better. I mean its got a hot spring for gods sake, I can't get over it.
"Maybe the dungeon could name this floor, 'Goblin Village'. It's actually really nice."
It really is rather stunning. A warm breeze blows over me as almost all the initial fear has worn away and I'm left feeling more intrigued than anything. I haven't moved since I left the stairwell but I have noticed a few goblins giving me the eye, right before continuing on with whatever business they had in the first place. I wonder if they're ok with me being here seeing as it is a rest floor, or so Temi told me.
I mean they haven't attacked me yet, so that's a good sign, right?
Almost the exact moment I finish that train of thought, a goblin much larger than the others that I have seen so far, seems to be approaching me. He came out from inside the large centre building, where quite a crowd seem to have gathered now to stare at me, and he's making his way towards me at a brisk jog.
Ha, and I thought I was ready for anything.
"Temi, what the hell is happening here?"
'This is floor 25 the rest area, which means my theory was correct and we were previously on floor 24 'The Labrinth'.'
Well done, pat yourself on the back why don't you. Also, that wasn't a labyrinth, it was just long-ass tunnels that made it hard to find my way around because of the dar........fine whatever, not the time!
The large Goglin is very fast for his size, he's already covered over half the distance between us.
"I meant the goblin village and this guy charging at me!"
'Oh, the village is new, it is rather nice don't you think? I don't know why the goblin is running over here but he shouldn't be a threat.'
Thanks, Temi, at this rate your getting knocked back down to 'relatively useful'.
The goblin is now almost upon me, with how peaceful everything looks here, I really don't want to fight. I pull my scimitar out and brandish it at, what I really hope isn't, my opponent.
He stops a few feet away and just stares at me and my blade.
I stare back, trying not to let on that I'm worried over his speedy arrival.
Up close, he appears to be just taller than me. The first notable features are his incredibly bushy eyebrows and his long draping hair, both equally as white as the robe he wears. Time-stamped eyes, peering out from beneath the large brows and a trimmed beard, coats a good majority on his face. A smile plastered across the rest. His large teeth look incredibly clean, is this goblin flossing? A small pair of spectacles sit on the end on his short nose making up the face of an elderly man. Around his robe a yellow fabric keeps it held closed, tied in a bow on the side. With nothing noticeable on his feet, I wonder how he managed to move over here so quickly? In a strange way, he reminds me of the angel from my fountain, except he's an old man, and green.
"Welcome to da village. Good to have yous."
"Er, th...thank you?"
"Boss was pissed at start wen yous jus arrive from nowhere. Dangerous. But yous Ok. I am Kroll an dis place called floor 25 rest village area. Come I show yous round Boss said"
He turns around and his robe flutters below him, he instantly snaps back though.
"Put weapons away please, worry yous stab me from in back."
I'm no longer under the assumption that I'm still on my old world in a medically induced coma, or something like that, due to the incident. I mean, if I was, there would be no chance in hell of me ever imagining all of these events. This goblin just asked me to do something and he even said please, granted he gave me his honest reason too but still, who could imagine this?
I place my weapon back into my inventory doing as requested. I can always recall it whenever I need to, so it's always on hand whether they can see it or not.
Weapon away, the goblin twirls back around and proceeds to stroll back into the village before stopping once more.
"Oh wat yous name?"
"Erm, Erin?"
Weak Erin, really really weak. Get a grip.
"Yous sure? Yous not sound so sure?"
"My name is Erin, it's a new name so I'm still getting used to it."
"Yous can change name wen yous want?"
"What? No. It just...sorta, happened. Sorry, look it's a long story, I at least need some water before I begin to explain it all."
"No need, Boss tell us wat yous done in dungeon, jus not how yous get a new name. Come we get yous drink, den can talk if want."
This guy seems super relaxed and casual, especially for a goblin, his speech may not be the best but he at least understands my language.
Wait! How do I know the language?
As he sets off for a third time, under my breath, to avoid looking crazy in front of my newly acquired goblin host, I ask Temi how I'm able to understand the goblin and communicate.
'Your body was created in this world. That includes the brain inside it. What language did you think you were speaking?'
Since when did we take a step backwards? I thought we were getting along recently.
That doesn't matter right now. The main thing is that I'm able to understand and reciprocate conversation, to avoid being killed. The rest can all be worried over later.
As we are approaching the village I try and strike up a conversation with Kroll.
"So Kroll, er.. how long you guys been here?"
"Bout a year, Master gave us dis floor cause we weak monsters. No want fight really jus eat and live."
I have that many questions I don't know where to begin.
A year? This place is insane. It could be a megacity with the next 10 years if there was space, which the dungeon can apparently do.
"The goblins don't want to fight? How do you survive here then?"
"Sum gobs want fight, dey goes up floors and stays in first village for wen peoples come in. We eat monster on floor 26 cause dey weakest. Boss put dem der so we not die hungry."
If this keeps up, I might really consider my earlier thought of Questions being my second name. No wonder Temi called me a child that time, it's how I feel right now, unknowing and full of wonderous questions.
He keeps calling the dungeon boss or master, does that mean he feels bound to it? I suppose the dungeon created him so that would make sense, feeling loyalty or kinship. Earlier though he said, his boss had told him what had happened in the dungeon, does that mean he can communicate with the actual dungeon?
We approach the central building which is still surrounded by goblins. I know I'm not naked anymore, but that doesn't stop me the feeling of awkwardness from being in front of a crowd like this, wearing nothing but my white boxer shorts. My embarrassment doubles down as I take notice my skin colour for the first time in this light, Its pale white from zero sun exposure since creation, it also serves to reminds me that I have no hair covering my entire body.
Damn, so much for cool first impressions.
Just a crazy bald guy.
Who talks to himself.
In his boxers.....
We enter the building amid derogatory glances, you're dressed the same as me nearly, get off your high horses. Inside the property there are multiple rows of desks, stacked with papers and clerks, filling counters listening to complaints from other goblins and recording them for informational purposes. Apparently, they have a good system going here, or so it would seem, at least on the lines of an educated civilisation. We head up the stairs on the immediate right of the entrance and enter the first large office door we come to on the second floor.
The door even has a title plate, it says 'Kroll, Village Chief'.
"Damn Kroll you're the chief? Why didn't you send someone else out to great me?"
"Dey is not good at human speak, may cause more bad dan good."
Fair enough. We enter the office which looks neat and tidy, unlike the desks in the lobby area. Kroll must take his job seriously.
"Master told Kroll to come to yous and Kroll did as was told."
He picks up a glass jug filled with water, from a tray on his desk and pours it into a glass, sat upon the same tray.
He then hands it to me and watches to see my reaction.
If he's expecting me to eye up the water or make a comment based on trust, then he's seriously mistaken. I'm that thirsty right now I don't care where the water came from or what's in it. Even if the Demon King himself turned up and offered it to me, I would have been hard-pressed to turn him down, I would have taken that water like bacon for breakfast.
Mmm bacon, I'm still hungry at the moment too, imagining food isn't doing me any favours right now. I definitely have to ask about that weak food source Kroll mentioned.
I swallow the refreshing liquid down and place the glass back on the tray. When I said my little poisonous spring was delicious, back in my first home, I don't think I knew what I was talking back then. It doesn't compare to the glass of magnificent h2o that Kroll has just provided me with.
Seeing that I decided to put a little more trust in him, or that I don't care for what I drink, Kroll pours me another glass and I accept it gratefully raising it back of his desk.
So good.
"Kroll, can you speak with the dungeon?"
"Yea, Boss never shut up really. Oops."
That moment he turns to his side looking as though he has just been caught out doing something he really shouldn't be. After a moment, it appears to me as though he is listening to something and for some strange reason, looking upset. When he turns back around, he looks as though he's just been scolded by his mother for doing something silly.
"Boss only give good infos dat help all of us, is wats I meant."
Complete 180.
"How do you communicate with the dungeon, do you just talk to the walls and ceiling? I tried it once and got these boxers and I really want to say thank you for them."
"No, she not hear every ting. She just hear, wat she hear, wen she here. K"
It's hard to tell but it looks as though he is slowly inching further and further to the left. Almost as though someone is shouting at him, right beside his ear.
"Is she here now?"
"Ye, she bit mad at how I am tellin the deets."
"Why can't I see her?"
"Yous not monster, yous not born here."
Well if you want to be technical, I kind of was. I may not be a monster but my body was created here. Is that it, I can't see her because I'm not a monster? Or one of her monsters, specifically?
"Boss said it ok bout Eto, yous try help, even tho yous fail. At least tried."
Eto, she saw that?
Does that mean she's been watching me?
"Yea yea Kroll knows. I tell. And yous welcome she says. For boxer. How yous turn up notin on? Mos peoples turn-ups in armour she says. She want to no?"
Immediately I feel my pale white skin changing colour. She saw me.
It goes from pink to a light shade of red. She's been watching me.
Light red to deep scarlet. All this time.
A girl?
How is the dungeon a girl?
I can't think straight and my brain shuts down. The familiar feeling of the stone, which I am getting quite accustomed with, greets me once more as I collapse face-first into it, passing out in the office due to embarrassment and shame.
Some things never change.
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Mythological Weapons
In a world where awakeners - human beings who awakened their powers due to the appearance of dungeons hundreds of years ago - fight monsters inside dungeons daily to earn money and increase their ranks, Shiryuu Ackford - a Vicenarian guy - was doing things his own way. In order to discover the truth of a tragedy that happened while he was younger, he went through his journey to find the truth and discover the real history of the world. After receiving a magical weapon in one of his raids and a series of fortunate and unfortunate events, he set his mind on getting stronger and shedding the light on the hidden truth, while struggling between the clash of good and evil.In his adventure to get stronger, find the truth and discern the good and evil, Shiryuu will stumble upon breathtaking mysteries, fight never-seen enemies, and take life-changing decisions. Prepare to set sail on this adventure with Shiryuu and discover for yourselves the real truth behind the lore of the world.
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A young elf, raised by necromancer wolves, seeks a place in the mercenary companies that hunt magical monsters to protect the people of the kingdom, while unravelling the mysteries behind the destruction of her old village. My village was burned to the ground by raiders and I'm forced to survive the wilds alone, overcoming the cold, hungry winters and fighting off the animals that are themselves looking for a meal. I rely on my necromancy, a magic my mother had me swear to never use, and learn other magics too, just to survive. What will I find returning to my village? What sort of world exists beyond it? I seek to refine my strength and find a new home in this strange and violent world. This time, I won't let my home burn. (LItRPG elements showing up throughout the story with in-world skillbooks, first dozen chapters Syr has no access to said skillbook)
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To Blunt The Sharpest Claw
The Velvet Paw of Asquith Novels are a series of New Fable genre novels that involve cats and dogs and high adventure and romance and espionage and food-fights and hotels and explosions and car chases. With large casts, exotic locations and an absurdity only possible in the absence of human characters, the Velvet Paw of Asquith Novels blend Wind in the Willows with James Bond, though with more cafes and fewer badgers. This submission is the third title in its Morigan Trilogy, beginning two-thirds of the way through the series' longest adventure yet. Here's a quick recount of what's happened so far: When Oscar Teabag-Dooven, a Velvet Paw of Asquith, is ordered to investigate how a mysterious poet, the Ar'dath-Irr, is able to travel instantaneously around the world, two very bad things happen. Firstly, he meets Lydia, an insane librarian who punches everyone in the face, and secondly, the Ar'dath-Irr reveals he is intent on taking over the world. Although this second thing might be considered worse than the first, Oscar feels differently following Lydia’s destruction of a cafe, a library and his face in one afternoon. In comparison, thwarting world domination just seems easier. Along with Binklemitre, a fellow Velvet Paw of Asquith, and Lydia, Oscar infiltrates the Ar’dath-Irr’s realm of dark poetry to discover the dog not only intends wrenching the world apart but has no intention of cleaning up afterwards. As a result, Oscar decides it’s all too hard and goes home to have a bath. After lots of arguing and the sort of food fight that posh restaurants were invented for, Lydia and Binklemitre convince him that they must stop the Ar’dath-Irr for several reasons, one of them quite serious. A vibrant cast of characters collide as Oscar, Lydia and Binklemitre battle the Ar’dath-Irr and his disciples in an adventure involving exploding cafés and appalling hotels, car chases and inadvertent surgery, dreadful poetry, lots of arguments and at least one temper-tantrum, all of which draw the three into dark and convoluted corners of a world they weren’t aware existed. Moreover, any chance of sitting down and discussing things over some buns disappears when Lydia punches the Ar’dath-Irr in the face. This results in her having a psychotic episode and Oscar getting run over by an ambulance. Although Binklemitre suffers neither, he witnesses both, which is almost as dreadful, though not nearly so messy. An enormous battle ensues, followed by a dinner party and then everything explodes.
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Life in the New World
On the Hiatus: I began writing this novel when I was, in all honesty, very bad at writing. I hope to revisit creative writing in the near future and I plan to, at some point in time, revisit this. I am flattered that many people have taken the time to read this story, but it is not what I intend to start with, as it will likely need a hard rewrite in order to correct many of the more glaring issues it has. Join our hero and follow his exciting adventure through a newly changed world! WARNING their will be violence, profanity,, and gore in this fiction. if any of these make you uncomfortable this is not a story for you turn around and walk away now!!!
8 150